Goleen & District Community Council Private LOTTO Draw Numbers Drawn: 10, 13, 17. €850 Jackpot Winner: Peggy Sheehan, Ballyvogue Seller’s Prize: Ellen Scully This Week’s Venue: Crookhaven Inn Jackpot €700 Lotto tickets available from Caroline Sheehan 086-864-2647 or Denis O’Neill 086-821-3441 If You’re not in, You can’t win! Buy your tickets for a chance! All monies made from the LOTTO go back into the Community through Community Projects throughout the village and surrounding areas. Mass Times: Monday & Friday: Schull 9am. Tuesday & Thursday: Goleen 9am. Wednesday: Ballydehob 10am. Saturday: Lowertown 8pm. Sunday: Ballydehob 9.30am, Schull 10.30am, Goleen 12 noon. Church of Ireland Services: Sunday: Schull 10am, Toormore 11.30am, Ballydehob:11.30am. Recent Death - Kevin Cadogan, Rathoora. Sadly missed by his daughters Deirdre & Catherine, grandchildren, brothers & sister, & a wide circle of family, neighbours & friends. May he rest in peace. The Mercy University Hospital Foundation Annual Church Gate Collection will take place on Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th April in Lowertown & Goleen Parishes respectively. Congratulations to Cian Goggin & Katy Ford-Goggin, Goleen on the birth of their son, Edward John. Many Happy Returns to Ellen Barry, our Chef at Goleen Community Centre, who celebrated her birthday this week. Congratulations to Debbie McCarthy, Ardmanagh & Christopher Dyas, Drogheda on their recent engagement. Goleen Community Charity Shop Open Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, & Sat 11am - 2pm Open Every Day from 12.30 to 9pm Extensive Menu to suit all tastes & pockets 028-35309 Fastnet uPVC Windows & Doors Conservatories Facia • Soffit • Guttering Stephen Dineen 086 847 6604 stephendineen1@gmail.com GOLEEN & DISTRICT COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER SERVING THE MIZEN PENINSULA VOL: 8 WEEK 15 APR 09 2015 Published every Thursday. CYCLE AGAINST SUICIDE On Wednesday evening, the people of the Mizen peninsula and beyond extended a warm welcome to Jim Breen and his support team, at a function held at the Goleen Community Centre. Jim and his team set up Cycle against Suicide, a 1,400km, 10 day event, in 2012. This year they will arrive in the Mizen Head on Tuesday 5th May from Bantry, via Ballydehob, Schull & Goleen. There could well be over 1000 cyclists taking part in this event. The core message here is that, ‘it’s OK to not feel OK; and it’s absolutely OK to ask for help’ Preceding the cycle, and in order to promote the cycle around Ireland to the Mizen Head, there was a fun run in Skibbereen at 9am this Thursday morning, followed by Jim's 50km run to Mizen Head, via Ballydehob, Schull & Goleen, arriving at Mizen Head at approximately 3pm. We hope that people will come out and support Jim and his team along the route. It would be even better if you were able to be at the Mizen at 3pm on Thursday. The function on Wednesday night was hosted by Goleen & District Community Council. Jim Breen spoke, following the meal (pictured left), of his delight in attending and the way he was welcomed by all who attended the great meal. He spoke about how we lose 800 lives in this country yearly to suicide and he felt that engaging in Communities is the way forward if we are to tackle this issue. Jim spoke about the Cycle against Suicide in detail and warmly thanked all for coming and making him and his team feel so welcome. If you were able to attend on Thursday, your support will have been greatly appreciated, as it will be as be on May 5th. We, as a Community, must do all we can to showcase what we are and what is one of the most stunning places on earth, to the hundreds of visitors along with the huge media attention this event will attract. MC GDCC Cycle Against Suicide Group visit Mizen. Events Calendar - inclusion free. All items to be in by Tues evening. Email newsletter@goleen.info Pictured Right: Jim Breen, main organiser of Cycle Against Suicide, meets the Kelly family in Goleen who put on a fantastic table tennis exhibition for Jim and his team on Wednesday night. Apr 09 U14 Football Mizen Rovers v Castletownbere 5.30pm at Goleen Community Pitch Apr 09 Quiz Night in aid of Goleen Community Playgroup 9pm in the Crookhaven Inn Apr 10 Weekly 35 Card Drive In O’Meara’s. Jackpot €1260 Apr 11 GDCC LOTTO Draw - Crookhaven Inn Jackpot €700 Weekly Events, Amenities and Attractions in the Locality Pictured Left: The Easter basketball camp held in the sports centre was a great success! Pictured