Fremantle Catholic Community Parish Office located within the Parish Centre at the rear of the Basilica Postal Address: 47 Adelaide St, Fremantle WA 6160 Phone: (08) 93352268 Fax: (08) 9430 6076 Email:; Webmail: Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm Weekday and Weekend Masses 7.00am Convent Mass Monday to Friday except public holidays 12.10pm Mass Monday to Saturday; 7.00pm Evening Mass Wednesday and Friday 6.00pm Saturday Vigil Mass; Sunday Masses 7.00am, 8.30am, 9.45am (In Italian), 11.00am and 5.00pm St Anne’s North Fremantle Sunday Mass 8.15am; first Sunday of the month 12.15pm Polish Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 9.30am-10.30am; 11.00am-12.00noon and 4.30pm-5.30pm BAPTISM AND WEDDING ENQUIRIES CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE DURING OFFICE HOURS FROM THE PARISH PRIEST - Fr Tony Maher omi Pentecost is not a name. In Greek it is a number, fifty. It is the conclusion of the fifty days of the Easter season. This great solemnity completes the mission of Jesus on this earth and inaugurates the life of the Church in his name. Mass Intentions and Feast Days Sat 23 May 12.10pm Loyola Teh (dec’d) 6pm Holy Souls in Purgatory Sun 24 May Pentecost 7am Therese Bouchereau (dec’d) 8.30am Sacred Heart Sodality 11am Special Intention Pray for Delfin Pelias (dec’d) The two great solemnities of our liturgy are Easter with Pentecost, and Christmas with Epiphany. Our Christian story began when the eternal Son of God become human in the womb of Mary, a Jewish maiden, and was born as an offspring of King David in Bethlehem. The Epiphany—and we remember that the Magi were Gentiles, not Jews—manifested that Jesus was born as the Saviour, not only of the Jewish people from whom he had come, but of all people for whom he had come. His mission was universal. Pentecost concludes the mission of the Son of God upon this earth in his humanity, but it marks the beginning of the life and mission of Christ in his Church. The Church is now his body, his mystical body, filled with the life of his Holy Spirit, which is the soul of the Church. Through his Spirit, who fills the whole Church with life and love, Christ is faithful to his promise, “Know that I am with you always until the end of the world.” 5pm For the People Mon 25 May 12.10pm Marek Wlodarczyk Tues 26 May 12.10pm Pasquale & Maria Di Re (dec’d) Pray for Kevin James (int for good health) Wed 27 May 12.10pm Pietro Martinelli (dec’d) 7pm Ignazio De Bari (dec’d) Thurs 28 May 12.10pm Holy Souls and all Armed Forces Personnel Past and Present Fri 29 May 12.10pm Holy Souls in Purgatory 7pm Petra Zele (dec’d 5th anniv.) Sat 30 May 12.10pm 6pm Archdiocese of perth prayer PARISH NEWS Gracious God, The Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians On Monday 25 May we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, the Patron Saint of Australia. All welcome to attend Mass on Monday at 12.10pm, in the Basilica, to pray for our country and its people. You have blessed our diocese with many gifts, and you call us to share those gifts with The Planned Giving Program: The planned giving program is an important part of the Parish as it allows us to maintain all aspects of the Basilica, Presbytery and Parish Administration Centre. In order to keep the Parish viable we must maintain a target of 95% and above each week. This week’s giving was 91% of the target. Thankyou! courage and generosity. CBC Exams Commencing Monday 25 May until Friday 5 June some 100 students from CBC will sit examinations in our Parish Centre. Please keep these students and all students who begin exams in your prayers. We ask that you also be aware of the students in the parish centre when using the toilet area. The Record Copies of the eRecord are available in the side foyers. Panorama, what’s happening around the Archdiocese, will be posted on the noticeboards in the Church when