LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Member of the Federal Reserve System Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Frisbie, of 411 Mr. Henry Harris, of 212 Prospect Beeciiwood place, hava left for New struct, has joined the Men's Club o£ tUu st. Paul's Parisli. York City, to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Irving, of CenMr. C. P. Carrier, of West Virginia, has rented the residence at No. 628tral avenue, left last night for their annual winter trip to Florida. arlton road. Miss Lucy Worth, former resident The finals in the Hand Tennis will « played tonight at the St. Paul's ot Westfield, has sailed tor Prance to engage in Red Cross work. 'artsh House. The King's Heralds of the Metho- Seven people united with the Presdist church will meet Jn the Sunday byterian church at the Communion iohool room Friday afternoon, Dec. Service last Sunday morning. ;th, at 3 o'clock, Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Martin and Mrs. Samuel Shaffer, of Orchard Mrs. Slbbett, of Cumberland street, treet, was called to Washington spent Thanksgiving Day with friends Sunday because ot the death of her in Brooklyn. father, Mr. Benjamin Fritts, August Danker is the proud posW. R. Coddington, of Downer sessor of a 1919 handsome Willey'street, who has been stationed at Knight Sedan, purchased through the 'elham Bay, has been transferred to local agent, Hiram L. Fink. harleston, South Carolina, The Dorcas Society of the PresbyNow. You may not always be able to earn as much as Harold P. Coddington, of Downer terian church will bold its business you are earning today. By saving a portion of your treet, has also been transferred from meeting in the Parish House this afearnings and depositing them in our Sayings Departelham Bay to U. S. 8. Richmond, ternoon. [orfolk, Va. Jazz dancing and Jazz music will • aient, where they will be safe and earning interest, you The chemical engine answered two be tbe feature of the dance to be held will be prepared for a rainy day. •e calls last Saturday, but they were n the assembly hall of the Westfield >oth grass fires and quickly extin- Theatre on Friday, Dec. 6th. ;uished. Mrs. J'\ K. Dennlston has leafed The officers ot the Congregational 568 Summit avenue, through the ihurch for the coming yeT were agency of Walter J. Lee, for the win, elected in the annual meeting held ter months. 'uesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Martin, of 311 There is no excuse for not saving a part of your earnMrs. G. A. V. Hankinson, of Wal- Lenox avenue, are rejoicing In the ings. Encourage the habit of saving in the children by ut street, will leave Friday for birth of a baby son, Kalph Edward opening savings accounts for them. vledo, Florida, where she will spend -Martin, Jr. he next tour mouths. A baby girl was born to Mrs. John Miss Hazel Rose, of Mlllburn, has Qefaell, of Kimball avenue, on OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS leen appointed teacher of penman- Thanksgiving night, The mother hip and arithmetic in the seventh and baby are dqjng nicely. tnd eighth grades in the Washington State Senator Harold G. Wells will ichool, be the speaker of honor at the annual Abram Jones, of Central avenue, banquet of the Men's Club at the who'was before Recorder Bunnell on Presbyterian church on Friday, Dec. a charge by his wife ot assault and 13 th, Broad and Prospect Streets «ttery was Held in $200 ball to await Mr. Robert Allairdlce and family, action ot tha Grand Jury. formerly of Jersey City, have leased, Mr. James F. Johnston having dis- through the agency of Walter J. Lee, WESTFIELD, N. J. posed of his property on Lincoln road the dwelling, 708 Boulevard until a has purchased the residence of Mr. F. year from May. H. Trevenen, at 172 N. Euclid ave- Tho Musical Club will meet at the nue, and will occupy the same in thehome ot Mrs. James E. Cutler, 243 course of a week or ten days. Kimball avenue, this afternoon at 3 The bouse formerly occupied by Mr. o'clock. The program will be EngF. E. Ellsworth, on Harrison avenue, lish music. has been rented to Mr. Harry W. Friends of Miss Anna Koechlein Buker, of Philadelphia. Mr, Buker who met with an accident at the stu takes possession today. tlon on Nov. 4 th, and had to have her Mrs. Simeon H. Smith, Br, ot foot taken oft, will be pleased to North avenue, received a card from know she has returned to her home her son, Simeon, who was wounded on Lawrence avenue. in France, stating he arrived In Ho- The memorial .service for Corpora! boken Sunday night but did not know Edward Hyslip, killed in action, wil then where he would be transerred to. be held on December 15th, BO that A reception was tendered to Mr,the Westfleld Fire Department can and MrB. A. L. Russell by the Men's take part in the service. Corporal Club of the Congregational church Hyelip was a very interested mem' last evening. The program was her of that organization. very infromal and eveyone spent a happy social time. THE WORLD" AT PLAYHOUSE At tho Woman's Association of D. W. GRIFFltH'S "HEARTS OF the Congregational church held "Hearts of* the World," D. W Tuesday afternoon at the home of Griffith's super production, presentee Mrs. W. I. Keeler on West Dudley with the accompaniment a spocla avenue, Mrs. E. W. Wilcox gave a symphony orchestra, willofbe tho at very interesting talk on "People traction at the Playhouse, Monda Passed By." and Tuesday, December Bth and 10th Mrs. Cruttenden, ot Dudley