St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church 271 WINCHESTER STREET WARRENTON, VIRGINIA 20186 Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time March 2, 2014 “How lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord God of Hosts.” PASTOR Rev. James R. Gould Psalm 84:1 PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Mark Moretti SPANISH APOSTOLATE Rev. Christopher D. Murphy 540-522-8968 DEACONS Rev. Mr. J. D. Williams Rev. Mr. Don Libera Rev. Mr. Daniel Resendes (Ret.) MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil ........ 5:00 & 7:00 pm (Spanish) Sunday .............................. 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am, 12:30 & 5:30 pm Weekdays .................................... 6:30 & 8:30 am (Saturday 8:30 am only) Holy Days as Announced CONFESSIONS Wednesday ................................................ 8:00 pm Saturday ..................... 9:00 am, 4:00 - 5:00 pm Sunday ....................½ hour before every Mass Spanish Sabados ....................................................... 6:30 pm SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Second & Fourth Sundays at 2:00 pm. Preparation is required. Contact Beverly Gaunt at 347-2922, ext. 201 to make arrangements. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Couples wishing to be married MUST contact Darlene Clark, 347-2922, ext. 202 at least six months prior to wedding. Para Informacion en Espanol, Llame 540-347-2922, ext. 211. SICK CALLS Please notify the Parish Office for visits and/or Communion calls to the sick and shut-ins. BULLETIN DEADLINE Submissions are due in writing at 4:00 pm Thursday, ten days prior to the Sunday of publication. All pulpit announcement requests for the following Sunday must be submitted in writing by 12:00 noon, Thursday. PASTORAL STAFF SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 540-270-6774 Director of Operations Mrs. Darlene Clark............ 347-2922, ext. 202 FACILITIES SCHEDULING Use of all facilities must be scheduled through Darlene Clark, 347-2922, ext. 202. Director of Music Mr. James W. Noakes ..... 347-2922, ext. 206 Director of Religious Education Mrs. Sherin Murphy......... 347-2922, ext. 209 Receptionist/Bulletin Editor Mrs. Beverly Gaunt .......... 347-2922, ext. 201 School Principal Mr. Arthur Fairweather .....................347-2458 Director of Pre-School Mrs. Julie Copeland .............................347-5341 PARISH REGISTRATION If you live within our parish boundaries and have not yet registered, please contact the parish office. PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday ............................ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 - 4:00 pm Phone........................ 540-347-2922 Fax........................... 540-347-1274 On the web ...................................................................................... St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin 2 March 2014 MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES FOR THIS WEEK FINANCE CORNER Weekly Goal Weekly Offertory for 16 Feb Weekly Offertory for last week Faith Direct* Total Weekly Offertory w/FD for 16 Feb Total Weekly Offertory w/FD for last week + / – for 16 Feb + / – for last week Poor Box Thank you for your generosity!!! † Sunday, March 2 $ 30,000 $ 21,624 $ 23,319 $ 6,548 $ 24,172 $ 29,687 - $ 5,828 - $ 133 $ 571 Confessions ½ hour before every Mass Café & Donuts ~ 8:00am Mercy Hall † Monday, March 3 LOM ~ 9:45am Mercy Hall Trail Life Meeting ~ 7:00pm K of C Social Hall † Tuesday, March 4 Contributions via Faith Direct are deposited in the` parish bank account once a month. The total deposit in February designated for Offertory of $27,834 has been divided by four and added to the weekly totals. Original Church loan value: $1,858,878 Current Church loan value: $ 990,120 RETIRE THE DEBT (RTD) UPDATE Building Loan Amount $1 M Monthly