LESSON PLAN 1 NTEQ LESSON PLAN Name: CAROLYNE OBONYO LESSON TITLE: A BALANCED DIET SUBJECT AREA(S): NUTRITION EDUCATION. GRADE LEVEL: 2 ND YEAR LESSON SUMMARY: Briefly describe the purpose of the lesson and the student activities. In this lesson, we will look at some of the ideas associated with eating a balanced diet. The lesson is designed to teach students about the five food groups which make a balanced diet. Students will do internet search and learn the importance of eating a balanced diet. They will develop a menu incorporating all the five food groups and a personal food guide pyramid that will guide them when selecting foods. Students will create PowerPoint presentations which display two common balanced menus they have come across. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, students will: Define the term balanced diet. Identify the five food groups that make a balanced diet. Carry out internet search on importance of eating a balanced diet. Develop a menu incorporating the five food groups. Draft a personal food guide pyramid that will guide them when selecting foods. LESSON PLAN 2 Use the computer to come up with a presentation of two common balanced menus. STANDARDS. National: At second year of study, community health students need to study Nutrition Education course so that they can apply the knowledge gained to the community they will be serving. Local: Students need to learn the basics about Nutrition Education. MATERIALS: “Think Sheet” What does it take for a menu to be balanced? What nutrients does the food in the menu Drafting a personal food guide pyramid. contain and what are their functions? Sample menus. Use the computer to carry out internet search and present menus. LESSON PLAN 3 COMPUTER FUNCTIONS AND DATA MANIPULATION: Computer Function Internet Computer Application Browser. Data Manipulation search. Office suite. Students to learn the importance of eating a balanced diet. PowerPoint. Students to come up with a presentation of two common balanced menus. SPECIFY PROBLEM: Today we are going to learn about a balanced diet. We will identify the five food groups that make a meal to be balanced and develop a menu incorporating the five food groups. We will do internet search on importance of eating a balanced diet. Then we shall draft a personal food guide pyramid and finally use the computer to come up with a presentation of two common balanced menus. RESULTS PRESENTATION: Students will write an explanation about the importance of eating a balanced diet. Do presentations to the class about the menus chosen. The menus must have five food groups identified and the reason why the food group is important. LESSON PLAN 4 MULTIDIMENSIONAL ACTIVITIES: LESSON INTRODUCTION – Briefly describe how you will introduce the problem and how you will address any prerequisite skills, share learning objectives, and provide needed information. This lesson activity is designed to teach students about a balanced diet. 1. I will ask if students know what a balanced diet is and share out the foods they have been eating. I will use their examples to define the term balanced diet and develop the five food groups that make a balanced diet. 2. Students will carry out internet search on importance of eating a balanced diet. They will note down the information found and we will have a discussion about importance of eating a balanced diet. 3. I will ask students if they have ever ordered a menu and how they ended up choosing what foods to eat. I will pass around different sample menus and let them identify food groups represented. Students will then develop a menu incorporating the five food groups. 4. Divide them into small groups to use the computer to come up with a presentation of two common balanced menus. Students will create a summary to support their findings about the created menus. LESSON PLAN 5 COMPUTER ACTIVITIES: Activity 1- Activities to be completed: Prior to going to computer 1. Students will work Activity 2- Activities to be Activity 3- Activities to completed: be completed: Prior to going to computer 1. Students will be individually to identify advised to think the importance of eating about the many a balanced diet. diets they eat. Discuss within the groups the At the computer similarities among 2. Students will access the diets. information on the internet and record in their note books. At the computer 2. Use information After going to computer gathered to 3. Use the information to develop a contribute to class PowerPoint discussion about presentation importance of eating a about two balanced diet. common balanced menus. After going to computer 3. Review the PowerPoint presentation and present before the class. LESSON PLAN 6 SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES: Review of Prior Learning / Enrichment Activities. Activity 1 Activities to be completed: 1. Review their notes as Activity 2 Activity 3 Activities to be completed: Activities to be completed: 1. Draft a personal they read food related food guide books and recipes. pyramid that will 1. Complete the “Think Sheet”. guide them when selecting foods. CULMINATING ACTIVITY: Briefly describe how main ideas will be reviewed and/or final presentations given. Discussion about importance of eating a balanced diet. I will ask a few students to share with the class their food guide pyramid. Class PowerPoint presentation about menus. Conclude the lesson by highlighting key features. ROTATION PLAN: Briefly describe how students will rotate through the computer and supporting activities. I will divide the computer activities into two sessions, each session will be 20 minutes. The first session will work on the computers individually while the second session will be LESSON PLAN 7 in groups discussing similarities among the diets, to guide them in developing the two menus. When they are through, they will exchange so that the second session can access the computers while the first session start working on their group discussion. These activities will also help them complete the “think sheet”. ASSESSMENT: Rubric Template. Place performance objectives in the first column, then create descriptions of each level of performance. Objective or Performanc e Beginning 1. Students will search importance of eating a balanced diet. Points identified were not relevant. Identified a few points on importance of eating a balanced diet. Good points were identified, no example was given. Very good points were identified and examples given. 2. Develop a menu incorporatin g the five food groups. Menu developed without incorporating the five food groups. Menu developed but two food groups were missing. Menu developed, was balanced and all the five food groups incorporated. Menu developed, was balanced and a variety of foods used to incorporate the five food groups. 3. Presentatio n of two common balanced Presentation not clear and both menus were not balanced. Good presentation but one menu was not balanced. Clear presentation of two balanced menus. Not all the members were involved. Very creative and two balanced menus selected. Very clear presentation and all the participants were actively involved. menus . 1 Developing 2 Accomplished Exemplary 3 4 Score LESSON PLAN 8
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