Caldwell Journal 04-23-2015

Serving Caldwell County North Carolina
Volume 1, Issue 30 Free Thursday, April 23, 2015
Caldwell County Smart Start Hosts Celebration
By Lee Jackson {Caldwell Journal}...On Thursday evening, April 16 th, Caldwell County Smart Start
held a celebration for all the child care providers in Caldwell County. This celebration was held to honor
and recognize those who work with preschoolers in our county and support early childhood education.
Music, food, free books and door prizes were part of the evening’s activities. The celebration also coincided with “The Week of the Young Child.”
There are 5,000 preschoolers in Caldwell County and Smart Start is dedicated in getting those children
ready for school. The “first 2,000 days of a child’s life are important” and Smart Start is here to
“empower you to do what you do” as quoted by Seth Nagy of the Cooperative Extension and Smart Start
Board Member.
Childcare Providers were recognized with books from Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, which
“brings the joy of reading to children.” Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library was started in 1995 and asks
that each child be read to 15 minutes each day. It was brought to Caldwell County last year to provide
books for children ages, birth to 5 years. Out of the 5,000 preschoolers in Caldwell County, only 1,200
children have signed up. If you know of a preschooler that would like to enroll into this library, please
contact Smart Start for more information. Continued on page 2...
From Wilson Creek to the Rhodhiss Dam
By Mark Jackson {Caldwell Journal}...This past Sunday, April 19 Caldwell County as well as counties to
the north, experienced heavy rains which resulted in rising waters on Wilson Creek and Lake Rhodhiss.
On Brown Mountain Beach Road which runs parallel to Wilson Creek, the waters rose nearly one foot
in less than 30 minutes while we were there. A few roads in the area were overrun with water and had
to be closed. The waters of Wilson Creek eventually make their way to Lake Rhodhiss via the Johns
River. The end result is always a sight to see…water rushing over the Rhodhiss Dam a day later. We
live in an amazing part of North Carolina...from 900 feet above sea level to 5,964 feet. The elevation
difference of Caldwell County provides us with these dramatic environments and scenes. If you have
never visited the Wilson Creek area, by all means do so, it is truly a breathe of fresh air! Be sure to stop
by the Collettsville General Store and Betsey’s Ole Country Store.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Caldwell Journal Info
“Published each Thursday by the Caldwell Journal”
Established October 2, 2014 Volume 1, Issue 30
Advertising Rates:
1/12 Page Ad - $30.00 for 4 weeks (1.275” high x 3.225” wide)
1/6 Page Ad - $45.00 for 4 weeks (2.55” high x 3.225” wide)
1/2 Page Ad - $65.00 for 4 weeks (7.65” high x 3.225” wide)
Full Page Ad - $95.00 for 4 weeks (7.65” high x 6.45” wide)
Contact Us: 828.493.4798
The content of the articles or the advertisements does not necessarily
represent the opinions of anyone affiliated with the Caldwell Journal.
The Caldwell Journal is a non-discriminatory paper.
Our Deadline Is On Friday At 5pm For Next Week's Paper
Caldwell Journal Weather
Partly sunny
High 65 Low 35
Precipitation: 0.00 in.
High 68 Low 43
Precipitation: 0.00 in.
High 59 Low 50
Precipitation: 0.38 in.
High 70 Low 43
Precipitation: 0.00 in.
High 71 Low 49
Precipitation: 0.53 in.
High 65 Low 48
Precipitation: 0.77 in.
High 60 Low 44
Precipitation: 1.02 in.
Caldwell County Smart Start
Hosts Celebration
Continued from page 1…
The guest speaker for the evening’s celebration
was Mrs. Vicki Jetton, 2nd grade teacher at Granite
Falls Elementary School. Mrs. Jetton spoke of her
choice to send her two children to a childcare center and continue to work outside the home. She
spoke of the “opportunity for growth and opportunity to explore new areas” for her children provided at a childcare center. She “believes that centers develop motor skills, both gross and fine” and
“cognitive skills” needed to be successful. Her children experienced “real life skills” and were taught
to share and care for others. “Self- confidence,
structure, pre-literacy and pre-math skills” were
also provided by the childcare center in the nurturing of her children. Mrs. Jetton became a little
emotional expressing her gratitude to her children’s childcare providers when quoting the song
from LeeAnn Womack, “I hope you dance” that
expresses a parent’s hopes and dreams for their
child. Mrs. Jetton has “entrusted” her “most precious gifts” to a childcare center and celebrates the
skills her girls have learned at an early age.
