April 2015 - Lutheran Church of the Redeemer

Our mission is to
share God’s love
with all people;
Be disciples,
Make disciples,
Feed God’s sheep.
9:30 AM
Learning Hour
10:30 AM
Holy Communion
Worship Service
at Redeemer
Sunday, April 5th, 2014
51 Wilmington
Island Road
Savannah, GA
8:00 am
Easter Worship Service
of Holy Communion
9:00 am
Easter Brunch
Watch for a sign-up sheet in the narthex.
9:30 am
Egg Hunt
Bring your basket for a quick egg hunt
for all toddlers through fifth-graders.
10:30 am
Easter Worship Service
of Holy Communion
“He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!”
Can there be any more exciting, hopeful words spoken in worship than those spoken on Easter morning?
The Tomb has been emptied by the rising of the Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ words have
come true: he told us he would suffer, die, and rise again in three days. We bear witness to this greatness
every year, so this year I want to ask you a question.
“With whom have you shared this exciting and hopeful news?”
Our delight is in Jesus Christ, and that delight is intended to be shared with the world. You would tell everyone about that great game you saw on Saturday, right? You would pull people together at the water cooler at
work and share with them the plot of that exciting movie you just sat through, right? Well, how about sharing
news that is greater than any ball game recap or movie review?
The Cross is a reminder for us; death no longer has any power over us. The Empty Tomb is a reminder for
us, too: God makes good on God’s promises, for we are the people of the Resurrection! We received that
good news in our baptism, and we continue to receive that good news each week in Word and Sacrament.
Our LAMB (Lutherans Are Mission Builders) project is picking up steam; people are telling me that they have
witnessed more than ever before, and a few have even shared with me they actually have invited others to
worship. You can also be a LAMB by praying, helping, giving, loving, and forgiving. It’s all Good News.
So, this April, make a point of remembering every day that an empty tomb outside of Jerusalem has given us
the hope of our own resurrection. Doesn’t the rest of the world need to hear this message, too?
To God be the Glory for All God has Done!
Pastor Steve
Average attendance: 90
Average offering: $3065.00
Needed weekly for 2015 budget: $3654.00
Needed monthly for Backpack Buddies: $400.00
Beginning April 1, pick up your application from your
youth group leader or from the front office. If you want
one mailed to you, contact Juanita Clark in the church
office, and she will send one to you. All applications
must be received by May 1, 2015. This year, the
amount to be divided among qualified applicants is
The estate of former members Orion and Faye
Kraft has left the congregation a very generous
undesignated gift. Thank you to our son of Redeemer, Rev. Ralph Kraft for notifying us.
Special congregational meeting immediately
after worship on April 12, 2015 for the Election
of One Female and One Male Layperson to
represent Redeemer at the SE Synod Assembly in Birmingham, AL on June 5-7, 2015. All
expenses covered for delegates; spouse, if applicable, pays on own.
Missed worship Sunday? Go to our website,
redeemersav.org, to listen to pastor’s sermon
from worship on Sunday.
There are still lilies available. Please
help us decorate our Sanctuary as
we celebrate the Resurrection of
our Lord.
We have ordered:
Single Lilies
Double Lilies
White Caladiums
Boston Ferns
$10 each
$18 each
$ 8 each
$15 each
Order forms are available at the Information
Station. Please complete one and attach your
check. - Kathryn Williams
VBS is coming back!
Vacation Bible School of the Arts
will be the week of
June 8 through June 12
from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
All children from Age 3 - 8th grade are welcome.
Please be on the lookout for more details to come
and save these dates in your calendars! If
you are interested in helping, please see
Megan Maner at church or email her
at megan.maner@gmail.com.
Our Youth attending the National Gathering this summer will be Walking4Water
to raise funds for CLEAN Water. The goal
is to raise $500,000 for ELCA World Hunger-supported water projects around the
world. They will have the opportunity to experience
the reality of walking for up to three miles with heavy
water containers, which is the norm in many countries. Millions of women and youth spend hours and
walk miles each day to collect clean water. Watch for
more info from YUC.
