ber m e t Sep 10 20 “….I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” I Timothy 3:15 (NKJV) A Publication of the St. Thomas Church of Christ by the Public Relations & Communications Ministry St. Thomas Church of Christ P. O. Box 502908 St. Thomas, VI 00805 Tel: (340) 779-2404 Fax: (340) 715-4201 Thaddeus Bruno Senior & Outreach Minister (340) 779-2118 Home Elton E. Terry Minister (340)626-5426 St. Clair Dowers Associate Minister (340)776-3770 Home Schedule of Services Sunday 9:00 am—Bible Classes 10:00 am—Worship 7:00 pm—Worship Wednesday 7:30 pm—Midweek Meeting Missionaries Curtis & Elister Abraham Marigot, Dominica Dilian & Josian Bellot Scotts Head, Dominica Terrance & Ann Griffith Morvant, Trinidad Radio Program-Each Sunday According to the Scriptures 7:30 am—WVWI—1000 AM WILL YOUR ANCHOR HOLD? By Bro. Thaddeus Bruno 18 that by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us. 19 This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil, (Hebrews 6:18, 19 NJKV) Scripture abounds in analogies of what Christians are and should be. Metaphorically we are sheep, lights, salt, branches on a vine and a city on a hill. The use of a ship however, is not as familiar to us. This analogy was employed when the Hebrew writer wrote of our hope as an anchor. Sailing and moorings and storms and anchors were common place in the ancient world, and the writer’s use of maritime expressions was well understood and appreciated. Priscilla J. Owens in 1874, capitalizing on the thoughts of the Hebrew writer and using lyrics as her material, built a song in the shipyard of that epistle. Eight years later William J. Kirkpatrick set notes to her and launched the vessel Will Your Anchor Hold, on the waters of music. This song, sailing ever since, has come near our banks. Indeed, its melody is on our lips and its probing message has transported many passengers to the deep waters of contemplation as to whether the chords of their hope will hold the strain under the pressures of life’s raging storms. Life’s storms are not all the same. There are those that are common to humanity. These have no respect for whether we are rich or poor, young or old or Christian or no Christian. These types of storms are spoken of in the following statement. “Man that is born of woman is but a few days and full of trouble”(Job 14:1). Then there are other storms that are unique to the people of God, and come just because of our positioning with Christ. He told us about them in the following words; “blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt 5: 10). Again, in the parable of the sower and seed, Jesus explained that the heat that caused the plant on the rocky soil to wither was “tribulation or persecution that arises because of the word” (Matt 13: 20, 21). Yes! Some of the waves that dash against our ship come Leaders Trevor Adams, Earl Chandler, Cleophas U. Hodge, Donny Dominique Ministries / Coordinators Benevolence—Alexandra Samuel / Brother’s Keeper—St. Clair Dowers Building Maintenance—Earl Chandler / Counseling & Support—Cavel Farrell Evangelism—Thaddeus Bruno / Fellowship—Marilyn Chandler Finance—Catherine Charles / Public Relations & Communications—Shirley J. Peters Teaching Children—Elaine Bruno / Transportation—Cleophas Hodge Welcoming—Sarville Moses / Youth—Darrell Dowers because we are Christian vessels. But whether they are believe the value of what he has, the diamond he has been storms that are common to life here on earth, or those given is still a million-dollar diamond. It has a value all within itself, which does not depend on the owner’s recognition or unique to Christians, storms are tough to get through. appraisal. Similarly, the promises of God provide a solid rock Part of the reason is, storms often appear suddenly. Some- on which we can fasten our anchor, and our unbelief in no way times out of a clear blue sky some of the most intense diminishes the faithfulness of God, nor the dependability of His storms will arise. One such storm arose on the Lake of promises. Gennesaret, sometimes called the Sea of Galilee or Tiberias, So the storms are coming if they are not already here. They with Jesus and His disciples in a boat (Luke 8: 22-24). This will come with all their diversity, suddenness and fury. Though lake, part of the Jordan valley and covering an area of about they are tough, we can survive the storms because Jesus our eighty four square miles, was located six hundred and thirty solid Rock is unmovable. If we believe His power, presence and feet below sea level. Violent gusts of winds descending from