St Luke’s Uniting Church Highton 174 Barrabool Road, Highton Ph. 5244 2997 Email: Web: au MAY 3, 2015 This news sheet is available on the website each Saturday evening _____________________________________________________________ Minister: Rev. Tony Johnson (Joncevski) Phone 0421 331 894 Email: SHARING THE JOURNEY: Ken Anderson will lead this segment of worship for May. If you would like to promote an activity or share with the congregation, contact him on 5243 3626 or in person prior to the service. MESSY CHURCH: We have another Request!! As you are probably aware, the cooks for Messy Church start at 9.30 am preparing food then come back at 4.00 pm to cook it. This makes for a rather long day for them. If you are willing to be part of a team to wash dishes and generally clean up after the meal, please put your name on the sheet in the foyer… You are most welcome to come for the meal which is at 6.00 pm or just clean up from 6.30 pm onwards. ST. LUKE’S WHEELS: During May Noel & Jenny Patchett will take all ‘first calls”. Their phone number is 5241-9782. If you have a Medical or Pastoral appointment and require transport, please ring Joy. Please give 2 days’ notice. ADVANCE NOTICE ST LUKE’S GARAGE SALE Saturday the 9th May 7.30 am to 2.00 pm. Antique Furniture & furniture, Collectibles, Tools, Cake stall, Books, Sausage Sizzle, Plants LADIES EVENING FELLOWSHIP: On Thursday 14th May we will be viewing "The Women of Empire 1914-1918" exhibition (the costumes & personal experiences of Aust. & NZ women during the First World War) at the Wool Museum, Moorabool St, Geelong. If you wish to car-pool, meet at St Luke's car park at 10-30am or in the foyer of the Wool Museum at 11am. DUTY ROSTER MAY 10, 2015 CLEANING M. & E. BAUM USHERS FLOWERS O. TOMKINS KID’S CHURCH MORNING TEA N. & N. MCMILLAN CAR DRIVING SOUND CONNECTIONS WELCOMER K. MCAVANEY L. ROBERTSON C. FINDLAY POWERPOINT READER ORGAN N. & N. MCMILLAN D. & D. BATH C. MANKS J. & V. ENGLAND I. POOLEY R. ANDERSON J. PATCHETT HELP NEEDED: Mu Gay has obtained her Learners Permit and has to complete 120 hours of Driving Practice with a fully licenced Driver. If you can help for one or two hours a week by accompanying Mu Gay in her parent’s car while she completes this requirement please speak with Ken Anderson. “Hurry Up and Slow Down” with Beth Allison. This is an event organised by CWCI on Monday May 25 at 12.30 pm in the Moolap Baptist Church. For more details see the poster on the notice board. PRAYER REQUESTS Prayer is considered important and is valued by the St. Luke’s community. Pastoral connections ministry team offer several different prayer options for you to consider, and these are listed below. TO SUBMIT A PRAYER REQUEST. Fill out a prayer slip found in the container on the back of each pew and place in the gold box in the reflective prayer corner or personally hand it to Pam or Beth. Prayers can be emailed or phoned, before 4 pm on a Sunday evening, to Pam 5243 or Beth 5243 6874 These requests are forwarded to members of the Prayer Link and are always kept confidential. VISIT THE REFLECTIVE PRAYER CORNER. Located at the front right-hand side, (north/west corner,) of the worship space. Found here are aids for prayer and reflection such as: prayer tapers, reading materials, books to record your prayers and answers to prayer, take home reflection sheets and prayer request forms, or simply a quiet, peaceful area where you can commune with God. PRAYER DIARY. You will find a prayer diary for the month in the weekly news sheet. Listed are community and St. Luke’s activities for each week and you are invited to pray for the events listed. PRAYER GATHERINGS. These gatherings are held twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 12.30 pm in the Vestry at St. Luke’s. A second gathering takes place at the Manse 7.15 pm on the 1st Thursday evening of each month. Both welcome new prayers. JESUS CALLS US TO PRAY INDIVIDUALLY AND TO PRAY TOGETHER. SERVICES NEXT WEEK THURSDAY 2.00 pm Midweek Service SUNDAY: 9.30 am Rev. T. Johnson ________________________________________________________________ LECTIONARY READINGS: MAY 10, 2015: Acts 10:44-48; Psalm 98; 1 John 5: 1-6; John 15: 9 -12. _________________________________________________________________ LAST WEEK’S STATISTICS OFFERING: ACTUAL: $1745 Y.T.D. $31057 BUDGET: $1830 Y.T.D. $31246 __________________________________________________________________ THIS WEEK’S DIARY: Mon May 4 10.00 am Asylum Seeker English 6.30 pm Asylum Seeker English 7.00 pm Geelong Chorale Bella Mama 7.30 pm Mission Outreach Ministry Team Tue 5 8.30 am BSF 9.00 am Men’s Shed 12. 30 pm Prayer Gathering 5.00 pm Weight Watchers Wed 6 8.30 am BSF 6.30 pm Rotary Star Search 6.30 pm Welsh Ladies Choir Thurs 7 9.30 am Men’s Shed Let’s Make Music 1.00 pm Pastoral Connections Ministry Team 4.00 pm Choir 4.30 pm Youth Choir 7.30 pm Trekkies – New Generation Fri May 8 9.30 am Trekkies Let’s Make Music 2.00 pm Cottage by the Sea 4.30 pm Messy Church Sat 9 9.00 am Welsh Ladies Choir Church Office Hours: Wed - 10am to 12pm, Thurs – 10am to 12pm, Fri – 10am to 12pm Des Bath on leave FLY AWAY PETER A FESTIVAL OF MUSIC IN GEELONG CHURCHES REFLECTING THE SPIRIT OF OUR TIMES this weekend 1st – 3rd May Bookings through GPAC Box Office. cost of individual events – including bussing & cuppas is $16. 8 SUPERB OFFERINGS – 40 MINUTE CONCERTS FREE BUSSING BETWEEN VENUES – CUPS OF TEA See poster on our St.Luke’s Notice Board for further details. Choirs and top singers & players, both local & from Melbourne, present a panoply of old & new music to suit every taste. Some members of our own choir are involved and there is a World Premiere by Malcolm John at 1.30 pm on Sunday 3rd May at Christ Church in the city. WITH LOVE TO THE WORLD: The current issue is now available.
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