First Service Ushers First Service Deacon at the Door Harrison Brown, Scottie Ross, Jim Mullins, Emmett Hogan Second Service Ushers Gary Mealer, Randy Bonds, Stacey Williams, Carl Koneman, Chris Bearden, Chris Miles Nursery Today AM Nursery 10/26 Barbara Waller Angela Martin Lynne Holloway Barbara Waller Tina Cochran Heather Thomas Michele Hall Danyel Parker Shelley Arthur Jerry Parker & Jim Richards Second Service Deacon at the Door Scott Smith & Brandon Stone Weekly Church Schedule Oct 19 Kathy Asherbranner 2 year old 2 year old 3 & 4 year olds 3 & 4 year olds Cindy Martin Oct 20 Oct 22 Oct 25 Holly Creek Baptist Church Established 1848 Morning Service 8:30 & 10:55 am Preschool & Children’s Worship Sunday School—9:45 am Evening Service—6:30 pm Outreach—6:30 pm Wednesday Service—7:00 pm Chatsworth Health Care—4:00 pm Dr. Danny Cochran, Senior Pastor October 19, 2014 TBA 2nd Service Infants Kelly Cochran Tina Cochran Infant Barbara Waller Tina Cochran Rachel Bell October 12, 2014 SUNDAY SCHOOL 402 WORSHIP 2 year old 2year olds 3 & 4 year olds 3 & 4 year olds MaKaila Smith CiJi Hernandez Morning Worship Nursing Home Ministry TOTAL PM Service Wednesday Evening NURSERY TONIGHT: Infants Barbara Waller Tina Cochran Rebekah Akins NURSERY PM Infants Barbara Waller Tina Cochran Rebekah Akins Budget Offering Worship Center Renovation Pulpit Supply TOTAL OFFERINGS Candace Blair Paul Hall Susan West Shyla Frazier Cynthia Stanfield Breanna Stanfield OFFERINGS EMAIL ADRESSES 8:30 Jeff & Charlotte Keith; 10:55 Brandon & Adrian Stone; Stacey & Melanie Williams $ 15,980.35 650.00 534.00 $ 17,164.35 For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. Galatians 5:13 (NKJV) Danny Cochran Chris Bell - Russell Jackson - Robert Richardson - Lori Arnold – Rebekah Akins— Tina Cochran — AWANA— Media Ministry— October 19 487 27 514 200 255 Children’s Worship 8:30 October 26 Marshall & Chasidy Hulett; B.J. & Tiffany Swanson 10:55 Chris Bell; Rick & Pam Elrod Chris Bell ……………….............Children & Education Pastor Russell Jackson…………………………………Student Pastor Robert Richardson……………………………..Worship Pastor Lori Arnold………...……Office Manager/ Financial Secretary Rebekah Akins………..……...…………...Part-Time Secretary 422 Holly Creek Cool Springs Road Chatsworth, Georgia 30705 Early Sunday Morning Worship Sunday School Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship Wednesday Evening 8:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:55 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. PHONE: 706.695.8522 FAX: 706.517.9722 PRAYER REQUEST– Paulette Allen, Terry Avans, Curtis & Eden Cecil Whitehead Awana in the lower level of the CLC tonight at 6:15 pm. There are classes for 2 year olds up to 6th grade. Tonight is Pajama Night! Workers please meet in the Kid’s Worship room at 6:00 pm. For anyone who is already participating or interested in being a part of the Hospitality Team, Greeters or Golf Cart Ministry there will be a meeting on Sunday, October 26 at 5:00 pm in Lynn Duncan’s Sunday School classroom. Trunk or Treat Friday, October 31 from 6-8 pm. If you are interested in participating there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the CLC . All candy donations will be accepted through the church office or your Sunday School class. If you park in the upper parking lot during the Worship Center renovation the golf cart will pick up and drop off at the porch of the Rock Building. There will be a Truck Loading for the Georgia Baptist Children’s Home on Sunday, November 2 at 4:30 pm. Visitors to, attendees of and participants in any ministry of Holly Creek Baptist Church are welcomed into fellowship with and consent to be covered and protected by the bylaws of the church. Acts 2:42 THANK YOU to all who volunteered for the Black Bear Festival. Susan Bagley, JD & Etheline Barnes, Jerry Barton, Arthur Baxter, Margie Baynes, Winfred Bearden, Cecil Beavers, Landon Bennett, Felix Boredelon, Cooper Brazell, Sarah Brindle, Tommie Brown, Grady Burgess, Nolan Burgess, Willie Mae Cantrell, Jose Chavarria, Brenda Crow, Maxine Crow, Keith Culpepper, Alicia Davis, Tracie Malone Davis, Viola Densmore, Mitchell Ellison, Juanita Epperson, Inez Guess, Junior Hampton, Ruth Hayes, Bazil Haynes, Vickie Haynes, Grace Langford, Terry Langford, Jay Ledford, Andrew Lowery, Sally Mallalieu, Karlie Mathis, Pam McCurdy, Bonnie Mealor, Josh Miller, Charlie Monroe, Leon Morrison, Denise Murphy, Betty Nelson, Mary Nunley, Ella Owen, Houston Parson, Dianne Plemons, Brad Rowe, Jerry Sanford, Sheila Self, Faye Shields, Tony Sitton, Judy Slate, Tom Smith, John & Lela Stanley, Randy Teem, Jr., Laverne Templeton, Eloise Winkler, Ruby Witherow, Gary Young Church Membership? Are you prayerfully considering becoming a member of Holly Creek? There are two prerequisites to church membership. The most foundational biblical prerequisite is you must have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The second prerequisite is to complete new member orientation. Through this orientation you will meet our pastor, staff, and your personal deacon, as you learn of the life and ministry of Holly Creek. We welcome you to speak with Pastor Cochran, the church staff, or contact the church office for more information about becoming a
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