February 23, 2014 St. Ann Catholic Church • 3635 Park Road • Charlotte, NC 28209 • 704-523-4641 StAnnCharlotte.org • Fax 704-527-8671 • stanncharlotte@charlottediocese.org Pastor...................................................................... Rev. Timothy S. Reid .........................704-523-4641 x222 Pastoral Associate .............................................. Sister Judy Monahan, SSJ.....................704-521-9589 Liturgical Ministries…………………………………….Carol Kuhn ................................704-527-5277 Bookkeeper ................................................................ Terry Alderman .............................704-523-4641 x224 Facilities/Scheduling/Maintenance Supervisor ............. Savas Mallos ................................704-523-4641 x233 Parish Secretary ............................................................. Marcy Rothe ................................704-523-4641 x221 Music ............................................................................ Terese Rowe ................................704-599-5725 Hispanic Ministries/Ministerios Hispanos ...................... Robin Davis ................................704-523-4641 Liturgical Schedule (Changes in the schedule noted inside) Sunday Mass Schedule Vigil Mass (Saturday): 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; Mass in the Extraordinary Form: 12:30 p.m. Parish Office Hours Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Weekday Masses Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 7:00 a.m. Wednesday: 6:00 p.m. (Mass in the Extraordinary Form) Friday: 8:30 a.m. St. Ann’s Parish Mission St. Ann Parish seeks the salvation of souls through the redemption of Jesus Christ as revealed to us in and through the divinely instituted Holy Catholic Church. We invite all to receive God's love as we give of ourselves in compassionate service. Adoration Tuesday 8:00 a.m. through Wednesday 5:00 p.m. Holy Hour: Wednesday 5:00 p.m. Reconciliation Thursday: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Saturday: 3:00-4:00 p.m. Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February 23, 2014 THIS WEEK AT ST. ANN Mass Intentions + denotes deceased Sunday 23rd 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Monday 24th 7:00 a.m. Meetings & Events Our parish family +Merlin Blais by the Blais family Latin +Carol Milton by Sallie & Kim Catalano 9:00 a.m. +Brenden Ballacchino by the Labus family 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Tuesday 25th Wednesday 26th Thursday 27th +Waldo Sherrill Steen by the Ceramic Group Adoration following Mass (chapel) Baptismal Preparation class (Scout room) Shamrock Tournament Rosary (Church) Dance Group (Gym) | Classrooms 1 & 2 in use RCIA (Scout Room | Legion of Mary 7:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Conference room in use | CSS (Classrooms 1 & 2) 4:00 p.m. Gym 5:45 p.m. AAU (Gym) 6:00 p.m. Classrooms 1 & 2 in use Adoration (chapel) 5:00 p.m. Holy Hour 6:00 p.m. Latin For St. Ann benefactors & their loved ones. 9:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Science (All rooms all day) Prayer group (Church) Basketball (Gym) Girl Scouts AAU (Gym) | Cub Scouts CSS (Classrooms 1 & 2) | Boy Scouts 7:00 a.m. +Lewis Derscheid by the Derscheid family Confessions 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. School (Gym & Café) IFBL (Gym) 8:00 a.m. Home school (All rooms) 5:30 p.m. Friday 28th 8:30 a.m. +Mrs. Leona Kessler by Fr. Reid Saturday 1st 3:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 9:00 a. m. Confessions +Elizabeth Biedrycki by Laura & Scott Biedrycki AA/NA (Classrooms 1 & 2) | Ceramics Sunday 2nd 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Our parish family Intentions of Byron Copley 9:00 a.m. by the Copley family Latin +Marie Gildae by Sallie & Kim Catalano Appeal Sunday Faith Formation Classes (School) | Classrooms 1 & 2 in use 12:30 p.m. II: Lawrence Gratch—Sabrina Moulton 8, March 2014 1:30 p.m. 2 St. Ann Catholic Church www.StAnnCharlotte.org Dear Parishioners, Last Sunday in the ancient calendar of the Church, we celebrated Septuagesima Sunday, which is the day that marked the beginning of preparations for Lent for Catholics of old. The name Septuagesima literally means “seventieth,” a reference to the number of days before Easter. However, this is a symbolic reference, not a literal one. This Sunday is Sexagesima Sunday (“sixtieth”) and next Sunday is Quinquagesima Sunday (“fiftieth”) in the ancient calendar of the Church. And of course on Ash Wednesday we will formally enter into Lent, which in Latin is called: Quadragesima, which means “Fortieth” – referring to the 40 days of Lent. For those of you who attended the Latin Mass last Sunday, you probably noticed that I was wearing violet already, and not the green vestments I wore for the Novus Ordo Masses. This is because these pre-Lenten Sundays that we began last Sunday were meant to prepare us for the discipline of Lent. They also marked a period of transition from the glories of the Christmas Season and the Season after the Epiphany to the more solemn and yet so very necessary penitential season of Lent. As Ash Wednesday will soon be upon us, it’s a good time to begin thinking about how you will draw closer to our blessed Lord during the holy season of Lent. Lent is a time for turning to God, particularly with sorrow for our sins and a desire to amend whatever is sinful in our lives. This is why Lent is penitential at its heart; this is why the Church obliges us to make sacrifices during this time of year and to take on additional prayer and almsgiving. Many thanks to all of our volunteers last Monday who helped pack the container of lumber and dry goods going to Jamaica! I was so pleased by how many people showed up to work in Monroe! Thanks again to all of you who have made this project such a rousing success! Lastly, to all the men of the parish, do not forget the 4th Annual Charlotte Catholic Men’s Conference is this coming Saturday, 01 March 2013, at St. Mark Catholic Church in Huntersville from 8 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. You can find all the details at: http://www.cltcmc.org. I hope many of you are able to attend what is always a great event! Yours in Jesus and Mary, Fr. Reid Fr. Reid’s homilies (audio & PDF) & the