St. Elizabeth Ann Seton CATHOLIC CHURCH AND SCHOOLS Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 6646 Addicks • Satsuma Road • Houston, Texas 77084 • 1599 281• 463•7878 FAX 281• 463•4822 • October 12, 2014 PASTOR ~ Rev. Paul Lockey, Ph.D. PAROCHIAL VICAR ~ Rev. James Long Do, C.M.C. PRIEST IN RESIDENCE~ Rev. Charles Van Vliet, F.S.S.P. PASTORAL ASSOCIATE AND PARISH ADMINISTRATOR ~ Deacon German Godoy DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ~ Marie Sharp DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND LITURGY ~ Carmen Delgado DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ~ SR. Maria Goretti DIRECTOR OF SPANISH LANGUAGE MINISTRIES ~ Lucia Rueda DIRECTOR OF VIETNAMESE LANGUAGE MINISTRIES ~ Deacon Tuu Hoang, Ph.D. DIRECTOR OF FAMILY LIFE~ Nadia Jara DIRECTOR OF ADOLESCENT CATECHIST AND EVANGELIZATION ~Donna Worley YOUTH MINISTER ~Andrew Schuelke Peter Tuu Hoang DEACONS: German Godoy Gilbert Johnson Chuck Pennell Alfonso Sosa CONTACT INFORMATION: Parish Office 281-463-7878 Parish Office Fax 281-463-4822 Religious Education 281-463-7878 Youth Ministry 281-463-7878 Sacramental Preparation 281-463-7878 Bulletin 281-463-7356 School Office 281-463-1444 S.E.E.D.S. 281-855-2503 Liturgy Office Parish Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Eucharist: Weekday: 6:30 am (in Latin) 9:00 am Monday through Saturday 7:00 pm Monday through Friday Saturday: 7:30 am (in Latin) 5:00 pm (in English) 6:30 pm (in Spanish) 8:00 pm (in Vietnamese) Sunday : 7:00, 8:30, 10:30 am (in English) 8:00am & 11:00 am (in Latin in the FLC) 12:15 pm, 5:30 pm (in English) 2:00 pm & 7:30 pm (in Spanish) Benediction: Monday-Friday: 9:45 am & 7:45 pm Saturday: 9:15 pm Sunday: 8:45 pm Adoration ~ Perpetual adoration in the chapel Reconciliation: Wednesday and Friday: 5:45pm—6:40 pm Saturday: 3:00 pm—4:30 pm Anointing of the Sick ~ Usually the last Wednesday of the month at the 9:00 am and 7:00 pm Masses Baptism: Parents should be active in their faith and be registered or live within parish boundaries. Call church office for an appointment. Marriage: Contact church office at least six months before you hope to celebrate the rite of marriage, and be registered and active in this parish. Quinceañera: Contact the church office at least two years in advance. Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for October 2014 Intenciones generales del Santo Padre en Octubre del 2014 Universal: That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. For Evangelization: That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. Universales: Que el Señor les de la paz a aquellas partes del mundo azotadas por la guerra y la violencia. La evangelización: Que el día mundial de las misiones reviva en cada creyente el deseo de llevar el Evangelio a todo el mundo. Our Weekly Offering OFFERING FOR WEEKEND OF SEPTEMBER 27 & 28, 2014 Offertory Capital Campaign St. Vincent de Paul Society $35,728.10 $ 2,370.00 $ 7,774.00 Readings for the Week October 12 through October 19, 2014 Sunday: Is 25:6-10A Ps 23:1-3A,3B-4,5,6 Phil 4:1214,19-20 Mt 22:1-14 or Mt 22:1-10 Monday: Gal 4:22-24,26-27,31-5:1 Ps 113:13:1B-2,34,5A and 6-7 Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6 Ps 119:41,43,44,45,47,48, Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25 Ps 1:1-2,3,4 and 6 Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10 Ps 98:1,2-3AB,3CD-4,5-6 Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14 Ps 33:1-2,4-5,12-13 Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17B Ps 145:10-11,12-13,17-18 Lk 10:1-9 Sunday: Is 45:1,4-6 Ps 96:1,3,4-5,7-8,9-10 1 Thes 1:1-5B Mt 22:15-21 WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m. (Latin) 9:00 a.m. (English) Monday -Thursday 7:00 p.m. (English) Friday 7:00 p.m. (Vietnamese) Saturday 7:30 a.m.– Latin 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m.– Spanish 8:00 p.m.– Vietnamese Sunday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m.– Latin in the FLC 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m.– Latin in the FLC 12:15 p.m. 2:00 p.m.-Spanish 5:30p.m. Please Pray For the Sick (If your family member or friend is no longer in need of our prayers, please advise us in order to remove his/her name) Thomas Frazier, Tom Love, Luis Estrada, Adelaida Maldonado, Gam Thi Nguyen, Vuong (David) Minh Dao, Vicenta Avellaneda, Margaret A. Bartlett, Bob Hartnett, Donna Allen, Cecilia Jiménez, Elizabeth Salas, Dora Noriega Linares, Felipe Santoyo, Phyllis Welch, Andy Anderson, Karlin Medlin, Beatriz Vázquez, Kethleen Pousson, Roger Corkill, Ann Oggero, Ryan Dunlap, Mike Wilson, María Caballero, Jan Arnold, Fernando Noriega Linares, Myriam Chávez, George Álvarez, Maly Morgan, Malbina Olaechea, Neta Laird, Jimmy Peralez, Sherlly Liang, Janine Quintero, Andy Koch, Milagro Molina, Graciela Ortiz, Enrique Balmaceda, Edith Waldeck, Robert Murray, Mildred Zolg, Ray Guzmán, María Isabel Cruz, Amador Naranjo, Angelita Gallegoz, Sara César, Alejandra Treviño, Joe Turminello, Luke Wade, María del Carmen Castillo, Maureen, Anthony, Chidera, Chisom, Tobechi, John, Angela, Stella, Emmanuel, Benneth, Rita, Annaesthesia, Armando Jesús Curiel, Virginia Neiser, William Palmer, Enrique Basaldua, Chong-Hui Furzeland, Carlos Ruíz, Rudy Mendoza, Richard Payne, Chris Marshall, Benjamín Castro Molina, Guillermo Corona, Raúl Camacho, Joe Toenis, Flo Oravec, Melinda Krautmann, Reese Black, Joaquin Eng Ruíz, Servando Cruz, Susan Bagnasco Fox, Marie Tindall, María Sofia, Jesús Vázquez, Richard Melton, Emma Eyvazian, Faye Edwards, Doughass Hause family, Amilcar Mori, Saul Baldera Jr., Raymond Velásquez, Mary Borelli, Gertrude Dunlap, Jenell Noeth, Joanne Pauroso, Jaime Bravo, Fanny Kjeldsen, Brandon Fox, Xochilt Hollins, Pamela Allen, Vanessa Cruz Medina, Reynaldo S. Vallejo, Barbara Rhodes, Vicky Nevares, Dee Borgerding, Steve Henderson, Maggie Flores, Fabián Gutiérrez, Jim Moore, Robert Moody, Genaro Díaz, Sergio Gómez, Zoila Gómez, Diane Calzado, Clara Huerta, Caroline Peters, Carlos Amezcua, Sylvia Tellez, Esther De la Garza, Fernando Cruz, Fr. Darrel Olds, Beverly Stassi, Patricia Walsh, Amalia Morales, Valeria Navarrete, Patricia Scardino, Marlana Cadena, Wayne Madill, Rubén Antonio Garay, Rigoberto Garay, Rubén Garay, Lourdes Geraldina Garay, Marta Eugenia Garay, Patricia McManus, Casey Donnelly, David Moser, Guadalupe Rincón, Kenny Toves, Julio Torres Jr., Doug Holt, Logan Mahoney, Madison Mahoney, José Martínez, Ángela Strubing, Joshua Way, Bob Way, Stephen Strubing, Raúl Zamora, Isabel Bravo Estay, Kyle Tiptom, Paul Allen, Tanya Amezcua, Gerhard Beyerlein, Elizabeth Lin, Beth McGuffen, Michela Durrette, Erlene Reyes, Noel Franks, Estela Gutiérrez, James Whitener, Sgt. Christopher Farías and all others who also need our prayers. If you know anyone who is sick or in need of prayer support, please call 281-463-7878. Comuníquese al teléfono anterior si conoce algún enfermo que necesita el apoyo de la oración de nuestra familia parroquial. October 12, 2014. Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time From Your Pastor My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ: As we understood last week, the sacrament of baptism brings us, by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, into the inner relationship of the Trinity, a participation as a child of God within the relationship of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit. As Pope Benedict XVI has instructed us, “By his entrance into a communion of name with God, man is drawn into a new existence, that he is, as it were, one who has been born anew, who has already been… the Yes of love for another involves a far-reaching renunciation of self. Only if one risks this giving of oneself to the other, only if existence is, as it were, first given away can a great love ensue.” “…A far-reaching renunciation of self:” herein lies to key to being in relationship with God, that is, one must, as Jesus said, “Take up your cross and follow me.” We must renounce our very self to our self and then follow the Lord, wherever He leads us to follow Him. When Jesus uses the word “cross” He is pointing out to us that taking up our cross will involve this “far-reaching renunciation of self,” a sacrifice of self for the Other, for God and neighbor. Pope Benedict continues, “It will always be hard for man to speak the truth and to abide by the truth. That is why he takes refuge in the lie that will make life easier for him. Truth and witness, witness and martyrdom, are very closely associated in this world. Truth, if it is consistently maintained, is always perilous. But only in the measure in which man risks the passion of truth does he become a man. And in the measure in which he holds fast to himself, in which he withdraws into the safety of a lie, he loses himself… Being baptized means assuming the name of Christ means becoming a son with and in Him. The demand made by the name into which one here enters is more radical than the demand of any earthly name can be. It attacks the roots of our autonomy more deeply than the deepest earthly bond can do. For it demands that our existence become ‘sonlike,’ that we belong so totally to God that we become an ‘attribute’ of God. And as sons we are to acknowledge so totally that we belong to Christ that we know ourselves to be one flesh, ‘one body,’ with all his brethren. Baptism means, then, that we lose ourselves as a separate, independent ‘I’ and find ourselves again in the new ‘I’.” Although we become a new “I” in Baptism and even in those extraordinary moments of self-renunciation, we still cling to making ourselves the center of our own lives. As Pope Benedict points out, it is not easy for us to abide in the Truth, who is a Person. We must continually renounce ourselves to our self, in acts of kindness to others, in frequent confession, and in daily prayer and introspection. Without these, self-renunciation is almost impossible. Baptism not only brings us into an inner relationship with God, but if we are in that inner relationship with God and are “an ‘attribute’ of God,” then our nature must reflect His nature, and He is all Love, complete self-giving to the other for the good of the other. This is what it means in baptismal terms to “Take up your cross and follow me.” Laudetur Jesus Christus, nunc et semper, The Reverend Paul E. Lockey, Ph. D. Pastor, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church and Schools 12 de Octubre del 2014. Vigésimo Octavo Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario Mensaje de Nuestro Párroco Mis amados hermanos en Cristo: La semana pasada entendimos que, el sacramento del Bautismo nos lleva, con el poder y presencia del Espíritu Santo, dentro de una íntima relación con la Trinidad, una participación como un hijo de Dios dentro de la relación del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Como el papa Benedicto XVI nos ha indicado: “ con su entrada en la comunión en el nombre de Dios, el hombre es llevado dentro de una nueva existencia, como si fuera uno que ha nacido de nuevo, que ya ha sido ... el ‘Sí’ al amor por otro implica una renuncia profunda de uno mismo. Sólo si uno arriesga este darse a si mismo a los demás, la existencia es, por decirlo así, en primer lugar al dar puede sobrevenir un gran amor ", “una renuncia de largo alcance de uno mismo” :esto es el centro de estar en una relación con Dios, debemos decir como dijo Jesús: "toma tu cruz y sígueme". Debemos renunciar a nuestro propio ser y luego seguir al Señor, dondequiera que Él nos pida seguirlo. Cuando Jesús usa la palabra "cruz" Él nos está señalando tomar nuestra cruz, la cual implicará esa "renuncia profunda de uno mismo," un sacrificio de sí mismo por el Otro, por Dios y por el prójimo. El papa Benedicto continua diciendo que: “será siempre difícil para el hombre hablar con la verdad y estar con la verdad. Esto es porque se refugia en la mentira que le hace la vida más fácil. La verdad y el testimonio, testimonios y martirio, están muy cerca y asociados con este mundo. Si la verdad es mantenida de una manera consistente, es siempre peligrosa. Pero solamente en la medida en que el hombre se arriesga por su pasión por la verdad, es que se convierte en un hombre. Y en la medida en que se aferra a sí mismo y se mete dentro de la seguridad de una mentira, se pierde él mismo...el ser bautizado significa asumir el nombre de Cristo, que significa a su vez convertirse en un hijo con Él y en Él. La demanda hecha por el nombre, en la que uno entra es más radical, que la demanda de cualquier nombre terrenal puede implicar. Esto ataca la autonomía de nuestras raíces más profundamente que alguna atadura terrenal puede hacer. Por esta demanda nuestra existencia se convierte en “como un hijo”, y pertenecemos totalmente a Dios y nos convertimos en un ‘atributo’ de Dios. Y como hijos tenemos que saber que pertenecemos totalmente a Cristo, que sabemos que somos una sola carne, ‘un solo cuerpo’, con todos sus hermanos. El Bautizo significa, entonces, que dejamos de ser nosotros mismos como algo separado, el independiente ‘Yo’ y nos encontramos otra vez en el nuevo ‘Yo’. A pesar de que nos convertimos en un nuevo ‘Yo’ con el Bautismo, y en esos extraordinarios momentos de auto renunciación, todavía estamos apegados a hacer de nosotros mismos el centro de nuestra vida. El papa Benedicto destaca que, “no es fácil apegarse a la verdad, que es la Persona. Debemos continuar renunciando a nosotros mismos, en un acto de generosidad hacia los demás, en una frecuente confesión, y en una diaria oración e introspección. Sin esta auto-renunciación es casi imposible. El Bautismo no solamente nos lleva dentro de una relación más profunda e íntima con Cristo, y si estamos en esa relación íntima con Dios y somos ‘un atributo’ de Dios, entonces nuestra naturaleza reflejará su naturaleza, y Él es todo amor, completamente entregado a los demás por el bien de todos. Esto es lo que significa en términos bautismales “ toma tu cruz y sígueme”. Laudetur Jesus Christus, nunc et semper, The Reverend Paul E. Lockey, Ph. D. Párroco de la Iglesia y escuelas de Santa Elizabeth Ann Seton October 12, 2014. Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time From Your Pastor Qúy Ông Bà Anh Chị Em thân mến trong Chúa Kitô, Như chúng ta hiểu tuần trước, bí tích rửa tội đưa chúng ta, bởi quyền năng và sự hiện diện của Chúa Thánh Thần, vào mối quan hệ bên trong của Thiên Chúa Ba Ngôi, một sự tham gia như con cái của Thiên Chúa trong mối quan hệ của Chúa Cha và Chúa Con và Chúa Thánh Thần. Như Đức Thánh Cha Benedictô XVI đã chỉ đạo chúng ta ,"nhờ sự hiệp hiệp thông vào Danh hiệu của Thiên Chúa, con người được lôi kéo vào một cuộc sống mới, thậ là vậy, như đã là, một trong những người đã được sinh ra một lần nữa, một người đã được sinh ra ... tình yêu cho người khác liên quan đến một sự từ bỏ sâu rộng về bản thân. Chỉ khi một người hy sinh hiến mình cho người khác, chỉ tồn tại, như trước đó, những gì cho đi đầu tiên mới có thể có một tình yêu cao cả xảy ra sau đó "" ... Một sự bỏ mình sâu rộng của bản thân: "Đây là chìa khóa để ở trong mối quan hệ với Thiên Chúa, đó là, mỗi người phải, như Chúa Giêsu nói: "Hãy vác thập giá mình mà theo ta". Chúng ta phải từ bỏ chính mình và theo Chúa, bất cứ nơi nào Ngài dẫn dắt chúng ta đi theo Ngài. Khi Chúa Giêsu sử dụng từ "thánh giá" Ngài nêu ra cho chúng ta rằng vác thập giá của chúng ta sẽ liên quan "sâu rộng đến việc bỏ mình," một sự hy sinh bản thân cho người khác, cho Thiên Chúa và tha nhân. Đức Thánh Cha Benedictô tiếp rằng, "Thật sẽ luôn khó khăn cho con người nói lên sự thật và tuân theo sự thật. Đó là lý do tại sao họ nương náu trong lời nói dối đó để làm cho cuộc sống dễ dàng hơn cho họ. Sự thật và chứng nhân, chứng nhân và tử đạo, rất liên hệ chặt chẽ trong thế giới này. Sự thật, nếu nó liên tục được duy trì, luôn luôn là nguy hiểm. Nhưng chỉ trong sự đo lường trong đó con người gặp rủi ro về niềm đam mê của sự thật thì họ mới trở nên một con người. Và trong các biện pháp, qua đó một người nắm giữ chặt chẽ chính mình, từ đó họ rút vào sự an toàn của một lời nói dối, thì người đó mất chính mình ... Được rửa tội có nghĩa nhận danh Đức Kitô có nghĩa là trở thành một người con với và trong Ngài. Sự đòi hỏi được thực hiện bởi danh xưng mà một người vào đây thì nhiều lý do hơn so với sự đòi buộc của bất kỳ danh hiệu trần thế có thể được. Nó tấn công vào gốc rễ của quyền tự chủ của chúng ta sâu rộng hơn so với bất kỳ mối quan hệ sâu xa nhất trên thế gian có thể gây nên. Bởi vì nó đòi hỏi sự tồn tại chúng ta trở nên "như con cái', rằng chúng ta thuộc hoàn toàn về Chúa như chúng ta trở thành một "thuộc tính"của Thiên Chúa. Và như là những người con chúng ta phải thừa nhận rằng chúng ta hoàn toàn thuộc về Chúa Kitô mà chúng ta biết mình như một xác thịt, "một thân thể", với tất cả các anh em của mình. Bí tích Rửa tội có nghĩa là, chúng ta mất đi chính mình như là một "cái tôi" tách biệt, độc lập và tìm thấy chính mình trong "cái tôi" mới. Mặc dù chúng ta trở thành một "cái tôi" trong bí tích rửa tội và ngay cả trong những khoảnh khắc đặc biệt của tự sự từ bỏ, chúng ta vẫn cố cho mình là trung tâm của đời sống chúng ta. Như Đức Thánh Cha Benedictô chỉ ra, nó không phải là dễ dàng cho chúng ta gắn bó với Chân Lý, là một Người. Chúng ta liên tục phải từ bỏ chính mình nơi mình, qua cư xử tử tế với những người khác, qua việc thường xuyên xưng tội, và trong việc cầu nguyện hàng ngày và suy niệm. Nếu không có những điều này, thì sự bỏ mình là hầu như không thể được. Bí tích Rửa tội không chỉ đưa chúng ta vào một mối quan hệ nội tại với Thiên Chúa, nhưng nếu chúng ta ở trong mối quan hệ nội tại với Thiên Chúa và là "một" thuộc tính "của Thiên Chúa", thì bản chất của chúng ta phải phản ánh bản chất của Ngài, và Ngài là tình yêu, tự hiến cho mọi người và vì lợi ích của con người. Đây là ý nghĩa việc rửa tội "Hãy vác thập giá mình mà theo ta." Vinh Danh Chúa Kitô, The Reverend Paul E. Lockey, Ph. D. Chánh Xứ, GX Thánh Elizabeth Ann Seton và Trường học October 12, 2014 Houston, Texas STEWARDSHIP: SHARING GOD’S GIFTS Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary In today’s second reading. St. Paul thanks the Philippians for being willing to share in his hardship and promises that God, in turn, will fully supply all their needs. Our God truly cannot be outdone in generosity! COMPARTIENDO LOS REGALOS DE DIOS Vigésimo Octavo Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario En la segunda lectura de hoy, San Pablo agradece a los filipenses por compartir de buena voluntad en su penuria, y promete que Dios, a su vez, les proveerá de lleno en todas sus necesidades. ¡Verdaderamente nuestro Dios no puede ser superado en generosidad! SOCIAL JUSTICE MINISTRY MINISTERIO DE JUSTICIA SOCIAL "(Faith), working through charity, dislodges the mountains of indifference, of disbelief and of apathy, and opens hands and hearts to work for what is good and share this experience. Through humble gestures and simple acts of service to the least among us, the Good News that Jesus is risen and lives among us is proclaimed." ~Pope Francis, 9/22/14 address at centre for disabled and needy children in Tirana, Albania “La fe, trabajando a través de la caridad, desaloja montañas de indiferencia, de incredulidad y de apatía, y abre las manos y los corazones para trabajar por lo que es bueno y compartir las experiencias. A través de gestos de humildad y simples actos de servicio a los mas necesitados entre nosotros, las buenas nuevas de que Jesús ha resucitado y vive entre nosotros son proclamadas”. Papa Francis, el 9/22/14 en el centro de discapacitados y niños necesitados en Tirana, Albania. VOCATION CORNER NUESTRAS VOCACIONES Oct. 23, Nov. 13 and Dec. 11, Discover the Road Less Traveled‐ 6:30pm – 9:00pm‐ A monthly discernment gathering at St. Mary’s Seminary for single young adult men ages 18 and older. Meets every month from October to May. Join priests and seminarians for fellowship, prayer, music, dinner and talks about the discerment for priesthood and religious life. 9845 Memorial Dr, Houston, TX 77024. Registration, video and information: Nov. 1– Kickoff for National Vocation Awareness Week– 9:30 am-12 noon. All Parish Vocation Committee members, religious vocation directors, serrans and all who support vocations are invited to gather at St. Mary Seminary for a morning Fellowship, adoration and Mass Saturday November 1, 2014, to