2nd Sunday Lunch
Join us for April’s 2nd Sunday Lunch on April 12th.
We will have a special guest. Michelle Angelet,
SE Synod Assistant to Bishop Gordy will be visiting
with us for worship and lunch. Please rsvp on gold
sheet or at the Information Station.
YUC Yard Sale on
Saturday, April 11th
Please look through your attics, closets, & garages
to see if you have anything you can donate to our
cause. Bring items to church by
Easter and put in Arts/Crafts room
of Education Bldg. Please let us
know if you need pick up service.
Thanks again for your support of
As an extension of our Backpack
Buddies program, Redeemer’s Social
Ministry Comm. is adding a Summer
Feeding Program from Second Harvest of Coastal GA. Plans are underway to serve 25 Island children, K-8th
grade on Tuesdays and Thursdays during June and
July at Redeemer. Meals are prepared and delivered
by Second Harvest and we’ll supply the paper goods
and manpower for the 12-1:00 meal.
If you can help cover Tuesday or Thursdays
from11:30-1:30pm for June or July or both, please
let Susan Tellefsen or Elsie Evans know asap.
Spring Bible Study
Pastor Steve will begin a Bible study on
Paul’s Letter to the Romans from the New
Testament. We will continue to meet on
Tuesday nights beginning April 14th at 7:00PM.
Please indicate on the Gold Attendance Sheet
in worship or call the church office if you are
interested in attending. Also, please indicate if
you would be willing to volunteer on Tuesday
nights to provide childcare.
PLEASE...If you are scheduled as a Worship
Assistant- acolyte, usher, lector, communion
assistant, greeter, or nursery and cannot be there,
PLEASE let the office know before Friday at
12 noon or find a replacement for yourself.
Our mission is to share God’s love with all people
Church Office Hours: Mon – Fri, 9:00 am – Noon
Pastor Office Hours: Mon – Wed, 9:00 am – Noon; Thurs, 11:00 am – 8:00 pm
(912) 897-1133 │ Website: redeemersav.org │ facebook.com/redeemersav
The Rev. Steve Hilgeman .....................912-677-0626, pastorsteve@redeemersav.org
Allison Ward, Diaconal Minister .......................................... allisonward@comcast.net
Juanita Clark, Secretary ................................................... secretary@redeemersav.org
Mary Scarborough, Music Director ......................................... marynicole@gmail.com
Congregational Council
President: Jim Drinnon
Vice President: Mary Deloach
Secretary: Karen Jerald
Treasurer: Shawn Kaltenberg
Congregational Life: Heather Hegg
Learning: Megan Maner
Property/Operations: Bob Livingston
Social Ministry: Elsie Evans
Stewardship/Finance: Joe Warren
Worship: Mary Deloach
Financial Secretary: Carol Fowler
Newsletter: Susan Tellefsen
Website & eNews: Jim Ward
Marketing: Jodi Groover
51 Wilmington Island Road
Savannah, GA 31410-3704
Sharing Sisters
Meet Mondays at 10:00 am
Sharing Sisters will resume our Monday morning
meeting for Bible Study on April 13th. Pastor Steve
will lead us in a study of Romans. Commentaries
are available in the church library.
We also continue our mission work with lap robes,
prayer shawls and neck scarves. There is plenty of
material available in the SSs meeting room, which
is now to be kept unlocked.
All women of the church are invited and we would
love to have you join us. Any questions call Barbara
Warren, 786-9605, 596-9617 or Charlene Altman,
Please continue to support
this ministry with your
monetary donations as
well as food donations. We can always use
pudding cups, granola bars, and individual
packages of peanut butter or cheese crackers.
Our packing team now packs once a month, so
please let us know if you would like to help.
Susan Tellefsen, 898-0629.
