Did you know… that Lake Deaton’s outreach focus is Wildwood Elementary School where 840 students are served with 88% on free or reduced meals ? “Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Your Scripture for this Week Son of God. Thank you for dying Genesis to Revelation As events occurred Chronologically New Testament The Gospels May 17 2 Chronicles 25-27 2 Samuel 16-18 Sunday: No Reading Luke 19 May 18 2 Chronicles 28-31 Psalms 26/40/58/61-62/64 John 3:1–21 Luke 20 May 19 2 Chronicles 32-34 2 Samuel 19-21 John 3:22–36 Luke 21 May 20 2 Chronicles 35-36 Psalms 5/38/41-42 John 4:1–26 Luke 22 May 21 Ezra 1-3 2 Samuel 22-23; Psalms 57 John 4:27–5:9 Luke 23 May 22 Ezra 4-7 Psalms 95/97-99 John 5:10–35 Luke 24 May 23 Ezra 8-10 2 Samuel 24; 1 Chronicles 21-22; Psalms 30 John 5:36–6:14 Mark 1 May 24 Nehemiah 1-3 Psalms 108-110 Sunday: No Reading Mark 2 on the cross for my sins. Please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. I ask you into my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior. I want to serve you always.” Vacation Bible School — Everest July 13-17 from 9 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Everest is for potty-trained, three- and four-year-olds, elementary-aged children, and incoming sixth to eighth graders. High school students may volunteer to help, but must understand they will not be placed with other high school students. There is a registration fee of $15 per child, and we have a family maximum of $50. Scholarships are available by calling the church office. New This Year! — Full-Day VBS Camp (Limited Space) For the first time this year, we are offering full-day VBS camp from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for only $35 for the whole week (plus the regular $15 VSB fee, for a total of $50). The only thing your child needs to bring is a packed lunch. Registration is limited to 30 children. May 16 & 17, 2015 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:4-6) Lord , there are many things that distract me from trusting you. Help me to worry less and trust more. Let me find strength in prayer, petition and your Word. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen. Saturday Christian Education Classes 3:45 p.m. Wired Word Christian discussion based on current topics Classroom 3 Sunday Christian Education Classes Early Risers Romans Chapel 9:15 a.m. Childcare Children ages birth to 5 years old Nursery Registration for Summer Camps 9:15 a.m. Faith Bible Class Harmony or Discord Classroom 2 Upward Soccer Camp — June 15–19 from 9 a.m.–12 p.m. • For incoming kindergarteners to second graders. Registration is $30 per child. 9:15 a.m. Pathfinders Class Witnesses at the Cross Classroom 11 9:15 a.m. Faith Finders Romans Classrooms 6/7 Upward Basketball Camp — June 22–26 from 9 a.m.–12 p.m. • For all incoming elementary-aged children. Registration is $30 per child. 9:15 a.m. ANEW One In the Bond of Love Chapel 9:30 a.m. Lake Deaton Campus Facing the Giants Eisenhower Rec 10:30 a.m. FaithLink Electronic Cigarettes Classroom 14 10:30 a.m. The Searchers Romans Classrooms 6/7 10:30 a.m. Lake Deaton Campus Digging into the Book of Hebrews Eisenhower Rec 10:45 a.m. Wesley Class Witnesses at the Cross Classroom 11 Early registration is encouraged for all our camps! You may register for all our summer programs on our website at www.newcovenantumc-fl.org, or at the Sunday Orchard Kids Worship registration desk, or in the administration office at the church. New Covenant United Methodist Church Contemporary Worship Saturday 5:00 p.m. Blended Worship Sunday 7:45 • 9:15 • 10:45 a.m. Children’s Orchard Worship Sunday 10:45 a.m. May Gathering — “Awesome Authors” Thursday, May 21, 10–11:30 a.m. with lunch following, Worship Center Come, meet, and hear from our own awesome women authors. God has given some of our women a purpose with their gift of writing. Please RSVP by Monday, May 18 to Risë Segur at (352) 350-6370 or rsegur@gmail.com (regarding lunch OR no lunch) and indicate if you prefer gluten-free. Invite a friend! Summerhill Lake Deaton We are a large, dynamic, multicultural, intergenerational congregation growing in our relationship with one another and with Jesus Christ to be His hands, feet, and voice in the world. Rev. Jim Divine, Lake Deaton Pastor Rev. Vidalis Lopez, Associate Pastor Rev. Marilyn Anell, Care Pastor aunched last September, we just completed the L first year of our Mentor Program! We had 19 Mentors from New Covenant and Wildwood UMC who each worked with a Wildwood Middle High School eighth grader (Mentee) selected for the program. The Program has been a resounding success! When asked what they like best about their Mentors, the Mentees responded: • “She’s easy to talk to and she listens to what I have to say.” • “She is very nice and she keeps me on track.” New Covenant’s Mentors • “He helps me with my problems.” 