available. Sacrament of Reconciliation On Tuesday 19 May, 48 students from the parish and St Patrick’s Primary received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please keep these students, their teachers and their families in your prayers this week. others. We thank you for this call and commit ourselves anew to responding with In this time of challenge and hope for the Church you invite us to start afresh from Christ your Son and to contemplate his face so that we might recognise him in others, especially those who suffer. In doing so may we experience a new wave of grace, so that the light of Christ may burn more brightly in our lives. Attune our hearts and minds to the presence of your Holy Spirit, that our Church may be transformed, our relationships be healed, and our nation grow in compassion and justice. With the intercession of St Mary MacKillop, who showed us new ways of living the Gospel, We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen. Mary, Help of Christians Pray for us. ORGANIST & DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Dominic Perissinotto Cantor 6:00pm: Fleur Brockway 8:30am: Delia Price 11.00am: The St Paul's Choir from JSRACS Dir Jamil Osman; Jonathan Bradley and Dominic Perissinotto (organists) 5:00pm: Stephen De Filippo Processional CWB 653 Penitential Rite Colin D Smith cfc adapted Paul Mason – Mass Shalom: 2/25; 11:00am: Jean Langlais – Messe Solennelle for choir and organ Gloria Colin D Smith cfc adapted Paul Mason – Mass Shalom: 2/26; 11:00am: Jean Langlais – Messe Solennelle for choir and organ Responsorial Psalm CWB 316; Sequence CWB 317 Gospel Acclamation CWB 545 Offertory 6:00pm: Francesco Paolo Tosti – Ave Maria 11.00am: Sir Edward Elgar – Ave Verum Op 2 No 1 Holy Holy Colin D Smith cfc adapted Paul Mason – Mass Shalom: 2/30 Eucharistic Acclamation Colin D Smith cfc adapted Paul Mason – Mass Shalom Acclamation 3: 2/31 Amen Colin D Smith cfc adapted Paul Mason – Mass Shalom: 2/31; Our Father CWB 524/525 Lamb of God Colin D Smith cfc adapted Paul Mason – Mass Shalom: 2/32; 11:00am: Jean Langlais – Messe Solennelle for choir and organ Communion 6:00pm: George Fredrich Handel – “Thou shalt bring them in” from Israel in Egypt HWV 54 11.00am: Sir Edward Elgar – “Spirit of the Lord” from The Apostles Op 49 Reflection CWB 655; Recessional CWB 676 To celebrate the birth of Princess Charlotte We are having a high tea on Wednesday 10 June at 1pm in the St Patrick’s Parish Centre All proceeds to PREGNANCY ASSISTANCE (A Catholic Charity providing compassionate care to women irrespective of religion or race) A small donation of newborn babies clothing, maternity wear (new or excellent secondhand) or baby/womens toiletries would be greatly appreciated Tickets $10 each (Tickets available from the Parish Office and Piety Stall) A DIFFERENT DRUM HOLISTIC HEALTH CLINIC Shop 6, Johnson Court, 23 Adelaide St, Fremantle Contact: Maree Graham 94335778 or 0414630341 *Massage *Relaxation & Meditation *Counseling/Spiritual Direction *Retreats in Daily Living Children’s Liturgy Children’s Liturgy is held every Sunday during school term during the 8.30am Mass All Welcome ************ St Patrick’s Morning Tea Next cuppa for 2015 will be on Sunday 7 June, 2015 after the 8.30am Mass All Welcome SENIORS LUNCHES LUNCHES WILL BE HELD NO LUNCH ON MONDAY 25 MAY AND MONDAY 1 JUNE BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL THROUGH THE PARISH OFFICE. SACRAMENT OF EUCHARIST (First Communion) Information Evening will be held on Wednesday 3 June, 2015 at 6pm in St Patrick’s Primary School Contact the Parish Office for further information on 9335 2268 Thought for the week You can’t get anywhere today if you are still mired down in yesterday. Please support James Hagan (parishioner) in this production. More information on the noticeboard in the Church foyers.
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