bulletins are posted on the website: www.StAnnCharlotte.org 3 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February 23, 2014 Your Stewardship of Treasure 783 registered families February 9, 2014 Total Weekly Collection: Weekly Budget: YTD Total: YTD Budget: Surplus/Deficit: Priests' Retirement Goal: Received: Due: 19,835.21 14,264.25 485,356.12 470,720.25 14,635.87 “… everyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:33) "... Cada uno de ustedes que no renuncie a todos sus bienes no puede ser mi discípulo." (Lucas 14:33) 26,887.23 23,979.25 2,907.98 We pray for all of our parishioners, but our "special families" this week Christina & David Grosso, Sandra & Sandra Hammond, Colin Johnson, Jessica & Jeremy Johnson, & Tina & Brian Kennelly. Give Electronically at www.StAnnCharlotte.org Endowments for St. Ann Parish: Did you know that we have an endowment for both our parish & our school? These funds, established in 1999 for the parish & 2000 for the school, are for the general & pastoral needs of our parish & school & were established through the generosity of donors in our parish. If you would like to learn more about our endowment funds & how you can make a contribution, contact Judy Smith in the Foundation for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte at 704-370-3320 or at jmsmith@charlottediocese.org. Food Collections for the Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte Food Pantry are the first & third weekends of every month: The next collection is the weekend of March 1st-2nd & 15th-16th. Men's Shelter: Thank you for the clothes you have brought in so far. The next collection is the weekend of March 1st-2nd & 15th-16th. No collection for women's clothing or toiletries for the Little Bundles, Big Hearts Ministry at this time. Please contact the parish office if you would like to volunteer for the Little Bundles, Big Hearts Ministry. DSA 2014 DSA Goal: 79,947.00 By now you should have received a letter from Bishop Jugis asking for your generous support of the DSA. Please give prayerful consideration to how you will respond by filling out your pledge card, and mailing it this week. DSA Goal: Pledge: Received: Donors: Priests’ Retirement & Benefits Collection We are grateful for the generosity of our parishioners. Our assessment is $26,887.23. For those who were unable to give before there is still time to contribute. There are envelopes in the pews in you need an envelope. Each parish has been assessed 3.5% of their annual offertory for the Priests’ Retirement & Benefits collection. Thank you! 79,947.00 11,475.00 2,985.00 24 4 St. Ann Catholic Church www.StAnnCharlotte.org COMING EVENTS Fr. Reid invites all members of the Angelic Warfare Confraternity to come & pray our daily prayers together first Thursday of each month after Confession at 6:30 p.m. in the Chapel. Our prayers are beautiful & prayed together are more powerful bringing many blessings to our membership & community. Bulletin Deadline is 12 noon on: Tuesday, February 25th for Sunday, March 2, 2014 Tuesday, March 4th for Sunday, March 9, 2014 The next Baptismal Preparation class is TODAY, February 23rd at 9:00 a.m. Call the parish office to sign up for this class. Calling all Moms of Tots! For moms with flexible schedules, infants, toddlers, preschoolers, we want to build a relationship with other moms of the parish. Meet Mondays 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. All are welcome. Please also join our group online at groups.yahoo.com/group/holyfamilyplaygroup. Please consider sharing your contact information with those who adore during your Adoration hour. If you can't make it, call the others to make sure someone is visiting Our Lord during that hour. It is your responsibility to get a replacement when you will not be able to do your Adoration hour. The fourth season of the Gaudium Musicae concert series continues on Sunday, March 30, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. with classical guitar duo, Mary Akerman & Robert Teixeira. A reception will follow this hour-long concert. Single concert tickets are $30 for families, $12 for adults, $8 for students & children 12 years old or under are free. Season tickets are also available. Tickets can be purchased online at www.StAnnCharlotte.org or in the parish office. Sponsors are needed for each of the concerts. Call the parish office at 704-5234641 x221. Mark your calendars for St Ann Summer Catechesis June 16 - 20th 9:00 a.m.- 12 noon. The program is open for 4 year olds to rising 5th graders. Teen helpers (rising 6th graders and up) and young at heart adults are needed to make our event a success! Contact Danielle Mathis for more information at tmathis3@me.com. Prayer cards of our Statues are available in the North Vestibule. A donation of $0.50 per card. February 23, 2014 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time STRONG BELIEFS Strong beliefs win strong people and make them stronger. -- Walter Bagehot Your will is a plan for the distribution of the assets you have accumulated as a result of the God-given gifts you have received throughout your life. Thank you for considering a bequest gift to our parish in your will. CREENCIAS FIRMES Creencias firmes ganan a personas fuertes y las hace más fuertes. -- Walter Bagehot 5 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February 23, 2014 MINISTRIES AT ST. ANN Do you love Jesus? Do you want to learn how to love Him more deeply? Do you want Him to transform your life & the lives of your family & friends? Read His Word every day. The daily Mass readings are the very voice of God speaking to us. Meditate on His Word for just 15 minutes with the help of our One Bread One Body booklets, a guide to the daily Scriptures found in the North Vestibule with other helpful resources. IN NEED OF PRAYER? St. Ann’s Prayer Group, volunteers who love to pray to God. In Jesus name they pray for healings, conversions, whatever the request. Email your request to stannpray_ers@comporium.net or call Nancy Picciola 803-389-5530. St. Ann Scouting programs. Cub Pack 162: 1st through 5th grade boys. Activities: introduction to citizenship, service & family camping. Boys progress in rank by grade: Dens-Tiger, Wolf, Bear & webelos. Boy Scout Troop 162: Traditional program of character & leadership development based on the