kick-off the national Vocation Awareness Week, A Special blessing will be given to all parish vocation committee members, serrans and religious vocations directors. Refreshments will be provided. RSVP by October 27. All are invited. For more information visit national-vocations-awareness-week 24 de Octubre, cena San Andrés‐ 6:30pm a 9:30pmEste programa para sacerdotes, párrocos y vicarios, invita a jóvenes de 14‐35 años de edad que han demostrado cualidades e interés por la vida sacerdotal, a compartir una cena con el cardenal DiNardo y el padre Manuel La Rosa López, vicario de los hispanos. Habrá oración, adoración eucarística, charlas, y la oportunidad de compartir una cena con el cardenal DiNardo y los sacerdotes presentes. Para los sacerdotes inscribirse en español, pueden hacerlo enviando por fax o e-mail el “formulario de inscripción para la cena San Andrés”, o visitando la página:web‐de‐san‐ andres . Los jóvenes deben de tener entre 14 y 35 años de edad, algunas excepciones serán aceptadas. Menores de 18 años tienen que llenar un forma con el permiso de sus padres, que se encuentra en el paquete. El límite es de 5 personas por parroquia. La fecha limite para inscribire es el 20 de Octubre, y después solo se aceptarán inscripciones si el cupo lo permite. La tarjeta de invitación para los jovenes estará incluida. Los jóvenes interesados en asistir favor de comunicarse con los sacerdotes de su parroquia y dejarles saber su interés. La cena será en el seminario Santa María (9845 Memorial Dr., Houston77024). October 12, 2014 Houston, Texas Take with you words...Hosea 14:2 "Untilled ground, however rich, will bring forth thistles and thorns; so, also, the mind of man." ~St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin & Doctor of the Church; Feast Day, October 15. "Be transformed by the renewal of your mind." ~Romans 12:2 Lleven con ustedes la palabra...Oseas 14:2 “Suelo sin labrar, sin embargo muy rico, traerá cardos y espinas; así, también, la mente del hombre”. Santa Terea de Jesús, Virgen y doctor de la Iglesia; Día e Fiesta, 15 de Octubre. “Sean transformados por la renovación de la mente”. Romanos 12:2 Perpetual Adoration Come and Join Your Community in Prayer: available 24 hours a day. ROSARY AND DIVINE MERCY: After all morning daily Masses and on Fridays at 3:00AM. DIVINE MERCY ONLY: On Fridays at 3:00PM. ROSARY: Before the Sunday 7:00AM Mass. After the 2:00PM Sunday Spanish Mass Angelus. Rosary and prayers for priests, Thursdays after the morning daily Mass. Rosary for life 1st and 3rd Saturdays after the daily Mass. Rosary and Cenacle on Thursdays 7:30PM. HOLY HOUR: Children's Holy Hour on Fridays- 4-5:00PM. Vietnamese Holy Hour on Fridays -8-9:00 PM. Please call Susane Porter at 281-855-7235 or e-mail her at to schedule your hour.(available anytine, day & night). Adoración Perpetua Vengan y acompañen a su comunidad en oración: las 24 horas del día. ROSARIO Y DIVINA MISERICORDIA: Después de las Misas de la mañana y Viernes a las 3:00 AM. DIVINA MISERICORDIA: Los Viernes a las 3:00 PM. ROSARIO: Domingos antes de la Misa de las 7:00 AM Rosario y las oraciones por los sacerdotes los Jueves después de las Misas de la mañana. Rosario Pro-vida el primer y tercer Sábado. Rosario en cenáculo los Jueves a las 7:30 PM. Rosario después de la Misa de las 2:00 PM. del Domingo. HORA SANTA: Para niños los Viernes de 4 a 5 PM. Hora Santa en vietnamés los Viernes de 8 a 9 PM. Por favor llame a Susane Porter al 281-855-7235 (a cualquier hora del día o de la noche), o envíe un mensaje a para reservar su hora. Why not make a change this Fall in the way you support St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church? Sign up with eGiving through Faith Direct, which is the most convenient and secure way for you to make your weekly offering to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church. Making either one-time or automatic contributions through Faith Direct will also save valuable time for both you and our parish staff. To enroll, please visit Faith Direct's website and use our parish code TX417. You can also fill out and mail a Faith Direct enrollment form from the parish office. Peace and Blessings to your family! The Reverend Paul E. Lockey October 12, 2014 Houston, SEAS CUB SCOUTS FALL BAKE SALE The SEAS Cub Scouts Pack 1283 is having a Fall Bake Sale on Sunday October 19th, after the 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. masses. VENTA DE POSTRES DE SEAS CUB SCOUTS El grupo Cub Scouts de SEAS, pack 1283, tendrá su venta de otoño de postres y pastelería, el domingo 19 de Octubre después de las misas de las 8:30, 10:30 AM y 12:15 PM. THINKING ABOUT TO BECOMING A CATHOLIC? RCIA in English for Adults RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is an inquiry process for people who are thinking about the possibility of becoming Catholic and are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church. It is for people who have never been baptized, for people who have been baptized in other denominations and for those who were baptized as Catholic but did not celebrate the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion. This is a beautiful step by step process, with no pressure to commit to our faith community, in which interested persons slowly explore the beliefs of the Catholic Church and discern over a period of many months, if they desire to become Catholic. If you are interested, or have a relative, friend or co-worker who has expressed this interest, please encourage them to call Marguerite at 281-463-7878 or email her at BEFORE our sessions begin in September. INTERESTED IN BEING A RCIA SPONSOR? A beautiful way to renew and deepen your own faith and to learn more about our Catholic Church is to be a RCIA sponsor. In the RCIA process each person making inquiry about our Catholic faith has a sponsor. Sponsors do not need to know all the answers or to be learned in theology. However, they do need to be a practicing catholic and be in good standing with the Catholic Church. If you have a desire to share your faith and willingness to support another person in their faith journey, this may be for you. If interested in this ministry, please call Marguerite at 281-463-7878 or email her at: Altar Server Training Saturday, October 25, 2015 9:30 am to 1:00 pm in the Church For anyone who is interested in becoming an altar server Training is limited to 8 attendees so sign up now. Altar servers must have already made First Communion and be in 5th grade or older, and be attending either religious education classes or a catholic school. To register email Carmen Delgado at: Teddy Bears Needed! Please consider donating your teddy bear or other stuffed animals to the SEAS Parish Nursing Ministry, for the upcoming “Teddy Bear Hospital” Children’s