Document 318902

Warm Welcome to all Diary
especially to those here for the first time!
13.30 ABC’s Adult and Toddler group Hall
14.30 MU - Chapel
18.15 Impact - Children 7-11 - Hall
19.30 Messy Church Meeng - Chapel
14.00 Extend - movement to music for
over 50’s
19.00 Vibrant for girls
19.30 Transcend - Lounge
19.30 Chrisans Against Torture Chapel
18.30 Tamil Fellowship - Chapel
19.00 Community Choir
10.30 CMS sale - Hall
Pentecost 18
St Mark’s church
Parish of Gabalfa
11.50 Lunchme Communion- Chapel
12.20 Luncheon club - Hall
15.00 -16.00 Prayer for Children +Youth
work - Chapel
19.40 18-30’s - 11 Church Road
20.00 Beta Home Group
08.30 Parish prayers at Bishop of
Llandaff high School
09.30 Staff prayers - LSR
10.00 Tuesday Group with Creche Hall
15.15 St Philip’s Messy church
19.30 PCC - Chapel
09.00 St Philip’s Li2le Friends
10.00 Holy communion - Chapel
Sermons (mp3) and pews news (pdf)
available on website
St Mark’s is a registered charity.
Charity No: 113155
Office is open week days from 9.00 12.00
Rotas available in Foyer.
206 North Road, Gabalfa
Cardiff CF14 3BL
Phone: 029 20619211
Parish Administrator: Jen Tarr
Staff Team
Hon. Ass. Minister
N.S. Minister
Bob Capper
Rosemary Aldis
Gill Dallow-Waters
Family Worker
Ministry Apprence
Bronwen Russell - Jones
Charis Moon
Jen Tarr
(see details above) Christ Jesus you who once were
far away have been brought near
by the blood of Christ. For He
Himself is our peace. Eph 2:13-14
Refreshments are served in
the Hall/LSR aBer all services. Please join us.
Leaflets are available in the
foyer with more
informaon about the
Peace and Reconciliaon
T$%&'’) S*+,-.*)
MORNING THEME: Ephesians: Prescrip5on for Peace
Ephesians 2:11-22 (p.1109); Psalm 106;1-6,19-23(p.582); Ma2hew
22:1-14 (p.936)
St Mark’s Morning Prayer - David Page
St Philip’s Holy Communion - Bishop David Wilbourne
St Mark’s@Heath Park Holy Communion - Rosemary Aldis
St Mark’s Holy Communion - Rosemary Aldis
Sunday Club today in hall
Theme: The Use of God’s Day - Trisha Wilson
and School Years 7-9 - Sam + Bronwen - Lounge;
School Years 10-13 - Charis + Lizzie - Back Lounge
Babies and toddlers may be taken to the crèche, available in the Chapel.
You might like to collect your child for communion.
The Chapel will be open tonight for prayer from 18.00 - 18.20
- for 11-18’s - Hall
18.30 St Mark’s Evening Praise - Bob Capper
EVENING THEME: KnoEy Problems: ‘Predes5na5on’
A warm welcome to new and returning STUDENTS. Welcome to lunch TODAY AT
ROB & TRISHA WILSON’S - 18-30’s all welcome (student or not).
Bacon Butties (plus veggie alternative) 10.00am Sundays for Students starting in
October. If anyone could help please contact Charis. (Food Hygiene cert. helpful)
Today there is a service of Celebration at St Philip's, Tremorfa 9.30, for five years as a
Community church and 10 years since being linked with St Mark’s with Confirmation and
Harvest thanksgiving. They will be launching a roof fund appeal
A special service for Health Care will be held next Sunday (Oct 19th) at 6.30
involving Health Care Professionals from the congregation.
Christians Against Torture meeting on this Thursday - 16th October - 7.30 - Chapel
Prayer and worship meeting to pray for children and youth work Mondays 3.00-4.400
– Chapel – open to all. There is also a need for individuals who are passionate about
children and young people and are committed to continuing our outreach for our
community to join the Wednesday night team for ‘IMPACT’ our new midweek club for
7-11 year olds. Please speak to Bronwen if interested.
Tuesday group has moved to the new time of 10.00a.m. ‘Parenting from a Biblical Perspective’. You are most welcome to join us in the hall (crèche available if wanted).
We have a vacancy for a cleaner at St Mark’s anyone interested see Jen Tarr or
Norman Allen.
Ken and Sue Bull are our Food bank reps. Food bank does NOT need more baked
beans, pasta or soup but are particularly short of: sugar, and pasta sauce, rice, tinned
sponge pudding.
Congratulations to Rachel and Chris Charles on the arrival of their baby boy and
Vanessa and Ian Folks on the birth of Amelia Rose.
Congratulations to Jon Shepherd on being elected to the Governing body of the
Church in Wales. N.B. Jon is to address the Cardiff & Llandaff Deanery Conference
on Nov 13th at 7.30 in St Mark’s - all are welcome to join.
Kitchen utensils: if you have borrowed anything from the church kitchen please
return it asap. Please note if anything is borrowed from church it must be
recorded in the book on the pigeon holes.
The CMS (Church Mission Society) sale and coffee
Special Bargain Bookstore
morning will take place nextSaturday, 18th October at
- Books from Keswick in
10.30 am. All are very welcome. Donations of items for
the Bathroom stall, and cakes would be appreciated.
Samaritan’s Purse: The time for Christmas Shoe Boxes is here. Up to date
information is available in the lobby. Date of collection to be announced. If you
need a box please see Jen Tarr.
Selection of Bible Study notes available for sale in the Lobby. Many are finding daily
readings helpful. Consider downloading an App from Scripture Union or Good Book
company. WordLive (SU) is a very popular online Bible guide for people on the go.
Volunteer for Christmas Nativity in town to
‘Parent talk live’ for parents of children to early teens – 25th Nov Glenwood Church at
7.30. (A Care for the Family event. Further information from poster in lobby or Bronwen.)
During 10.45 T$%&' Sunday Club
and Pathfinders.
For 11-18’s
for School Years 3-6 Wednesdays 6.15
for girls 11-14 from 7.00-8.30 this Thursday
Next Sunday’s Services
09.00 St Mark’s Holy Communion - Rosemary Aldis
09.30 St Philip’s Holy Communion - Bob Capper
09.30 St Mark’s @ Heath Park Morning Prayer - Peter Edbury
10.45 St Mark’s Praise God Together & Baptism of Sophie Pert - Bob Capper
18.00-18.20 Chapel open for prayer
18.30 St Mark’s Holy Communion - Michael Glenn - Health Care Sunday.
Please pray for…...
….... those who are bereaved, sick or
….. our mission partners
….. the congregation and leaders at St
Philip’s. Confirmation Service Today