MORNING SERVICE OF WORSHIP SUNDAY, AUGUST 10, 2014 10:00 A.M. TELEVISION REPLAY AT 10:45 A.M. Worship/Childcare: childcare is provided for children under the age of four. Children 4 years old thru kindergarten may attend children’s church in room 249. An usher will be glad to direct you to the childcare ministry located on the second floor. Mike Head MADRID Gordon/Harvill arr. Cottrell Gillies/Garratt Pastor Please note that numbers are included for all hymns found in The Baptist Hymnal. Welcome and Fellowship “Firm Foundation” “One Thing Remains” “Man of Sorrows” Hymn of Fellowship 231 “Come, Christians, Join to Sing” Praise Chorus Song of Assurance Special Music Sermon LANDAS English Greg Steeves “CHARACTERISTICS OF FAITHFULNESS” Hebrews 11:8-10; Genesis 1, 2, 4a Hymn of Commitment 412 “My Faith Has Found a Resting Place” Offertory Prayer Worship with Tithes and Offerings Offertory Music “Feels Like Redemption” Tim Knipp Volume 15 Issue 32 August 10, 2014 Burn the Note! Special Offering Over and above your tithe designated to Higher, Greater, Together Special Emphasis Giving: Sept. 14 $3.7 mil $3.5 mil $3 mil “Share His Love” Sharing of Spiritual Decisions Departing Song 567 Postlude SUNDAY EVENING - 6:00 PM All lyrics used by permission. CCLI 1049583 $147,207.00 $2 mil $1.5 mil $1 million New office hours Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Church staff Instrumentalists SULLIVAN THE MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE WILL BE REBROADCAST AT 7:00 P.M. Balance remaining: $2.5 mil Larry Gilmore, Interim Pastor Mike Head, Associate Pastor of Administration Todd Arnold, Minister of Music Alex Melton, Minister of Youth & Students Bill Stone, Associate Pastor of Family Life Steve Farris, Assistant Pastor for Outreach, Adult Education and Missions Colleen Cox, Recreation Coordinator HOW TO TELL YOUR STORY You are as unique as the next snowflake! You have a DNA that identifies you from every other person who has ever lived. Your fingerprints are so designed that the print you leave some place will allow others to track you down if they so desire and take sufficient time. The places you have lived and the influences in your life have impacted your life and helped to mold you into the person you are today. Introduce Jesus Christ into your life and He uses all of these identifiable markers to continue to mold and shape you into the person He wants you to become. His ability allows Him to use the good, the bad, and the ugly experiences of our lives…like flour, oil, raw eggs, etc. to make something good. All of these experiences and identifiable markers serve for one main purpose…to give you a story that is uniquely yours. In “How to Tell Your Story,” you will be guided in identifying the key turning points in your life and putting them down so that you can communicate your story with clarity when God gives you that opportunity. The process is a fun one and one that will encourage your heart as you hear others who volunteer to share a part of their stories with the group. You are invited to participate in this learning and enlightening process TONIGHT at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. It will be interactive and encouraging. There will be a lite snack after about 50 minutes and then we will conclude by 8:00 p.m. STREET SHOE SUNDAY Praise the Lord for what he accomplished through you on Street Shoe Sunday! More than 50 teams hit the streets. Thank you for your participation and obedience. Deacons of the Week Joe Church - Chief Deacon Chris Gaby, Farrell Cox Wednesday Dinner - 08/13 Barbeque chicken, green beans, slaw, corn, dessert Wednesday Volunteers - 08/13 5:00 p.m. - Carol Rice, Carol & Jerry Joyner, Kevin Cochrane 5:45 p.m. - Ruth Ann Southerlan, Fran & Charlie Hutchinson Extended Session - 08/10 Infants - Patricia Fuller, Linda Gilmore Creepers/Toddlers - Jill Harper, Janet Fowler 2 year olds - Mike & Keli Isabell 3 year olds - Tom & Nancy Sliger August 3, 2014 Budget Goal per Week $26,489.13 Budget Gifts this Week $35,496.17 Difference from Goal $9,007.04 Total Designated Gifts $2,470.00 Total Gifts this Week $37,966.17 Budget Goal to Date $132,445.65 Budget Gifts to Date $135,386.95 Difference from Goal $2,941.30 Budget Gifts to Date Last Year $118,857.00 Increase (Decrease) from Prior Year $16,529.95 HGT Year to Date $26,147.96 HGT Total Gifts $3,120,901.15 August 3, 2014 General Officers Preschool/Children Youth Adults Total in Sunday School 5 98 49 338 490 HEADS UP: WHERE IS YOUR FUTURE? Someone once said, "Experience is a good teacher, but she gives the test first and then the lesson." That's certainly true, and based on many of life's experiences, we frequently fail the test before we can benefit from the lesson. The formula "e equals mc2" is familiar to many college students but understood by very few people. Most of us know it had something to do with Einstein and was the formula that led to the release of enormous energy and to the nuclear age. Similarly, in funding the local church, "e" might stand for every, "m" for member, "c" for commitment, and the "2" for the effort multiplied by itself. The fruit of that kind of effort is much more powerful than what Einstein discovered, even as Jesus described