Welcome to SBC Thanks for joining us at Sussex Baptist Church! If you are visiting us today, please sign the guest book in the foyer. There is a supervised nursery downstairs and children from preschool to grade 4 are invited to be a part of Noah’s Park which is held during the morning service. Instruction will be given during the service as to when to go downstairs. If you are looking for a church home, we would love for you to become part of our church family! Please complete one of the Welcome Cards in the pew racks and either place it in the offering plate or hand it to the Pastor upon leaving. Sussex Baptist Church Pastoral Staff Senior Pastor: Dr. Leo Gallant Associate Pastor: Shawn Tait – Youth and Family Office Secretary: Cindy Gregg Partners in Mission: Feel Free to contact us! Phone: 433-2100 or 432-6135 Fax: 432-6510 E-mail: subc@nb.aibn.com Website: www.sussexbaptist.com Memorial Cards and Church Envelopes: Heather Waugh 433-5193 Today’s Attendees: Greeters: George & Joan Lounsbury Ushers: Robert Balcom, Greg Balcom, Wayne Gillies Nursery: Tori Robinson Tellers: Pat & Sherry Sound: Alfie Smith LCD Projector: Harvi Singh Noah’s Park Leader: Heather Waugh Helpers: Heather & Christine Morris Next Sunday’s Attendees: April 13, 2014 Greeters: Jim & Edna Chown Ushers: Robert Balcom, Greg Balcom, Wayne Gillies Nursery: Gordonna Hache Tellers: Esther & Barb Thorne Sound: Mike Beck LCD Projector: Cathy Morris Noah’s Park Leader: Heather Waugh Helpers: Heather & Christine Morris “Come to Christ Grow In Christ” Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Leo Gallant Associate Pastor: Shawn Tait-Youth & Family 24 Church Avenue Sussex, N.B. E4E 1Y7 Phone: 506-433-2100 Email: subc@nb.aibn.com Website: www.sussexbaptist.com Calendar of Events, Boards and Ministry Opportunities The Lord’s Day April 6, 2014 Apr. 8th Apr. 9th Order of Service Call to Worship: Andrew Hopper Worship in Praise: Megan Morrell, Linsey Reicker, Diane Tait 52 Blessed Be The Name In Christ Alone Welcome and Announcements: Andrew Hopper Worship In Giving: Heather Waugh Welcome One Another: Andrew Hopper Song: Megan Morrell, Linsey Reicker, Diane Tait 308 There Is A Redeemer Pastoral Prayer: Alfie Smith Scripture: Romans 1:1-7; 12:2 Bertha Chown Sermon: God’s Calling - Pastor Shawn Tait Song: Megan Morrell, Linsey Reicker, Diane Tait 597 Take My Life And Let It Be Consecrated Communion: Benediction: (Stand for Benediction) Music Night Please join us this evening at 7:00pm for music night at SBC. Our guests will be: Theresa Hickman, St. Mark’s Group, Linsey Reicker & Kendra Higgs, Step By Step, the “Whalen’s” and the “Green’s”, Janet Vanderlaan. Free -will offering goes to Sussex Care Pregnancy Centre. ………………………… Happy Birthday Happy belated Birthday blessings to Dot Floyd who celebrated Monday, March 31st and Alfie Smith on Thursday, April 3rd. Happy Birthday blessings to Barbara Martin celebrating Tuesday, April 8th and Doug Morrell celebrating Thursday, April 10th. Apr. 10th Apr. 12th April 13th April 17th April 18th April 20th Tue: Wed: 6:30pm Living Inside Out 9:30am Ladies Bible Study 7:00pm Middle School Youth Thur: 12:00pm Lillian MacDougall ABW 7:00pm High School Youth Sat: 8:00am-4:00pm Camp T. Work Day Upcoming Easter Events Sun: 11:00am Palm Sunday 2020 Vision Meeting Thur: 6:30pm Maundy Thursday Fri: GOOD FRIDAY Sun: EASTER SUNDAY 8:00am Sunrise Service 8:30am Sunrise Breakfast 11:00am Worship Service In Hospital: Harley Geldart, Sussex Health Center. Thank You A special thank you to those who visited the funeral home, sent cards, prayers, flowers, phone calls, food, made donations in memory of Myles and to our good Pastor for his prayers and visits. May God bless! Flo, Myles III, Eugene & family Quarterly Business Meeting The Quarterly Business Meeting will be held Wednesday, April 16th, 2014 at 7:00pm. New In The Library Veggie Tales DVD “Big River Rescue”. Also, “A Walk to Remember” by Nicholas Sparks - author of “The Notebook” and “Message In A Bottle”. CBM Prayerline THAILAND The team of students led by Conrad and Fiona Kwok are back from