St Michael’s Parish School Ashburton

St Michael’s Parish School
268 High St Ashburton VIC 3147
PH: 9885 3105 FAX: 9885 0070
Parish Priest: Fr Hien Vu PH: 9885 2498
Principal: Geraldine Dalton PH: 9885 3105
School Advisory Council President: Michael Foldi
Parent’s & Friend’s President: Mandy Passmore
Fri 23rd
Tues 27th
Fri 30th
Fri 30th
Mission Week Prayer Service & Activity
Prep 2010 Information Evening
Prep/1/2 swimming
Mon 2nd
Tues 3rd
Wed 4th
Wed 4th
Thurs 5th
Fri 6th
Fri 6th
Fri 6th
Sun 8th
Mon 9th
Tues 10th
Thurs 12th
Thurs 12th
Fri 13th
Fri 13th
Fri 13th
Fri 13th
Wed 18th
Fri 20th
Mon 23rd
Thurs 26th
Fri 27th
Fri 27th
Sat 28th
9.30 -10.30
5 – 7pm
12 – 4pm
9.30 – 10.30
6pm & 7.15
9.30 – 10.30
School Closure Day
School Closure Day
Maintenance Committee meeting
PFA meeting
Prep 2010 Orientation
Prep/1/2 swimming
Yr 5 & 6 Milo Kanga Cricket
School Enhancement Twilight Session
Parish Picnic – Brickmaker’s Park
Book Fair
SAC - staffroom
Prep 2010 Orientation
Life Education Van Prep – Yr 2
Prep/1/2 swimming
Mini Micks Morning Tea
Life Education Van 3-6
Family Life Evening 3/4 & 5/6
Twilight Sports
School Closure
Prep 2010 Orientation
Prep/1/2 swimming
Peter Kearney Advent Concert
Mini Micks Christmas Liturgy
Fri 4th
Fri 4th
Sun 6th
Tues 8th
Tues 8th
Fri 11th
Fri 11th
Fri 11th
Mon 14th
Tues 15th
Thur 17th
P/1/2 Swimming
School Disco
School Enhancement morning
Italian Day
Prep/1/2 swimming
Reports sent home
Assembly – Year 6 final assembly
Choir performance @ Elsie Salter House
Graduation Dinner & Thanksgiving Mass
Balloon Ceremony & End of Term
“Love one another. Just as I have loved you,
you also should love one another.”
Jn 13:34
Our Vision – Life For All
Catholic Mission shares the dream of our Creator
God from before time began, seeing all persons as
made in the Creator’s image and likeness. All
people are gifted with great potential for growth to
reach fullness of life and happiness, and are worthy
of respect.
Catholic Mission shares the Church’s responsibility
for a world where all persons, free from any
discrimination and free from all barriers to life, can
reach their full potential and happiness. This will
allow all to live their lives in full dignity, as the
Creator God intends
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Students and Friends,
Stand Up Day & Mission Week
This week is Catholic Mission Week. Today our Year 6 leaders
accompanied by Annie Engellenner will represent St Michael’s
at the Annual Mission Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral. We
invite you to join us at 11.45am tomorrow in St Michael’s
Church for our Mission Week liturgy followed by the launch of
our “Be More” project ‘Knit a Square’. Following that we invite
you over to the school for our ‘Knitting Picnic’ - lunch and
Congratulations to the students, parents and staff of St
Michael’s for contributing to a Guinness world record shattered
by citizens across globe demanding that their leaders end
poverty. More than 173 Million People Gathered at
"Stand Up, Take Action, End Poverty Now!" events,
setting a new world record for the largest
mobilization in history. A Guinness World Record
shattered…when 173,045,325 citizens gathered at
over 3,000 events in more than 120 countries,
demanding that their governments eradicate
extreme poverty and achieve the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs). "Stand Up, Take
Action, End Poverty Now!", now in its fourth year,
has been certified by Guinness World Records as
the largest mobilization of human beings in
recorded history, an increase of about 57 million
people over last year. Thank you to Religious Education
Thank you to all families of Prep E for attending and
participating in the Parish Mass last Saturday evening.