principles of the Scout Oath & Scout Law. Outdoor skills, camping, climbing & backpacking trips. Rank Advancement based on learned skills, merit badges, service & leadership, leading to the Eagle Scout award. Contact: Rip Farris, Scout Master at 704-699-6464 or ripray@mac.com or Brad Black, Committee Chair at 704-906-8731 or bradfordblack@carolina.rr.com. Our parishioners: Bob Brewer, Cathy Bone, Helen Norton, Rocco Patane, Martin Liberto, Charles Kennedy & Cheryl Stanford. Our friends & family: Marlowe Regan (niece of MaryAnn Conrad), William Sirignano (grandfather of Aaron Condon), Peter Liberto (father of David Liberto), Bryan Williams, Jennifer Arnold & Mary Regester (friends of Nancy Tota), Michael Graves (son of Kathy & Dave Graves), Dorothy Storer, Marsha Bergmann (sister-in-law of Maryann & Ben Conrad), Virginia Hannigan (mother of Jan Colin), Jeanette Mc Lain (friend of Mary Ann Wolff), Patrick Walsh, Ethan Brown, Tom Storer, Ann Conrad, Gina McGourty. Our servicemen & servicewomen: Nicole Feda, Lance Corporal Joseph Fanning USMC & PFC John Michael Fanning USMC. Our incarcerated: Amiee Porter. St. Ann Basketball programs 2013-2014. Our St. Ann Charlotte Elite AAU team won the USBA National Championship in Myrtle Beach, SC, defeating a team from Washington DC! We have two programs to offer: The interfaith league started in November for boys & girls ages 3rd grade & above & runs through March. The St. Ann Charlotte Elite AAU teams 4th through 8th grades that play year round. The AAU team has grown from 4 boys to over 50 players from all over Charlotte. If you would like to get involved, we would love to have you! If you have an interest in coaching a team, we need you. We also are in need of tutors, drivers & of course any fans who love the game. If you have any questions or want information, call Rip Farris at 704-699-6464 or email ripray@mac.com. Help Wanted! Workers in the Lord’s vineyard! The pay is non-existent, but the benefits are Heavenly! To apply, contact Heidi Clark at 704504-5946 or hclark12@carolina.rr.com and find out how you can become a recruit in the Legion of Mary. No experience necessary, just a willingness to let Our Lady use you as you are. She needs your hands and feet, you lips and heart, your time and effort, for Legionaries are simply Mary’s means of action in the world today. She will use what you give her to the best advantage, for although others may surpass your offering, they cannot replace it. For additional information you may contact Anne Tinsdale, at 540-497-1781 or atinsdale@netzero.net. In today’s Gospel, Jesus challenges us by saying: “You must be perfected as your heavenly Father is perfect.” When we give to the poor, God indeed pours his love, peace and joy into our hearts and into our lives. 6 St. Ann Catholic Church www.StAnnCharlotte.org MINISTRIES AT ST. ANN Come visit the Poor Clare Gift Shop at 3452 Willow Oak Road in Charlotte, Monday-Saturday, 9:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m. to check out our new merchandise! Beautiful & devotional gifts for any occasion. Please help with the day-to-day perishable & nonperishable items needed by the Poor Clares, sign up at this link: http://www.signupgenius.com/ go/30E0B48AEA923A57-essential1/10089521. Or go to www.signupgenius.com & click on "find a sign up". Enter the email address: nuns@stjosephmonastery.com & click on the sign up link. Your donations are greatly appreciated. St. Gerard's Meals Ministry Mission: To pray for women who are pregnant or seeking to become pregnant. To provide free meals (cooked by parish volunteers) for women who have recently given birth. If you wish to receive prayers concerning pregnancy or to receive meals when you give birth or if you are available to cook meals occasionally throughout the year, please contact Katherine Lauer at 704-447-7322 or katherinetlauer@gmail.com. Good St. Gerard, powerful intercessor before the throne of God, pray for us. Homeschooling 2014-2015: Catholic Classical Enrichment is a weekly program at St. Ann’s for homeschooled children in PK through 8th grade. Engaging a child’s natural ability for memory The World Rosary meets Mondays at 5:30 p.m. in the Chapel. All are invited. work, the program seeks to help parents to develop a Catholic and classical foundation of knowledge for their homeschooled child(ren). Additionally, Catholic Classical Enrichment includes weekly lessons in Sacred Music and Art. Registration for the 2014-2015 academic year begins on Tuesday, March 4th for St. Ann’s parishioners. Any remaining spots will become available to non-parishioners beginning Friday, March 7th. Questions or requests for registration forms may be sent to Kathleen Lewis at ccejmj@gmail.com. Ceramics will meet on Saturdays. All are invited to come and join this group! The Second Greatest Story Ever Told: Fr. Michael Gaitley is a priest in the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception and the director of the Association of Marian Helpers, a spiritual benefit society with more than one million members. In this talk Fr. Gaitley describes the second greatest story ever told - a story that encompasses Divine Mercy, the life of Blessed Pope John Paul II, and the crucial role that Marian Consecration can play in your life. Your $3 donation per CD will help to bring in more of these great talks on the Beauty of the Catholic Faith. Want to get the Newest & Never before Released CD sent to the yourself or a loved one? Go to: http://www.lighthousecatholicmedia.org/cdclub and enter St. Ann's Promo Code: 33769 so St. Ann's gets the credit. YOUNG ADULTS UNC Charlotte Campus Ministry invites all college students to visit the Catholic Campus Ministry at UNCC Facebook. Attention Catholic Singles: The Catholic Alumni Club International is looking to expand in the Charlotte Diocese. Please check out the following site or contact Steve at valksr@yahoo.com www.caci.org. Theology on the Vine: The Cathedral of Saint Patrick invites all young adults aged 18-35 to join the Cathedral’s newly formed young adult ministry. The ministry meets on Friday evenings for a relaxed informal gathering in the Cathedral’s Family Life Center. www.facebook.com/ groups/177921542343760/ Pro-Life Ministry Come join the young adults of St. Peter for upcoming spiritual, social, and service events. Check