evangelizing in the mountainous region of Thailand. Thank God for touching the hearts of both children and adults in the five villages they visited. Ask that the Holy Spirit protect and instruct the people who responded to the gospel presentation. Petition God to send people to disciple them. Praise God for the man who destroyed his household idols! Ask that he be emboldened by the Holy Spirit to be a witness for Christ among his people. Ask that God continue to work in powerful ways among the villagers and that more villagers will turn to Christ as saviour and lord. Ask that the Kwok’s team be inspired to continue to proclaim the gospel boldly wherever they go. LEBANON Praise God for all the resources He has provided for the relief response in Syria and Lebanon. Pray for protection, renewal and strength for of all those involved in the relief effort inside Syria and in Lebanon. The pastors and their teams are exhausted. Ask that God refresh them by His Spirit and petition Him to send help and sufficient resources to nourish and sustain those who minister and are ministered to. Pray for the Syrian refugees (both Christian and non Christian) that they may find succour and welcome elsewhere. Pray that the Lebanese parliament not close their hearts and the country’s border to the homeless until alternative arrangements can be made. Ask for an end to the conflict in that region. KENYA Please pray for continued restoration in the North Eastern Province (NEP) of Kenya after the violence that wreaked havoc in the area over the last number of years. Ask that the work being done to strengthen Christian-Muslim relationships in the area will continue apace and that God will break down the barriers that prevent reconciliation and collaboration among the different people groups that inhabit the area. Pray that the Christian workers who labour in NEP might be given boldness and courage to proclaim the gospel in both Word and deed such that Christ might be glorified among the inhabitants. Sussex Baptist 2020 Vision We want to thank all who participated in our first Deep Dive in the process of discovering God’s Vision for the next 3-5 years. We plan to do Deep Drive #2 on Sunday April 13th. A light lunch will be served following the Worship Service and then we will come to the Sanctuary for our next Deep Dive. Values are who we are and they shape the Vision. Let’s come discuss who we really are so we can have a vision that reflects our true values. We the Pastors and Deacons greatly value your opinion!!!! Help Needed Help will be needed to prepare Sunrise Breakfast on Easter Sunday morning. Please let Alfie know if you are available to help out. Thank You! Camp Tulakadik Camp Days – April 12th & May 24th Between 8:30am and 4:00pm You can come work and leave when you need to! LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED – COFFEE BREAKS ALSO! TYPE OF WORK? We have a range of projects to complete including such things as: painting, raking, cleaning, light carpentry work, vinyl siding installation on older cabins, general maintenance items, trail clean-up (requires some tree cutting), brush cutting, crack filling and SO much Notice A John Sands Concert will be held on Friday, May 2, 2014 at 7:00pm at Trinity Anglican Church, 853 Main Street, Sussex. A reception will be held following the concert. Admission: $10 Tickets are available at the church office or from Carol Branscombe at 433-1502. www.johnsandsmusic.com MORE! Thanks and I look forward to seeing you at the camp! Michael Waddell Dear Friends & Supporters, Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this year’s Distinguished Alumni Award Reception and Dinner, at Crandall University on Friday, May 2. Note that there is a reception at 6:00 p.m. followed by the formal dinner at 6:30 p.m. in the Stephen S. Steeves Dining Hall. We are excited to be celebrating and bestowing this honour on Dr. Seth W. Crowell, Class of 1973. PHONE– 506-858-8970 or email marilyn.west@crandallu.ca to R.S.V.P. by April 25. Cost - $30.00 per person.
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