PRAYER/V ISITATION OPPORTUN ITIES: Steve Roberts (Trisha Newcomb’s brother), Wayne Barham (Malisa Cochran’s father), Rick Taylor, Cindy Wilson, Ollie Grogan, Margaret Webster, Shirley & Carter, Cheryl Nooe, James Spain, Jennifer Carlis Shafer, Mike & Merle Gentry, Elaine Turner, Jerry Owens, Missy Smith Morehead Nursing Ctr.: Margaret Webster Rm 100 South Arbor Ridge: Mary Collins Rm. 125 June Gentry Rm. 217 Beverly Holtz Rm 103 Myrtle Beach Manor: Ruth Meeks c/o Martha Schiltz 213 Cabana Rd. Myrtle Beach, SC 29572 Jacob’s Creek: Louise Sowers Rm 208A Brian Center: Marianne Kunze Rm 312 Ruby Garner Rm 101 Military: Steven Harrison, Lt. Col. Rodney Thurman, Matt Way, Michael & Bekki Meeks, Austin Craven, Com. Patrick Martin, Capt. Jesse Thurman, Ensign Philip Criswell Presbyterian Church, We want to thank everyone who sent cards and prayers to us during our very sad time. The support from our church family has helped us a lot. Sincerely, Ginny & Ed Jones Phone: 336-623-3962 Fax: 336-623-2501 Preschool Phone: 336-623-4271 OFFICE HOURS; MONDAY – THURSDAY 9 a.m. – 5p.m. FRIDAY 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. First Presbyterian Church Website: CHURCH E-MAILS, PHONE EXTENSIONS & CONTACT NUMBERS: First Presbyterian Church (office) E-mail: Pastor: Rev. Peter N. Smith - Ext. 301 E-mail: Youth Pastor: Kevin Cochran - Ext. 302 E-mail: Treasurer: Beth Chandler - Ext. 305 E-mail: Dir. of Preschool: Lorraine Benthin Ext. 306 or 336-623-4271 E-mail: Church Custodian: Marty Brusnahan Ext. 307 Organist: Cindy Gauldin E-mail: Music Worship Leader/Chancel Choir Director: Lisa Smith 336-612-2081 E-mail: Nursery Director: Malisa Cochran E-mail: Nursery Schedule… FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 582 Southwood Drive Eden, North Carolina 27288 Sunday, January 11, 2015 Where Christ is FIRST in all things! Peter N. Smith – Pastor Kevin S. Cochran – Youth Pastor January 11th – Malisa Cochran & Maggie Crawford January 18th – Malisa Cochran & Ruth Underwood January 25th – Sue Parker & Nikki Meeks 9:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Worship Service 6:00 Worship Service 2015 Offering Envelopes are on the table at the covered entrance of the Worship center in alphabetical order. If you do not have envelopes and would like them please call Beth in the church office 623-3962 ext 305. Welcome Visitors & Guests! New Young Adult Sunday School Class – Experiencing God Starting Sunday, January 11 at 9:00 am in room D-08, led by pastor Peter N. Smith … for 20- to 40something adults who want a closer relationship with God. Experiencing God is a 12 week study guide written by Henry and Richard Blackaby. The cost of the workbook is $20.00 (couples can share a book). Bring your children to Sunday School, and stay for a new adventure in personal spiritual development. Invite friends to join us; the more the merrier! Hearing devices are available during services. Please inquire at the information desk in the Gathering Area. PRELUDE Cindy Gauldin WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO WORSHIP Matthew 2:1-2 * HYMN NO. 63 As With Gladness Men of Old Verses 1-3 * PSALM 23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Amen. THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES Sunday (Jan. 11) 9:00 Sunday School 10:00 Worship Service 5:00 Children/Youth Programs 6:00 Worship Service Monday 12:30 Mission Service meet @ Ruby Tuesdays 1:00 Cards Galore Tuesday 6:00 Evangelism STEWARDSHIP NO Preschool (Excludes Building Fund) What we needed for Dec (Budget) $ 31,818 6:30 Families First What we received for Dec $ 43,315 7:00 Cong Care Surplus / ( deficit) $ 11,497 Wednesday 7:00 pm Choir Year-‐to-‐date Thursday 6:30 Celebration What we’ve spent through 12/31 $ 397,445 Sunday 9:00 Sunday School What we’ve received through 12/31 $ 361,098 (Jan. 18) 10:00 Worship Service Surplus / (deficit) $ (36,347) 5:00 Children/Youth Programs BUILDING FUND 6:00 Worship Service * PRAISE RESPONSE Draw Me Close to You Celebration and Congregation Monthly Needs for Loan Payment $ 13,731 Monthly Receipts to date for Dec $ 18,678 Surplus / (deficit) $ 4,947 * GREETING SPECIAL MUSIC God’s Not Dead Change for the Better for Dec Total received 2014 Celebration “The Voice” (Mark 1:11) PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS Kevin Cochran Cindy Gauldin, Offertory * DOXOLOGY AND PRAYER OF DEDICATION * HYMN NO. 387 Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us SCRIPTURE READING CHOIR ANTHEM SERMON News from Pastor Kevin… We are asking for donations of drinks and snacks for the youth room. Can drinks & individually packed snacks work the best. Please drop off donations at the youth room or Pastor Kevin’s office. Thank you in advance for supporting our youth! Verses 1-3 Micah 5:1-4 Spring Upward Soccer – It is time to begin planning for our Spring Upward Soccer program & we need volunteers for coaches, referees, program promoters, Half-‐time devotionals, snack sales and for “duties as assigned.” We will have a volunteers meeting January 21st at 6pm in the Gathering area. Soccer evaluations begin in February! Come to the Water Chancel Choir “The Smaller the Better” Peter N. Smith Pastor Kevin is looking for volunteers to help with Children’s Church. He would like to be able to attend worship service with his family one Sunday a month. The Children’s Church curriculum is very easy to implement. If you would like to volunteer to help the 4th Sunday of the month (each month or every other month), please let Pastor Kevin know. Thanks! * PRAISE SONG * BENEDICTION AND POSTLUDE Trading My Sorrows 167 1,389 PASTORAL PRAYERS AND THE LORD’S PRAYER CHILDREN’S SERMON $ $ Celebration and Congregation Cindy Gauldin Children’s Sunday is February 1st. Make plans to be in worship service and see what our children are up to at First Presbyterian!
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