promises, our anchor will hold! the surrounding mountains would often whip up storms on its pleasant waters in a hurry. Earlier the gentle waves rocking the boat had lulled Jesus to sleep, but now conditions had changed drastically and the apostles feared for their lives. Similarly, calm conditions of peace and prosperity can change in our lives without warning. Within a matter of days the winds of life can create squalls that threaten the very survival of our faith ship. VALUES FOR BUILDING CHARACTER Sometimes it is the storm of disappointment. Expectations we have of ourselves and others for a certain standard of moral behavior can crash against the rugged rocks of reality. An unfavorable outcome in a job, health, immigration or legal situation can take the winds out of our sails and cause us to drift with the waves of uncertainty and lethargy. Other times the storm may ride in on the wings of unexpected death. Though death’s sting always hurts, we are generally more prepared for the passing of loved ones whose ships have been sailing into their eighties and nineties. But a parent having to bury a child is especially though. The death of a husband and father in his forties leaves not only a widow but orphans as well. The adjustments from such loss can be oceanic and the weight of despair experienced by those left behind can stretch the rope of their anchor, well near breaking point. If the anchor of our hope will hold in these times, we must know that the promises that Christ has made to us are secure. God provides the basis for our expectation but we must supply the belief in His promises. When Hymenaeus and Alexander made ship wreck of their faith, the foundation of Christianity remained secure (I Tim 1: 19; II Tim 2: 17 - 19). Their abandonment was no indictment against the integrity of God, nor the validity of His word. They did not make shipwreck of the faith but simply of their faith. An understanding of this is important because, sometimes the whole boating system is criticized when one ship runs aground. The question in this article is not if Christ is sure but whether our faith in him is sure. It is not about the integrity of God who made promises but about the strength of our expectation in the midst of life’s storms. By Sister Shirley J. Peters You can learn a lot about another person just by watching how they live everyday life. That’s because actions speak volumes about the heart that’s motivating that person. In Genesis 24:18 -21, Rebekah’s actions spoke of her heart of service and humility, of her kind and hard-working spirit. What do your actions say about you? Do the people at the grocery store, the gas station or the gym see a woman/man of integrity and character? Do your family, friends and co-workers see a woman/man who’s living for Christ in the little things? And if they don’t — why not? There are 6 ethical values involved in building a sound character—values we must exhibit and must instill in our young people if we are to prepare them to be future leaders of the church and our community. These values are: I. Trustworthiness Trustworthiness involves a host of things. Be honest. Don’ deceive, cheat or steal. Be reliable, which means let your yea be yea and your nay, nay (James 5:12). Be loyal and build a good reputation. II. Respect Treat others the way you want to be treated. Always use good manners. Do not use bad language. Be considerate of the feelings of others. Don’t threaten others. Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements. III. Responsibility Do what you are supposed to do. Plan your schedule and persevere. Always do your best, use self-control and be selfdisciplined. Think before you act…you will be held accountable If one has been given a million dollar diamond but treats it for your words, actions and attitudes. Set a good example. like cosmetic jewelry because he cannot bring himself to IV. Fairness We offer of congratulations to Sis. Alyssa Martin on her Play by the rules. Be open-minded. Listen to others in the graduation from the Charlotte Amalie High same way you want others to listen to you. All the facts in a school this past June. Sis. Alyssa is now pursituation will help to make fair decisions. Treat all people suing a degree at the University of the Virgin fairly. Islands. V. Caring Be kind, compassionate, show that you care. Help those in need. Express gratitude. FORGIVE. Continue to keep her in prayer that she may not only do well in her studies, but that she will constantly remember that she is a Christian and be an example to those she comes VI. Citizenship