Childcare is a necessity for most parents and every parent wants the best start possible start for
their little one. Caldwell County has provided a
way to help make this possible through Smart
Start. For more information about Smart Start or
making a donation to Dolly Parton’s Imagination
Many thanks to the Teresa Branch, Michael
Smith and the other Smart Start board members
for including the staff at the Caldwell Journal in
this evening of celebration.
Caldwell County Fire & Life Safety
Festival is set
The 2015 Caldwell County Fire & Life Safety Festival is set for October 3, 2015 at Caldwell Community College & Technical Institute.
Stay tuned for many new additions and updates to
the event, this one is sure to be the largest ever!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Classifieds Page Added To The
Caldwell Journal Website
The Caldwell Journal will be offering its readers a
place to sell things on its new "Classifieds" page
which will be free to individuals. This service is
just for individuals, not businesses. Give it a try!
Just go to our website and look for the “Classifieds”
link at the top of the page.
News & Event Info from the
Caldwell Baptist Association
Mon thru Sat 10am to 5pm
Sun 1pm to 5pm
Located just north of McDonalds in Granite Falls &
across from the State Employees Credit Union on 321.
Hartland Baptist Church, 3730 H ar tland
Road will observe Homecoming May 3 at 10am.
The guest speaker will be Rev. James Julian, Pastor of Spring Creek Road Baptist Church in Chattanooga, TN. Special music will be provided. A meal
will following the Fellowship Hall. Former members and friends are invited to attend.
4535 Lower Cedar Valley Road • Hudson, NC
Miller Hill Baptist Church w ill hold r evival
meetings May 3-6. Interim Pastor, Dr. Steve Parker, will peach on Sunday morning. Other preachers will be Rev. James Julian, pastor of Springs
Creek Road Baptist Church in Tennessee, on Sunday evening; Rev. Brian Smith, pastor of Mulvale
Baptist Church, on Monday; Rev. Keith Rose, pastor of Zion Baptist Church in Morganton, on Tuesday and Rev. Raymond Spann, pastor of
Grandview Baptist Church, on Wednesday. Service
times will be Sunday at 11am and 6pm and Monday
- Wednesday at 7pm. The church is located at 1230
Virginia Street, SW. Dr. Parker and the congregation invite you to attend.
(Cabbage Rolls)
Caldwell Hospice and Palliative Care is excited to offer the Virtual Dementia Tour to the
community on Tuesday, May 5 from 5 to 7pm, at
the McCreary Family Professional Center, 526 Pine
Mountain Road, Hudson. The Virtual Dementia
Tour is a scientifically proven method of building a
greater understanding of dementia through the use
of patented sensory tools and instruction. Participants will be led through the 45-minute experience
in 10-minute intervals. Space is limited to 36 participants. To make an appointment or to learn
more about the Virtual Dementia Tour call 828754-0101.
1 head cabbage
1 tsp. butter
1 pound ground beef and pork
1 cup beef stock
1 egg
1 Tbsp. flour
1 onion, chopped
1/4 cup cream
1 tsp. chopped parsley
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
First United Methodist Church of
Granite Falls to host presentation of
The Man from Aldersgate, based on
the life of John Wesley
the Salon at Park Square
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Granite Falls
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Sherrill’s Jewelry
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We Buy, Sell & Trade Tues thru Fri 9 to 5 Sat 9 to 1
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Step Back In Time…
1000’s Of Items
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Music at
Your Fingertips!
Available at
Leap of Faith Christian Book Store
Access to thousands of the latest songs from Christian contemporary, Southern
Gospel and Bluegrass artists.
No need to order and wait for accompaniment tracks. Use the My Media Burn Bar
kiosk to select, listen and burn the track in the store while you shop.
Customize your own CD by selecting songs from different soundtracks.
Visit the store or call 828-758-0777 for more information.
Leap of Faith Christian Books and Gifts
2025-A3 Morganton Blvd.
Lenoir, NC 28645 828-758-0777
Thursday, April 23, 2015
GFES Spring Fling dodges rain
Good Christian Learning At Affordable Prices
Ages 6 weeks to 12 years
Mackie Funeral Home
“Where our focus is on
Serving Families, not Selling Funerals ”
Family Owned & Operated
35 Duke Street Granite Falls, NC
Caldwell is Hiring event continues to grow
The Caldwell is Hiring event that will take place on Thursday, April 30, 2015 continues to grow…almost
daily. Caldwell County Economic Development Commission (Caldwell County EDC) Marketing and
Business Development Coordinator Paul Teague stated, “As of this morning, we have 23 companies
planning to attend with more than 700 jobs available. Additional companies are expected to join the list
between now and the end of the week.” This event will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at the J.E. Broyhill
Civic Center in Lenoir. Make plans to get there early.