Leader Clare Hicks for organising Stand Up day and to all our
students for supporting this wonderful initiative.
Thanks for your continued support of our school.
School Uniform
We are now wearing the summer uniform. An important
component of this is the school hat. Please ensure that your
child/ren have their hat as this is a compulsory item this term
and remember that runners are only for PE days.
Prep 2010 Parent Evening
Next Tuesday 27th October we officially welcome the Parents of
our 2010 Prep families to our school. As well as hearing about
the orientation process, parents will be presented with
information about the School Advisory Council, the Parents and
Friends Association, the Uniform Shop and the Parish Support
Program. We welcome all our families in Prep 2010 and hope
your time with us will be rewarding and successful.
Well the Walkathon was certainly worth waiting for! There was
a great feeling of energy, support, enthusiasm and fun as our
students completed the school walkathon yesterday. Thank
you to all the parent helpers especially the organisers Natalie
Martin (Tom Prep H) and Peta Mackintosh (Lachlan 1/2CH) for
your organisation and planning. All proceeds from the
Walkathon will go to the PFA who are raising funds to finance
artificial grass for our playground next year. Students have
their sponsor sheets this weekend to begin collecting their
money. . All students have their lap totals on their cards. Due
to the rain and the wonderful manner in which all students
coped with the disappointment of last week’s postponement,
they were given a credit of 5 laps which can be added to their
congratulated Sarah
Papadimitriou (Year 5)
on her recent selection
as a member of the
Victorian under 12
Softball Team. To
considerable costs of
sending this team to
the Nationals, Sarah
will be selling raffle
tickets. Tickets are $2
each. Prizes are as
1st Mitsubishi ES
Lancer $24,390;
2nd Family Holiday to
Disneyland $10,000;
3rd Panasonic 50 inch HD Plasma $3,899;
4th LG 50 inch Plasma TV $2,624;5th Panasonic DVD
Recorder $1,099. If you would like to support Sarah the tickets
will be on sale at the front office.
Good luck to our other star athlete Nana Owusu-Afriyie as she
competes in the state school trials on Monday.
Geraldine Dalton
Just a reminder that there is no swimming for Prep/1/2 this
week. The program resumes on Friday 30th October. As
Victory Bld is carrying more traffic with the closure of the
Morotai St gate, please take extreme care when dropping off
your children. Consider where you stop in relation to the
pedestrian crossing, Fr Hien’s driveway and the church car
park. Safety for your children and all members of the
community is our shared concern.
John Sandy
Deputy Principal
Stand Up Day - Friday 16th October
It was great to have so many families join us for Stand Up Day!
Our official count was 331! Well done St Michaels! Let’s
continue to stand up for things that matter! [See the photo
included in our newsletter].
Knit-a-Square Launch
We are very excited to have our Knit-a-square launch
tomorrow. We will begin with a Mission Prayer Service and we
are inviting friends and family to join us in the church at 11.45
where we will pray for people in need and have a presentation
by the founder of Knit –a-Square, Sandy McDonald.
After the service we will have a “Knitting Picnic” back at school.
So bring a packed lunch and knitting needle! This will be a
fantastic community building activity and wonderful for the
children of South Africa.
If you have any finished squares you can bring them to the
launch and we will place them on the altar during the service.
Remember, it’s simple! It’s a 20cm square, using 8 ply wool
and No.4 needles. Just cast on 32 stitches and knit a 20cm
square. (Garter stitch - plain every row) The website has great
information too, so knit, knit, knit!
Clare Hicks
Religious Education Leader
Values Education
Mindfulness of others. Thoughtful concern for, or sensitivity
towards the feelings of others.
Kids Go For Your Life
At our most recent staff meeting our fantastic
teachers participated in a workshop facilitated
by the dieticians from Inner East Community
Health Service. The purpose of this
professional learning was to reinforce some of
the key messages from our Go For Your Life
One of the topics covered was the way
teachers and parents reward children for
appropriate behaviour. Often we choose to reward children with
food, for example with a a lolly. There are other ways we can
tangibly reward children with healthier reward incentives.