payment on loan $ 25,000.00 RTD Collection – February $ 14,628.00 +/- $ 10,372.00 Note: A minus figure must be made up through church funds generally used for other ministries. Mass Schedule & Intentions Rosary ~ 8:00am Church Shrove Tuesday Meal ~ 5:00pm Mercy Hall Light Weigh ~ 6:30pm K of C Social Hall Bible Timeline ~ 7:00pm Mercy Hall † Wednesday, March 5 Ash Wednesday Masses ~ 6:30, 8:30am, 12:30 & 7:30pm Miraculous Medal Novena and Benediction ~7 to 8pm Legion of Mary ~ 7:15pm Parish Center AA Meeting ~ 7pm Mercy Hall Spanish RCIA ~ 7:00pm Parish Center Confessions ~ 8:00pm † Thursday, March 6 Lenten Confessions ~ 8:00pm † Friday, March 7 Young at Heart ~ 9:30am Mercy Hall Divine Mercy ~ 3:00pm Church WOSJ Lenten Soup Supper ~ 5:00pm Mercy Hall Lenten Confessions ~ 8:00pm Monday ~ 3/3/14 † 6:30am Claire Filson 8:30am Lester Francis + Tuesday ~ 3/4/14 6:30am Earl Bill + 8:30am Patrick Connolly + Wednesday ~ 3/5/14 6:30am Debbie Frazier 8:30am Joao, Palmira, Jose Roddrigues + 12:30 Shawn Schifko + 7:30 Marie Britton + Thursday ~ 3/6/14 6:30am Anthony Sharkey + 8:30am John Karhoff + Friday ~ 3/7/14 6:30am Brenda Chichester 8:30am Norman Takac + Saturday ~ 3/8/14 8:30am Maureen Reefe + Vigil 5:00pm Millie Sala + Fr. Murphy 7:00pm Arlene Kerick + Sunday ~ 3/9/14 7:30am Marie Britton + 9:00am Jill Fratangelo + 10:45am John & Francis McDonough + 12:30pm Lucy Birzis + 5:30pm Parishioners of St. John REMEMBERING LOVED ONES The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week for Carmel & Raphael Semmes Saturday, March 8 Confessions 9am and 4pm RCIC 1st Communion Retreat ~ 8:00am Trinity Hall Spanish Stations of the Cross ~ 6:45pm Church English Stations of the Cross ~ 7:30pm Church † Sunday, March 9 Confessions ½ hour before every Mass Pancake Breakfast ~ 7:00am Mercy Hall LOM Curia ~ 2:00pm Mercy Hall Baptisms ~ 2:00pm Church Please let us know when your loved ones have returned home safely. Thank you! Please Pray For Our Men And Women In The Service Of Our Country: Michael O’Neal, Frank Snyder, Adam Neil, Louis Melancon, Kirt and Mark Wlaschin, Dan Flatley, Jason Tulowitzki, Joseph Wheeler, Lewis Shadle, Timothy O’Bryant, Patrick Matlock, Sigfredo Quiles, Nicholas Crumett, Jonathan Lewis, Chris Hawks, Robert Anzenberger, Jimmy Topper, Timothy Trax, Stephen Hacker, Chase Villavicencio (Carta), Richard Piscal, Mason Mugnolo, Douglas Sherman, Paul Harper, Joshua A. Owens, Ashley Parker, Thomas Amodeo, Kevin Koehr, John E. Kenney, John Crosby, Matthew Fisher, Sgt. Eric Schneider, Sean Breen, John Bowes, John C. Orban, Stefan Theriault, Ian Berg, Jen and Craig Byer, Captains Hayden and Andy Howell, Zach Angell, Nicholas Castelli, Andrew Wing, Patrick Drury, Patrick Hilleary, James B. Lewis, Thomas Richardson, Cody Jeunette, Taylor P. Soderman, Ryan Foley, Taylor Clouse 8 th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Amy G., Mary Ann Hassan, John Shepherd, Shawn Cooper, Rita Glofka, Louise Servideo, Frances Centanni, Curtis Clark, Hazel Lucci, Rosemarie Stevens, Stephen Curley, Peggy Dearden, Pam Gay, Dolores Shero, Peter Anthony, Cindy Goletz, Marianna Traczuk, Emily Winkler, Thomas Stanley, Thomas Stanley, Jr., Irene Petersen, Richard McMullen, Dorothy Coe, Virginia Staats, Dorothy Laster, George Rosenberger, Loretto Sullivan, Jerry McPherson, Jillian Simonson, Jeffrey Stonerock, Christine Amodeo, Florence Grabowicz, Jack Britton, Lucy Walbroehl, Sadie Brooks, Cynthia Bailey, Tyler Golden, John Lyddane, Arleen J. Harris, Caroline O’Grady, J. D. Jeter, Sister Mariangeles Lutz, Peter Romero, Pat Sanders, Joanna Karhoff, George Chapman, Lee Garneau, Robin Collins, Louis Raymond, Sharon Simpson, Ann Carroll, Peter Fisher, Margaret Regis, Tommy Lloyd, Charles Prizmonte, Polly O’Meara, John Curella, Andrew Schwartz, Randy Creel, Juan Arroyo, Donovan Griffin, Daniel Griffin, Martha Miller, Bill Flook, Grace O’Connor, Ines Goncalves, Carol Begley, Idaldo