Caldwell Humane Society 11th Annual Bark in the Park fundraiser set
The Caldwell Humane Society will hold its 11 th Annual Bark in the Park fundraiser on Saturday, April
25th at Redwood Park in Hudson. The event will begin at noon and will feature a dog walk, a silent auction, a bake sale, pet games, and fun for the entire family. There is no admission charge, but there is a
$5 registration fee for the dog walk which is waived if you bring at least $5 in pledges. Get your pledge
form in advance and compete for prizes that will go to those who raise the most pledges! Funds raised
will be used to provide low cost spay/neuter clinics in Caldwell County. For more information, please
leave a message at 499-0289 or send an email to
Caldwell County Now and Then seeks assistance in identifying Granite
Falls residents in old photographs
Caldwell County Now and Then is a facebook page…a place for Caldwell County Natives to share stories,
photographs and memories of Caldwell County. The administrator, Bill Tate, of this facebook page has
restored thousands of photos and is now in the process of breaking down the 1941 Lee Waters Granite
Falls Film into photos. Mr. Tate has made about 80 photos so far and his goal is to have Granite Falls
residents to help identify local people for our history. The photos are downloadable for everyone that is
interested. Mr. Tate is asking for your help with his project.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Dr. Steve Stone speaks out about child abuse
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month. It is hoped that by calling attention to the
impact of child abuse, we can put a stop to it.
Child abuse is a serious problem in this country and in Caldwell County specifically. Every day children
are physically, sexually, or mentally abused by loved ones, by neighbors, and sometimes by people they
don’t know. National data supports the fact that 90% of severe abuse to children is done by people they
know, an alarming figure. Caldwell County’s data supports that claim, as well. We may not like this fact,
but it holds true just the same. Far too often, people who should be protecting children are the very ones
abusing them.
Child abuse is traumatic and has lasting effects, effects that follow the abused person throughout
life. Especially in cases where a child keeps the abuse quiet, the long-term effects are devastating. In Caldwell County we have an organization to help victims of child abuse tell their stories and receive the services
they need to seek justice and begin healing. The place is Robin’s Nest, a child advocacy center where children who have been abused can tell their stories once to specially trained interviewers, receive medical
evaluation if needed, meet an advocate who makes sure the case receives the proper attention, and choose
counseling services that can change their lives.
Hopefully, by telling the story in a protected and caring environment at Robin’s Nest, to a nationally
trained interviewer, the child will not need to retell the story over and over, which can cause retraumatization each time. And, with well-trained professionals supporting that child and family, including
someone from our District Attorney’s office, the perpetrator will be charged, arrested, and eventually convicted.
The child abuse statistics for our county are eye-opening and hard to ignore. Since Robin’s Nest has
been open in August 2011, the facility has served over 600 local children, the actual count of the number of
children who have been seen for some form of abuse. These are the children that sit in our classrooms.
These are the children that sit in your church pews. These are your neighbor’s children, and sometimes
these are your grandchildren. This is a personal issue, one that determines just how committed each of us
is to creating a community where child abuse is not tolerated whatsoever.
We need to call severe child abuse what it is – a scourge in our community, and we must do what we can
to eliminate it. Knowing how to identify when a child is being abused and how to report it and get help for
that child are skills each of us should possess. Robin’s Nest also provides awareness training to the community using a nationally approved program called “Darkness to Light.” If a group of people desires that
training, contact Robin’s Nest to schedule it. Some of what you will learn in that training is the data related
to child abuse. For instance, of the 600 children seen in Caldwell County since summer 2011, 38% are boys
and 62% are girls, children who range in age from 2 months to 21 years. What this statistic indicates is that
girls will disclose the abuse to someone more frequently than will boys. This fact and many, many others
will help adults become better watch guards for our children.
Each of us is responsible for changing the landscape and decreasing the number of children in our community who are impacted by severe abuse. Though the effects of child abuse are often permanent, there are
professionals who can change that statistic and outcome, as well. Caring individuals can handle the case
right from the beginning, provide the victim services a child needs, and counsel them to see the promise of
a better life ahead through developing their own skills of response to victimizing behavior. I encourage you
to learn more about child abuse and its long term effects on the child, their families and our community.