Our cart is now available for Emergency Distribution
for 2nd Harvest, so please remember to bring at
least TWO CANS or containers of food on
Sundays for our grocery cart.
Help Pastor build the wall of food for Easter.
Foods needed are protein items such as
tuna, peanut butter, meaty soups and
stews, mac n’ cheese, also canned
veggies and fruits. Please make sure food
items are not expired.
Can we do this, Yes we CAN !!!
 Box Tops for Education (given to alternate area
 Pop tops for Ronald McDonald House.
 Backpack Buddies: $10/month donations
needed for food. Also pudding cups and granola
 Diapers are needed for Lutheran Services of
GA’s Foster Care program.
 Grocery Cart: Protein items are always
Thanks to those who helped with the Lenten Meal
preparation. Another fine cooking job by our men.
Our next fellowship gathering will be Monday, April
13th at 6:30 pm at Cancun II. Please join us.
If you have any questions
contact Joe Warren, 786-9605
or lukngd@aol.com.
Each month we meet to plan our visits
and calls to congregational members
who may need Redeemer to come to
them. It is a real joy to share the love
of Jesus with those who can not get to
church on a regular basis. The appreciation of the care is genuine.
Please take a moment to sign the Easter cards and
offer a personal greeting, even if you do not know the
addressee. When our Care Team members go to
visit or call the homebound they often hear how
meaningful the cards are. The homebound read each
name and know that many beyond their walls are
thinking of and praying for them. It gives them great
comfort and helps them feel connected to the body of
Christ in a very tangible way.
You may also offer to deliver Easter lilies to the
homebound. It is our hope that people beyond the
Care Team will offer to deliver the lilies as soon as
possible after the last Easter Sunday worship service. It is a great joy to share in the resurrection with
those who can not make it to worship. You may also
like to offer to donate a lily or plant to be delivered.
Just mark your flower order sheet to reflect how
many you’d like to have sent to the homebound.
Should you wish to participate in making home visits
or supporting the Care Team in another way, do feel
welcome to join us. We will not meet in March, but
our next meeting will be Thursday, April 16th at
Any questions, please contact Diaconal Minister,
Allison Ward at 912.355.9273 or
Congregational Prayer Concerns
(Please inform office of any additions or changes in status)
Prayer Requests - Prayer requests stay on the list for four weeks. If you wish for your request to be
continued, please contact the church office or indicate it on the yellow sheet in your bulletin.
Homebound Members: Marie Thigpen, John Gammert, Anne Leon, John Remion,
Olga Zinn (homebound visitor)
Members with Health Concerns: John Remion, Sarah Deary, Nell McCreery, Anna Mooney
Members' Prayer Requests for Friends and Family:
From Gobin /Goll Family: Prayers for family and friends in the death Jeanette Gobin
From Pastor Steve: Family and friends for Jack Anderson
From Dagma Goette: Savannah
From Ellie Loewen: for her niece, Kathryn
From Jean Schupp: Son, Donald Schupp, Jr (health issue).
From Nancy Oliver: friends Joe and Carol (health issues)
From Carol Fowler: Neill (health concerns).
From Heather Hegg: Bennett (health issues); Jamal
From Bonnie Emmerling: Melissa (health issues); Melissa’s coworker requested prayer for her Dad (serious
health issue).
From Ann Grant: husband Joe
From Mike Goodling: Mary Ellen (serious health issue)
From Kathryn Williams: My cousin struggling with severe health issue; Scott (serious health treatment);
Michael (health issues), Evan (prayers for wisdom and good decisions)
From Carol Bauman: Carolyn (serious health concern), husband Bruce (health)
Pray for violence to end, both in Savannah and in the world.
Remember all those serving our country and their families, along with veterans who have returned with
disabilities and/or who are facing unemployment / underemployment.
Pray for those with addictions, and with families who suffer along with their loved one.
Pray for those awaiting surgery.