Perez, Catherine Stouffer, Kim Smith, David Satkovich, Roy Green, Ivy Thompson, Sharon Lively, Karina Schulte, Elias Schulte, Greg Taylor, Phil Doucet, Sam Lilley, Mary Van Schaick, Patricia Boros, Sue Kemper, Marge Snopik, Rob Sylcox, Phil Morris, Marissa Jackson, Raymond Coe, Robert Griffin, Ida Klepper, Gene Bailey, Logan Andrzejewski, Kevin Teer, Frances Collins, Warren Collins, Dave McNichol, Susan Kip, Amelia Szafir, Vincent Connolly EUCHARISTIC ADORATION ~ The preLenten 40 Hours Devotion will begin Sunday, March 2nd and end Tuesday, March 4th. Throughout the 40-Hours Devotion we will have Eucharistic Adoration. Please use the sign-up sheets that are available in the vestibule to schedule your pre-Lenten Holy Hour. There will be NO Eucharistic Adoration from March 5th-8th (Wednesday thru Saturday) because of Adoration during the 40 Hours Devotion. As we prepare ourselves for Lent, why not make a resolution to spend more time with the Lord at Adoration? Come and allow Him to bless your year and your life! Come let us adore Him - all year long! Please consider committing to one hour a week - any hour that will work with your schedule, or if you can, commit to one of the following hours where we are short of Adorers: Thursdays 4-5pm; Fridays 2-3am, 3-4am, 11am-12pm, 1-2pm; and Saturdays 1-2am, 3-4am. Contact Teresa Letteri at 540-287-2870 or; or Christy Williams at 540-788-4560 or to schedule your weekly hour. A GREAT TRADITION CONTINUES Please join Fr. Gould and Fr. Moretti for the annual 40 hours devotion as a beneficial spiritual preparation for the season of Lent. St. John's will host Fr. Mark Byrne from Christendom College, a great priest who combines deep spiritual reflection with his Irish wit and charm. 40 hours devotion will commence on Sunday, March 2nd following the concert and will continue Monday at 7pm, and conclude on Tuesday at 7pm. Plan to bring yourself and your family and friends to gain the spiritual refreshment that God provides during this holy time. Noticias para la comunidad hispana: Confesiones todos los sábados a las 6:30pm Misa en español todos los sábados a las 7pm Sacramento del Bautismo: La clase se imparte el primer sábado de cada mes, la clase es requerida antes de recibir o participar de este sacramento. Los padres y padrinos deben asistir a la clase. Por favor de llamar a 540-347-2922 Ext. 211 para registrarse. DIVINE MERCY - "JESUS I TRUST IN YOU"... The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed every Friday with The Mercy Stations of the Cross from 3:00 - 4:00pm during Eucharistic Adoration. Donna Marie Stanislaw ADULT EDUCATION SERIES Have you experienced hardship dealing with a difficult boss or colleague, maintaining Christian integrity and ethics in business decisions, balancing family and career, seeking excellence in one’s work, or caring for co-workers? Then you are not alone, and will be pleased to find answers to these questions and many others. Please join Fr. Moretti as he leads an adult education series during Lent on keeping Christ in your workplace. The lecture and discussion series will be held in the school 7th grade class room starting Wednesday, March 12th, 19th and 26th and April 2nd at 7:30 pm. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE…..begins on March 5th and concludes on April 17th. A lot can happen in 40 Days. Latest statistics: 8,245 babies saved from abortion; 88 abortion workers converted; 43 abortion facilities completely shut down; 600,000 praying and fasting for an end to abortion across the USA. Please join those praying at the Amethyst Abortion Facility located at 9380-B Forestwood Lane, Manassas, VA. Choose the day and hour you will come. Your presence and prayers save lives. FMI contact Katie McClure (540) 347-0545. ADULT DISCUSSION GROUP The Patricians Society of the Legion of Mary will hold its next adult discussion group on March 8th from 10am-12pm in the Library of St. John's School. The topic will be "What are the Nine Levels of Christian Prayer?" Questions to be discussed are, "What is the relationship between prayer and salvation? How can I advance in my prayer life?" "What is the difference between ascetical prayer and mystical prayer?" All are invited to come and join in the discussion. Please contact Bill Flook at 540.347.9651 for further information. CONCERT OF CATHOLIC SACRED MUSIC ~ All are welcome, Sunday, March 2nd, at 7:00pm here at St. John’s Church; featuring the parish choir and James Noakes, Organist. Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) Please keep all of our Catechumens and Candidates in your prayers as they participate in The Rite of Elect at St. Thomas More next weekend, and as they begin their Scrutinies. St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin 2 March 2014 Dear Folks, Although it is currently snowing as I write this letter I know that we are, if you excuse the pun, slip-sliding away from the dreadful winter. Few of us have memories of negotiating such a difficult season of snow and frigid weather. Many thanks go out to the many heroic folks who did so much in the removal of ice and snow from the parish properties. Dawn Wimer, maintenance director of the parish, actually slept in her office for three nights in a row while chipping away at the unending snow fall. Her assistants Bill Helsel and Brenda Chichester were hard at it with shovels and regular operational duties. John Gorg, parishioner-extraordinaire, and his company never rested. They were running their plows round the clock in their duties of snow removal. Now the daunting task of resetting tire bumpers in the upper parking lot, replacing the speed bumps, and addressing damage to the lawns. Well done to our wonderful people. Tonight marks the beginning of the Forty Hours Devotion. But, before it starts the parish will be treated to a music concert by Mr. James Noakes, choir director of the parish. During the past few weeks he has offered a class on Church music to the general Fauquier Community and now offers a closing recital to the parish and those well beyond our borders. All are welcome to join us in the Church tonight at 7:00pm. Forty Hours Devotion starts at 8:30 PM. Fr. Mark Byrne, chaplain at Christendom College will direct this year’s Forty Hours Devotions. In addition to the service on Sunday night he will offer 7:30 Masses on Monday and Tuesday evenings. All are encouraged to join us in the Lord’s presence. Sign-up sheets for the Forty Hours can be found in the front door of the Church. Fr. Moretti will take all teenagers, who join him at 3:00am on Tuesday, March 4th to breakfast at I-Hop after they complete their hour with the Lord. Lent will soon be here. It is a time for prayer and penance that will help to fortify our hearts and souls to seek the Lord with a greater hunger and thirst as well as to resist the temptations of the world, flesh, and the devil. The devotional practices may involve saying the rosary each night with the family, attending Mass during the weekdays, and getting to Confession with all the family. Emphasis on the third option directed to the big fish of the parish. During Lent we may give up certain things that have great appeal to us such as salt, sugar, soda, and chocolate. You don’t have to give up Cold-Stone Ice Cream. Fr. Moretti, true to form, will give up bacon once again. Which means, true to form, I will be up early at the stove on this coming Thursday morning cooking up the bacon and sausage. Hmmm? It should give me something extra to talk about when I next hit the Box. But, I digress. For your calendars: Lenten Soup Suppers for be held each Friday night at 5:00-7:00pm. Please come hungry. Confessions will be heard each weeknight all through Lent at 8:00pm. Tuesday, March 4th, will be the annual Shrove Tuesday dinner by the Knights, 5:00-7:00pm. April 