In this awareness month let’s all learn the signs of child abuse and be ever vigilant to stamp it out in
Caldwell County. Caldwell County Schools currently is participating in the Change for Children Campaign
to support the children who need services. For two weeks our school children will be collecting change (and
dollars) to send to Robin’s Nest to support the counseling program for victims of child abuse. I encourage
you to also assist. Caldwell County is a great place to live and work and raise a family. And when we know
that a problem such as severe child abuse exists, we address it. As concerned citizens we must do all we can
to end child abuse. Supporting our Change for Children Campaign occurring at each school site in this
county is a good place to start.
Now you know. What will you do about it?
Steve Stone - Superintendent, Caldwell County Schools & Chairman, Robin’s Nest Child Advocacy Center
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Dr. Herb Says….Take These Steps To Health
Herbs A to Z
Continued on page 10...
Sun 7 to 6
M-T 7 to 6
Natural Food Store
(828) 322-5316
1920 Highway 70 Southwest Hickory, North Carolina 28602
Fri 7 to 5
Sat closed
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Dr. Herb Says….Take These Steps To Health
Herbs A to Z
Continued on page 11...
Sun 7 to 6
M-T 7 to 6
Natural Food Store
(828) 322-5316
1920 Highway 70 Southwest Hickory, North Carolina 28602
Fri 7 to 5
Sat closed
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Dr. Herb Says….Take These Steps To Health
Herbs A to Z
Continued on page 12...
Sun 7 to 6
M-T 7 to 6
Natural Food Store
(828) 322-5316
1920 Highway 70 Southwest Hickory, North Carolina 28602
Fri 7 to 5
Sat closed
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Dr. Herb Says….Take These Steps To Health
Herbs A to Z
Herbs A to Z will continue in the 04-30-2015 issue...
Bring in this paper and receive a free bottle of allergy relief formula!!!
Natural & Organic
 Natural Antioxidants
 Cleansing for the Entire Body
 Organic Snacks, Teas,
Sun 7 to 6
M-T 7 to 6
Natural Medical Physician
Doctor Herb Cole, N.D.
1920 Hwy. 70 W. • Hickory, NC 28602
Healthier Living for a Better World
Serving The Unifour Area For Over 35 Years!!!
Natural Food Store
Alternative Medicines
All-Natural Weight
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(828) 322-5316
1920 Highway 70 Southwest Hickory, North Carolina 28602
Fri 7 to 5
Sat closed
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Spring Has Sprung
Brussel Sprouts
NCDOT performing maintenance on HWY 321 southbound bridge
over Lake Hickory
By Mark Jackson {Caldwell Journal}...The North
Carolina Department of Transportation has been
performing maintenance on the Highway 321 southbound bridge over Lake Hickory for most of the
week. Morning commuters will need to take an alternate route and/or allow more time traveling
south. The southbound bridge is the older of the
two bridges and requires maintenance and repairs
every couple of years. Crews will be tending to the
pot holes and expansion joints. Most importantly,
motorists need to slow down to keep crews
safe. While there talking to the crew, many motorists were driving too fast for the conditions…many
approaching the bridge at an unsafe rate of speed
and then having to “slam” on their brakes. SLOW
DOWN…it only takes a few seconds to be safe!
For the latest news and information go to:
Thursday, April 23, 2015
CCC&TI TRIO/SSS Program Honors Students
By CCC&TI...Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute recently held its annual TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) Awards Celebration at the J.E. Broyhill Civic Center in Lenoir. Students,
college officials and community supporters gathered for a reception to pay tribute to the program’s students.
TRIO/SSS provides opportunities to CCC&TI students for academic development, assistance with basic
college requirements and motivation toward the successful completion of post-secondary education.
A total of 47 TRIO/SSS students, from both CCC&TI campuses, will graduate this spring. Another six
will either transfer to a 4-year institution or graduate from CCC&TI this summer. CCC&TI Vice President of Student Services Dena Holman presented those graduates in attendance with white cords to
designate their affiliation with the college’s TRIO program.
Other awards presented included Academic Excellence, Outstanding Personal Growth, Outstanding
Persistence, Outstanding Participation and Service, the Fellowship Award and the Alumni Scholarship.
