How to install mail server on suse linux Requirement o Install PHP Apache2-mod_php5 Php5 o Apache Apache2 Apache2-example-pages Apache2-profork o Lib libstdc++-devel o post postgresql-libs o your domain is works domain ( dns (webmail ip address ( o Install mysql Php-mysql mysql Check file in /var/lib/named/master o Vim and add one line o Vim o testing your DNS work or not Use command nslookup And use command nslookuop Restart service DNS (rcbind restart) o Test PHP pages. Create a new file with the name phpinfo.php in directory /srv/www/htdocs Vim phpinfo.php <?PHP Phpinfo (); ?> Go to web browser Restart service apache (rcapache2 restart) Edit file /etc/postfix/ sent mail) o /etc/postfix/ (for allow service IMAP for Restart service postfix (rcpostfix restart) Install dovecot (it has 2 service pop3 and IMAP) Install packets of dovecot Install dovecot o Restart service dovecot (rcdovecot restart) Edit file /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf o Vim /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf o And change some information that you see add lines 809,11 o Restart service dovecot (rcdovecot restart) After your configure your dovecot restart service (done) for make sure your dovecot work or not You test sent mail to user and user to root it identified your mail work properly or not. Copy roundcubemail-0.2.1.tar.gz /srv/www/htdocs o And extract this file roundcubemail-0.2.1.tar.gz to /srv/www/htdocs Remame roundcubemail to mailserver it easy to remember Enter mailserver o Give permission to folder temp and logs o Rename files for configureation o Edit file Vim And change your password that your o Edit file Vim o Create password user mysql and password (soly) o Create database and put password (password ) control roundcube for password put the same password that you edited in o Note: if your configure wrong password so your database failed cannot connect to server. o D o Change file database to roundcube o Go to web browser login user kaka and password 123 Configure Virtual host ( Go to web browser Configure SSL
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