March 29 5 Guys Burgers/Fries Fundraiser
Easter Sunday Egg hunt for the younger children.
April 11 8am-12pm Spring Yard Sale at the church.
Noisy Change Sundays are March 29th, April 26th,
and May 31st.
Don’t forget newspapers and cans for recycling!
April 12 2nd Sunday Lunch
April 19 Mother’s Day Baskets on sale
May 17 2nd Sunday Lunch
May 23 Boston Butts sale
May 31 Graduation Sunday
June 13 Car Wash
Y.U.C. - Youth Under Construction,
is Redeemer's youth group for
6th through 12th graders
If you would be interested in
hosting a Spring ALF (Adult LuFellowship theran Fellowship) event,
please let Heather Hegg know.
A Sleeping-Mat Ministry:
Bringing Comfort to the Homeless
St. Paul's Lutheran’s Thursday Craft Group has
launched Mat Ministry: crocheting waterproof mats
from plastic shopping bags for the homeless. Each
sleeping mat is approximately 3 feet by 6 feet, contains
500 - 700 plastic bags, and takes approximately 35
hours to make.
You can help by saving your plastic
bags for this project. Please flatten
bags rather than crumple and bring to
Redeemer and leave in marked box in
Backpack room across from office. If
you would like to help prepare the bags
for them to weave, please let us know
and we can show you how. Thank
you, Social Ministry Comm.
Thank you to all those who came out in the rain
for our Dinner and Discussion about Thrivent
opportunities for Redeemer and thank you to
Thrivent for providing our delicious dinner. We
had 20 members there and we received a lot of
information as to how we can plan projects and
receive funding through Thrivent. A Thrivent
committee will be formed soon to begin the process. If you are a Thrivent member and were
unable to attend, or if you are interested in
learning more about Thrivent financial products
please contact Pastor Steve, Jim Heater or Susan Tellefsen for more information. Adam Hess
and Vann Doubleday are our local representatives.
There were door prizes too and Joan Martin
and Don & Nancy Goll were the winners!!
The new 2015 flower chart clip board is at
the Information Station. Choose your favorite
dates soon. Please help our accounting process by
clearly designating the funds as flower payment and
placing it ($33) in the offering plate, on Juanita's desk
or in her box. Payment must be made prior or the
flowers cannot be ordered. Thank you.
Thrivent Night at the Sand Gnats
Friday, May 1st
Watch for more details!!
April 26th - ELCA World Malaria Sunday
What can your donation do:
$1 buys a rapid diagnostic test, to see if people have
$2 buys a course of malaria medication to treat someone who is infected with malaria.
$6 covers medication to protect a pregnant woman
and her baby throughout the pregnancy.
$10 sponsors an insecticide-treated mosquito net and
education to help people use it correctly.
For more information go to elca.org/malaria/donate
We have already
raised over 90%
of our $15 million
goal. Let’s get it
to 100%!!!
March 29
April 2
April 3
April 5
April 11
April 12
Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
YUC Yard Sale
2nd Sunday Lunch with Guest
Speaker from SE Synod
May 1
May 10
May 17
May 23
May 24
May 31
Thrivent Night at Sand Gnats
Mother’s Day
2nd Sunday Lunch
YUC Boston Butt Sale
Memorial Day Sunday
Milestone Ministries/Graduation
June 1
Summer Lunch Program begins
June 8-12 Vacation Bible School of the Arts
Congregations in Service
Put Your Faith Into Action
Congregations in Service began in Savannah in 2004 with a simple mission – uniting people of
different faiths to work together and lift up our community. Twice each year, we dedicate a
weekend to various community service projects. Visit our website, congregationsinservice.com
to see some of the things we’ve accomplished together.
Spring work days are April 25/26th. Spring projects will be listed on our website soon.