below: A triumphant Patrick O’Brien was joined by his niece Cassie after his win last Sunday. Local Jockey Romps Home - Patrick O’Brien, Schull (Jockey & Owner) on Morton Direct drew the biggest cheer of the day from a near record attendance at the traditional Easter Sunday harness racing meeting when winning the Golden Mile (Neillie Cleary Memorial Cup) at Ballydehob. The mile contest saw the winner going for broke from the start setting a fast pace and after five furlongs it looked as if the field were going to close in but, Patrick had plenty in hand and held on for a one length win on his home course and was greeted in the winners enclosure by the partisan home crowd. Well Done Patrick! CF BARLEY COVE Beach Hotel Goleen & District Community Social Centre - Every Mon 11am-4pm Lunch 1pm (except Bank Holiday Mon will be the following day-Tues). Book Meals by 11am the previous Sat. Contact: Maureen O’Callaghan 086-330-0262 Goleen Community Centre - Contact 086-272-5506 to rent the Centre. Goleen Community Playgroup - Open Mon-Fri for preschool. Call 028-35927 or 083-149-0260 Goleen Afterschool Club Tues: Cooking; Weds: Irish Dancing; Thurs; Art & Crafts. Call 028 -35927 or 083-149-0260 Fit Kids for Goleen Mondays 3.15 - 4.30pm in the Community Centre Boxercise Fitness Mondays 8-9pm Schull Village Hall. All ages. Gaisce participants welcome. 086-240-4709 Schull Junior Running Group Tuesdays 3.30 - 4.30pm at tennis courts. Age 7 upwards. Contact 086-240-4709 Céili Classes Tuesdays in Goleen Parish Hall at 9.15pm. Including Waltzes, Quicksteps, Foxtrots. All welcome. Morning Outdoor Fitness Wednesdays after school drop off 09.30 - 10.30. at Schull tennis courts. 086-240-4709 Schull Parent & Toddler Group Wednesdays 10am -12noon in Parish Hall. All welcome. €3 per Family. Salsa Dancing Wednesdays 8.30pm in Newman's, Schull. Everyone Welcome. Acapellabella Community Choir Thursdays 8pm upstairs at Rosie's, Ballydehob phone Caz 083-142-5599 Foróige every Friday evening 8.30 to 10.30 in the Community Centre Derryconnell Civic Amenity Centre - Open Tues & Thurs 9am - 12.30pm & 1.30 - 4.30pm. Sat 9am - 1pm AIB Mobile Community Bank: Every Mon, Thurs & Fri - Ballydehob - 9.30am to 10.30am. Schull - 10.45am to 12.30pm & 1.30pm-3.30pm. ATM in Schull outside Brosnan’s Eurospar. Schull Office - Skibbereen Credit Union: Open Tues & Fri 9.30am - 12.30pm & 1.30pm - 5pm. Sat 9.30am 1pm. 028-28666 Schull Library - Open Tues, Thurs & Fri 2.30 - 5.30pm. Weds 9.30am - 1pm & 2 - 5.30pm. Sat 9.30am - 1.30pm. 028-28290 Bus Time Tables: Goleen - Cork: Mon - Sat 07.50 & 17.30 Sun 16.15; Schull - Cork: Mon - Sat 12.40; Cork Schull: Mon - Sat 09.30; Cork - Goleen: Mon - Sat 13.00 Change at Skibbereen 16.05 & 16.30 Change at Skibbereen 18.20; Sun 11.30. Rural Transport & Cancer Connect - 027-52727 Mob 087-122-4404 cancerconnect@ruraltransport.ie Mizen Head Signal Station Open daily from March 17 10.30am - 5pm www.mizenhead.ie 028-35115/35225. Mizen Information & e-Centre, Main Street, Goleen. Coffee, Wifi., Hot desks. Gifts, Chat. Open daily from March 17. 10.30am -5pm 028-35000 Important Contacts 028-35874 We open For the Easter Holidays until Sunday 12th April Serving food everyday until 9pm Goleen First Responder/ Defibrillator Group Number 083-146-6605 Coast Guard /Emergency Services 112 or 999 Garda Emergency Number 027-20860 GARDA Text Alert scheme in Crookhaven and Mizen area (ChARGE) Text 083-159-8889 Mizen Medical Practice - all enquiries & appointments call 028-28311 or for Out of Hours Service call SouthDoc 1850-335-999 To Book Your Adverts - email newsletter@goleen.info for rates. GDCC does not take responsibility for articles and opinions published. Newsletter Editors Sue 028-35225 Michael collinsmike68@eircom.net Website: goleen.info Your contributions can be submitted by email to newsletter@goleen.info or you can drop them into the Community Centre on a Monday. Alternatively contact Caroline by phone or text on 086-259-3877 to arrange. GDCC Newsletter - PRESS RELEASE Mizen Community Partnership The Mizen Community Partnership is excited to announce the launch of the Integrated Strategic Local Development Plan for the Mizen Peninsula and of the Mizen Community Partnership 2015. Mr. Ian Dempsey (CEO WCDP) will launch this initiative on Thursday April 16th @11am at the Mizen Head Visitor Centre. It is anticipated that everyone who is interested and concerned about the future of this incredible community will attend. Invitations have been extended to members of