it in Matthew 21:22 — "And everything you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive." Right now, as we consider the opportunity to support the ministries here at First Baptist Church, God is putting us to the test. As Gordon Moyes stated, "Responsible giving or stewardship is not man's way of raising money, but God's way of raising people. . . .The church's budget is not a list of its expenses, but a record of its vision. It is not a list of bills to be met, but a program of ministry to be achieved." As each of us prayerfully considers what God would have us give, and as we obey what God asks of us, we can trust Him to provide the resources. That's a test — a test of where we are spiritually much more than where we are financially. It's a test of us as individuals and of us as a church. The question is whether or not we really believe that God has the power and ability to bless our obedience "beyond all that we ask or think" (Eph. 3:20). How are you doing concerning God's tests regarding money in your life? If God's provision in your life in the days ahead depends on how you obey His leading now concerning your giving, what will the future be like for you? It just might, you know. . . . Blessings, Mike August 19 6:30-9:00 p.m. First Baptist Church Small group leaders, Sunday School leaders, preschool, children, youth & adult teachers and leaders join us for specialized training. Reading through the Bible Reading Plan Snow Aug. 10: Neh. 8-9, Ps. 37:1-22, Mark 16 Aug. 11: Neh. 10, Ps. 37:23-40, Luke 1 Aug. 12: Neh. 11, Ps. 38, Luke 2 Aug. 13: Neh. 12-13, Ps. 39, Luke 3 Aug. 14: Est. 1-2, Ps. 40, Luke 4 Aug. 15: Est. 3-5, Ps. 41, Luke 5 Aug. 16: Est. 6-10, Ps. 42, Luke 6 Bulletin Board OUTREACH Street Shoe Sunday Followup Starting Wednesday, August 13 @ 5:30 p.m. Come join us as we follow up with visits made on Street Shoe Sunday. We need you! WOMEN Beth Moore’s Daniel Study Starting Wednesday, August 13 @ 6:30 p.m. Room 177 Ladies of all age are invited to join us for this Bible study. FELLOWSHIP Gatherings 4x4 Pot Luck Lunch Sunday, August 17 @ 11:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall All families participating in 4x4 in the last year are invited. Please bring food for your family and enough to share with others. For more info contact Brenda Gaw, Jennifer Riddick or Vivian Thompson. SPORTS/RECREATION Volleyball Signups Tuesday, August 19 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in FLC Rosters and $110 team fee are due at this time. Rosters will not be accepted before or after this time. Games are played on Tuesday, Thursday and possibly Monday nights with divisions for youth, beginning, and experienced players. MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY Great Move in Day at TTU Thursday, August 21 @ 9:30 a.m. at the BCM We will be helping freshmen and other TTU students move into their dorms. We need people to help move stuff into the buildings, to hand out water and most importantly to talk to students and their families, show the love of Jesus, and invite them to First Baptist. People can come and go as they have time. Contact Alex to let him know if you can help out. Thousands of students are moving to Cookeville for the first time, help them find a Cookeville church. MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY Provide Lunch for College Small Group Starting September 7 @ 11:30 a.m. It's Christmas in August time. Pick up your bag from a GA today! With college small group being at 11:30, we would like to provide them a small lunch while they meet. That is where you can be a critical part of our college ministry by providing this lunch. This is a great opportunity to meet our college students, get to know them, and show in a tangible way how much we love our college students. Sign up as a family, a group of families, or as a Sunday School class. Contact Alex for more information or to sign up for a Sunday. Sunday, August 10 8:45 A.M. Sunday School College Community Group 10:00 A.M. Morning Worship Junior Church Chapel 11:30 A.M. Senior Adult Luncheon 4:00 P.M. What’s It Mean to Be a Christian Class #252 5:00 P.M. Bible Drill Resumes #329 Bible Buddies Resume #324 6:00 P.M. How to Share Your Story- Fellowship Hall Monday, August 11 10:00 A.M. Happy Travelers to Mary Bobo’s Tuesday, August 12 8:45 A.M. MDO Wednesday, August 13 3:00 P.M. Open Gym 4:00 P.M. Luminesce Resumes 4:30 P.M. Youth on Mission 5:00 P.M. Supper Line Opens Child/Preschool Choirs 5:25 P.M. Chi Rho Youth Choir 5:30 P.M. Celebrate Rec # 142 Pastor’s Search Com. #143 Street Shoe 102 6:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting Chapel Women’s Bible Study #177 Sanctuary Choir Child/Preschool Mission Groups Encounter (Youth) 7:00 P.M. Hispanic Service #145 8:30 P.M. Men’s Basketball Thursday, August 14 Friday, August 15 8:45 A.M. MDO 9:30 A.M. Fun Friday 6:00 P.M. Youth Friday Night Free For All Saturday, August 16 Sunday, August 17 8:45 A.M. Sunday School College Community Group 10:00 A.M. Morning Worship 11:30 A.M. 4x4 Pot Luck Lunch 4:00 P.M. What’s It Mean to Be a Christian Class #252 5:00 P.M. Bible Drill #329 Bible Buddies #324 6:00 P.M. Evening Worship in Chapel
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