11th, Living Stations. Stay tuned. Let us pray for one another. Collegiate Answer: In reference to the recent celebration of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple I asked where the swaddling clothes of Jesus may be found today. According to over eight centuries of tradition, the swaddling clothes that baby Jesus wore during the presentation at the Temple are kept in Dubrovnik Cathedral, Croatia. Collegiate Question: In honor of our high school CCD classes we offer this question. According to the Guiness World Book of Records, what is the oldest university in the world to offer academic degrees? And where is it to be found? Father Gould St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin ST. JOHN SCHOOL "Cabin Fever" has not appeared, among the students and teachers at the Elementary school yet. This phenomenon usually occurs in February during the school year, because the students are cooped up and cannot enjoy recess, and spring break is far away. However, because of all the snow days, the students are out of school and playing in the snow. They are a fresh as a daisy, and long to be back at school! However, the starting and stopping of instructional time is not good. We will attempt to recapture hours of instruction in the spring. Switching gears, St. John said goodbye to a remarkable educator, Beth Roach, on a sun soaked winter day right before all the snow. Thank you to all the parishioners that helped with the luncheon following the service, and all those parents and students who attended the Mass for her. She touched a lot of lives. Have a great week and God bless you! Art Fairweather, Principal ST. JOHN PRESCHOOL/PRE-K Thank you to all of the families that joined us for our Open House. Registration is now under way for St. John Preschool. Space is limited. Please contact the Preschool Office for registration information and to schedule a tour at 540347-5341. Info about the Preschool can also be found on our website at The PTO is selling custom made rosaries, rosary braceletts and other religious jewelry items hand made by Dorota Sularczyk. Stop by the school for more information and to place an order. We are currently planning our annual Auction/Casino Night. If you have any items or services you are willing to donate, please contact Susan Bloom at Please contact Laurie at for more information. Thank you for your continued support of Catholic education at St. John School. CAFÉ Relax and warm up after Mass while you are waiting on religious ed classes. Join us in Mercy Hall after the 7:30, 9 and 10:45am Masses and enjoy a free drink. Donuts and other goodies are available for purchase and support St. John ministries. Our March dates are the 2nd, 23rd and 30th. Adult or teen help is appreciated/needed for set up/clean up and serving. Please call Susan Tullington at 349-4285 or email at to schedule. The café is a great place to meet your fellow parishioners. WE ARE LOOKING FOR HOLY CARDS, CROSSES, MEDALS, ROSARIES & SMALL STATUES - Do you have any religious items in your house that are no longer used? Do you receive religious items in the mail from those organizations seeking donations and you have no idea what to do with those items? Well the Religious Ed program could definitely use them! Please drop them off at the Parish Office and you will be blessed with many heavenly rewards! 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Please check the website for an updated calendar of scheduled classes. W it h t he c old a nd f l u se a s on y our c h ild/ c hi ldr e n are n ot w e ll, ple a se k e e p t he m a t hom e m a k e sur e w e ha v e y our c ur r e nt inf o. Tha nk y ou! he r e , if f e e ling a nd c ont a c t Inclement Weather: In case of inclement weather, please check the parish website at or call 540-347-2922 and press 5 on your telephone keypad. For Monday and Tuesday evening sessions, the RE program will follow the Fauquier County “after school” cancellations. 