the Tourist industry, government agencies, local businesses and entrepreneurs. The report was commissioned by the West Cork Development Partnership in 2013; it highlighted many areas suitable for development, investment and expansion. A Steering Committee (formed from members of the three Mizen Community Councils; Goleen, Schull and Ballydehob) identified 3 areas from this list which it felt were significantly important, achievable in the short term and represented the interlocking diversity of this unique community; Brand, Food, & Heritage. The most important aspect of any project is its branding. With this in mind a sub-committee was established to create a brand. It was important to the sub-committee to highlight that the brand should represent all aspects of this vibrant and diverse community of farmers, fishermen, entrepreneurs, artisan producers and tourists. Food Production was also a key issue with emphasis on the perfect conditions for the development of an extraordinary range of produce, products and services. There are almost 100 enterprises already established on the Peninsula. The sub-committee will work on liaising with these producers to support their development, raise their profile and encourage their expansion. The third area prioritised was our rich historical heritage. This history of the peninsula stretches from early Neolithic times through the Middle Ages to the impact of the Great Famine. A comprehensive list of sites has been drawn up with a view to producing a definitive and informative map/guide. In conjunction with this, existing historical walkways and new paths will be sign-posted, marked and mapped. It is envisioned that cycle trails will be a natural spin off from this initiative. The enthusiastic commitment of the various groups has already borne fruit. Support from many local interest groups has been phenomenal. We look forward to realizing the potential of this vibrant, dynamic and positive community. Save Cork Airport - Cork Airport is in danger, and for those of us who rely on this vital facility for business or pleasure that can only be a disaster in the making. Our politicians are too busy trying to sell off Aer Lingus to take much notice, so it’s up us in West Cork to make our views known. Without an airport tourist numbers will certainly fall. In addition, freight will go to other airports; there are already reports that FedEx will be sending all freight to Shannon and Dublin. Without an air link our couriers in this part of the world will be back to one delivery a week, another blow to West Cork business. On this page: http://westcorkguide.com/save-cork-airport.html you will find information and opinion about this dire situation and what you can do about it. The loss of the SwanseaCork Ferry has had a significant impact on tourism in Cork, without an airport many more businesses, as well as those directly involved with tourism, will come under pressure so severe that they may not survive. Don’t let that happen. Sign the petition that is linked from the web page. Ask your politicians what they will do about it. S. Sage/S. Hill Caretaker/Maintenance Person Required (CE Scheme) A C.E. vacancy exists with Goleen Community Council. Duties will include: Co-ordination with the committee & Community Centre users re various activities & projects Preparation of facilities for different group users/activities General cleaning duties to maintain the premises in a clean safe manner for all users Upkeep & maintenance of the Centre & grounds Assistance with Social Centre & other activities as required Tidy Village duties including maintenance of grass areas of the village This is a developmental opportunity, no experience is necessary. Accredited training will be provided to support your career. Eligibility for C.E. is generally 1+ year on an Irish Social Welfare Payment. Please contact the DSP Employment Services Office in Bantry 027-50464 and quote Vacancy Reference No ES 927030. Classified SafeHands If you require care in your home or just a few hours of extra home help, we provide personal & non personal care in West Cork. Contact Noreen Mahoney 086-898-6014 Goleen Community Charity Shop Open Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, & Sat 11am - 2pm The Heron’s Cove Restaurant Open nightly from 7pm. Book now! 028-35225 www.heronscove.com 3 STAGE SAFE WASH only €12 MINI VALET from €35 EXPRESS VALET from €50 FULL VALET from €75 CONTACT JOHNNY 086-866-9564
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