ave- "Hearts of the World" is a slmpt nue, received a letter dated Nov. 3, love story unfolded in France, when from her son, Corporal Harold Crut- Mr. Griffith spent eighteen months 1 tenden, stating that he was out ofproducing it. In tho latter part o: the hospital and expecting to return the story this master dramatic gen to his company at the front. Corporal ius brings before his public a vlvi Cruttenden was "regimental sniper." panorama of war nuch. as never hai Mr. B. Carter Mtlliken, who was been revealed before, and in tho se with General Allenby at Perusalem curing of which he had tho hearty coand who viewed Vag misery and deso- operation of David Lloyd Georgo lation of the Amenlana and Syreans, Prime Minister of England, and othspoke of the work of the British In er British and French officials. The the Holy Land at the Presbyterian grlin background of war ia, howover, church last Sunday night. merely Incidental to the development Lieut. A. B. Conlin, of 180 Lincoln of tho romance, tho scenes of whlc road, who was wounded In the legare laid in a small village In France Admission , 15c and 25c while going out on patrol, duty on the night of Oct. 24th, has been invalided home, and Is convalescing at a "hospital on Staten Island. E=3OE3OE The nominations of officers for the o Westfleld Tennis Club for the ensuing year are: President, E. R. Merry, Jr.; vice-president, H. Sergeant; treasurer, L. E. Glover; secretary, C. H. Warfield; board of governors, Geo. Weston, R. W. Brodbury and H H Downes. Dr. Charles Deckork school physican, commenced the work of examining the pupils in the schools yesterday. He will give the members of the basketball teams the usual physical examination this afternoon which The business condition of peace times the players must pass to qualify for positions on the team. permits us to reduce our prices for all Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fowler, of C40 North avenue, announce the marriage hard candies 10 cents per pound. of their daughter. Miss Grace Fowler, Our allotment of sugar having been into Corporal Douglas Adams, of South Orange, on Friday afternoon. Nov. creased, we are now in a position to sell 29th. The ceremony, a very quiet one, only the mother of the bride to our large .patronage, candies of our present, was performed by Rev. Dr. MASTER BEN ALEXANDER Steans at the Presbyterian Manse. own manufacture, in quantities to please n D. W. Grlflith's Supromo Trlump The December meeting of tho Wb"Hearts of tho World." our patrons. We are giving nen's Foreign Missionary Society of the First M. E. church will be held V company headed by Lillian an advantage of the first price reduction on Thursday afternoon, Dec. Bth, at 3 Dorothy GiBh, Kobort Harron, Georg o'clock, at the home of Mrs. P. B. Robert Anderson, Goorgi record, after the World's Greatest War. Ham, 403 Prospect street. The '•"awoett and Master Bon Aloxande (study book,"Women Workers of the nterprot this latest of tho Grlffltl Orient," will be reviewed by Mrs. Vf. Tinsterplecoa, said to far surpass hi 9>*- Due to the inability to secure additional help, we reA. Corbett. An interesting program 'ormer triumph "The Birth of quest that all orders for Sunday delivery be given not later has been prepared and all are cor-Vatlon." Thero will be a largol than Saturday, dially Invited. ugmented orchestra. HOW TO SAVE $3.00 Buy a Box of Swift's Pride Laundry Soap (100 Cake? to the Box) ONLY $5.00 Or Swifts Borax Soap U00 Cakes to the Box) Put Some Money Away While You Are Able To Quality guaranteed to be equal to the best. A REAL BARGAIN. TAKE ADVANTAGE of offer TODAY. Winifeldt Combination Market EVERYTHING FOR THE TABLE 120 E. Broad St. n*» 402 Westfield, N. J. The Home ot Enterprise Co/fee Peoples Bank & Trust Co. CONING Monday and Tuesday Dec.16 and 17 ATTHE Playhouse Enrico Caruso "MY COUSIN" PEACE BRINGS REDUCTION IN PRICE THE NEW YORK CANDY KITCHEN g Vagelos & Mitchell, Proprietors 177 East Broad Stroet Eao* ''""""'IC83OH ' Phona 783 n IOPO ionoca LEADER "WANT" ADS PAY Two Apartments to Rent One-Six Rooms all improvements $25.00 One-Seven rooms all improvementsright wp-to-date §37.50 con8U,t Walter al X lee l "Th« flaw Whd K«ow» W«etM«M »»*1 46 ELM STREET, Opp. P«it r fliee $5.50 .. Before Christmas FUR DISPLAY The Time to Buy FURS is NOW Our collection Includes the most beautiful and fashionable garments—small pieces and coats Introduced this season. Compare my prices before buying. You will save considerable by buying NOW. My motto Is: Give the people a bargain when they can enjoy it, and that is BhFUkB Christmas. , T People who visit this store are surprised to see such large and excellent stocks of Fashionable Purs assembled. Why visit other towns when you can get as good a selection at home and at lower prices? Ask anyone who ever bought of me for the past eleven years, and this will tell you. CHARLES KURTZNAN 220 East Front St. PLAINFIELD REMODELING A SPECIALTY OPEN EVENINGS QUALITY QUANTITY Choicest Vegetables and Poultry We Carry the Best Meat, Poultry, Vegetables, Fruits and Fish N PRICES REASONABLE SHIPPER'SfratrcdVegetaMeMARKET PHONE S 3 6 9 ELM STREET SB PRICE BVIOE J. S. IRVING CO. DIALER* IW COAL and LUMBER Moulding, Masons' Materials, Kindlingwood & Fertilizers OFFICE «nd YARDS: Central 4 vOr4tra . nr. Railroad Crossing fcy M i l will r w . l " for HIGH CLASS STATIONERY Use the LEADM WESTFIELD BreMpl n«tn!l«»
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