7 8 TH & TH GRADE RETREAT: This year’s retreat is once again for all seventh and eighth graders in the parish, and will be held on Saturday, March 15th (9:3am - 12 noon) at St. John's school Trinity Hall. Please check the website for information. So mark your calendars! First Communion Parent Meeting: Sunday, March 2nd in St. John's School Trinity Hall at 9:30am OR 11:15am. Parents, please attend the meeting time that best fits your schedule. The meeting should last 20-30 minutes. CONFIRMATION 2014: Please continue to work on your hours. Remember to read your complete packet and that all hours are to be completed by June 30th. The remainder of the forms are due before July 25th ~ but please do not wait until the last minute as all forms can be turned in when completed. Please update the red binder in the back of the church when you have completed your Spiritual Exercises: Family Rosary, Eucharistic Holy Hour, and Stations of the Cross. The Fridays of Lent with Stations of the Cross at St. John the Evangelist are: March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, and April 4th and 11th. Matthew: The King and His Kingdom Join us at St. John’s in Mercy Hall on Tuesdays at 7 pm. For more information or to register for the study, contact the RE Office or turn in a completed registration form which can be found online at the parish website, in the parish office, & in the vestibule of the church. In the next few weeks we will be discussing MATTHEW Chapters 14, 15 and 16. Come join us for lively discussion and insights into this wonderful book in the New Testament! St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin MUSIC CORNER As a new choir season approaches we encourage new singers to join our choirs. The adult choir resumes rehearsals on September 5. The children's choir resumes rehearsals on September 13th. Elementary school students who are at least 8 years old are welcome. For more info see contacts below. Choir Schedule: Adult Choir Rehearsal: Thursdays, 7:30pm in Church Children's Choir Rehearsal: Fridays at 3:30pm in the school. James Noakes: 347-2922, x206 Saturday Vigil Mass Rehearsals: Saturday, 4:00pm in the church. James Noakes: 347-2922, x206 Sunday Evening Mass Rehearsals: Sunday, 3:30pm in the Church. Ken SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL If you are searching for a little ‘tangible’ something to do during the Lenten season, consider shopping for a few much-needed pantry items. Our current shortages include: Small containers of coffee, laundry detergent, dish detergent, dishwasher detergent, and household cleaning products of all types. Personal product needs include toilet paper, shampoo, disposable razors, deodorant, tooth paste and feminine hygiene products. Food items include pasta sauces, cereals, powdered & canned milk and saltines or other crackers. Thank you and God bless you for your continued support. Please visit for more information. Follow us @ SVDPStJohns. 540-270-6774 FUNERAL RECEPTION MINISTRY Your help is needed! Are you looking for a way to get involved in our Church Community? The Funeral Reception Ministry provides a reception for grieving family and friends after the funeral of a loved one in St. John’s Mercy Hall. There is opportunity for meaningful involvement of parish community by buying or preparing food for funeral receptions, set-up, serving and clean-up. Also, you may contribute by donating fresh flowers to be used to decorate the tables. This is an easy, but extremely important function, and truly appreciated by family and friends of the deceased. You are not obligated to participate each time, only when you are able. If you are interested in becoming a part of this ministry, email Mary Jo Meding at with your name, email address, and a contact phone number and how you would like to participate in this ministry. If you do not have an email, you