October12,2014 St.Mary’sRomanCatholicChurch 10-0849thAvenue,LongIslandCity,NY11101 718-786-0705EMAIL:stmarylic@yahoo.comWEB:stmarylic.blogspot.com Rev. RALPH BARILE, Pastor Mr. Robert Vogel, Director of Music and Organist Ms Giovanna Varlese, Director of Religious Education For Information about the Sacrament of Baptism, Wedding, Holy Communion and Confirmation. Please Phone the Rectory or email. Thank you MASSES: Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 9:30 am; 12:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 12:15 pm Thursday: 7:00 a.m. for the season of Advent and Lent CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 4:00 - 4:40 p.m. Available at other Ɵmes upon request. CHOIRREHEARSALS St.Mary'sChoirrehearsalshaveresumed.Rehearsals arebetweenthetwoSundaymasses.Thereareafew additionalrehearsalsforthemajorfeastdays.IfinterestedinbecomingmoreinvolvedinSt.Mary'sMusic Ministry,pleasespeakwithapriestorMr.Vogel. Religious Education Classes and Bible Story Time Fromages3-5yearsoldandforGrades1—12 beganonSunday,October5at10:30a.m. Registrationisstillopen. AdultReligionclassesareavailabletooformoreinfo. Pleasecometotherectoryoremailmeat stmarylic@yahoo.comtoregisteryourchild. Thankyou,Giovanna COMING SOON AN ADULT BIBLE CLASS “A BIBLICAL WALK THROUGH THE MASS” KEEP YOUR TUESDAY EVENINGS OPEN GROUP DISCUSSION WITH DVD PROJECTION —- MORE LATER Welcome to Our Parish - RegistraƟon Form ___ Please Yes send me envelopes and register me ___ Please No envelopes, but register me. ___ Please contact me I would like to Volunteer as: ___ an Usher ___ Lector ___ Catechist teacher ___ Please contact me; I would like to join the Choir. ___ Please register me for Adult Religion program. ___ Please contact me about Children Religion class Name: _______________________________ Address: ____________________Apt. #____ City: ____ ZIP:____ Phone:___________ Email ___________________________ Hymn Request Thank you for all your requests thus far. Please continue submitting your requests by filling out the form below. Hymn # Title Liturgical Season ______ __________ ________________ ______ __________ ________________ ______ __________ ________________ ______ __________ ________________ Web Page - Ch eck ou t u pdated w eek ly B u lletins, parish info. And photos at stmarylic.blogspot.com Would you like to become a Lector, Choir Member, Catechist Teacher or an Usher? We need your help! Please email us at stmarylic@yahoo.com, phone us at 718-786-0705 or introduce yourself after Mass — Thank you, Fr. Ralph Barile THE WEDDING FEAST AND THE WEDDING GARMENT .SOME GUY; I DON’T WWNT TO GO TO THAT AWFUL WEDDING AND I DON’T WANT TO WEAR THAT WEDDING SUIT JESUS: YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT. THE WEDDING IS HEAVEN AND WEARINGTHE GARMENT IS WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO TO GET THERE © JCM, 2014 THE WEDDING FEAST AND THE WEDDING GARMENT The Gospel story is the parable of the Wedding Feast and the Wedding Garment. Now the first temptation is to interpret the parable as if one were saying, “Who wants to go to that silly old party?” Yeah. But that party is eternal life. You see. We should always see the real spiritual lessons behind these bible stories, no matter how interesting those stories may be. Yeah. “Who wants to go to that silly old wedding?” and “Why should I put on my best clothes?” Oops Now I see what he is getting at. He is inviting us to follow his gospel. He is telling us that the people he first invited are not worthy. Well if we want to be worthy we have to make a change in our lives. That’s the point of the turning down the invitation and the wedding garment. Even though we are invited to take the place of the people who turned down the first invitation, we have to be worthy ourselves. And now we apply it to 2014. Yes. We are invited to receive the sacraments. But there are certain requirements that we have to follow. © J. C. Mulqueen, 2014 Saint Callistus I Feast day October 14 Callistus was born in the late second century as a slave to a Christian master. His master noticed that Callistus had skill in finance and put him in charge of a bank. Some enemies of Callistus falsely accused him of embezzlement. Terrified, Callistus tried to escape from Rome. He was caught and condemned to the mines of Sardinia. After partially serving his sentence, he was released so that he might recover some of the money. He was arrested for fighting and sent back to the mines. Fortunately for him and other Christians, Marcia, the emperor’s mistress, won their release. Pope Zephyrinus made Callistus manager of the burial grounds. Even today the land is named the cemetery of Saint Callistus. Callistus proved himself responsible and was ordained a deacon. In 217, Callistus was elected as the next pontiff. This shocked Hippolytus and his followers. In rebellion, this group elected Hippolytus as pope, later known as the first antipope.This made two men who claimed to be pope. A schism, or split, in the Church went on for 18 years. Pope Callistus I gently tried to encourage Hippolytus to understand his error. At the same time, Callistus tried to make wise rules for the Church. He felt there should be mercy for those who had fallen away during persecution but who later repented. Callistus said the Church has the authority to forgive all sins. This angered Hippolytus, who felt that Callistus was lenient. Hippolytus wrote bitterly about the pope, who bore the insults calmly and humbly. Callistus I remained steady in his desire to bring peace to the Church. He was martyred in a riot. Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time SATURDAY, 11 October 5:00 p.m. Maria Evangelista Req. by Mary and Danny Padula SUNDAY, 12 October 9:30 a.m. Andres Trinidad Req. by his W ife& Fam ily 12:00 p.m. Alfonso and Clotilde Cartentuto Req. by Maria Carotenuto (L) B’day Blessings —Fr. Ralph Barile Req. by Michelle Koutsoubelis MONDAY, 13 October - Columbus Day 9:00 a.m. For all the People TUESDAY, 14 October 12:15 p.m. (D) 15th Anniv. Jerry McGee Req. by his wife Bonnie McGee WEDNESDAY, 15 October 12:15 p.m. In Honor of St. Francis of Assisi Req. by Bonnie McGee THURSDAY, 16 October No 7 a.m. Mass— but the Church will be open 7 a.m. Mass will resume at Advent FRIDAY, 17 October 12:15 p.m. For my dear sister Anna Marie Grassi Panteles Req. by Antonia Grassi SATURDAY, 18 October 2:00 p.m. Memorial mass—Antonio Salvi Req. by Salvi Family 5:00 p.m. (D) 8th Anniv. Vincent DiMizio Req. by Wife and Children (D) Anniv. Amodeo Basile R eq. by Jo SUNDAY, 19 October 9:30 a.m. Maria Evangelista Req. by Pietro Tiseo 12:00 p.m. Elizabeth & Joseph Laucella Req. by Grandson—Stephen & the Valasek Family Mass Book for 2015 StaƟsƟcs - October 4—5 2014 AƩendance 390 1st CollecƟon $ 1,762.00 Repair & Maintenance — $ 1,293.00 Thank you for your conƟnued generosity. Happy Birthday & Blessings Racquel Escobar, Dan Browne, Clara Varlese-Kimberling, Max Kimerling, Fr. Ralph Barile, Mary Ann Lounsbury, Nova Bermudez, Michelle Koutsoubelis, Kim Mercado, Fr. Keough, Anna Azeglio We Pray for Healing Gentel Cabrera,Harold Walford Thomas,(infant) Liam Glorioso, MaryAnn Tobon, Iris Harris, Emilia Chimienti, Nova Bermudez, Daniel Brown, Greg Fitting, Joe Sullivan, Teresa Ortiz, Daisey Warren, Eloise Jordon, Joseph Warren, Frances Melendez, Robert Rohan, Bill Weber, Victoria Shore PRAY FOR THE SICK Millie Ciangiola, Teodora Tamburello, Fr. Pat Laghezza,Dominick Calisto, Vincenza A. Rios,Ellen Trambone, Fr.Charles Keough, Mary DePinto, Charlotte S. Parker, Dominick Caiaccia, Rose Francis, Catherine O’Keeffe, Jeanette Falcone, Fernando & Nancy Angeles, Joan Forhane, Catherine Roeder, Bob Ruiz, Donna McGuinness, George & Agnes Brust, Mark Etskovitz, Julie Schnurr, Donna & Sergio Cultrera, Joseph Natale, Olivia Nicole Ashton, Joseph Coughlin, Terry Devine, Sean Dugan, Victoria Shore, Marisa Varlese, Pamala Riley, Risa Sanchez, Gentel Cabrera, Victor Silva, James Doran PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Baby Joseph Ordenez, Katy McKay, Zita Lina Kuusemegh, Joseph Bataglia, Sr., Solo & Nicko Johnson, Mario Mazzei, Antonio Salvi, Zanaida Cruz, Francisca A. Perez, Danny Padula, James Gonzalez The 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal “When We Give, We Share the Light of Faith” St. Mary’s goal is $15,100.00. Please consider making a pledge. All monies received above our goal goes directly for the renovation of the new St. Mary’s Parish Center. Fr. Ralph Thank you for your generous support. Mass book for 2015 will be opened on Monday, September 29 The office is open from 10:00 a.m.— 5:00 p.m. Ros a ry Join us every Saturday, at 4:30 p.m. 50/50 September winner is Amber Barth won $ 55.00 HOLY HOUR First Friday each month at 12:45 p.m. SAVE THE DATES St Mary’s 150th Anniversary Planning Committee Meeting - Tuesday ,October 16th 7:30 PM. Volunteers are welcomed. ——————————————— MESSIAH ®Ý ÊîĦ SçÄù, DÃÙ 7 ã 5 Ö.Ã. The Bread and Wine The Bread and Wine is offered for the week of October 12 - 18 Birthday Blessings to Nova Bermudez Sanctuary Lamp The Sanctuary Lamp is burning for the week of October 12—18 Birthday Blessing Fr. Ralph Barile REJOYCEYouthProgram "ReJoyceYouthGroupwillbehavingspecialevents throughouttheyear,ratherthanmonthlymeetings. Staytunedformoredetailsonupcomingevents." Retired Navy Chaplain Every Mass is a Memorial Day Mass Msgr Joseph Mulqueen was aired on Net NY TV. To watch the News coverage go to stmarylic.blogspot.com and click on “Click here to watch Msgr Mulqueen Retired Navy Chaplain……” NET’s & NY1 Canonization Coverage The NET Diocesan News and NY1 came to St. Mary’s and interviewed Fr. Ralph Barile about Pope John Paul II and St. Mary’s Altar. To watch the News coverage go to stmarylic.blogspot.com and click on “Click here to watch St. Mary’s Altar and Pope St. John Paul II” SHAPE UP FOR SUMMER! Private Voice Instruction Professional Singer/Teacher www.yehsure.com/mary New, beginning or advanced students welcome. Georgia Thomas, Qualified Pilates Instructor Private Pilates classes in Reformer and Apparatus. 917.572.0583 georgiajkt@gmail.com Special Rates for Choir Members Mary Kay McGarvey 646-581-4738 AVENUE CHEMISTS FREE DELIVERY We can fill your prescriptions while you wait... Bring in your prescription bottle for a refill today! 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