Redeemer is celebrating March as Camp Month and we have received the 2015 summer camp brochure for
programs at Lutheridge, Lutherock and LutherSprings. Please look at a brochure or visit their website at
www.novusway.com to see the many opportunities for children, youth and families to have a fun, faith-filled
experience. Both the camps and Redeemer offer scholarship help, so finances do not need to be an obstacle.
So far we have 1 family driving up for the week of June 7th-13th.
WELCOME to our new members
Debbie Reid
has been visiting
Redeemer for
several years
and we are
thrilled that she
has joined our
church family.
Debbie is the
Executive Chef
at Savannah
Trade and Convention Center.
Marie Larson
has also been visiting with us for several years and we
are thrilled that she
has joined our
church family.
Marie is originally
from Michigan and
moved to Savannah 4 years ago
from Norcross, GA
to be closer to her
Sarah and Justin
Janzen have recently moved to
Savannah .
Sarah is the
Events Coordinator for Thrivent
Financial and Justin is a
Design Engineer
with Gulfstream.
Help Wanted:
Second Harvest is in need of several
strong young men, age: HS juniors+ to
assist with deliveries of summer lunch meals from
June 1st to July 31st. Hours are 7:30-4:30 MondayFriday. Wages are $10/hour.
If you are interested in applying, please contact Angie Johnson at Second Harvest, 912.236.6750;
email: ajohnson@helpendhunger.org
Congratulations to the Zoller family on
four baptisms: Mallory, Trace, Stephen
and Leighan!
Our SE Synod will be hosting a group of visitors from the Lutheran Church of Bavaria in
late May. They will be here the last week of
May and will be visiting Downtown, Tybee,
Ebenezer, and then back to Atlanta and Birmingham for the Synod Convention.
The Tellefsens will be hosting a family and Kathryn Williams and North Beach Grill will be serving lunch on their
trip to Tybee. There will also be a low-country boil at
Capt. Butler’s. If you would like to meet any of this folks
on one of their excursions please let Susan Tellefsen
Get the Contingency Fund and its related plan adopted
Thanks to all who participated and to Karen Jerald,
Coordinator. In all, 39 people participated. Many of the
Full Sundays = parking problem.
below comments were repeated by several members.
Develop a visible difference between what greeters and
Please review these comments; if you have any concerns
ushers do; it seems crowded.
about this report, schedule a time to come talk to me.
New members should be offered chances to become more
engaged sooner than they are.
In Christ’s Name, Pastor Steve
March 4, 2015
Sunday morning activities for our youngest could use more
Positive Comments
Summers need more activities for children – VBS, a camp
People are excited to come to worship. There is a joy
right here, feeding children.
throughout the congregation.
hymns are played too often.
Finances are communicated in a clear and concise way to
more uplifting music.
the congregation.
Screen and projector get in the way of Communion.
The growth in the number of families with small children
When a second service is started, it must have the support
has been exciting.
of the full congregation.
Tuesday Night Bible Study is a big plus.
Council meetings are positive experiences; the Holy Spirit Rear of sanctuary is noisy right before worship begins
while those seated are praying.
is working!
needs to hurry and distribute the Time/Talent Survey
Preaching is Gospel based; Pastor’s preaching style is
to help the Council Chairs.
Now that we are growing, what can we do to resist from
Pastor is a shepherd; he is highly accessible to the
becoming complacent?
Backpack Buddies and Care Team are important ministries The tasks of the Altar Guild seem intimidating = few
volunteers? Is there training?
LAMB / Evangelism program working? Are enough
Pastor follows up well with former members, visitors.
people “getting it?”
Kudos to Pastor Peper for getting the rebuilding started;
Confirmation may need to be offered to older children.
Pastor Steve is a leader, too.
Sometimes parents / caregivers do not remove a disruptive
Worship feels Lutheran again.
child soon enough.
The Every Member Visit / Cottage Meeting approach is
School needs to grow.
working; keep doing it.
members are waiting to be asked to help.
More people than before are interested in running for
We are not fully handicapped accessible, especially in our
council and leadership positions.
rest rooms.