Health Fair, on October 25th. The stuffed animals will be given away for free to children attending the health fair. New or gently used stuffed animals only. A donation box is located in the narthex of the Church. Thank you! ¡Se necesitan ositos de peluche! Por favor considere donar un osito de peluche u otro animal de peluche para el próximo “hospital de los ositos de peluche” de la feria de la salud para niños, organizada por el Ministerio de la salud de SEAS, el próximo 25 de Octubre. Los ositos les serán dados a los niños que vengan a la feria de la salud. Por favor ositos nuevos y los usados en perfectas condiciones. La caja para dejar sus donaciones está en la entrada de la Iglesia. ¡Muchas gracias! October 12, 2014 Houston, Texas THAT MAN IS YOU! Invest a little time in yourself to become a better Husband, Father and Spiritual leader in your family! Wed. Mornings 5:30AM - 7AM at SEAS in the CLC! Breakfast is served! Coffee, juice, donuts & kolaches! This week’s Topic: The Two Become One! Humanity’s Thirst for God Satisfied in Union of Man and Woman Restructuring of the Brain through Intimate Union The Child as a “Form” of Sacrament The Call to be in Communion Union as Reflection of the Trinity Physical Reality of Falling in Love Transcending of Self in Intimate Relationship Drop in and experience one session! No cost, preparation or outside commitments! Just come, listen and learn! Visit our website at or contact local Parishioners for more info: Tim Finnerty 281-254-4204, or Leon Fontana 713-291-3581 Wherever you are in your spiritual life, Jesus Christ wants to meet you right there and take you further! Comunidad Juvenil SEAS Pescador Vengan y participen de nuestras reuniones todos los lunes de 7:30pm a 9:30pm En el salón A&B del FLC ¡SEAS Pescador, los invita a un retiro de Evangelización para jóvenes adultos! Las inscripciones se llevarán a cabo durante las reuniones de los lunes. LEGIÓN DE MARÍA La virgen los está llamando por sus nombre...los invitamos a servirle a la Virgen y al Señor en nuestro ministerio, donde rezamos el Rosario y visitamos hogares, enfermos, ancianos, tocamos las puertas, entre otros trabajos. Nos reunimos todos los lunes a las 7:30 pm en el salón # 10. Para más información comuníquense con Liliana Díaz (281)723 2328, Carmen García (713)446 1881, o Marlen Rocha (832)410 5273. MISSION TRIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR 2015 VIAJES MISIONEROS EN EL 2015 Sending Out Servants (SOS) invites you to consider joining one of its 7 day mission trips to Guatemala to be blessed with the opportunity to put your “faith into action” while working and sharing with the indigenous Maya living in rural communities. VISION SCREENING/SURGICAL MISSION (February/March) Medical/Surgical Professionals needed: Optometrists, Ophthal-Techs, Medical Dr., Nurses, Spanish translators, Ophthalmologist, Scrub and Circulating Techs. Non-Medical Volunteers needed for vital support tasks. FAITH SHARING MISSION (June/July). Please plan to attend an Information Meeting for discerning missioners on Sunday, October 26, 2014 at 12:30 pm in the Holy Family Suite inside St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church. [7810 Cypresswood Dr.; Spring, TX 77379] For more information, please contact Connie at: and visit Enviando a nuestros servidores (SOS) les invita a considerar acompañarnos en uno de los 7 viajes misioneros a Guatemala, y tener la oportunidad de ser bendecidos al poner su “fe en acción”, mientras trabajan y comparten con los indígenas Mayas que viven en comunidades rurales. EXAMENES DE LA VISIÓN/ MISIÓN DE CIRUGÍAS (Febrero/Marzo, médicos y profesionales para las cirugías se necesitan: optometristas, oftalmólogos, técnicos, médicos, enfermeras, traductores en español. Voluntarios que no sean personal medico se necesitan también para tareas importantes. MISIONES PARA COMPARTIR LA FE (Junio/ Julio) . Por favor planee atender una reunión informativa el Domingo 26 de Octubre a las 12:30 pm en el salón la Sagrada Familia de la Iglesia de San Ignacio de Loyola, 7810 Cypresswood Dr, Spring, 77379. Para más información, por favor contacte a Connie en: y visite October 12, 2014 Houston, Texas Charismatic Prayer Group: October Happening “I have the strength for everything through Him that empowers me.” (Phil. 4:13) Throughout the month of October, the Gospel of Matthew speaks to us about food and celebration, about feasts and weddings and that the first to be invited are not necessarily the people who are finally chosen to enjoy them. Our Heavenly Father’s inv inviitation to be with Him for His eternal celebration comes through our Savior and Brother, Jesus Christ. Will we be ready to “Join in the Dance” of eternity? If you are looking for more ways to connect you life with your faith, please join us every FFrid riday riday evening from 7:30 to 9:00 pm in the Family Life Center Center,, Prayer Room for lively praise music, prayer, worship, and sharing God’s Word. Fellowship and light refreshments follow. October 17th Many are invited but few are chosen. October 24th How do we give back to God what belongs to Him October 31th No Meeting (Building in Use for Craft Show Preparation) Note: Topics for our discussions in October gatherings are from the Gospel of Matthew 21:33 21:33--43, 22:1 22:1--14, 22:15 22:15--21, 5:1 5:1--12 Adult Formation Dr. Paul Hahn Former chair of the Theology Department at the University of ST. Thomas, will lead us in a series of six sessions on Paul, on Monday evenings, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center (FLC). Who is Paul? Chances are, any Mass you go to will have three readings: from the old testament, Paul's epistles and the gospels. Why is Paul-just one man-on par with the Old Testament and the gospels? Because Paul is an amazing fellow! For example, he loved our Lord so much that he wrote, "to live is Christ, to die is gain" (Jesus fills my life; how more will He fill my afterlife!") After 2,000 years of history, he is still the Church's most influential thinker. Come join us and participate in these presentations, inspire your faith with the fire of this man's faith. October 13- “The Judaizer Crisis” ( Paul saves Christianity) October 20- “Effects of Christ’s Death and Resurrection” (The really good news, our adoption as children by God. What is grace? Justification) October 27- “The Church” (The Church as the new Israel, the body of Christ, full of chrisms, etc.) SEAS ITALIAN CLUB SPAGHETTI LUNCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12TH 11:00 AM TO 3:30 PM IN THE CLC ADULTS - $7.00 - CHILDREN UNDER 10 - $4.00 VIENI A MANGIARE LA PASTA! Lighthouse CD of the Week- – Confession by Fr. Larry Richards Based upon his proven and powerful parish mission presentation, Fr. Larry Richards' talk on