Aer This Week SYNOD IN THE CHURCH St Thomas will be hos!ng the Eucharist for Synod on Friday evening 12th June. We will supplying finger food before and aGer the service for approx. 130 a@endees. If you could assist with serving etc, for the evening, please contact Susan West. Being with Dying - Workshop for Carers, Community Members, Pa!ents and Volunteer Groups When: Saturday 18th July 2015 Where: Mercure Centro, William Street, Port Macquarie Cost: $25 Speakers: Dr Michael Barbato: Re!red Pallia!ve Care Specialist , Anne Barbato: counselling psychologist for 30 years and Susan Ashton: RN, CHTP For further details contact Val Kea!ng, CSO Wauchope Pallia!ve Care Unit on 6580 8040 Due to the Queen’s Birthday long weekend, there will be no Playme tomorrow Monday 8th June. Play!me will resume the following Monday 15th June as normal. Projects for the Hall. We are currently looking at refurbishing the Hall. We have funds donated by parishioners to improve the sound system and provide be@er ven!la!on by installing opening windows on the east wall. To brighten it up and improve it further as a worship centre we are proposing projects which include: 1. A digital sound desk (further funds required) 2. Large TV screens to replace the projector screen 3. A speaker to improve sound in the annex (library area) 4. Renova!ons to the toilets 5. Repain!ng of walls 6. Spotlights over stage As our budget will be very !ght for 2015/16 we are asking if there are people who would be willing to make dona!ons towards these projects. General Noces ‘Come Holy Spirit’ Conference DVDs are now available from the Parish Office. Cost $5.00. per set. For further informa!on, please contact the Office. The 2015 Parish Directory is now in draG form. Please ensure your details are correct. We will begin a new preaching series on James on 5 July for six weeks. ST THOMAS’ ANGLICAN PARISH PORT MACQUARIE Rector: Archdeacon John West Assistant Priest: Rev David Blackmore Young Families Minister: Alan Wood Web: Ph: 02 6584 1033 Email: “Loving God; Loving Neighbours; Making Disciples of Jesus.” Sunday, 7th June 2015 THE CONTROLLERS Wanted—Welcomers and Sidespersons for the Sunday 10.00am service. Training will be provided. Contact the office or David Blackmore Stocks are deple!ng rapidly for our Soup Kitchen Pantry. These items are used in food parcels for those in need. We seek canned foods, packets of soup, suitable for a meal. Ring-pull cans are preferred. Please drop the items in to the Parish Office. Jewellery Repairs Beads restrung, stones replaced, magne!c clasps, general repairs for Anglican Board of Missions. Contact Bobbie Woods on 6582 2035 Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Saviour, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25:5 Merciful God we pray that you will give wisdom and revela!on to researchers to increasingly find new and effec!ve cures for the different types of cancers. We pray this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen An iniave of Port Macquarie Ministers’ Associaon to unite in prayer on this topic over the next year Let’s face it. The greatest sin we commit in this world is to try to wrest control from God. Satan did it, Adam and Eve did it and the whole human race has been doing it ever since! In our reading from Samuel you can see Israel wan!ng a king like the other na!ons. They were not confident that God could do the job adequately. In Mark we read of Jesus’ family coming to “take charge of him”. Paul, in 2 Corinthians 4 reminds us, however, that our lives are transitory, outwardly was!ng away. Instead of focussing on the temporal we are to fix our eyes on what is eternal. Only there, in the power and strength of God, and the Lordship of Jesus Christ can there be any security. —NEED NEED HELP? - PARISH CONTACTS CONTACTS— Prayer Ministry (Confidenal): David Cur!s 6582 5218 Dawn Abell Prayer List pew sheet: Joy Whitehead Prayer Chain: Jenelle Francis Cursillo Care Person: Alan Deutsch bein 6582 1465 Need a visit? Sue Trant-Fischer Soup Kitchen Bruce Cohen Pew sheet Parish Office Helping Hands (occasional) Bruce Gilliver 6582 0647 6582 1551 6583 7731 6584 0222 6583 7516 6584 1033 6584 3835 HYMN: 90 SENTENCE: [Here are my mother and my brothers!] Whoever does the will of God is my brother and my sister and my mother. Mark 3.34–35 PRAYER OF THE DAY: Almighty God, give us such a vision of your purpose, and such an assurance of your love and power, that we may ever hold fast the hope which is in Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. BIBLE READING: 1 Samuel 8:4-11,16-20 (p.426 ) PSALM: 138 1 I will give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart: even before the gods will I sing your praises. 