in contact with. Do your share to make the church and community better. Cooperate with others. Get involved in the church and community. Respect authority. Stay informed and vote. Obey rules. Let’s do our best to build strong character—in ourselves, our children and our community. CHARACTER COUNTS! August 2010 Hurricane Earl By Bro. Yipman Bruno Sunday morning sermons are available on CD and DVD. If you are interested, kindly check at the office. On August 29th a hurricane warning was in effect for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Hurricane Earl, a category three (3) storm, was forecasted to strike the upper Lesser Antilles then head north. Packing hurricane force winds more than thirty miles from the center and tropical storm force winds more than one hundred miles outwards, Earl was a very huge storm. At about noon of Monday the 30th the sky turned dark and gusts of wind started. As the wind intensified, heavy rain delivered a pounding to the Virgin Islands. The blustery weather continued to strengthen through the night uprooting trees and toppling some telephone posts. After the hurricane there were no deaths. However, there was one report of a garage roof being blown off. It landed only inches away from Brother and Sister Balgua’s car. We thank God that they and all members were safe. More than half of the island was left without electrical power, giving the Water and Power Authority a hard task. Earl moved on leaving a memory of hurricane Marilyn, and reminding us of the need to be prepared. 1st Sunday Bro. Thaddeus Bruno He Doeth All Things Well 2nd Sunday Bro. Elton Terry The God of Amen 3rd Sunday Bro. Elton Terry Have Faith In God 4th Sunday Bro. Thaddeus Bruno The God of the Stump 5th Sunday Bro. Thaddeus Bruno A Skull-Shaped Pulpit OFF TO COLLEGE Bro. Elton Terry is off to Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas, on a journey towards obtaining his Bachelors Degree. Bro. Terry came to St. Thomas in 2007 and has served as pulpit minister and teacher. He received a full tuition scholarship from the university. We had a great time at his “going off to college” farewell. Members brought finger foods and fellowshipped with him. We wish Bro. Terry every success in his endeavors and will continually pray for him as he undertakes this journey. Sunday Attendance Contribution 1st Sunday 73 $ 2,573.00 2nd Sunday 80 3,180.00 3rd Sunday 81 2,057.00 4th Sunday 73 2,542.00 5th Sunday 79 1,860.00 PRAYER CORNER Let us continue to offer prayers on behalf of our brethren who have requested them. Kindly pray for the following: WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED? 1. Hear God’s word (Romans 10: 11-18, Acts 15:7). 2. Believe in Christ (John 20:31, Hebrews 11:6). 3. Repent of my sins (Acts 2:38, Luke 13:3). 4. Confess Christ (Romans 10:10; Acts 8:37). 5. Be Baptized (Acts 10:48, Mark 16:16, Romans 6:4, Galatians 3:26, 27). 6. Be faithful unto death? (Revelation 2:10). WHEN YOU MEET WITH THE CHURCH OF CHRIST….. You can expect to find a group of Christians assembled to worship God in the same manner that Christ directed the first century disciples (John 4:24). You can expect these Christians to have respect for the inspired Word of God, which is the only and complete authority in religion today (II Timothy 3:16, 17). Since Jesus declared, “Upon this rock I will build my Church” (Matthew 16:18), Churches of Christ look to Jesus as their founder. For this reason the church also wears the name of Christ. There is one Lord, one faith and one baptism (Ephesians 4:5). PLEASE CONSIDER THIS AN INVITATION TO WORSHIP WITH US. “Come now, and let us reason together.” Isaiah 1:18 Elton Terry Patrick Benjamin Larandel Moses Aletia Hodge KeShawn Gumbs Alanah George Klya Brown Jeanaton Stout Kavian Brown 4th 8th 9th 13th 17th 17th 17th 19th 19th Bro. Patrick Simon Sis. Ashby Danet Sis. Ellen Hamilton Sis. Aldith Phillips and her Mom Bro. Jude Watty Sis. Mona Lindquist Sis. Alyssa Martin Bro. Elton Terry Prayer Vigil Friday, September 24th Revival Services with Missionaries October 31st—November 3rd Men’s Retreat (Tortola) November 5th & 6th Rhonda Hale Mission Sunday November 7th Church Growth through Personal Involvement With Brother Jerry Humphries December 5th—9th Bernadette Simon Kristopher Brown Jacqueline Hodge Charles Wheatley 9th 19th 21st 25th Kindly forgive us if your name has been left out. If you are uncertain that we have your birthday, kindly contact Sis. Peters or Sis. Dominique. We will be delighted to add you to the list.
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