7:45 a.m. Performing Arts Camp — July 20–24 • For all elementary-aged children, $30/half-day. For all middle/high chldren, $45/full-day. New Covenant United Methodist Church Rev. Harold Hendren, Senior Pastor Lake Deaton Worship Sunday 9:00 • 10:45 a.m. (Eisenhower Rec Center) 3470 Woodridge Dr. • The Villages, FL 32162 Phone: 352-750-4529 • (Fax) 352-259-2971 Email: ncumc@newcovenantumc-fl.org All Mentees stated that they want to stay in the program next year — with their Mentors! One of our Mentors, Robbie Hargis, wrote, “Thanks for creating this program — I finally feel like maybe I’m doing something worthwhile in my retirement years.” Assistant Principal Dr. Diana Elysee thanked New Covenant “for this great opportunity for students to have someone they can lean on. Truly grateful for all that you all have done with our students.” have received recognition by Wildwood Middle High School as “Volunteer of the Year.” Additionally, our Mentors were recognized at Sumter Alternative School for supporting our Mentees who moved to the school. Thank you, Mentors! Our Mentor Program supports New Covenant’s strategic goal to identify and provide solutions for long-term systemic change that transforms the Wildwood community. What better way to do that than to mentor a child? Our current Mentors will be “moving up” with their Mentees, but because of how wellreceived the program has been, we have more students who are asking for Mentors. We are looking for adults who have a heart for teenagers and a sincere desire to provide love, patience, guidance, and support over a period of five years as your Mentee journeys from eighth grade through graduation. The Program will focus on three foundational areas: physical, spiritual, and academic/career needs. If God is leading you to do this, please email or call for an application. Applications are due on Friday, July 10. A training session will be held in August and the Mentor Program will kick off in September. Website: www.newcovenantumc-fl.org Facebook: New Covenant United Methodist Church ~ A Place to Call Home Worship attendance for last week: 2,081 (Celebrate Recovery) 71 • (BEACH) 74 • (Youth) 0 • (Orchard Worship) 14 (Saturday Contemporary) 262 • (Sunday) 7:45–225 • 9:15–712 • 10:45–523 (Lake Deaton) 9:00–117 • 10:45–83 For more information, please contact Anne Foote Collins, Director of Church Administration, at afootecollins@newcovenantumc-fl.org or 750-4529. Our Purpose: To come to know the love of Christ and to make His love known to others for the transformation of the world Congratulations and Farewell Pastor Vidalis Let’s Get Connected! Please join our Staff Parish Relations Team to recognize Pastor Vidalis Lopez and wish her well in her new position at First United Methodist Church in Coral Gables. Cake will be served after each Worship Service. Feeling disconnected? Want to be involved? Want to know more about our ministries? Please visit the kiosk in the Summerhill Narthex. You will receive a Connecting Ministry booklet with information on the many ministries at New Covenant along with a list of contacts. • Summerhill Campus: Sunday, May 24 and Saturday, May 30 • Lake Deaton Campus: Sunday, June 14 Pentecost Sunday Next Sunday, May 24, is Pentecost Sunday! Don’t forget to wear something red! It symbolizes joy and the fire of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost is celebrated fifty days after Easter Sunday. Memorial Day Worship Service Sunday, May 24 at 3 p.m. in Worship Center During our Memorial Day Service, we will have patriotic music, three speakers, and a special prayer time for submitting the name of a person who has given his/her life for our country. Please join us so that we might honor those who have died serving our country. Making a Difference —One Mile at a Time! Beginning Friday, June 5, Pastor Jim Divine is biking 502 miles in eight days across Kansas. This is an opportunity to raise funds for Wildwood Elementary School. Throughout May during all Worship Services, you have an opportunity to make a donation toward this cause. Bishop’s Offering Next weekend, May 23/24, Bishop Kenneth H. Carter has asked that an offering be collected as an expression of God’s missions. Bus Ministry Since so many of our drivers will be out of the area for the summer months, the Bus Ministry will be on hiatus during the months of June, July, and August. This also gives those wanting to get their CDL license time to get through the tests. If you are interested in obtaining a CDL license to drive one of the buses, please contact Ginny Davis at 750-4529 or vdavis@newcovenantumc-fl.org. Hope for Hurting Parents (and Grandparents) Florida United Methodist Children’s Home “Fifth Sunday” Offering is May 30/31 The Florida United Methodist Children’s Home is a diverse ministry that includes