may call at (h) 347 5846 or (c) 703 508 3170. Thank you in advance for your help. 2 March 2014 K of C PANCAKE BREAKFAST The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a th pancake breakfast on Sunday, March 9 after the 7:30 and 9:00am Masses. ST. PATRICK’S DAY DINNER/ DANCE MARCH 15TH The Knights of Columbus will be hosting its Annual St, Patrick’s Day Dinner/Dance on Saturday th evening, March 15 in Mercy Hall. As a special surprise we are very happy to announce the return of old time Chef Tom Drinkwater to do our cooking. Chef Tom will be preparing scrumptious corned beef and cabbage, along fresh baked ham, string beans, carrots and good ol’ fashioned homemade Irish soda bread. Beer/wine and setups provided. BYOB if you wish. Once again this year we will be entertained by the Boyle School of Irish Dance and music for your dancing pleasure will be provided by Carl Bohman, of Family DJ’s. It all happens March 15th in Mercy Hall from 6:00 - 11:00pm. Tickets are $30 per person or $60 per couple and are available at the Knight’s booth after all Masses, or online at For more information contact: Roy Francis at 540-222-5368. ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISE TO BERMUDA! Getting tired of this long and bitter cold winter? Let your thoughts drift eastward to the sunny and beautiful island of Bermuda! Please plan to join Fr. Moretti on a fun cruise this summer to this tropical delight. We are taking reservations now for a Royal Caribbean adventure that will be a delight for you and your family and a benefit for Saint John's school as well. The 7 night vacation will depart from Baltimore on July 18th and sail down the Chesapeake Bay, past Norfolk and Virginia Beach and east toward Bermuda. We will be there for three nights, with ample time to see the island and enjoy all the summer sports activities you can imagine. A leisurely cruise home and the ship arrives in Baltimore on the 25th. Royal Caribbean can configure rooms with bunk beds to allow four children to a room as a cost saver. Our travel agent for this trip is Rosemarie Benderoth and she can be reached at 703-980-0721. Call soon for best room selections. Father Moretti will offer Mass everyday on-board for Saint John's group. YOUNG @ th On March 7 Our guest will be Trevor, of Shillelaghs Club, coming to tell us about the Club and our January Cruise. January 24th - Feb 3rd. Also we will discuss upcoming events, activities, and trips. Our Nashville Show Trip still has room for you and you DO NOT need to be a member of YOUNG @ HEART to attend. Call Mary 540-347-5443 or Jackie 315-264-1447 for info. Ronald J. Aiani, P.C. Attorneys at Law Professional Legal Service on a Personal Level Bankruptcy ~ Personal & Business Personal Injury · Wills, Trusts & Estates Tax Matters · Business & Corporate Matters Commercial Rentals and Warrenton Self Storage Loving Care When You're Not There Mid-Day Walks & Visits · Vacation/ Holiday · Special Needs Excellent References · Bonded · Insured · Licensed 540-347-5555 Ronald J. Aiani Former IRS Trial Attorney Lynn E. Aiani 86 East Lee Street · Warrenton, VA 20186 540-347-5295 We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code. (Across From Faquier Court House) P.O. Box 3600 · Warrenton, VA 20188 Natural, Pasture Raised Beef A-1 GLASS COMPANY Sold by the 1/2, 1/4 and Whole (All Saints Parishioner) Glass • Mirrors • Plastics • Windshields Family Owned For Over 40 Years 703.989-9478 7278 Centreville Road, Manassas w w w. v i r g i n i a l o w l i n e b e e f . c o m “Give Us A Break” 703-368-4627 Parishioner 540-272-9546 St. Joseph's Roofing, Inc. Roofing • Windows Gutters • Siding 703-716-7663 Compliments of Dr. Alfred C. Griffin, Jr. Orthodontist Children and Adults Diplomate-American Board of Orthodontics 179 Broadview Ave. Warrenton, VA (540) 347-1888 John B. Rethman, D.V.M. DMV GoLd Animal Medical Center of Warrenton DR. THOMAS P. NICOLAI & Jewelry Exchange FAUQUIER CHIROPRACTIC We Buy Gold, Silver and Collectibles Top Dollar Paid Guaranteed 540-347-5900 493 B R · S 350 · W lackwell oad uite 540-422-0963 Shopping Center With Papa John (Next To McDonalds) arrenton Tom Camarca, Parishioner P 540-428-0025 F 540-428-2005 79 Garrett Street · Warrenton, VA 20186 Dentistry for the Whole Family Quality-Integrity-Compassion 540-347-3396 Comprehensive Care For Children And Adults Appointments: Mon.