Also honored were Ashley Webb, a senior at West Caldwell High School, the 2015 G. Lewis Bernhardt
Scholar, and Sydnee Sanders, a senior at South Caldwell High School, the 2015 G. Lewis Bernhardt Fellow. This year marks the 13th annual award of the endowed G. Lewis Bernhardt Scholarship, which is
reserved for TRIO/ETS graduating seniors who plan to study at CCC&TI.
As is tradition at the annual event, a TRIO/SSS student shared her “TRIO First-Generation College
Statement.” Judy Durr-Choate, who is currently completing her Associate of Applied Science degree in
Business Administration, shared how TRIO and CCC&TI have helped her succeed.
TRIO Director Dr. Alice Lentz, who thanked her staff as well as TRIO supporters for making the program a success, ended the program with a fond farewell. Lentz, who is retiring this year, has been with
TRIO since 2003.
“Every year since 2003, I have felt the same extraordinary sense of hope and excitement about what
might lie ahead for all of you, as TRIO/SSS students,” she said to the group of students. “I feel extraordinary gratitude to you for the privilege of knowing you and working with you. In recalling the years
that I have spent with the TRIO programs at CCC&TI, I smile at the countless moments and experiences
that hold meaning for me in our work to support you as you succeed in reaching your goals. I thank you
For more information on TRIO programs at CCC&TI, call 828-726-2727 or visit
CCC&TI’s TRIO/SSS program celebrated more than 50 graduates during a ceremony on Friday, April
17. Several of those students were present to receive their TRIO/SSS graduate cords: Claudia CruzPerez, Shontel Buchanan, Mattie Adams, Reba Baldwin, Doris Barker, Marlene Burmeister, Irene Caldwell, Cazzie Tester, Linda O’Connell,Mandy Reese, Travis Huffman, Joshua Hood, Mark Jordan, Evelyn
Keever, Rachel Michaels, Sheila Mikeal, Camille Mull and Shelley Penley.
TRIO/SSS Academic Excellence Award recipients were: Tammy Anderson, Jayme Braun, Shontel Buchanan, Judy Durr-Choate, Claudia Cruz-Perez and Travis Huffman.
Recipients of the Certificate of Personal Growth included: Joshua Hood, Frances Moody, Linda Picazo
and Martina Price.
Recipients of the Certificate of Outstanding Persistence included: Cazzie Tester, Doris Barker, Reba
Baldwin, Ana Barrera, Joshua Hood and Linsy Piña. Continued on page 15...
Thursday, April 23, 2015
CCC&TI TRIO/SSS Program Honors Students
Continued from page 14…
Several were honored for Outstanding Participation and Service to TRIO/SSS: Tammy Anderson, Doris
Barker, Jayme Braun, Marlene Burmeister, Judy Durr-Choate, Mark Jordan, Rachel Michaels, Sheila
Mikeal, Linda O’Connell, Martina Price and Cazzie Tester
TRIO/ETS program participants Sydnee Sanders a senior at South Caldwell High School, was the recipient of the 2015 G. Lewis Bernhardt Fellow and Ashley Webb a senior at West Caldwell High School,
was the recipient of the 2015 G. Lewis Bernhardt Scholar award: Larry Freiman, Barbara Freiman and
Lucy McCarl.
April is Tick and Mosquito Awareness Month in North Carolina
Raleigh, N.C. - The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services' Division of Public
Health (DPH) recommends taking precautions to protect against tick and mosquito bites as summer
weather approaches.
Tick- and mosquito-borne infections are common in North Carolina, with more than 750 cases of tickborne diseases reported in 2014 alone. Additionally, more than 100 cases of domestically acquired and
travel-associated mosquito-borne diseases were reported in 2014.
"Ticks and mosquitoes are very common in our state, and they carry bacteria and viruses that can cause
serious infections," said Carl Williams, State Public Health Veterinarian. "The good news is that many
of these infections can be prevented by following some basic control measures."
In proclaiming April as Tick and Mosquito Awareness Month in North Carolina, Governor Pat McCrory
noted that ticks and mosquitoes are a natural part of our environment and cannot be eradicated, so protective measures are the best way to avoid illnesses associated with them.
As warmer weather approaches, tick-borne diseases increase, including Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever,
Lyme disease and Ehrlichiosis increase, with the majority of diagnoses occurring from June through
To reduce exposure to ticks:
▪ Avoid tick habitats, such as wooded, grassy or brushy areas.
▪ Use tick repellent that contains DEET (or equivalent) on exposed skin and wear permethrin-treated
clothing. Use caution when applying to children.