Changes have been gradual, seamless; this has amounted in
Young adults (single, divorced, family, no kids, etc.) have
less stress than anticipated.
no ministry to call their own.
Everything from worship to ministries now have an
need more ecumenical (with other congregations)
“expectation of quality.”
/ ministry opportunities.
Women and Teen Retreat = great. Do something similar
Young families tended not to participate in the Cottage
Meetings. Childcare issues?
Teaching sermons from time to time are welcomed.
Wonderful to see the children kneeling at the Communion Some members state not understanding the “wideness” of
the ELCA – Synod, world
Rail for their blessings.
Care Team serves the ill and dying very well.
A few members have embraced the LAMB program
and service projects.
School (Learning Hour) Class.
Worship is running longer, but the Holy Spirit is at work.
leaders in the
Strategic plan is a great document.
Montessori will be a plus when it begins.
Can we reach out to refugees through Lutheran Services of
The congregation could use a “Fix It” day once monthly,
Sharing Sisters is not growing.
perhaps more often seasonally.
Long-time members want more organ music during
off the mortgage sooner than later.
moving forward on the development of the Sunday
We should evaluate existing ministries to “test” their
Contemporary Service.
Night Bible Study nights also include a
We need to be reminded more often of our “Guiding
light dinner?
older youth / adults assist during Children’s Sermon
Pews seem to be in need of frequent, ongoing repair.
to help “herd the cats.”
Results of the 2015 Cottage Meetings
Worship Assistants for April 5 EASTER
Barbara Warren Joe Warren
Jim Heater, Charles Breitenbach
Jake Drinnon
Wendy Hall
Communion Assistant
Elizabeth Drinnon
Tech Board
Jim Ward
Staci Woods, Kimberly Woods,
Charlene Altman
Liz Drinnon, Carol Fowler
Flowers given by: Easter Lilies
Hospitality Table: Easter Brunch
Altar Guild Team: Nancy Goll, Jane Gobin
Council Lock Up: Joe Warren
Worship Assistants April 12
Jodi Groover, Sylvia Wallis
Dewey Mosher, Drew Schwalbe
Jodis Hegg
Allison Ward
Communion Assistant
Heather Hegg
Tech Board
Jim Ward
Amanda Kaltenberg. Sarah Woodcroft
Don Goll, Megan Maner
Flowers given by: Dewey Mosher
In Honor of Chloe Mosher 18th Birthday
Hospitality Table:
Altar Guild Team: Nancy Goll, Jane Gobin
Council Lock Up: Joe Warren
4/02 Ginger Paul
4/03 Nancy Carlson
4/06 Amanda Kaltenberg
4/06 Susan Tellefsen
4/09 Adam Williams
4/09 Chloe Mosher
4/21 Jennifer Schwalbe
4/25 Harry Oliver
4/28 John Remion
4/28 Don Goll
Worship Assistants for April 19
John Lewis, Eileen Lewis
Megan Maner, Ron Altman
Joseph Schwalbe
Joseph Seward
Communion Assistant
Kathryn Williams
Tech Board
Ben Tellefsen
Jodi Groover, Sylvia Wallis,
Lauren Groover
John Lewis, Carol Fowler
Flowers given by: Kerry, Jamie and Peyton
In Honor of Granddaddy’s 90th Birthday
Hospitality Table: Reed Family
Altar Guild Team: Nancy Goll, Jane Gobin
Council Lock Up: Joe Warren
Worship Assistants for April 26
Lois Elmgren, Karen Jerald
Joseph Seward, Jamie Coursey
Maggie Tellefsen
Jim Heater
Communion Assistant
Butch Elmgren
Tech Board
Ben Tellefsen
Augusta Livingston,
Megan Maner, Kara Heater
Liz Drinnon, Megan Maner
Flowers given by:
Hospitality Table:
Altar Guild Team: Nancy Goll, Jane Gobin
Council Lock Up: Joe Warren