out our meetup page at: http://www.meetup.com/St-Peters-Catholic-YoungAdult-Ministry-Charlotte-NC/ or contact Julie McGrath at juliebmcgrath@gmail.com for more information. All in their 20's and 30's are welcome! To sign up for respect life email list, email Mary B. Richardson at respectlifestanncharlotte@gmail.com. 7 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February 23, 2014 CATHOLIC EDUCATION St. Ann’s School News As our school continues to expand, we welcome St. Ann parishioners to become a part of our school community as well as our Church community. We offer a strong, faith -based curriculum as well as an expanded academic curriculum. Are you planning for the future education of your children? We offer grades PK (4-year-olds), TK, K-5th grade & a Learning/Language Stimulation Program. Call for additional information 704-525-4938 or stop by & take a tour. New Catholic Schools Special Needs Program. The Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools (MACS) is now registering students for a new special needs program for the 2014-2015 school year. This program – Providing an Appropriate Academic Catholic Education (PACE) -will be housed at Our Lady of Assumption School (OLA) at 4225 Shamrock Rd. The PACE Program is currently designed for students in 2nd-5th grades who have been identified as having a specific learning disability in the areas of reading and writing and who need a small, self-contained setting in order to achieve on grade level in all academic subjects. The goal of the program is to remediate significant weaknesses so that students can return to the general education classroom. For more information, contact Kathleen Miller at 704-370-3355 or Allana Rae-Ramkissoon at 704-531-0067. Support St. Ann School! Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card to St. Ann School #1931 at the register or by calling 1-800-432-6111. Food Lion Shoppers can also link by going to foodlionmvprewards.com St. Ann #214503. St. Ann School PTO is also selling GoPlaySave Coupon Books (formerly Citipass). Chock full of great discounts to area restaurant & attractions you'll save a bunch! Cost - $30 email stanncharlottepto@gmail.com to make arrangements to get your copy. Help support our school. The Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools (MACS) is accepting applications for new students for the 2014-2015 school year at all schools & for all grades. Please call the MACS Admissions Office to request an application packet or go to the MACS website at http:// schools.charlottediocese.net/macs/admissions/applications for the application documents. For school locations & additional information please call the MACS Admissions Office at 704-370-3273 or visit our website at http:// schools.charlottediocese.net/our-schools. Register now for MACS summer camp. June 16th- August 8th. Locations: St. Matthew, St. Pat and St. Mark. Ages 5 through graduating 5th grade. You do not have to be Catholic or attend Catholic Schools to enroll. Join in the fun with theme days Mondays and Fridays. Fieldtrips every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Hours: 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. For more information contact: Ellen Buening, Summer Camp Director at 704-370-3268 or ehbuening@charlottediocese.org. And the website is http:// schools.charlottediocese.org/macs/programs/summercamp Have you ever considered the blessing of a Catholic Education for your children but wondered if it was within your reach? A Catholic Education may be more accessible than you realize: With needs-based tuition assistance available to qualified Catholic families & nine schools throughout the Charlotte-Mecklenburg & Lake Norman areas, a strong Catholic Education is financially & physically closer than you think. Offering a rigorous K-12 education rooted the Catholic world view of faith & reason, high standardized test scores, & impressive college acceptance rates, as well as outstanding enrichment & athletic programs our Catholic Schools offer excellence in education. If you have ever considered the blessing that a Catholic Education can be, but thought it wasn’t within your means we encourage you to take another look at the Catholic schools. For more information about the Mecklenburg Immaculata Catholic School seeks an experienced educational leader to serve as principal for its PK-8th grade school for the 2014-2015 school year. Immaculata Catholic School (enrollment of 160) has provided 88 years of quality Catholic education for Henderson County in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina and is fully accredited by AdvancED through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Full job posting and application can be found at http://schools.charlottediocese.net/about-us/employment. To be considered for this position, please submit an application and resume by March 5, 2014 to: Fr. Martin Schratz, OFM Cap., Pastor, Immaculate Conception Parish, 208 7th Avenue West, Hendersonville, NC 28791 or icccwnc@bellsouth.net. Area Catholic Schools Tuition Assistance Program visit: http://schools.charltotediocese.net/images/ schools/MACS/admissions/fag.pdf. Call 704-370-3273. www.charlottediocese.org/macs. St. Vincent de Paul Preschool Registration 20142015 has begun for 2, 3 & 4 year-olds. We offer classes 2, 3, 4 & 5 days a week in a faith-filled, developmentally appropriate environment. Classes are filling up quickly. Email Mary Helen Cushing at mhcushing@charlottediocese.org or call 704-644-4656 for more information or to schedule a tour. Kamp Gabe 4 Kids is accepting applications for summer day camp. Various programs are offered for children ages 3 through rising 6th graders. The camp is at St. Gabriel School in Charlotte call sue Cornish for details at 704-840-4920 8 St. Ann Catholic Church www.StAnnCharlotte.org EVENTS IN OUR DIOCESE Sons, Fathers, Husbands, Brothers, Men! – Join us for the 4th Annual Catholic Men’s Conference, Transformed by Christ, Men on a Mission. The conference will be on Saturday, March 1, 2014, at St. Mark Catholic Church from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mass will be celebrated by Most Reverend Peter Jugis; and a dynamic line-up of speakers is scheduled, including Dr. Allen Hunt, Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, and Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. Bishop