MORNING WORSHIP 2nd Sunday after Pentecost June 7, 2015 Color - Green PREPARING FOR WORSHIP GATHERING Please enter into prayer as God prepare us for worship. Meditate and center into God’s Word. WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome and Passing of Pew Pads We are all guests in God’s house. God welcomes us as we gather in worship. Please take time to fill out the pew pads and pass it to your neighbor. You are my King. You are my King. Jesus, You are my King. Jesus, You are my King. SENT FORTH INTO THE WORLD *HYMN OF SENDING FORTH “Lord of the Dance” Amazing love, how can it be That You my King would die for me? Amazing love, I know it’s true; And it’s my joy to honor You. In all I do, I honor You. LET THE CHILDREN COME (ages 3-11) Pastor Irvin (Following Children’s Time, ages 3-6 may go to Children’s Church) CENTERING PRAYER Living God, Your love has been revealed to us and gives us life. Help us center our minds to grow in your love rather than fear and competition. Amen. RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS Robert and Billie Smith LIGHTING OF THE CANDLES, SYMBOLS OF GOD’S PRESENCE SHARING OF PRAISES AND CONCERNS PASTORAL PRAYER *HYMN OF PRAISE “You Are My King (Amazing Love)” *HYMN OF RESPONSE “My Hope is Built” 3102 W&S I’m forgiven because You were forsaken I’m accepted; You were condemned. I’m alive and well, your Spirit is within me Because You died and rose again. (Repeat) Amazing love, how can it be That You my King would die for me? Amazing love, I know it’s true; And it’s my joy to honor You. In all I do, I honor You. 38 UMH CHORAL RESPONSE * 368 UMH THE GIVING OF GOD’S TITHES AND OUR OFFERINGS *DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise Him all creatures here below Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Amen. Amen. MUSICAL OFFERING THE PEACE PROCLAMATION Amazing love, how can it be That You my King would die for me? Amazing love, I know it’s true; And it’s my joy to honor You. In all I do, I honor You. DISMISSAL “’I assure you that human beings will be forgiven for everything, for all sins and insults of every kind. But whoever insults the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. That person is guilty of a sin with consequences that will last forever.’” (Mark 3:28-29) *POSTLUDE PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING I’m forgiven because You were forsaken I’m accepted; You were condemned. I’m alive and well, your Spirit is within me Because You died and rose again. THE GOSPEL LESSON THE MESSAGE Mark 3:20-35 Anne Price “Spirit World” SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION 261 UMH 12 UMH Sermon Notes: Stand as you are able. Prayer Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. James 5:13-17 Pray for Our Members Pray for those in the Military Steve McManus Pete & Lucy Giles Jimmy Strait Dot Tucker Bob Roberts Susan Vinson Buck & Dottie Beckham Bettie Herron Judy Penn Wayne Grant Debbie Jackson Jacob Richmond Kelly McGuirt-Noe Dominick Minutole James Caminiti Jason Strand (returned home) Zack Edwards Hunter Starnes Cameron Grant Austin Messer Marquis Thornton Andy Bruton Pray for Family & Friends Pray for Our Community Families of abuse Mentally Ill Poverty & Homelessness Domestic Violence Political Leaders Shut-ins Sierra Maloney Wayne Wingate Bob Brock Andrew Betty Pray for Our World World Peace War World Hunger Genocide United States Nepal earthquake victims Pray for the United Methodist Church Our Pastor All Congregations Our Congregation, Cornerstone Our Resource Specialist All District Superintendents Our District Superintendent All Bishops All Students This prayer list will be started anew at the beginning of each month. Please let the church office know if you would like a name added or kept on the list for the next month. Volunteers Serving Cornerstone for June: Ushers: Randy Hayes, Don Mobley, Johnny Starnes, David McManus Scripture Reader This Week: Anne Price; Next Week: Dale Williams Opening & Closing: Mike Painter Altar Guild: Karen Davis Sign Changing: Johnny Starnes Nursery Helper This Week: Jennifer Causey; Next Week: Kathy Starnes Lawn Cutting This Week: Johnny Starnes; Next Week: Bob Roberts CHURCH CALENDAR Sunday, June 7th (Communion): 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship Service Annual Conference begins in Florence Monday, June 8th: 7:00 p.m. Media Team meeting th Tuesday, June 9 : 6:30 p.m. Wings of Faith Lectionary Study for Next Sunday, June 14th: 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13 Psalm 20 or Psalm 72 (UMH 795) 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 (11-13), 14-17 Mark 4:26-34 Welcome to All Who Worship With Us Today Thursday, June 11th: Annual Conference concludes Friday, June 12th-20th: Pastor on vacation (On-call Pastor: Tony Adams @ India Hook UMC 329-7787) (Cell # 417-4154) COMING UP NEXT WEEK Sunday, June 14th: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship Service Saturday, June 20th: Pastor Irvin returns from vacation Thanks to everyone who helped with the cookout last Sunday for the Girl Scouts and baseball team. God bless you all! UMM and Fellowship Committee OUR Stewardship: Current Expenses needed for May: $ 16,982.89 Given so far in May: $ 15,528.36 We need this additional amount: $ 1,454.53 CONNECT, CARE, COMMIT, and SERVE You Can Be The Hands of Jesus! Are you willing to provide a dinner meal for the Adult Counselors from Asbury Hills, during our Summer Camp at Cornerstone? If you are, please contact Karen Davis, email: or 517-1848. We will serve the Camp Counselors dinner at the Church on Sunday, June 21st through Thursday, June 25th. We are looking for volunteers who will cook a meal and bring it to the church. Monetary donations are also being accepted for scholarships—please see Jim Smith. Cornerstone is now providing the following Sunday morning Christian Education opportunities: Kingdom Kids Sunday School (Kingdom Kids Classroom) - 9:45 a.m., ages 5 + Today we welcome Robert and Billie Smith as new members of Cornerstone, by transfer from Aldersgate UMC. CORNERSTONE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Adult Sunday School (Godly Play Classroom) - 9:45 a.m., utilizing Godly Play curriculum with stories from Old & New Testaments begins June today. Ages 15-115! Children’s Church (Godly Play Classroom) – during the worship hour following Children’s Time for ages 3-6. After Children’s Time in the Sanctuary, the children may move to the Godly Play classroom. Parents pick up children at noon. On Communion Sunday the children will be brought to their parents in the Sanctuary for Communion. Connect, Care, Commit, Serve Ministers..............................................…....……..The Congregation Pastor..............................................................Rev. Irvin Plowden, Jr. Secretary……………………………………………..Cary Bartelmo Choir Director...………..……………………………….Zin Bronola Nursery Worker…..…………………………………...Susan Gibson June 7th, 2015 2697 Heckle Boulevard Rock Hill, South Carolina 29732 Office Hours: 9:00 AM — 2:00 PM, Monday through Thursday Office Phone: 803-328-1496 Parsonage Phone: 803-328-2887 E-Mail: Website:
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