Our Weekly Prayers Prayer for the church We thank you for the awesome gifts of praise at last evening’s concert! And we thank you for L. Paige Moeller, Carol Gallantine and Barbara Ingra who worked beyond the call of duty to make this a praiseworthy event. April 12, 2015 prayers Jeff Woodcox; newcomers who have recently moved into our community; William; George Stanton; a husband and wife facing stresses and their children; Rose Trapani; Matthew T.; Jill’s mom and dad; Selina M.; Rachel P.; Elim UMC, Rahway; Brian P.; Carol Gallantine, Paige Moeller, Barbara Ingra, et al as they work through this final week of preparations for “Spring Praise”; Ann Calvin; Ann Calvin’s daughter, Debbie Celebration for Brandon Narine’s 17th birthday and Isabel Voca’s birthday on April 12 Caldwell United Methodist Church 8 Academy Road, Caldwell, NJ 07006 phone 973-226-4410 / caldwellum@aol.com www.caldwellchurch.org visit us on facebook Sunday, April 19, 2015 Sunday, April 19 Monday, April 20 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Monday Morning Prayer/ Discussion Group-Guyn Room Youth Group (9th—12th graders) Finance-Guyn Room Trustees-Guyn Room Tuesday, April 21 7:00 p.m. SPRC-Guyn Room Wednesday, April 22 7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Thursday, April 23 9:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Men’s Breakfast—Caldwell Diner Hand Bell Choir Rehearsal Friday, April 24 7:00 p.m. Youth Mission Team Coffee House Saturday, April 25 6:00 p.m. CUMAC Motown Night Sunday, April 26 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Worship service Confirmation Class-Guyn Room Travel mercies for James and his Army brothers Praise that Edna Kramer is in church today A giant “thank you” to all who helped with the Rummage sale this week All of our members and loved ones including Ruth MacElroy; Marion Larson; Johanna Britsman; Judy Burger; Norma Covert, Alice Thieleman; Charlotte Tinfow Continuing requests Edna Kramer, Ruth Conklin; Carolyn Gazzillo; Alex; Marianne Smith; the Casavant family; Rachel Rotter; Craig Decker Service Personnel Our men and women in the military and their families. Returning veterans and their families. MONDAY MORNING STUDY / DISCUSSION AND PRAYER GROUP turns over a new page! Our new study books are in the back of the church and available to all who wish to join the group. The group meets from 10-11, every Monday morning. Lively and thoughtful discussion and quiet time for prayer characterize the group. Different members of the group and the pastor take turns leading. Our new study is used by more than 450,000 people weekly. It is a popular curriculum that enables Christians across the country and around the world to study the same scriptures and same topics on the same Sundays throughout the year. We can all literally be on the same page. The SPRING 2015 Book centers on The Holy Spirit and includes passages from Mark, John, Acts, 1 Corinthians, and 1,2 and 3 John. Cost for the student book is $8. An envelope is in each book for your donation. See you tomorrow morning! We will begin using this book Monday, April 20. This week’s calendar 10:00 a.m. Worship Service-Rev. Barbara Stephens-Rich preaching 11:00 a.m. Intercessor Prayer Ministry 10:00 a.m. Pleasant Day in Auditorium Wednesdays, 10 - 11/Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 Alcoholics Anonymous Open Meeting in Auditorium Sundays, 6-8:30 May / June 2015 Upper Room are available at the back of the sanctuary. Serve Others CALDWELL FOOD PANTRY On Sundays in April, please bring cans or pouches of TUNA to church for the Caldwell Food Pantry. Donations should be placed in the back of the sanctuary. PATERSON HABITAT FOR HUMANITY SATURDAY, MAY 2 Carpool from church at 7:00 a.m. BUILDING HOMES, CHANGING LIVES! Bring work gloves and wear comfortable work clothing and shoes. Bring your own lunch, snacks and water. No construction experience is needed - chores and tasks are usually quite basic. Habitat for Humanity will have experienced construction staff and supervisors on site to guide the projects and direct us as needed. The minimum age for working on the site is 16 years old. Please contact Bruce Ciccone for more information, 973-477-7015 or bruce@pgipop.com. Opportunities to Bless Our Finances FOOD GIFT CARDS: We have gift cards for Foodtown, ShopRite and Stop & Shop. The cards are good at all locations for each store. Remember, a $100 card costs you $100, and you get to buy $100 worth of items with it - the benefit is the Caldwell UMC makes $5 for every $100 card you buy! Cards are available for $25, $50, $100, DONATIONS SOUGHT FOR NURSERY ATTENDANT: In order to fund this ministry, $30 per week is being sought. If you can donate a week or a month, please place a check in the offering plate, marked “Nursery Care.” Thank you. NEED EVENT SPACE? Various spaces in the church may be rented for parties, showers, meetings, classes, etc. Please contact the church office, 973-226-4410 to check availability and receive detailed guidelines. Trustees CHURCH SCHOLARSHIPS The Church Trustees are pleased to announce that there is a limited amount of funds available to the children who are active in our church for postsecondary education, such as: colleges, universities, and trade schools. There is a strict time frame for filing for these funds. Applications must be received by the Trustees no later than June 1, 2015 to be considered for this year’s scholarships. The parent of any student currently away at school may request an application either in person or by email from the church office. Late applications will not be considered. Please contact the Trustee President, Tony Gazzillo (agazzillo@optonline.net) with any questions. Nurturing Ministry YOUTH GROUP MONDAYS, 5:30—8:30 9th-12th graders please join us for dinner, games, devotions. Contact Danielle Pezzino at sujoma65@hotmail.com, 201-704-9428. WOULD YOU LIKE SOMEONE TO PRAY FOR YOU DURING THE WEEK? Please contact Barbara Bechtold, 973-226-4517, kgbbsb@yahoo.com, she will be glad to pray for you or refer you to a member of the Intercessory Prayer Team. You can be confident that you concerns will be addressed with compassion and confidentiality. Youth Mission Team YOUTH MISSION TEAM COFFEE HOUSE FRIDAY, APRIL 24 ~ 7:00 p.m. Come and enjoy an evening of entertainment by talented performers. Acts will vary from musical performances, singing, an interactive improv game and open mic at evenings end. Cost: $7 per person or $13 per family. Bakers Needed The youth mission team is looking for bakers to donate goodies of any kind to be served at their coffee house fund raiser. There is a sign up sheet on the front entrance table. All donations are needed by Friday, April 24, at 6:00 p.m. Please see Mary Hartmann or Noelle Gizzi. Thank you in advance for all your support for our July 2015 mission trip! Advance Ticket Sales now available The youth mission team coffee house tickets will be on sale next Sunday, April 19, after worship at Coffee Fellowship Time. Tickets will also be sold at the door the day of the coffee house. SILENT BASKET AUCTION FRIDAY, MAY 8, 5:30 p.m. If you have items to donate towards a basket, or if you would like to donate an entire basket, please contact Rameeza Narine (Brandon.lexi@yahoo.com). Suggestions include: DVDs, board games, children’s toys, beauty products, gourmet food, kitchen gadgets, technology accessories, gift certificates or gift cards. This is always a fun event so make sure to join in on the fun and bid for your favorite basket! United Methodist Women ARGYLE RESTAURANT’S FISH / CHICKEN AND CHIPS FRIDAY, MAY 8 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. (takeout available) Invite your family & friends for a great meal! Adults…$18.00 Children(10 and under)…$8:00 Featuring a Silent Basket Auction (proceeds from auction to benefit Youth Mission Team)
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