Our Weekly Prayers Prayer for the church For all church members to gather for Holy Week services as we remember the last week of our Lord’s life and the love poured out for us on the cross. March 22, 2015 prayers Mike Reeves; Matthew T.; Rose Trapani; Salena M.; Karen; Debbie; Samantha; Michael and Rana; Sara; Amanda; all who are missing loved ones; Diane D.; Aunt Joan; Diana G.; Rachel and John P.; Cynthia Maiullo and her family; Robin; Ann; Vito Guarneri’s daughter; Cheryl Zaccagnino Birthday blessings for Sarah; Rachel Rotter Caldwell United Methodist Church 8 Academy Road, Caldwell, NJ 07006 phone 973-226-4410 / caldwellum@aol.com www.caldwellchurch.org visit us on facebook Sunday, March 29, 2015 Sunday, March 29 Monday, March 30 Travel mercies for Samantha and twins; James Caldwell High School Music Department’s travels to Florida This week’s calendar 10:00 a.m. Palm Sunday 10:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Monday Morning Prayer/ Discussion Group-Guyn Room Youth Group (9th—12th graders) Blessings on Brittany and Luke expecting a baby; the installation of Rev. Thomas Dente as priest at Notre Dame R.C. Church Wednesday, April 1 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Boy Scouts-Auditorium All of our members and loved ones including Ruth MacElroy; Marion Larson; Johanna Britsman; Judy Burger; Norma Covert, Alice Thieleman; Charlotte Tinfow Thursday, April 2 9:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Men’s Breakfast—Caldwell Diner Hand Bell Choir Rehearsal Holy Thursday Service-Auditorium Friday, April 3 12 noon 7:30 p.m. Good Friday Prayer VigilSanctuary Good Friday Service-Sanctuary 10:00 a.m. Easter Sunday Continuing requests Edna Kramer, Ruth Conklin; Carolyn Gazzillo; Alex; Marianne Smith; the Casavant family; Rachel Rotter; Craig Decker Service Personnel Our men and women in the military and their families. Returning veterans and their families. Upcoming Worship Opportunities Holy Thursday, April 2, 7:30 p.m., Church Auditorium Worship around a candlelit table, have your hands washed as we remember Christ’s washing of the disciples’ feet and share in Holy Communion. If you need childcare, contact church office by Tuesday, March 31, 973-226-4410. Good Friday, April 3 Prayer Vigil The Sanctuary, 12 noon – 3:00 p.m. The church is open during the traditional hours that Christ’s crucifixion is observed. Devotional materials are supplied. Good Friday Tenabrae Service, 7:30 p.m. With scripture readings, special music, “shadow reenactment” by our youth, and the extinguishing of candles. We will remember the events in the last week of Christ’s life and his death on the cross. Easter Sunday Morning Worship, April 5, 10:00 a.m. Join friends and neighbors as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection with special music, message and flowers. Sunday, April 5 Pleasant Day in Auditorium Wednesdays, 10-11 / Thursdays 10:30-11:30 Alcoholics Anonymous Open Meeting in Auditorium Sundays, 6-8:30 Serve Others Caldwell Food Pantry On Sundays in April, please bring canned or pouches of TUNA to church for the Caldwell Food Pantry. Donations should be placed in the back of the sanctuary. United Methodist Women SPRING RUMMAGE SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 10 and SATURDAY, APRIL 11 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. You may begin bringing your donations in after April 1. Gather your gently-used clothing (especially babies and children), household items (please no large electric appliances), linens and bedding, books (no encyclopedias or textbooks), pictures and frames, CDs, etc. Please label your boxes and bags “rummage sale” and, if you are able, put them on the center of the stage, behind the curtain. Set-up will be Wednesday, April 8 at 6:30 p.m. and Thursday, April 9 from 9:00-3:00. We need help with set-up, during the sale and with clean-up. There will be a sign-up sheet at the Academy Road entrance. Opportunities to Bless Our Finances FOOD GIFT CARDS: We have gift cards for Foodtown, ShopRite and Stop & Shop. The cards are good at all locations for each store. Remember, a $100 card costs you $100, and you get to buy $100 worth of items with it - the benefit is the Caldwell UMC makes $5 for every $100 card you buy! Cards are available for $25, $50, $100, DONATIONS SOUGHT FOR NURSERY ATTENDANT: In order to fund this ministry, $30 per week is being sought. If you can donate a week or a month, please place a check in the offering plate, marked “Nursery Care.” Thank you. NEED EVENT SPACE? Various spaces in the church may be rented for parties, showers, meetings, classes, etc. Please contact the church office, 973-226-4410 to check availability and receive detailed guidelines. Special Taize Service at Chatham UMC THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2015, 8:00 p.m. Chatham UMC, 460 Main Street, Chatham, NJ Taize Brothers from the Ecumenical Community of Taize, France to visit the United Methodist Church in Chatham and lead a Taize Prayer Service. The Chatham UMC is thrilled to host Brother Emile, (originally from Canada), Brother John (originally from Philadelphia) and Brother Emmanuel, (originally from France) for "A Conversation With the Brothers of Taize." The Brothers of Taize, with musicians from the church, will lead a Taize Prayer service in the sanctuary. The Rev. Jeff Markay, Senior Pastor, of the Chatham UMC said, "The Brothers of Taize are authentic, humble and wise representatives of the Christian faith, who have deeply influenced me for the past 25 years of ministry, and influenced the global church in extremely gracious ways. I hope hundreds of people can come to Chatham UMC for this rare opportunity to spend a few hours with the Brothers of Taize." Nurturing Ministry If you would like to participate and sing with the Chancel Choir for Easter, April 5, please contact Carol J. Gallentine, 973-364-0992, cgallentine@mail.com. This is a very special time of the Christian year to serve Him and praise Him with our voices and special gifts. Just bring your love of music and some enthusiasm and we'll take care of the rest. YOUTH GROUP MONDAYS, 5:30—8:30 9th-12th graders please join us for dinner, games, devotions. Contact Danielle Pezzino at sujoma65@hotmail.com, 201-704-9428. WOULD YOU LIKE SOMEONE TO PRAY FOR YOU DURING THE WEEK? Please contact Barbara Bechtold, 973-226-4517, kgbbsb@yahoo.com, she will be glad to pray for you or refer you to a member of the Intercessory Prayer Team. You can be confident that you concerns will be addressed with compassion and confidentiality. MUSIC MINISTRY There are many opportunities to praise & serve the Lord with music. Practice schedule is as follows: Chancel Choir: Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Hand Bell Ringers: Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. You may also be interested in Youth Choir Chimes, Praise Band and/or preparing Multi-media presentations. Please contact Carol Gallentine at 973-364-0992, cgallentine@mail.com, for more information. Technology Ministry SOUND/VIDEO TECHNICIAN NEEDED! We are asking the congregation to keep in prayer our search for someone to be in charge of our recording ministry, both audio and in the future, video as well! This person should be knowledgeable about equipment and recording and be able to be present on Sunday morning or line up a trained substitute. He or she would also disseminate our recordings through various social media and the current channels of dissemination. Spring Concert SPRING PRAISE CONCERT SATURDAY, APRIL 18 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary An evening of vocal, instrumental and hand bell music. All proceeds to support the missions and ministries of the Caldwell United Methodist Church. Light refreshments will be served. Ticket prices: Adults $12. / Seniors $10 / Children 12 and under $5. Please call the church office, 973-226-4410, for tickets.
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