Curlin will lead a Holy Hour reflection as well. Advance ticket price is $35 for adults, with discounts available for seniors and students. Price includes breakfast and lunch. For registration please visit our website atwww.cltcmc.org or contact Dan Trapini at daniel_trapini@bellsouth.net. 2014 Catholic Camporee April 4th-6th Calling all Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venture Crews! Attend or visit the 38th Annual Catholic Camporee for the Diocese of Charlotte. The theme for this year’s Catholic Camporee, is St. Francis Today. Pope Francis was immediately inspired to Charlotte Catholic Women's Group Reflections: Don't miss the opportunity to hear National speakers Dr. Allen Hunt and Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers on Friday evening, February 28th at St. Mark Catholic Church. Dr. Allen Hunt's talk "What’s Weighing You Down? Overcoming Obstacles to Becoming the Best Version of Yourself" and Deacon Harold's talk "Heart of Love: The Transformative Power of Feminine Spirituality" will be both transforming and entertaining. Light refreshments and fellowship starting at 6:30 p.m. with talks to follow. Our morning reflection will be Monday, March 3rd at St. Vincent de Paul with Fr. Timothy Reid. Holy Mass will be offered at 9:00 a.m. with coffee and fellowship to follow. Fr. Reid will begin his Reflection at 10:30 a.m. Please see our website for details and to learn more about us at www.CharlotteCatholicWomensGroup.org or contact Carolyn Franks at 704-544-3153. take the name of St. Francis of Assisi because of his work for peace and the poor. St. Francis was the man of the poor who though born into a family with status and wealth, devoted his life to the poor, missionary outreach and caring for God's creation. Camporee will conclude on Sunday with Holy Mass celebrated at 10 am by Bishop Peter Jugis. The Bishop will recognize all Scouts who have earned the Religious Awards. For Information visit our website www.cdccos.info or contact the Camporee Coordinator at jsj_0815@yahoo.com 336-689-3570 Belk Scout Camp 9408 Belt Road - Midland, North Carolina 28107. Day of Reflection for Seniors Sponsored by Our Lady of the Americas and Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte Elder Ministry Day of Reflection on Wednesday, March 26th Location at Our Lady of the Americas Catholic Church, Biscoe Our Presenter Fr. Frank O’Rourke, the Topic: “Sharing the Journey….Stories that Inspire”. Wednesday Morning Mass begins at 9:30 a.m. and CheckIn is 10:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. The Program: 11:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. The Cost is free but registration required (Light lunch will be provided). Deadline for Registration: Thursday, March 20th. To register Contact: Trudy Hintz 910-400-5034, representative of Our Lady of the Americas, or Sandra Breakfield 704-370-3220, program Director Elder Ministry, Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte or by sending your name, address, phone number and parish to: Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte, 1123 South Church Street, Charlotte, NC 28203. Attn: Sandra Breakfield, Elder Ministry. The Knights of Columbus is seeking a Field Agent for a career opportunity representing their insurance program. They offer a complete benefits package with this full-time position. In order to qualify, one must be eligible for membership in the Knights of Columbus. For more information, please contact, Christopher Mahoney, General Agent, at 919-845-5595 or via email at Christopher.Mahoney@kofc.org. Our Tenth Diocesan Eucharistic Congress will be held Friday & Saturday, September 19th and 20th. Mark your calendars! FORGIVING AN ENEMY: Who has not forgiven an enemy has not yet tasted one of the most sublime enjoyments of life. -- Johann Kaspar Lavater The Separated & Divorced Catholic Ministry (nacsdc.org) is expanding support groups for Catholics in the Charlotte area. To learn more about this Church-sanctioned peer support ministry, please email SDC-NC@triad.rr.com or telephone 336-632-8999. PERDONANDO A UN ENEMIGO: Quien aún no ha perdonado a un enemigo aún no ha disfrutado de las más sublimes alegrías de la vida. -- Johann Kaspar Lavater 9 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February 23, 2014 EVENTS IN OUR DIOCESE The 18th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade will be held in Uptown Charlotte on Saturday, March 15th. The parade steps off at 11:00 a.m. at Tryon & 9th St & marches down Tryon St. to 3rd St. The Charlotte Goes Green Festival, 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. on the 15th, located on Tryon St. between 3rd & 1st St. The festival is free & features live Irish music, Irish dancers, Irish & other vendors, plenty of children’s amusements & lots of food & beverages. We will have a drawing for a trip for 2 to Ireland! Join us where everyone is Irish for the day! Come out & show your Irish! The Columbiettes Auxiliary at St. Thomas Aquinas Church has an open meeting on March 10, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in Aquinas Hall. Any Catholic woman aged 17 or older is cordially invited to come and find out more about who the Columbiettes are, what they do and how to get involved in the many outreach and social events the Columbiettes are involved in. To find out more, please contact Gen Rollins, President, at gen526@aol.com. St. Thomas Aquinas is located at 1400 Suther Road, Charlotte, NC 28213, one block away from the main entrance to UNCC. Do you feel called to give a few minutes in prayer for our priests? If so, become part of Mary’s Sons, a diocesan apostolate dedicated to praying for our priests, at 8:00 p.m. after Adoration at St Patrick's Cathedral and give your prayerful support for these selfless men. As a volunteer at any parish, you will need to take the “Protecting God’s Children” Training Session. Pre-registration is required for all workshops. You may register online at www.virtusonline.org, click “registration” on the left side of the page & follow prompts. Also on the Diocese of Charlotte website under “Safe Environment”. There are many any other classes in different cities in the area. Please call the Diocese of Charlotte for details 704370-6299. Alive in the Spirit