-Thurs. 8am-5pm · Fri. 8am-4pm 220 Culpeper Street · (Corner of Culpeper Street & 29 Business) Parishioner Dr. Robert C. Flikeid · Dr. Natalja A. Vlasek · Dr. Michael G. Koerner · Dr. William H. Allison · Dr. Bryan T. Zop "Landscapes with Distinction" John Gorg, Parishioner (571) 237-5719 Life In Balance Counseling Center Individual Adult & Couples Therapy 202-345-6899 Dr. Carolina Walsh, Ed.D, LPC Treasure Box Thrift & Consignment Store Like Treasure Box Thrift & Consignment On To View New Items As Soon As They Arrive! Items Include: Furniture, Household Goods and Much More! WARRENTON, VA • 540-359-6801 B74701 (EM) - St. John the Evangelist, Warrenton FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836Inside Moser Funeral Home, Inc. 233 Broadview Avenue Warrenton 347-3431 Serving the Area Since 1836 Randolph T. Minter, President BRIGHT VIEW CEMETERY, Inc. Single Sites, Family Lot, Memorials, Perpetual Care Three Miles from Warrenton in Beautiful Fauquier County 347-3431 HomeWork Remodeling Improve Your Quality of Life 15% OFF For All Church Members SAMUEL S. ARONHIME, DMD, PLC CROWNS & BRIDGES · IMPLANTS · VENEERS · BONDING · WHITENING · NITROUS OXIDE · DENTURES 8360 W. Main Street · Marshall, VA A Practice Dedicated to Excellence WINDOWS – SIDING ROOFING – DECKS Free Estimates Free Financing 703-803-6500 NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS - CALL TODAY! 540-364-2400 Physical Therapist Paintings - Prints - Needlework - Memorabilia (F) 540-645-6093 381 Stuyvesant St., Ste. 4 · Warrenton, VA 20186 The science of healing, the art of caring. The Van Gils Law Firm DOMINION EYE CARE Julie Maybach Royal, PT, MSPT, CWS (P) 540-347-4005 Business Law and Estate Planning 540-351-0890 Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry 8387 W. Main St. Marshall, VA 20115 540-364-1821 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • REMODELING ROOFING • SIDING • SHEET METAL 703-368-7483 FAX 703-368-7658 COMPREHENSIVE EYE CARE LASIK, CATARACT SURGERY, ReSTOR LENS, DIABETIC CARE, CORNEAL DISEASE 8140 Ashton Avenue #120 Manassas, VA 20109 (703) 361-3128 FAX: (703) 361-3670 15195 Heathcote Blvd. #310 Haymarket, VA 20169 388 Hospital Drive Warrenton, VA 20186 (571) 261-3033 (540) 349-0906 FAX: (571) 261-3133 John Goetz Law, PLC JOHN P. GOETZ, ESQ. Attorney & Counsellor at Law 13042 BALLS FORD ROAD · MANASSAS, VA 20109 FAX (540) 349-3298 Foreign & Domestic Repair & Maintenance 540-359-6605 75 WEST LEE STREET · SUITE 104 · WARRENTON, VA Christine Duvall REALTOR® 8078 Crescent Park Dr., Ste. 205 Gainesville, VA 20155 Cell 540-270-6344 Office 703-753-7910 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated · HALLS ENTERPRISE NORTHROCK BARBERSHOP Total Home Improvements 703-675-3374 540-349-8404 528 Fletcher Drive · Warrenton, VA ROYSTON FUNERAL HOME INC. (540) 364-1731 Marshall,VA 20116 VINCENT J. MURRAY, DDS, PC JAMIE L. CHILDRESS, DDS 5 ROCK POINTE LANE, SUITE 100, WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-349-0056 Parishioner B74701 (EM) - St. John the Evangelist, Warrenton DOG SPA $9.99 HAIRCUT WEE BOUNCE PARTY RENTALS Moon Bounces • Concessions Tables • Chairs Parishioner of St. John's (540) 999-8240 Luxury Mobile Dog Grooming Marriage, Family, Adult and Child Counseling Barbara McGunn, LPC, LMFT 20+ Years Experience • Parishioner 540-439-8227 Warrenton 571-294-6087 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 outside
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