No Cost Rewards
Read outdoors
Sit with friends
Free time
Extra art activities or play time
Play an educational game on the computer
Be a special helper
Watch an educational video
Spend time in another classroom
Low Cost Rewards
Coloured textas or pencils
A set of playing cards
Puzzles or mazes printed from the computer
Pick a lucky dip prize
Receive a mystery prise
Raffle ticket system – drawn once a day or once a week.
Although these suggestions were for teachers to consider, they
do act as terrific ideas for parents at home too. Let me know
how they go!
Transition from Primary to Secondary School
Are you looking for ways to support your child though the
transition from primary to secondary school? This workshop
might be for you!
Periods of change will test your child’s ability to successfully
cope with the challenges of new teachers, subjects,
environments and relationships. This workshop for both parents
and their Year 6 child will encourage a mutual understanding of
this shared journey, and open up a path of communication so
that future problem can be discussed and solutions developed.
Date/Time: Wednesday 28th October 7.00pm to 8.30pm
Venue: St Timothy’s 21 Stevens Rd Vermont ( Mel 62 G3)
Cost $5 per family.
For registration contact
Life Education
Life Education has been successfully supporting primary drug
education since 1985 and now helps to provide drug education
to about 230 00 children each year. Life Education is a
community based project. The mobile classroom, plays an
important role in providing appropriate drug education to
students across Victoria.
The Life Education Van is an integrated part our school
curriculum and is an element of our drug education strategy, as
mandated by the Victorian Essential Learning Standards. The
Life Education Van will be visiting St Michael’s School on
Thursday November 12th through to Monday November 16th.
During this time all our student will have the opportunity to
participate in a lesson conducted by experienced and qualified
drug education teacher.
A parent / guardian information session will also be available.
This is your opportunity to talk about issues relating to drug use
in our community and ask any questions you may have
regarding drug education. This session will provide an
opportunity to discuss a number of issues:
Effective communication strategies
Drug knowledge- medicines and other legal drugs
Body Knowledge.
Should you have any questions about this program or would
like to know in more detail the topics that will be covered during
the lesson you are advised to speak to your child’s classroom
teacher or myself.
There is lots of great information at Life Education website
which can be accessed on…
Find the time to” take a minute” and enjoy a wonderful week
ahead. Thank you for you continued support of our wonderful
Annie Engellenner
Student Wellbeing Leader
Year 5 – Mr Cotela
Rebecca Blenkinsop: For the contributions she has made to
the class as SRC rep.
Natasha Contin: For her achievements in basketball this year.
Mary Nocera: For including others in activities.
Zara Guneratne: For her positive manner and contributions in
Amelia Dentesano: For being attentive and very organised in
Values Award CONSIDERATION – Jack Worcester: For
listening, sharing and assisting others.
Year 3/4C – Mrs Carter [last week’s awards]
Lara Cunningham – for her quick recall of number facts when
playing ‘Flipper’
Sebastian Mannix – for neat handwriting and taking time to
ensure his letters are joined correctly
Harry Matheson – for accepting to be our class Environmental
Aleisha Shaw – for accepting to be our class Environmental
Harrison Barr – for his ‘spot on’ answers when converting
millimeter measurements to centimetres and visa versa.
Sophie Sloup – Consideration Award for demonstrating
consideration when Mrs Carter was struggling to read the
classroom serial. She took the initiative to fetch her glasses
and politely gave them to her.
Luke Saldanha is beginning training on Fridays. Welcome to
St Michaels' Altar Servers, Luke. Fran will train servers after
school on Fridays from 3.45 to 4.15pm in the church. Cindy
will be available in 2010.
Dominic, Jeremy and Sarah Cheong received their five-year
medallions; Benjamin Marshall, Andre Soriano and Tristan
Zupan received retirement certificates and Tod Phillips
received his training certificate at the Saturday Mass on the
17th October.
Mary-Clare Conheady-Barker, Meera
Fernandes and Emma Wilson received their retirement
certificates at the Sunday Masses on the 18th October. The
Parish is very grateful for your Altar Serving over the many
Book Fair
Scholastic will be delivering the Book Fair
on Thursday 4th Nov. The Book Fair last
year was so successful due to parent
involvement. I look forward to those who
are able to attend.