Charismatic Prayer Group invites you to join the first Monday of every month (next meeting is Monday, March 3, 2014) at St. Matthew Chapel at 7:30 p.m. Email Barbara Gardner, chlt5nc@gmail.com. Record Giving in 2013 For the first time, U.S. charitable giving exceeded $400 billion last year, rising 13 percent over 2012 to reach a record $416.5 billion. According to the Atlas of Giving, this record philanthropy was fueled largely by significant increases in stock prices, and the biggest gains in gift revenue were enjoyed by human services organizations, environmental charities, donor advised funds and educational institutions. Contributions to religious causes, as a share of all giving, remained by far the largest category, accounting for 35 percent of Americans' donations. The initial outlook for giving in 2014 is positive. The current forecast indicates giving will rise four percent this year. It was the third straight yearly increase found by the Atlas of Giving, which uses an algorithm that incorporates economic, demographic, and event factors to estimate annual giving. A televised Sunday Mass is now airing on ABC Family from 6:30-7:00 a.m. Sunday mornings. THE SUNDAY MASS is produced by the Passionist Fathers & Brothers & is available nationally on local affiliates. Call 800-THE-MASS or www.TheSundayMass.org. The Airport Chaplaincy at Charlotte Douglas Airport offers two Masses on Sunday 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Held in the auditorium on the upper level of the main terminal above the Carolina Pit BBQ. It is open 5:30 a.m.—10:30 a.m. Shining Stars Adult Day Respite is a not-for-profit organization helping families dealing with memory loss. They provide relief for the caregiver & activities & friendship for the care receivers. Meeting times are Mondays & Wednesdays at 10:00am at St. Gabriel Catholic Church. Tuesdays & Thursdays at 10:00am at Sardis Presbyterian Church. They provide support groups for caregivers dealing with a memory loss family member. They are free & open to the public. Meeting times are: The last Monday of each month at 10:00am at St. Gabriel Catholic Church, Room E in the Ministry Center. The 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1:30pm at Sardis Presbyterian Church. Bereavement Group now meets the last Wednesday of each month at 1:30pm at St. Gabriel Catholic Church Room, E in the Ministry Center. Shining Stars Adult Day Respite is in need of volunteers. They meet from 10:00am –3:00pm at St. Gabriel on Mondays & Wednesdays. Also Tuesdays & Thursdays at Sardis Presbyterian Church. Call Suzanne Bach at 704-376-4135. Opportunities for Spiritual Enrichment: By calling Presentation Ministries at 704-594-4811 you can listen to a reflection on the Scriptures of Mass for each day. This daily inspirational reflection is offered free of charge. Yet another way to find blessings for each day is to check out www.presentationministries.com read the Scriptures for each day along with helps for living the Christian life. 10 St. Ann Catholic Church www.StAnnCharlotte.org MARRIAGE & NFP INFORMATION EVENTS IN OUR DIOCESE Job Opportunity: Associate Director of Development: The Diocesan Office of Development has an opening for a full-time associate director of development. The candidate must have a Bachelor degree in marketing, communications, or a related field, a minimum of 5 years’ experience in fundraising/stewardship and marketing, and experience with Microsoft Office program. A knowledge of Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge database is preferred. Responsibilities include coordinating all aspects of the Diocesan Support Appeal, the diocesan stewardship efforts, the priests’ retirement and benefits collection, the development office communications efforts including the development web pages, the diocesan combined collection program, grant writing, and overseeing the diocesan database. Please submit resume by March 7, 2014 to Jim Kelley, Office of Development, jkkelley@charlottediocese.org. or mail to 1123 South Church Street, Charlotte, NC 28203-4003. FREE Natural Family Planning (NFP) Full Course Topics to be covered include: * Effectiveness of modern NFP methods * Health risks of popular contraceptives * Benefits of NFP - health, relational, and spiritual * Church teaching on responsible parenting * And...how to use NFP For more information, go to ccdoc.org/nfp or to RSVP, contact: Batrice Adcock, MSN, at Catholic Charities 704-370-3230 or bnadcock@charlottediocese.org. Natural Family Planning Sympto-Thermal Method A Natural Family Planning will be taught March 22nd. All classes are Saturdays from 6:30 -9:30 p.m. at the Hack home. Certified Sympto-Thermal Method teaching couple will help couples naturally plan for family growth in a safe, effective manner, within the Church’s teaching. Sign up on-line and purchase class materials at www.ccli.org. Scholarships are available. Contact Joe and Kathy Hack for more information at 704-548-1834 or hackhouse@bellsouth.net. Third Order of St. Dominic Our Lady of Perpetual Help Dominican Laity Group meets once a month for prayer, study & community at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. We are men & women, single & married, 18 & older. Visit: www.charlottelaydominicans.org Contact: Mrs. Mary Snow, O.P., 704 847-4405. Dr. Jeanne Hicks, O.P., 704 -845-8279. Mr. Tom Mathis, O.P., 704 541-0858. Today’s gospel tells us, “Whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” God calls us to be holy in all aspects of our lives. It is important to work to make our marriage holy. Next Marriage Encounter Weekends: May 16-18, 2014 in Raleigh, NC. Early sign up is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: http:// NCMarriageDiscovery.org or contact us at 704-3152144 or applications@NCMarriageDiscovery.org registration is highly recommended. Visit our website at: http://NCMarriageDiscovery.org or contact William & Elizabeth Nickles at 704-315-2144 or applications@NCMarriageDiscovery.org. Rediscover Your Marriage: Retrouvaille simply means 'rediscovery'. The program offers the chance to rediscover yourself, your spouse, and a loving relationship in your marriage. Thousands of couples headed for divorce have successfully improved their marriages by attending. Retrouvaille is a not spiritual retreat, sensitivity