Summer Bridge! At James B. Castle High School Earn a High School Half Credit! For the past four summers at Castle High School counselors, teachers, and administrators have offered the Summer Bridge program to help incoming ninth graders with the transition into high school. The program offers students the chance to earn a half-credit in Study Skills. The students will study English, Science, Math, and Life skills over the three-week course. Classes are conducted in a variety of settings and through various learning styles, including classroom work, laboratory experiments, field trips, and camping excursions. Examples of lessons, activities, and projects done over the previous sessions include making salt water fish tanks, launching rockets, creating budgets, water quality analysis, working in lo’i, and beach clean-ups. Each year the number of students participating in Summer Bridge has increased, from a lowly twenty-five in the first year to over one hundred in the most recent session. Summer Bridge has been correlated by a decrease in the ninth-grade failure and retention rates (18% 7%), and students who have participated are on pace to graduate (# credits) at a 93.6% rate! We hope to continue this pattern of growth of Summer Bridge and the results that have occurred at Castle High School! What the Kids Say “[People that didn’t come to summer bridge] are missing out on a lot of what they need to learn about how to do better in high school.” – Alaka’i “This school is bigger!” – Rusty “Learning Cornell notes in English will help next year.” – Aaron “I learned that the teachers are nice, and the counselor is ‘da bomb’ “ – Mikayla “I learned the classes are going to be a lot different, and harder. People not in summer bridge are missing out.“ - Peyton Castle High School Summer Bridge Overview June 8, 2015 June 30, 2015; 8:00am 1:00pm Purpose The purpose of Summer Bridge is to help you transition from Intermediate school to Castle High School. You will earn ½ elective credit towards your graduation if you successfully complete the summer by learning English, Math, Science, and Life skills over the time period. Cost Cost of Summer Bridge will be $90.00, which is the district rate for the halfcredit that will be earned. Free/reduced lunch student will have a decreased cost, and scholarships are available. Ask your counselor for more information. Attendance Policy No credit will be given to students with TWO or more absences. You will be considered absent if you are not in the class within 30 minutes of the school day, and your parent/guardian will be contacted. Also 3 being tardy three times will count as one absence. Even if you have too many absences, you are welcome to continue attending Summer Bridge however you will not earn the ½ credit. Discipline All Chapter 19 Rules and Policies are in effect throughout Summer Bridge. Students will be referred to the administrator in charge if any inappropriate behaviors/incident occur during Bridge. Your parent/guardian will be notified. Dress Code No strapless, backless, cleavage showing, short shorts/skirts, seethrough, oversized tank tops, or clothing related drugs, gangs, profanity, or weapons should be worn to school. If dress code is violated, your parent/guardian will be contacted and need to bring you a change of clothing. Calendar of Events The first day of bridge will be Monday, June 8, 2015. The last day will be Tuesday, June 30, 2015. THERE WILL BE NO SCHOOL THURSDAY, JUNE 11 or FRIDAY JUNE 12. Class will resume on Monday, June 15. Every day all students will report to the Cafeteria before 8:00am daily. Breakfast will be provided free to students (and all children under 18 that live in Kaneohe) from 7:00am until 8:00am. Lunch will also be provided free for all students during the school day. Castle High School Summer Bridge 2015 Registration Form Student Information Student Name: __________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Student Address: ________________________________________________________________ Address City St. Zip Home Phone: ______________ Birth Date: ____________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Guardian Name / Father Cell/Home Phone Work Phone _______________________________________________________________________________ Guardian Name / Mother Cell/Home Phone Work Phone Please indicate your first choice of which you would rather focus on during your summe. ___________ Engineering: designing, building, and testing a boat ___________ Science: Experimenting on what is in the water in streams and oceans. Did student receive Special Education services during the regular school year? Yes_____No_____ Will student be attending Castle High School for school year 201516? Yes_____No_____ Medical Insurance Carrier: __________________________________ Emergency Contact: ______________________________________________________________ Name Relationship Best Phone # Health Conditions to be aware of: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************************************** Official Use Only *** Do Not Write In This Area Date Received: _________________ Receipt #:__________________ Initial: ________ Payment Amount: _______________ Cash___ Check#:___________ Other:________ Refund Date: ___________________ Refund Check #:____________ Initial:________ Student Misconduct, Discipline, and Attendance Policy School Copy Submit with Payment Misconduct and Discipline Disciplinary action against any student attending the Summer Bridge program shall be imposed by the summer bridge director. The following prohibited conduct applies to all students in the program during summer bridge hours, on school premises, or during supervised activities. Any student who commits a CLASS A or B offense shall be dismissed from the summer bridge program. The director shall notify and meet with the student and parent/guardian(s) prior to dismissal from the program. The summer bridge program director shall file a report with the Complex Areas Superintendent and shall provide a copy to the student and the student’s parent/guardian(s). Class A Offenses : (Prohibited by State Law) Assault; Burglary; Possession or use of dangerous weapons or instruments (including fireworks); Possession, use or sale of drug paraphernalia; Extortion, Possession or use of firearms; Possession or use of or sale of illicit Substances (drugs); Murder; Property Damage; Robbery; Sexual Offenses; Terroristic Threatening. Class B Offenses: (Prohibited by State Law) Disorderly conduct; Rendering of a False Alarm; Gambling; Harassment; Theft; Trespassing. All Other Offenses: All other behavior, which disrupts the class or is a violation of “school rules”, will result in suspension. This may include smoking, insubordination, contraband, etc. Attendance: Attendance is important for a student’s success in this course. Students may not receive course credit if they miss more than two (2) days of the summer bridge program due to absences, tardies, or suspensions. A tardy occurs when a student enter class within the first thirty (30) minutes of class. If a student enters class after the first thirty (30) minutes, the student is considered absent. Three (3) tardies will count as one (1) absence. I have read and understand the misconduct, discipline, and attendance policies and I will abide by them. Student’s Signature: _____________________________________________ Date:___________ I have read and discussed the misconduct, discipline, and attendance policies with my child. I understand that failure to comply will result in a suspension or dismissal from the summer bridge program. Credit may not be earned. Parent Signature: ________________________________________________ Date:____________
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