Thank you
Maree Galvin
Teacher Librarian
The warmer weather arrived just in time as gas has been
disconnected to the school this week in order for the gas meter
on Morotai St to be relocated.
The wall on Morotai St has proven to have very strong
foundations – it was never going to fall down! The wall in the
ground is so strong the builders said it could have held up the
Sydney Harbour Bridge! Two machines are being utilised to
demolish the entire wall this week – hopefully by Friday. This
will allow the hoarding to be moved back and the footpath to be
The original concrete slab in the hall has been identified to
have a ‘dip’ in it. Water has been pooling on the slab and then
seeping away through the slab joints. The engineer has
recommended that a new slab be installed. Demolition of
existing slab and laying of a new slab is in the vicinity of $80K.
These costs can be covered in the contingency but we can only
hope that once they remove the slab, we won’t have to deal
with any more unknown conditions.
Dear Parents,
The male teaching staff of St
Michael’s have decided to commit
to growing a moustache for
Movember this year and we are
looking for recruits to join our team
- in particular the fathers to join in
and help raise funds.
‘St Michael’s Mo Bros’
Movember is about raising much needed funds and awareness
for men's health - specifically prostate cancer and depression in
men. Important when you learn that close to 3,000 men die of
prostate cancer each year in Australia and one in eight men will
experience depression in their lifetime - many of whom don't
seek help.
The more people we can get onboard, the more awareness
and money will be raised and so we are asking you to join our
team and either grow a moustache as a Mo Bro, or sign on as
a Mo Sista and help out with raising funds.
To join our Movember team go"
Jonathan Connor
Year 3/4 Teacher
Well, the St Michael’s Walkathon was finally held on
Wednesday and all students are to be congratulated
for their fantastic efforts in walking, running and
singing their way around the course.
A huge thank you to all parents who gave up their time
to assist in the various roles undertaken to ensure the
smooth running of St Michael’s Walkathon.
A special mention to those people and families who
helped out in multiple areas: Terry Belnkinsop, Prue
Hynes, Kerri McFarlane, Megan Marshall, Denise
Tobin, Mary Mazza, Fiona Baker, Rudolf Lameijn, Naomi
O’Haire, Andrea Boal and the Young, Ovens, Yeates,
Walsh, Martin and Mackintosh families. Your
contributions made the day a great success. Thank you.
A reminder to return your sponsor form plus money by
Friday 30th October.
Natalie Martin (Tom Prep H) and
Peta Mackintosh (Lachlan 1/2CH
Students who do not attend St Michael's Primary, but are part
of St Michael’s community, are reminded that enrolments for
Reconciliation, First Communion (Yr 4 +) and Confirmation (Yr
7+) for 2010 take place over the next few weeks. Consult the
parish bulletin for details. Collect your enrolment forms after
Mass and contact the parish office on 9885 2498 Mon/Tues
9.00am-5.00pm or Friday 9.00am-1.00pm for an appointment.
Please bring levy payment and baptism certificate to the
enrolment interview. Please note that class sizes are limited so
early enrolment is advised.
Families in the parishes of Glen Iris, Camberwell Sth, East
Malvern, Burwood or Chadstone/Ashwood need to contact their
own parish.
The After School Care committee met on Monday Oct 12 for
our final meeting for 2009.
We have two curriculum dates in Term 4 – Monday Nov 2 and
Monday Nov 23.
Extend are offering all day care for both of these dates,
however it will only run if we get the minimum numbers
required (12). It’s a circus theme for Monday 2nd, and
“Hollywood” for the 23rd. A booking sheet is available at
aftercare (art room) or you can contact Extend directly. The
charge ($50 / $35 half day) is 50% recoverable via the
childcare rebate (not means tested) but you must be registered
with Family Services to receive it.
2010 looks like being an exciting year for ASC. With luck we
will be in our new digs at the commencement of term 1. In
addition, Extend have been awarded the right to supply “Active
After-School Communities Service” which means they’ll be
offering sporting activities with professional coaches via the
Australian Sports Commission. Sports will include things like
martial arts, skate boarding, basketball, fitness bootcamp to
name a few. You must be enrolled in after-care to attend.