group, seminar or social gathering. It is a program where couples learn to talk to each other again. For confidential information call 800-470-2230 or 434-793-0242, e-mail us at retrouvaillenc@msn.com, or visit the web site at www.retrouvaille.org. 11 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February 23, 2014 TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES REMINDERS Pilgrimage to Poland & the Czech Republic on May 12-22, 2014 with Fr. Timothy Reid. See the brochure on our website or contact the parish office: 704-523-4641 x221. There have been reports of car break-ins along Park Road. Lock your cars & put any items in your trunk. To book a room in the Allen Center, call Savas Mallos at 704-523-4641 x233. Father Patrick Winslow and Father Matthew Kauth invite you to join them on a pilgrimage to Italy on June 1-10, 2014. Come explore Central Italy where they will tour Rome, Assisi, Siena and Florence, with highlights that include a papal audience , the tomb of St. Francis, the house of St. Catherine, the original “David”, Santa Croce and much more. For information and to pick up a brochure , please contact Valerie Gebhardt at 704-549-1607x209 or vgebhardt@stacharlotte.com. I encourage you to be mindful of our Lord’s presence whenever you are in the church. Making sure to genuflect whenever you pass before the tabernacle, maintaining a prayerful silence in the church, dressing modestly & silencing cell phones are practices that we would all do well to follow—not simply out of respect for our Lord, but for the benefit of our fellow parishioners as well. To All Parents with Infants & Small Children One of the most beautiful blessings of our Parish is that we have so many babies & small kids! While all children are most welcome in the church, please keep in mind that the acoustics in our church are excellent, which means that their voices carry. If your children cry or scream during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, please be sensitive to those around you by taking your child to one of our cry rooms. The cry rooms are reserved for families with small children. Everyone else is requested to sit in the church. To those in the Cry Rooms for Mass Please remember that these rooms are an extension of the church itself. Therefore, please be as reverent as possible during Mass. These rooms exist to help you train your children how to attend Mass properly; thus, they should not be used as play rooms. While everyone who uses the cry rooms expects them to be a bit noisier than the church, disruptive games or toys are better left at home. Moreover, conversations in the cry rooms should be kept to a minimum during Mass. Thank you for your consideration. CATHOLIC CHARITIES DIOCESE OF CHARLOTTE ANNOUNCEMENTS DONATE Your Car to Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte: Want to support charitable outreach offered by the Church? Donate your used car, boat or other vehicle to support outreach. Call: 1-855-930-4483. Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte is committed to the growth of individuals & strengthening families. We accept most health insurance & offer a sliding scale fee. To find peace of mind, hope & support please visit our website, www.ccdoc.org or call 704-370-3232. The Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte is now accepting a limited number of immigration cases for people applying for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Please contact immigration attorney Sarah Long at 704-370-3287 or snlong@charlottediocese.org. La Charities Diócesis Católica de Charlotte está aceptando un número limitado de casos de inmigración para las personas que solicitan la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA). Por favor, póngase en contacto con el abogado de inmigración Sarah Long a 704-370-3287 o snlong@charlottediocese.org. As you come into the church, please keep in mind that we have several parishioners & visitors with walkers & canes that would like to sit in the back by the baptismal font so the walk from their cars is not too far! Make sure to lock your cars & trucks. Either keep your personal items with you in church or lock them in your trunk. This is for your safety. There is hope & healing following abortion. Rachel's Vineyard is a week-end retreat, for women & men, who want to begin their healing journey. Please contact Shelley, 828-670-8192 or Maggi, mnadol@charlottediocese.org. You may also wish to visit www.rachelsvineyard.org. Sponsored by Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte, Respect Life Program. 12 St. Ann Catholic Church www.StAnnCharlotte.org GIVE BETTER THAN YOU RECEIVE Jesus' words in today's Gospel continue to contrast the Jewish law and practice with the practice of the followers of Jesus. Today's Gospel continues with slight variations the formulation: "You have heard . . ." and "What I say to you is . . ." The old laws of retaliation were once created to soften the severe and vengeful retaliations common among the peoples that surrounded the struggling people of God. The would-be followers of Jesus again feel surrounded by people bent on retaliation. So Matthew presents Jesus, who asks his followers not only not to retaliate at all but to "turn the other cheek." He asks that his listeners give the one who asks more than he or she seeks. Jesus asks us to love and pray for those of our home country and the alien, the ones who love us and the ones who hate us. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. FORGIVENESS: People who cannot forgive others break the bridge over which they must pass if they are to reach heaven; for everyone has a need to be forgiven. -- George Herbert PERDÓN: Aquel que no puede perdonar a los demás rompe el puente que deberá cruzar para alcanzar el cielo; porque todos tienen la necesidad de ser perdonados. -- George Herbert IN OUR COMMUNITY Win a 2014 JEEP Wrangler! Purchase tickets online at cchsgala.com. Only $10 each or 6 for $50! Purchase by February 28th. Thank you for supporting Charlotte Catholic High School! Drawing March 1st. ES MEJOR DAR QUE RECIBIR Las palabras de Jesús continúan contrastando la practica y Ley judía con los seguidores de las enseñanzas de Jesús. El Evangelio de hoy continúa con una ligera variación de la frase "Ustedes han oído que se dijo. . ." y "yo les digo que. . ." Las antiguas leyes de venganza se escribieron para mitigar las represalias severas y vengativas tan comunes entre los pueblos que rodeaban al pueblo guerrero de Dios. Aquellas personas que querían ser seguidores de Jesús también estaban rodeadas por personas empeñadas en vengarse. Por lo que Mateo presenta a Jesús pidiendo a sus seguidores que si alguien los golpea en una mejilla que pongan la otra. Él les pide a las personas que lo escuchan que den más de lo que alguien les pida. Jesús nos pide amar y orar por nuestros conciudadanos y los extranjeros, a los que amamos y a quienes nos odian. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. The Catholic Shoppe at Belmont Abbey College is well stocked with everything you need for Advent & Christmas & we will help you find something for everyone on your list! Come early to special order! Mention you read about us in your parish bulletin & save 20% off a single item of your choice! Call 704 461-5100 for more information. Art Lessons: Your child or teen’s inner Picasso will come out as they learn the fundamental skills of visual art through the use of various mediums. Lessons are held in the home in an individual or group setting. Contact Juliette Lee at 704-604-7916 or juliettelee@catholic.org for more information. An ad page is being offered by J. S. Paluch called “Celebrant Life’s Big Moments”. For a fee of $25.00 you can take out an ad in our bulletin to congratulate milestones: First Communion, Confirmation, graduation, marriage, even birthdays. We believe you are truly our parish family & we want to celebrate with you. Contact Greg Duncan at duncang@jspaluch.org. The new opportunities to volunteer at the Men's Shelter please contact Julia Putnam at Julia.Putnam@mensshelterofcharlotte.org. Changes in the all the schedules. Many hands lighten the load. 13 Séptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 23 de febrero de 2014 Be holy, for I, the LORD, your God, am holy. -- Leviticus 19:2b Sean santos, porque yo, el Señor, soy santo. -- Levítico 19:2b TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Olive oil looms large in the vocabulary of baptism. There are other oils in the pantry closet, from grapeseed to safflower to canola, but only olives yield the proper meanings. Olives don't just happen; they are cultivated, nurtured, pruned, and fussed over; they are a sign of human and divine cooperation. Olives can thrive in poor soil, but they cannot survive without human ingenuity, planting shoots and pruning branches. They can't be popped from a tree and munched like apples: they are inedible without long curing; neither do they yield their oil to hand pressure alone, but only to huge stone mills. Abundant patience is needed as sediment sinks to the bottom of storage barrels and pure oil rises to the surface. Olive oil is a byproduct of peace: war keeps harvesters, planters, and pruners within city walls and turns millers into soldiers. To obtain oil from olives you need vast measures of hope, patience, faith, and ingenuity. Olive oil is a sign of God's bounty and the way we human beings collaborate with God to bring about impossibly wonderful results. It is creation at its finest. Some people give chocolate eggs for Easter; perhaps olive oil is a more appropriate gift! --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Readings for the Week of February 23, 2014 Sunday Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading -- Take no revenge and cherish no grudge; love your neighbor as yourself. (Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18). Psalm -- The Lord is kind and merciful (Psalm 103). Second Reading -- You are the temple of God, and holy (1 Corinthians 3:16-23). Gospel -- Offer no resistance; love your enemies (Matthew 5:38-48). Monday Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23; Mk 9:30-37 Wednesday Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-3, 6-11; Mk 9:38-40 Thursday Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; Mk 9:41-50 Friday Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12; Mk 10:1-12 Saturday Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday Jas 5:13-20; Ps 141:1-3, 8; Mk 10:13-16 Paluch Co. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Aún lo recuerdo, estaba viajando en el metro de la ciudad de Roma cuando subieron dos mujeres con niños. Vestían como si fueran a una fiesta de disfraces. Noté que todas las personas las evitaban. Eran gitanas, esas a las que mi mamá y mis tías me iban a dar si no me portaba bien. Los gitanos no tienen una buena reputación entre las naciones. Tienen la misma reputación de los pastores de Palestina que vivieron en tiempos de Jesús. Se piensa que son ladrones e inmorales, gente a la que hay que tenerle miedo. Sin embargo, decimos que Jesús es nuestro Buen Pastor. En Jesús, todas las personas que jamás creeríamos capaces de alcanzar la santidad, lo logran. Tal es el caso del Pelé o Zeferino Jiménez, un gitano que en 1936 fue fusilado por militares españoles. El motivo de su muerte fue la enseñanza y difusión de la fe en Cristo. Su muerte fue la cumbre de una vida de fe como franciscano seglar. El ejemplo de vida que este gitano nos dio, logró hacer que los españoles lo respetaran y olvidaran sus prejuicios en contra de su gente. Además de eso, evangelizó a sus hermanos gitanos. --Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, (c) J. S. Paluch Co. Lecturas de la semana 23 de febrero de 2014 Domingo Séptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Primera lectura -- No te vengues ni guardes rencor, ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo (Levítico 19:1-2, 17-18). Salmo -- El Señor es compasivo y misericordioso (Salmo 103 [102]). Segunda lectura -- Tú eres templo de Dios y eres santo (1 Corintios 3:16-23). Evangelio -- No ofrezcas resistencia; ama a tus enemigos (Mateo 5:38-48). Lunes Stgo 3:13-18; Sal 19 (18):8-10, 15; Mc 9:14-29 Martes Stgo 4:1-10; Sal 55 (54):7-11a, 23; Mc 9:30-37 Miércoles Stgo 4:13-17; Sal 49 (48):2-3, 6-11; Mc 9:38-40 Jueves Stgo 5:1-6; Sal 49 (48):14-20; Mc 9:41-50 Viernes Stgo 5:9-12; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 8-9, 11-12; Mc 10:1-12 Sábado Santa María Virgen; Primer sábado Stgo 5:13-20; Sal 141 (140):1-3, 8; Mc 10:13-16 14
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