▪ Reduce tick habitat on your property with selective landscaping techniques.
▪ If there is a tick attached to your body, carefully remove the tick by grasping it with fine-tipped tweezers as close as possible to your skin, then apply a steady, gentle pull until it releases.
Mosquito-borne diseases usually cause either no symptoms or mild, flu-like illness. However, they can
cause more serious conditions, including encephalitis, meningitis and meningoencephalitis, and can be
fatal. To reduce exposure to mosquitoes:
▪ Use mosquito repellent that contains DEET (or equivalent) when exposed to mosquitoes. Use caution
when applying to children.
▪ Install or repair screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes outside and if possible, use air conditioning.
▪ Reduce mosquito breeding by emptying standing water from flowerpots, gutters, buckets, pool covers,
pet water dishes, discarded tires and birdbaths at least once a week.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Saturday, May 16, 2015
7:oo AM Sign In
9:00 AM Shotgun Start
Team Registration
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
The Coves Golf Course
Rocky Road, Gamewell, NC
For More Information - Contact
DAV Commander Larry Hill at 828-493-1903
Long Drive on Hole 10
Prizes on all PAR 3’s
1st Place Team $200
2nd Place Team $100
Four Person Captain’s Choice
Entry Fee $45/person
Lunch Included
Hole Sponsorship $50
Age 70+ Red Tees
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Comedian and Saturday Night Live alum Jim Breuer will bring his unique stand-up comedy to Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute’s
J.E. Broyhill Civic Center on Saturday, May 9 at
7:30 p.m.
With more than 20 years of stand-up comedy experience, Jim Breuer remains one of today’s top entertainers and continues to win over audiences
with his off-the-wall humor and lovable personality. Named one of Comedy Central’s 100 Greatest
Stand-Ups of All Time. Breuer is one of the most
recognizable comedians in the business, known for
his charismatic stage antics, dead-on impressions
and memorable stand-up.
Even as a young student at Valley Stream Central
High School in Long Island, N.Y., Breuer knew he
wanted to be a stand-up comedian. After spending
several years working comedy clubs across the
country, Breuer settled in as a regular on the New
York comedy club circuit. After being in New York
for only seven months, Breuer landed a gig on the
nationally syndicated show “Uptown Comedy
Club,” where he spent two seasons. Later he appeared on ABC’s “Home Improvement” starring
funny man Tim Allen, before making his big break,
which came in 1995 when he joined the cast of
NBC’s legendary “Saturday Night Live.” During his
four years on “SNL,” Breuer quickly became a fanfavorite for his original character “Goat Boy” and
his dead-on impressions of actor Joe Pesci.
Following his success on “SNL,” Breuer starred
alongside Dave Chappelle in the cult favorite film
“Half Baked.” He has since appeared in the popular
films “Zookeeper,” “Dick,” “Titan A.E.” and “Beer
League.” On the small screen, Breuer hosted MTV’s
popular “Beach House” and VH1’s “Web Junk 20.”
His other television appearances include “Late
Night with Conan O’Brien,” “The Daily Show with
Jon Stewart,” “The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson,” “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” “Late Night with
Jimmy Fallon,” and “The Marriage Ref.” Breuer is
also a frequent guest on the Howard Stern Show.
Enjoy an evening full of laughs with Jim Breuer on
May 9 at the J.E. Broyhill Civic Center. The show is
set for 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $25.62 for adults and
$10.68 for students and children. For more information or to reserve your tickets, call the Civic
Center Box Office at 828-726-2407 or visit
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Terry’s Insurance
23-1 Falls Avenue
Granite Falls, NC
Life * Health * Medicare Supplements * Part D
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“Also providing Custom Window Treatments”
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Call Carolyn Whisnant 828-381-9597
Or drop by anytime! 23-1 Falls Avenue, Granite Falls, NC
Trends Hair Salon
Trends Hair Salon would like to thank all of our loyal, wonderful, customers for 16 years of great
business! We strive on running our business with excellent services and great customer service.
Our main goal is that each customer leaves happy and looking great! We hope to see each one
of you soon and always welcome new clients! All of our stylist offer excellent work including:
Vibrant Grey Coverage Colors
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And Much More!!
Call or Walk-in for a new look! We can’t wait to see you!