Early term 1 we will also be gauging interest in running the
holiday programs from St Michael’s.
The committee are always keen to get
both formal and informal feedback on the aftercare service. In
2010 we will be
participating in the National Accreditation Service survey. This
occurs every 18mths. In addition to this, Extend are keen to
get real-time feedback and will periodically conduct phone
surveys of attending families. If you receive such a call, you
can be assured it is legitimate!
Elections for the 2010 committee were held with the current
incumbents continuing on. This is myself as Chair, and Marie
Thomson (Mia) as Secretary. We welcomed Susanne Boothey
(Harrison Prep E) as a new committee member for 2010.
Regards, Natasha Browne (Sarah Prep H, Madeline 1/2CH)
Due to circumstances out of our control the date and venue for
the Year 6 Graduation Dinner (after the Graduation Mass @ St
Michael’s) will now be as follows:
Wednesday 16th December @
Ashburton Bowls Club @ 7.30pm
Sunday November 8th @ Brickmaker’s Park,
Stamford Road Oakleigh. Starting at 12 noon until 4pm.
Everyone welcome. BYO picnic lunch.
Sunday 25th October 11am – 2pm @ Hawthorn Town Hall
Children’s week in Boroondara is sure to entertain, as well as
educate, with the world’s hottest topic – the ENVIRONMENT –
the focus of this fun filled event!
Travel to the event by tram, train, bike or even walk in to enter
the Sustainable Transport Competition and be in the running
for great prizes!
Free entry – suitable for kids aged 4-10 years.
Contact City of Boroondara for more info on9278 4770
All prospective students and their parents are invited to an
information session and College tour on Saturday, October 24.
Held in the Bunjil Creation Centre, the information sessions
start promptly at 11am and 2pm, followed by student-led tours
of the campus. Our first round of information sessions and
College tours for 2010 will be on Saturday 20th Feb 2010.
Please note that the closing date for applications for Year 7 in
2011 is Friday 26th February 2010.
For further information, please contact the Registrar, Mrs Maria
Nankervis on 9831 9600.
Our Menu offers:
24 options for
Brainfood/Morning Tea
25 options for the 1st Lunch course
20 options for the 2nd Lunch Course.
All orders include a sweet or savoury ‘Biscuit of the Day’.
Orders are received by our customer friendly website until
9.15pm the night before delivery.
St Benedict’s Art Expo 2009
You are invited to attend our Art Expo on
Monday 26th October 2009 with the official opening at 7pm.
The school will also be open to view the students’ art work from
Tuesday 27th October to Friday 30th October until 4pm daily.
St Benedict’s School 3-9 Central Avenue Burwood
Phone: 9808 8551
This cricket introductory program for children
5 to 9 is starting soon. So come along and join in
the fun and make some new friends.
Where: Hartwell Sportsground – End of Beryl St
Glen Iris Melway 60 F7
When: Saturday Mornings starting October 31 9am – 10.30am
Registration Day: Saturday October 31 - 9am
Cost: $55 which includes; Bat, Ball, T-shirt, Backpack,
Hat and other items
Contact: Mark Blundell (M) 0417 011 848 or
It's that time of the year again! The Yr 6s will
be selling icypoles starting next week. It will be
held in front of the Art Room every 2nd break
from 1:45 to 12:05 on Tusedays,Thursday's and
Fridays. If you're feeling hot, come get an icypole for $1. We
will also be having a jellybean guess for 20c. All the money
raised will go towards the
Yr 6s big day out. Thank you
-----------------------------------------------------------IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE THE SCHOOL
Eldest Child’s Class: ……………………………..
Salesian College Chadstone
Open Evening Wednesday 28 October 2009
Commencing at 7.00pm
Mannix Campus
Corner Swanson Crescent & Kelly Street Chadstone
Applications for Year 7 2011 and beyond
are currently being accepted.
Limited positions are available for Years 10–12 in 2010.
Please contact College Registrar 9807 2644.