Confession has become the #1 talk in North America dealing with one of the Catholic Faith's most misunderstood Sacraments. He is riveting, honest, very human, often touchingly gentle, and yes, even humorous, and provides listeners with hope for a closer, healing relationship with Jesus Christ. Parishioner Comments: “Fr. Larry spoke so I could understand and relate to what he was saying. I was always afraid of going to confession as I didn't know what to say or how to express myself, but now I have a better understanding of confession.” “I re-evaluated my entire way of living because it made me realize that I was not as close to God as I thought!” October 12, 2014 Houston, Texas NORTHWEST ULTREYA ULTREYA DEL NOROESTE Deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ ¿Les gustaria seguir viviendo en colores? Ultreya is part of Cursillo, a Catholic lay movement that offers an opportunity to meet Christ in a more complete way. Get a clearer understanding of how Christ can work through you to change the environments you live in. “Cursillo" provides a lifetime plan for following Christ through prayer, study action, in friendship with others. Next NW Ultreya at SEAS, Saturday, October 18, 2014, FLC from 9:45–11:00 AM. Questions? Contact Duane King at 281-615-8942. Cristo los necesita. Los quiere santos para que lo ayuden en la santificación de sus hermanos: PIEDAD, ESTUDIO Y ACCIÓN. Ultreya se reúne todos los Lunes de 7:30 PM a 9:00 PM en el Centro de Vida Familiar (FLC). Para más información por favor llame al 832-245-3711 o envíe un mensaje a: SEAS RESPECT LIFE COMITE PRO-VIDA DE SEAS COUNTLESS WAYS TO HELP. The objective of SEAS Respect Life and its Maternal Assistance Program is to help many women choose life for their babies by providing them with the financial assistance and the loving support they need to realize that abortion isn't their only alternative. By offering medical care, prenatal care, housing, baby items, child care and others services we save the lives of thousands of children. But in order to provide this help, we need volunteers. There are numerous ways to help, ranging from delivering baby items, to picking up donations, holding baby showers, baby sitting, praying the rosary and just being a friend. To receive a complete list of ways to help or to volunteer, contact Lia McLean at 832-766-2634 You are most welcome to visit our center located at: Foundation for Life - Maternal Assistance 10900 Northwest Freeway suite 112, Houston TX 77064. HAY INNUMERABLES MANERAS DE AYUDAR. El objetivo del programa pro-vida y asistencia maternal de SEAS es ayudar a las mujeres que escogen la vida para sus bebés, proveyéndolas de asistencia financiera y emocional que necesitan para entender que el aborto no es la única alternativa. Ofreciéndoles cuidado médico, prenatal, alojamiento, artículos de bebés cuidados de niños (a) y otros servicios, salvamos la vida de miles de bebés. Pero para poder proveer esta ayuda necesitamos voluntarios. Hay muchas maneras de ayudar que van desde traer artículos para bebes, buscar donaciones, organizando baby showers, cuidado de niños rezando el Rosario o simplemente ser una amiga. Para recibir la lista completa de como ayudar contacte a Lia MacLean al 832-766-2634 . Pueden visitar el centro Fundación por la vida y asistencia maternal localizado en 10900 Northwest Freeway, suite 112, Houston 77064. INTERCESSION FOR LIFE For couples who are experiencing difficulty in conceiving a child: May the Holy Spirit fill them with trust in God’s loving plan. We pray to the Lord. INTERCESIONES POR LA VIDA Por las parejas que tienen dificultades para concebir un hijo: que el Espíritu Santo les colme de esperanzas en el plan amoroso de Dios. Roguemos al Señor. Parish Nursing Ministry Our Parish Nursing Ministry is open to all who are interested in the health of our parish. If you have a health related question or would like to have one of our SEAS nurses visit you or your loved one at Methodist, MD Anderson, Memorial Hermann Katy, or Memorial Hermann City Hospital please contact Wyona Freysteinson, PhD, MN at 281-433-5365. Our ministry will meet October 15, from 6:30 to 8:00 PM , at the portables behind the FLC, room # 7. Ministerio de la salud de SEAS Nuestro ministerio de la salud de SEAS está abierto a todos los que estén interesados en la salud de los miembros de la parroquia. Si tienen alguna pregunta relacionada con la salud, o quisieran que una de nuestras enfermeras los visitara, o a algún amigo o miembro de la familia en el hospital Methodist, MD Anderson, Memorial Hermann en Katy, Memorial Hermann City Hospital, por favor contacte a Wynona Freysteinson, PHD MN al 281-433-5365. Nuestra próxima reunión será el 15 de Octubre de 6:30 a 8:00 PM en uno de los módulos detrás del FLC, salón # 7. "Rosary for peace every 2nd Friday at 6 pm, African American Community." Extraordinary form of the Mass 18th Sunday after Pentecost “That in all things you are made rich in Him, in all utterance and in all knowledge as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you, so that nothing is wanting to you in any grace, waiting for the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ.” I Cor 1:6. All things that we do should help prepare us for the day when we will see our Savior as our Judge, either at the moment of our death or if we live to see the last day, the Day of Judgment itself. How do we transform all our actions so that we can be made rich in Him? One very useful thing to do, and unfortunately very neglected, is to make a morning offering, whereby all our graces, actions, thoughts and words are offered to our Lord. This simple prayer helps us to have the correct dispositions of turning all our actions into a prayer and sacrifice, by establishing at the beginning of the day this general intention of serving God with all our actions. Of course it is also good to renew this intention at the beginning of a new task, but with our mind focused on the work at hand, it can be difficult to remember to do this. Thus having the general intention of making this offering helps us perform these works for God’s glory and honor. Upon rising, make a devout Sign of the Cross followed by a morning offering: O my God, in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary (here kiss your brown scapular), I offer Thee the Precious Blood of Jesus from all the altars throughout the world, joining with it the offering of my every thought, word and action of this day. O my Jesus, I desire today to gain every indulgence and merit I can and I offer them, together with myself, to Mary Immaculate that she may best apply them to the interests of Thy most Sacred Heart. Precious Blood of Jesus, save us. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. If we wait and pray only at the end of the day, then our whole day is performed as a series of natural actions and God is like an afterthought at the end of the day. However, if each day is begun with a prayer and offering, then we are striving to give a supernatural outlook to all our actions, and thus they are also meritorious for heaven. October 13 October 14 October 15 October 16 St. Edward the Confessor St. Callistus I St. Teresa of Avila St. Hedwig October 17 October 18 October 19 St. Margaret Mary Alacoque St. Luke the Evangelist 19th Sunday after Pentecost HEALING MASSES MISAS DE SANACIÓN On the last Wednesday of every month there will be two healing Masses at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. All parishioners are welcome to attend, but the Anointing/Sacrament of the Sick will be offered ONLY for the sick, pregnant, aging and those recuperating from or scheduled for surgery within 30-90 days. Please join our parish in praying regularly for all the sick who receive this Sacrament and also for those who are unable to attend. El último Miércoles de cada mes se realizan dos Misas de sanación: 9:00AM y 7:00PM. Todos los miembros de SEAS están invitados a asistir, donde se darán los santos óleos SOLAMENTE a los enfermos, mujeres embarazadas, personas mayores y a los que se están recuperando de una cirugía en los últimos 3 meses. Por favor acompáñenos a rezar por todos los enfermos que recibirán este sacramento especial y por los que no podrán asistir. “HELPING HANDS” MINISTERIO “”HELPING HANDS”” Pre-Planning for Funerals. To schedule an individual appointment with a Funeral Support volunteer to pre-plan a funeral for yourself or a loved one, please call Beth Wood at 281-413-9682. Bereavement Support Group: meetings on the first and third Thursdays, Room 11 of the FLC from 7 to 8 PM. If you need help through the difficult times following the death of a loved one, contact Deborah Jackson 281-550-3027,or Gini Buehler 281-861-6306. Planificación de Funerales. Si desea hacer una cita con el grupo de voluntarios que ayuda a planificar un funeral para usted o algún familiar, por favor llame a Beth Wood al 281-413-9682. Grupo de Ayuda: Las reuniones son el primer y tercer Jueves de cada mes en el salón 11 del FLC de 7 a 8 PM. Si necesita ayuda en esos tiempos difíciles cuando muere un ser querido, contacte a Deborah Jackson al 281-550-3027, o a Gini Buehler al 281-861-6306. ST. JOSEPH’S FREEDOM GROUP GRUPO SAN JOSÉ A support group for men to meet and discuss with confidentiality the development of skills to control sexual addiction. Meetings: Saturdays 8:30 to 10:30 AM at the temporary building # 7 of SEAs Church,6646 Addicks Satsuma Road, Houston, 77084. Phone: 281.463.7878, or: Es un grupo para hombres que los ayuda de manera confidencial a desarrollar las herramientas necesarias para controlar la adicción sexual. Reuniones: Sábados de 8:30-10:30 AM en el edificio temporal #7 de la Iglesia de SEAS, 6646 Addicks Satsuma Road, Houston, 77084. Tele-fono: 281463-7878 or: FreedomGroups.asp Holy Father St. Joseph Pray for Us! San José, ¡Ruega por nosotros! MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEE K WEEK MONDAY OCTOBER 13 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM † † † † † In Omnibus Amare Et Servire Domino Sandy Jo Lloyd Cyriac Pullappallil Moisés & Lina Infante Amador Naranjo Ruben Rufino † † † † In Omnibus Amare Et Servire Domino María Huaman Manuel Calderón María de Jesús Cruz Delia Cast TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 15 6:30 AM 9:00 AM † 7:00 PM In Omnibus Amare Et Servire Domino Arthur Jannek Jr. Zaria Leija (Thanksgiving) Alex Strawter (Thanksgiving) Álvaro Manuel Jr. (Health) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM † † † In Omnibus Amare Et Servire Domino Jimmy Cu Danilo Riveros Theresia Baltus Antonio Pitra Succo FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM In Omnibus Amare Et Servire Domino Solorzano-Cruz Family (Thanksgiving) Repose Soul of Joseph Repose Souls of Dominic & Mary Repose Soul of Mary SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 7:30 AM 9:00 AM † 5:00 PM 6:30 PM † † 8:00 PM † Poor Souls in Purgatory Emilia Galope Angelina Ramírez (Health) Frank J. Coselli Jr. & Josephine M. Coselli Asunción Álvarez Arleth Martínez (Birthday) María del Rosario Castillo Repose Soul of Joseph Thanksgiving Repose Soul of Ancestors SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:15 PM 2:00 PM Resignation) 5:30 PM 7:30 PM † † † † † † † For the People of the Parish Pro Populo Doug Smith-Barry Frank J. Coselli Jr. & Josephine M. Coselli Benjamin Espíritu Andrew Thien Phong Poor Souls in Purgatory Isabel Cong Daniel J. Tearpock María Isabel Cruz Vázquez ( Prompt Antonio Maria Pitra Succo Amelia Succo Antonio Solórzano Francisco Solórzano GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS My Lord, My God: We pray for our sons, daughters, wives, husbands and friends. May you have ten thousand angels watching over them, their troops, and others overseas during their mission. May you protect them and bring them home safe. We ask this in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. ARMY Salvador E. Zapata Christopher Porras Kristin Baron Juan Vega Jr. Jessie H. Treviño II Jesse Sinfuentes Henry García Gilbert Álvarez Michael Wright Ray Banda Manny Hernández Jim Branson Sarah Campo Richard Christie Melissa Comiskey David García Chris Figeria Mike Fitzgerald Ky V. Truong Jack Longmire John García Chris Lawrence Gabriel de la Garza Juan Manuel Matthew O’Dowd Marc Maziarz Joshua Salsgiver James Scherwitz Matthew Soileau Tony Thompson Jessie H. Treviño Christian Urena Danny Morales Tim Woods Joshua A. Treviño Michael Hori Scott Pfirman Soraya Mackvandian Timothy Soto Jerry Morales David Freeman Michael Carty Cameron J, Saltus Trevor Marshall Joseph Nadasky Roosevelt Harris Christina González Janet González Daniel Pruitt Alberto Moreno Eric Stevens Victor Delgado Sgt. Christopher Farías Louis Hendershot Jr. Rudy Banda III Luis Rosales Elvia Ayala Manuel James López Jr. Walker Andy Huayamave Maximilian Klein Devrin Egipciaco Anthony Richard Delgado John Pavlica Sgt. Epigmenio Gómez Jr. Evan Adams Daniel Parlapiano NAVY Jessica López Joe Vaughn Michael Fruggiero Gabriela San Martin Riddle Justin J. Trudeau Jonathan Hyacinth Jonathan Young Matthew Rodríguez Paul Zielinski Stuart Marshall Jason Rodríguez Cristian Shirl Candy Flores Alejandro Alatorre A.J. Edwards Linsum Flores Chris Rode Raymond J. Reyes Mark Sean V. Saluzzi Christopher McMullin Thomas Roche Kai E. Krogman Marvin Boruca Adam García Steven E. Jiménez René Miramontes Gabriel I. Saenz Albert García Ryan DeKay Keith Breeckner Vinny Escobar Kidany Vaquero Brad Harless Zachary Bond Kleber Villalva Frank Campos Omar García Stefan Barcik Patrick Lambert Stephen Mayeaux