Open Tuesday thru Saturday
23-2 Falls Avenue, Granite Falls, NC
Thursday, April 23 2015
CCC&TI to offer Medical Assisting
Program on Caldwell Campus
By CCC&TI...Caldwell Community College and
Technical Institute has announced that it will now
offer the Medical Assisting program on the college’s Caldwell Campus in Hudson.
The program was launched on CCC&TI’s Watauga
Campus in Boone in Fall 2014 with much success
and is now being expanded to the Caldwell Campus
in Hudson. With employment opportunities in
physicians’ offices, health maintenance organizations, health departments and hospitals, Medical
Assistants perform administrative, clinical and
laboratory procedures.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the
projected job growth through 2022 is 29 percent,
which is higher than average for other occupations
in the United States. The median annual wage for
Medical Assistants in 2014 was $29,360.
The course work includes instruction in scheduling
appointments, coding and processing insurance
accounts, billing, collections, computer operations,
assisting with examinations and treatments, performing routine laboratory procedures, electrocardiography, supervised medication administration
and ethical/legal issues associated with patient
care. Program graduates will be eligible to take the
Clinical Medical Assistant Certification (CCMA)
and/or the Medical Administrative Assistant Certification (CMAA) offered by the National Healthcareer Association.
To apply for the program, students must fill out a
CCC&TI application, provide high school and college transcripts and take CCC&TI placement tests.
After acceptance they must show proof of current
infant/child/adult CPR/AED certification for
health care providers and complete the CCC&TI
Student Medical Form.
Registration is ongoing for both Summer and Fall
2015 semesters. For more information on applying
for the Medical Assisting program, contact Health
Sciences Admissions Coordinator Amy Huffman at
828-726-2710 or email
The Good Word
from the Bible
...a weekly
Inspirational Message
for today’s life-styles...
Revelation 3:20 “Behold, I stand at the
door and knock; if any many hear my voice
and open the door, I will sup with him and he
with me.”
Jesus invites us to accept His presence; we are
to open the door of the heart and let Him in.
Jesus will not force open the door. You must
open it yourselves and show that you desire
His presence by giving Him a sincere welcome. When you allow Christ to come in and
live in your heart, He will be in all your
thoughts. Your deepest thoughts will be of
Jesus, His love, and His purity. Marvelous
will be the transformation wrought in you
when by faith you open the door to your
heart, ask Jesus to come in, be your life, your
Savior and Lord. As you allow Jesus to live in
you and sanctify you, sin will be hated and
shunned. Jesus will help you empty of self
and accept His righteousness. The Bible says
that our self-righteousness is as filthy rags;
who would want to hold on to filthy rags when
you are asked to exchange it for Christ’s pure,
holy, character of love? Ask Jesus to come
into your heart today, do not delay.
By Dr. Herb Cole
Of The Natural Food Store
Thursday, April 23, 2015
The Ole’ Store
We Would Like To Thank Our Customers!
Stop by for Prompt, Polite & Pleasant Service...
Fresh Produce, Cold Cut Meats, Cheap Drinks, Glass Bottled Sodas, Lottery
**Always Competitive On Gas Prices**
Great Prices & Selection On Vapor Products
Also Cigarettes, Cigars, Chewing Tobacco & Rolling Tobacco
Bait & Tackle
Live Bait...Minnows, Crickets, Night Crawlers, Red Worms & More!
We Sell Hershey’s Ice Cream
Stop By For A Scoop Of Ice Cream Or
The Best Milk Shakes In Rhodhiss!!!
Owned & Operated By Hal & Lori Abernathy
828.313.1122 203 Burke Street Rhodhiss, NC
***Home Of The Cherry Lemon Sun Drop***
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Caldwell Pregnancy Care Center is here to help
The Caldwell Pregnancy Care Center is a Pro-Life center that seeks to minister to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of women and their extended families as they deal with the circumstances surrounding a present, potential or former pregnancy.
The Caldwell Pregnancy Care Center is a non-profit ministry supported by financial contributions, material donations and volunteer commitments. Their board, staff, volunteers and intercessors pray and
work together to reach others with the good news of Jesus Christ to extend His healing power and saving grace in the areas of pregnancy.
Their budget is derived from fundraisers, private donations along with help from many area churches.
They do not receive any funding from government. If you would like to help support the work of the
Caldwell Pregnancy Care Center, monetary donations, diapers, baby items, and Pack & Play’s are greatly
They have two fulltime members on staff, Susan Curtis, office manager/client services and Machelle
Kirby, Executive Director. There are also approximately 21 volunteers to assist with counseling, answering phones, cleaning, etc. In 2014, 84 women participated in program. Caldwell Pregnancy Care Center
is not a medical facility. They encourage and refer clients to seek medical care during their pregnancy.