residential care, therapeutic group care, foster care, emergency shelter care, independent living assistance, and a community child care center. Your Fifth Sunday offering is one of the vital means of support for the Children’s Home. Fifth Annual Helping Hands Golf Tournament Thursday, May 28 at 2 p.m. in Classroom 14 A support group for parents and grandparents of children who have struggled with addiction, mental health, estrangement, incarceration, and other damaging circumstances. This biblically-based curriculum, authored by Tom and Dena Yohe, gives parents guidance and strength to help process their situations. For more information, contact facilitator Rick Newton at (352) 259-8108 or rickpauline@ embarqmail.com, or Ellen Pollock in the Care office at epollock@newcovenantumc-fl.org. Helen’s Helpers Our 2015 Golf Tournament will be Saturday, June 20, at the Bonifay Country Club in The Villages. The tournament will be a 4-person scramble and is open to residents and nonresidents of The Villages. Helen’s Helpers is beginning to match volunteers with those who are in need of respite care. If you have a mild to moderately disabled loved one that you would like a Helen’s Helper to sit with while you take a short break, please contact Donna Jerue at 750-4529 or djerue@newcovenantumc-fl.org. For more information, please contact John Kelley at 259-6380 or kelleyjs67@aol.com, or Dale Newland at 751-4283 or dnewland101@comcast.net. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Pastoral Care at 750-4529. Please make your checks payable to NCUMC, with “Bike-A-Thon” on the memo line; or place cash in the donation box at the kiosk in the Narthex. (Do NOT place cash in collection plates.) For more information, please contact Lake Deaton Outreach Ministry Leaders Carolyn and Darrel Elijah at delijah@cox.net, or Pastor Vidalis Lopez at 750-4529. Hospital Visitation If you or a loved one enters the hospital, please inform the Care office at 750-4529. The ministers visit often and offer their support with prayer and encouragement to patient and family — a little bit of their medicine can be just what the doctor ordered. Altar Flowers have been provided by ... Sean Pollock in honor of Ellen Pollock’s graduation from Asbury Theological Seminary; and Diana & Ted Cahalane in honor of Elmer & Grace McKimmie; and Pat Ashburn in memory of her son Gary and parents; and Irene Manahan in memory of her husband Fred. Join us in Celebrating these Graduates… Congratulations! All four students graduate from The Villages Charter High School and will leave in the fall to further their education. • Cheyenne McGowan (daughter of Patrick & Sabrina McGowan) Lake Sumter Community College (undecided) • Emily Graham (daughter of Ted & Shea Graham) Jacksonville University (nursing) • Jordan Hendren (son of Harold & Donna Hendren) University of Central Florida (sports medicine) • Monica Couture (daughter of Randy & Jennifer Couture) AmeriCorps (intensive community and national service) WOW Dinner and Program The Gift of Prayer Wednesday, May 20 at 4:45 p.m. This is our last dinner until June 24 (SALT Quarterly Review) The prayer quilt on the altar rail is for Mary Emilio who had a double mastectomy for breast cancer. Prayers are requested for peace, comfort, hope, and healing. Please come to the prayer rail during prayer time, or between Worship Services, and offer a prayer. Ministry Presentation: “The Wildwood Family Resource Center.” Our speaker and project consultant Arto Woodley is a nationally recognized leader on community renewal and how to effectively sustain lasting change in communities. Please join us. Menu: Tossed Salad, Washington Chowder, Amish Oven-fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes w/Creamy Country Gravy, Green Peas w/Mushrooms, Buttermilk Biscuits, and Carrot Cake New Member Class Are you interested in finding out more about New Covenant or becoming a member? The next New Member Class will be held Mondays, June 1–29: Social time 6–6:30 p.m. and class time 6:30–7:30 p.m. To register, please fill out a registration form located at the Welcome Desk in the Summerhill Narthex or at the Lake Deaton Information Center. If you have any membership questions, please call Kathy Hudak Yoakum at 750-4529. Keep Them in Your Prayers Our Christian love and sympathy are extended to Suzanne & Dick Zimmerman on the loss of her son Steven LaFayette Jones; to Cindy O’Lear and family on the loss of her husband Dave O’Lear; and to Randy & Linda Rimington and family on the loss of his mother Alma Rimington. This Week’s Prayer Concerns Aden Shelby Crowley Jack Reusser Loretta Aultman Holly Hallett Debra Sanders Dick Belleveau Fred Hawkes Gert Sweeney David Berry Gail Carpenter Doug Herman Jeff McCracken Cynthia & Robert Vipraio William Zarycki
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