2 I will bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name: because of your faithfulness and your lovingkindness, for you have made your name and your word supreme over all things. 3 At a !me when I called to you, you gave me answer: and put new strength within my soul. 4 All the kings of the earth shall praise you, O Lord: for they have heard the words of your mouth; 5 And they shall sing of the ways of the Lord: that the glory of the Lord is great. 6 For though the Lord is exalted, he looks upon the lowly: and he comprehends the proud from afar. 7 Though I walk in the midst of danger, yet will you preserve my life: you will stretch out your hand against the fury of my enemies, and your right hand shall save me. 8 The Lord will complete his purpose for me: your loving-kindness, O Lord, endures for ever; do not forsake the work of your own hands. BIBLE READING: 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 (p. 1796) HYMN: 613 GOSPEL READING: Mark 3:20-35 (p. 1560) HYMN BEFORE COMMUNION: 488 FINAL HYMN: 611 ON THE PRAYER LIST If you want to submit names for the Prayer List you will need to phone Joy Whitehead on 6582 1551 with your request. We will require a contact number. We have two lists: a Sustained Prayer List for those with ongoing frailes and one for urgent requests e.g. those in crisis. Those with Ongoing Needs: Dora Smith, Chris Sharpham, Jane@e Seaton, Ken Kirkness, Stan Drew, Andrew Dowling, Ma@hew Ford Please also pray for: John West, Florence Gibbons, li@le Sarah, Bruce Cohen, Judith, Cheryl Bannerman, Len and Rose Pon!fex, Margaret Bendall, Bruce Nebauer, Joan, Takao Kusumoto, Garry Craig, Colin Hine, Robyn BeaUe, Bobbie Woods, Nane@e Lewis, Dawn Farnham, Lois and Ron Walesby, Margaret, April Gibbons, Jack Thwaite, Margaret Fountain, Alison Stamp, Nola, Vi Freeman, Garry Lawer, Brian Stokes, John Pring, Lou, Glennis St. Thomas’ Anglican Church is commi"ed to protec#ng your privacy. The people on this prayer list have given consent for their names to be included. OUR LINK MISSIONARIES and THEIR FAMILIES * John and Regine * Duncan and Alison * Lisa and Chris * David and Kristen PRAYER POINTS IN BRIEF ◊ Pray for the many people affected by the recent earthquakes in Nepal and that the world will be generous in providing aid quickly and the need will not be quickly forgo@en. This Week SUNDAY 7th June 2015 8.00am 10.00am 10.00am 5.00pm Holy Communion—Church Holy Communion—Hall Worship at Trinity at St. Columba Chapel Trinity Sunday Dusk at St. Columba Chapel MONDAY 8th June 9.30am No Play!me in Hall (Public Holiday) TUESDAY 9th June 5.15pm Healing Service - Church WEDNESDAY 10th June 9.00am-3.30 Whitehouse Emporium 9.30am Friendly Threads 11.00am Holy Communion - Chapel 11.30am Soup Kitchen - Hall THURSDAY 11th June 9.00am-3.30 Whitehouse Emporium 9.30am Thursday Prayer Mee!ng - Office FRIDAY 12th June 7.00am Men’s Breakfast—CMR 9.00am-3.30 Whitehouse Emporium ****************************************** NEXT SUNDAY 14th June - 3rd Sunday aer Pentecost ◊ Pray for clergy and lay people of our parish who glorify God and proclaim His word, that they may be empowered for their service by the Holy Spirit. Readings: 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13 Psalm 20 2 Corinthians 5:6-10,14-17 Mark 4:26-34 ◊ Pray for God's peace where there is war or terrorism and that Chris!ans being persecuted for their faith will be strengthened to endure everything they encounter. 8.00am Preacher: Presider: Preacher: Presider: ◊ Pray for the GraGon Diocese synod this month, that God will guide all discussion and grant his wisdom so that the decisions made will be to his praise and glory. ◊ Pray for the parish of Nambucca Heads and Bapst Church, Port Macquarie. 10.00am D. Blackmore D. Blackmore/A. Charlesworth D. Blackmore D. Blackmore
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