Are you pregnant?
Have you recently taken a pregnancy test or missed a period? You may be worried about an unplanned
pregnancy. If a baby is not in your plans, you may be considering an abortion. Get all the facts before
you decide whether an abortion is the right choice for you.
They understand that sometimes you may need a place to process everything, to think through all your
options, and to safely share what’s on your mind. They are not there to judge or make any decisions for
you concerning your pregnancy. They are there to provide you with a FREE lab quality pregnancy test
and medically accurate information. Their staff/volunteer will go over all of your options with you if
your pregnancy test result is positive.
If you have questions about pregnancy, abortion procedures, adoption, parenting, and sexually transmitted infections, please don’t hesitate to visit their center. They will to listen to your needs and provide
all of their services confidentially and free of charge, regardless of your income, race or religion.
Services Provided
The following services are provided free of charge with strict confidentiality:
*Free Pregnancy Tests
*Classes: Parenting, Pre-Natal, Marriage, etc.
*Baby Layettes
*Material Aid: STD/STI Information, Abortion Information
*Peer Counseling
*Abstinence Program
*Referrals for: Adoption, Church, Community, Housing, Legal, Clinical
*Parenting Support
*Post-Abortion Support
*Earn While You Learn Program
Continued on page 23...
For the latest news and information go to:
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Largest Independent
Drug Store In
North Carolina
21 Falls Avenue
Granite Falls, NC 28630
(828) 396-2144
(828) 396-4900
(828) 396-7820
Winter Hours
Monday thru Wednesday & Saturday
10:00 AM to 7:30 PM
Serve Ice Cream Until 8:00 PM
Thursday & Friday 10:00 AM to 8:30 PM (Will serve Ice Cream til 9:00 PM)
Sundays Closed until Spring
We Have Over 40 Flavors Of Hershey’s Ice Cream…
Milk Shakes, Banana Splits & Your Favorite Sundaes!
23-3 Falls Avenue, Granite Falls, NC
Call In 828-396-6111
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Caldwell Pregnancy Care Center is
here to help
Continued from page 21…
H.O.P.E. Ministry (H elps Offer ed dur ing
your Pregnancy Experience)
*Parenting classes
*Voucher system for use of maternity clothes, baby
clothes, baby items and baby furniture
*Information on breastfeeding
Healing Ministry
*Confidential counseling for individuals on forgiveness and healing after abortion or pregnancy
*Counseling for healing from past hurtful experiences
Abstinence Education
*Presentations to students & single adults on the
health and emotional benefits of saving sex for
*Factual information on sexually transmitted diseases
*Challenge to make purity commitment
Call the Caldwell Pregnancy Care Center
today for your confidential appointment:
Phone: 828-757-9555
24/7 Helpline: 828-757-9555
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday: 9am – 7pm
Wednesday: 9am – 5pm
Thursday: 9am – 3pm
301 Connelly Springs Rd
PO Box 1561
Lenoir, NC 28645
Fox Upholstery Services
“Custom Upholstery At It’s Finest”
Re-Upholstery, Custom Upholstery,
Furniture Repair, Custom Furniture,
Ottomans, Custom Headboards, Throw Pillows
Free Estimates
Pick Up & Delivery Available
3 Dudley Avenue
Granite Falls, NC 28630
(on the corner of Dudley Alley & Dudley Shoals Road)
Bruce Fox 828.320.4196
First Baptist Church
8 Crestview St, Granite Falls
Open Monday - Friday - 7:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.
Serving Coffee and Coffee House Beverages
Begin the day with a hot or cold beverage
and a Word from the Master
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Antiquities Vending Company
We Carry Glass Bottled Soda
Now Over 70 Flavors Available…”Soda That Takes You Back In Time”
Commercial Refrigeration, Antique Refrigerators,
Restaurant Equipment...Repair & Restoration
“If It Stops Cooling, We Can Repair and/or Refurbish It”
Always Check With Us First, We Have The Best Prices!!!
We Place Antique Vending Machines In Your Business
We Sell Soda Machines You Can Use To Increase Your Profit Margin
Antiquities Vending Company’s Soda Machine Museum
“World’s Largest Collection of Antique Soda Machines”
30 South Main Street
Granite Falls, NC 28630