Are you worried about your child moving into secondary
Is your child worried about fitting in to a new school?
How will your child cope with timetables, traveling, schedules
and new friendships?
If these are your burning questions then this workshop is for
you and your child.
DATE: 28th OCTOBER 2009 - TIME : 7pm SHARP – 8:30pm
@ St Timothy’s PS 21 Stevens Road Vermont
(Parking in church grounds)
COST: $5.00 per family
Please register at your school.
For further information please contact
Coordinator: Shirley O’Sullivan - 9464 5225 or
Saturday 28th November
Volunteers are required to coordinate St Michael’s BBQ at the
front of Vintage Cellars in High Street. This was a very
successful event last year, and we have been given the
opportunity to run this again. If you can help please send your
details (name and phone number) through the office and you
will be contacted.
BUILDING UPDATE - more photos
Extend Out of School Hours Care!
What did we get up to last week?
Last week was yet again great fun for all who attended Extend
Outside School Hours Care at St Michael’s School. We did
heaps of fun activities such as Cooking, Colouring
Competitions, and Origami!
STAR of the week is Sarah B. for her enthusiasm towards
all activities!
Monday 2 Nov (closing date 26 Oct)
& Monday 23 Nov (closing date 16 Nov) 8.00am-6.00pm
($9.70 - $25.00 per child per day with CCB & CCR)
These programs will run only subject to a minimum number of
enrolments. If you require this service you must book before the
specified closing dates! Strictly no cancellations or refunds.
Call 1300 366 437 to book
After Care 3.30pm – 6.00pm
Permanent: $16.50** Casual: $18.50*
*per child per session minus CCB & CCR
**$4.43 - $8.25 with CCB & CCR
Are you missing out on the 50% Child Care
Rebate that is NOT means tested?
You may be missing out on up to $7,778 per
child per year!
Call the Extend Head Office on
1300 366 437 to confirm that you are linked to
receive the CCR.
On the 21st October 2009 St Michael’s participated in a
walkathon to raise money for artificial grass for the school
grounds. We raised the money by walking around the Warner
Reserve and receiving kind donations.
We started walking/running at 10:00am and finished at
11:00am. The Year 6s and Preps were first off and then the
Year 5s and Year 1/2s. Last off was the Year 3 & 4s. Most
people started by walking and running whilst listening to music.
Red faces, puffing kids and itchy legs, it was all part of the fun!
By Kyle Williams and Zara Guneratne
(Blue Sport Captains)
Watch out here comes RED!
As we got there the Preps were putting their drink bottles in the
purple basket and their food along the back, under the red tent.
The rest of the team started to arrive, everyone was so excited
two start. We did some chanting once everyone was there.
After a while we started exercising, Red was doing so well.
There were so many people in red who had completed a lot of
Well done to St .Michael’s and especially to red team.
A message for red,
You rocked the walkathon so…….
By Hannah Purdue & Caitlin Moloney
Today was the St Michaels Walkathon. It was a cloudy spring
morning. The grass was wet when everyone lined up.
“READY, SET, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” shouted Ms. Dalton over the
We started walking and running our first lap. It was an all round
fun day for everyone. Keep fit and stay healthy!
Green House Sports Captains
James O’Dwyer and Bridget Roache
On the 21st of October 2009 we had our school Walkathon.
When we arrived at Warner Reserve we prepared for our warm
up. After we were all warmed up and ready to go we made our
way to the starting line, and go ready to go.
Ms. Dalton was speaking over the loud speaker a said “Year 6s
Ready… Set…….. Go!!!” Then the year 5s “Ready….. Set Go!!”
Then we were off and Walking! After a few minutes you could
see people huffing and puffing, but you could still see the
determination on everyone’s faces especially Gold’s. Time kept
ticking away an everyone was getting extremely tired, as we
heard over the loud speaker “There are 15 minutes to go.” After
what felt like eternity there was now only 2 minutes left. It was
the last song and we were all wrenching for that last lap before
the time was up. Well done Gold for trying your best and having
By Sarah Papadimitriou and Joseph Arthur
(Gold House Sport Captains)