Randall T. Schindler Ryan Foley Peter Tate Jr. Vincent Flores Jason Woods Joseph Mooney Anetor Asibor Albert García Ricky Isaac Hernández Sergio Pérez Victor Carrión-Martínez Christopher Unger David Anthony Vincent Becklund Dennis J. Morosin Raphael Ashe Coy Daniel Incaprera Maurice James Hardy II Kenzie O’Leary Christie Scherwitz Phillip M. Doria David Harrison Robert N. Lobit Don Sarmiento Sean Huggins Tsg.Srg.Don Park Nathalie Rodríguez Nathalie Huayamave Nelvin Rodríguez Ricardo Villalva Jr. David Nordel Camilo Orozco Jerry Torres Ed Dextraze Kevin Westlund MARINES AIR FORCE NATIONAL GUARD Tony Nies Knights of Columbus Annual Charity Drive October 26th & November 2nd Supporting the Houston VA Fisher House & the Catholic Charities Mamie George Community Center for Seniors Knights will be distributing grocery bags, with a list of needed items, on Oct 26th & will collect the bags of donated items on Nov 2nd; needed items include: SUGAR - REGULAR, PINK, BLUE, YELLOW,TEA, COFFEE/COFFEE CREAMER/COFFEE FILTERS, PLASTICWARE, CANNED FRUIT,CANNED VEGETABLES, CANNED SOUP, NAPKINS, TOOTHBRUSHES/TOOTHPASTE, DEODERANT, SOAP – 3 BARS IN A PACK, SHAMPOO- 18 OUNCE SIZE, DISH DETERGENT– 38 OUNCE SIZE, PAPER TOWELS – INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED. OIL CHANGE $ SPECIAL w/Filter 19.99 15% OFF 5930 Hwy. 6 N, Bldg. 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Paluch Company • SUNDAY SPECIAL • OFF ANY COMBO W/AD 1.800.833.5941 REALTOR, ABR, RRI, CHMS, RELOCATION CERTIFIED (281) 787-1434 Direct CECILE NGUYEN, LUTCF, Agent 9585 Clay Road, Suite #8 Houston, TX 77080 GARAGE DOOR Raúl & Melva Cisneros 713-462-1447 713-462-8509 SERVICE • REPAIR • SALES FREE ESTIMATES SE HABLA ESPAÑOL Parishioner Specializing in all Garage Door and Opener Replacements 281-536-7423 • 281-579-2397 FUNERAL HOME Our Family Serving Yours 281-469-3663 19831 N.W.FREEWAY HOUSTON, TX. 77065 Let Us Cater Your Next Event! $5 OFF w/ $20 purchase Sun-Thur only Not valid on Lunch Specials, Breakfast, Alcohol, Promos, Fajitas, & Holidays. One Coupon per Group 001722 St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church (C) J.M. Plumbing Sales & Service Cypress-Houston Jesse G. McKinley 281-469-6206 Lic #RMPL13890 281-897-9823 9926 Jones Road For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 CYPRESS ACUPUNCTURE & CHIROPRACTIC MAYDE CREEK ANIMAL HEALTH CENTER DARREN WILLIAMS, DVM M-F 7-7 Sat 8-12 BECAUSE YOUR PET DESERVES THE BEST 3355 N. Fry Rd. 281-578-5449 Funerals & Cremations Traditional & Memorial Services All Funeral Prearrangements Accepted 13040 FM 529, Ste. G (at Edridge next to Cherry Home Furniture) (713) 849-4804 John Nguyen, D.C., F.I.A.M.A. • Headaches, neck and back pain • Painful joints, numbness, arthritis • Hip, leg, shoulder, arm pain relief • Acupuncture • Nutrition and herbs • Auto Accidents 281.414.5266 HOME REPAIR SERVICE No job too small Contact DONNIE TAYLOR today at (800) 833-5941 • AW 15840 FM 529, STE. 280 HOUSTON, TX 77095 2430 N. Fry Rd., Ste. 106, Houston 281-599-3633 T Parishioner Representing Families & Businesses Since ’83 281-858-0700 Fax: 281-599-0524 713-464-4189 TACL000355 & MPL14303 PLUMBING • HEATING AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE “The Source for ALL Your Insurance Needs” • Business • Home • Auto • Life • Health 14906 FM 529, Houston, 77095 281-656-3000 To Advertise Here... VISIT ONLY (With Ad) TTORNEY Crutches • Wheelchairs Bath Aids, etc. SPACE AVAILABLE * 50% OFF FIRST INITIAL TOUCHY Affordable Handyman M’S MEDICAL SUPPLY INC STEVE A A L 14094 Memorial Drive Houston, Texas 77079 281-497-2121 * Free Consultation & Exam Pool Heaters • Fixtures • Faucets • Disposers Hot Water Heaters • Water & Gas Lines ART’S PEST CONTROL Family Owned & Operated “Don’t Let Bugs Bug You!” 10% OFF 1st Service Call w/ad Free Estimates 281-398-0854 JC Home Remodeling 713-885-4470 • Bath/Shower Conversions • Kitchen • Flooring • Drywall Repair/Texture • Painting • Patio/Covers • Plumbing • Fencing Free On-Site Estimates, Jose Llanos Residential • Commercial ADDICKS-CHAMPION Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. Sales • Service • Installation Parishioner • $10 OFF w/Repair (281) 859-1800 TACLB009595E Chuck Kostak • Parishioner Member BBB (281) 373-0111 Memorial, Funeral and Cremation Services As our family has always done, we want to serve you and your loved ones today and for generations to come Privately Owned, 4th Generation Provider In-Home Arrangement/Planning Available Houston Area Pre-Arranged Policies Accepted 234 Westcott, Houston, Texas 77006 713-802-0000 001722 St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church (B) True Care Dental Dr. Nhung Kim Nguyen, D.D.S. Cosmetic and Family Dentistry Chips and Insurance Accepted Friendly Staff Duane C. King, Attorney 14906 FM 529, Suite 201 713.983.0099 6370 N. Eldridge (Kroger Shopping Center) 281.615.8942 Family Law Wills & Estates Small Business Real Estate Parishioner For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 Guadalupe Ortiz, State Farm Agent Life insurance shouldn’t wait. 17802 W. Little York, Ste 600 BUSY. BUSY. Houston, TX 77084 BUSY. BUSY. Bus 281-855-5873 BUSY. State Farm Life Insurance Company 0901038TX.1 Bloomington, IL Even though life is busy, take a moment to reflect on what’s most important. For peace of mind, protect your family with State Farm® life insurance. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL ME TODAY. JOE M. PIAZZA, JR. DDS, PA & ASSOCIATES 281-664-8100 21212 Northwest Fwy., Ste. 275, Cypress 77429 MIRACLE-ROOFING.COM YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR GOAL ROOFING (SPECIALIST IN ASPHALT SHINGLES) DECKING REPAIR, SHINGLES REPAIR, RE DECKS & GUTTER CLEANING CONTACT JESUS, PARISHIONER (832) 215-8988 Houston, TX 77041 713-777-1991 Cell 832-368-3033 Jocelyn LaCourse Owner Providing Quality & Professional Caregivers to Help Your Loved Ones Perform Activities of Daily Living. KITCHENLIFT A FACELIFT FOR YOUR KITCHEN Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Fully Insured • Free Consultation • Free Estimates John & Michelle Zullinger - CTR Parishioner • 832-928-5988 K & S Plumbing Co. Serving All Your Needs Perfect Cuts By Tracy No Appointment Necessary (713) 896-0039 $1.00 OFF HAIRCUT $5.00 OFF COLOR/HI-LITES ADULT $8.95 / CHILD $6.95 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL REPAIRS Phone: 713-695-9739 • Joseph Kenjora Jr. & Eddie Syzdek Jr. Owners Master License No. 9146 & 9149 35 Years Experience Parishioner 13150 FM 529 #115 Houston, TX 77041 Sat. 9 -6 Sun. 10:00 - 5 Mon. - Fri 10:00 - 7 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Insurance Starting At $35.00 Save up to 50% 5035 Hwy 6 North, Suite #108, Houston, TX 77084 AUTO HOME COMMERCIAL FLOOD LIFE BONDS PH: 281-858-8668 281-372-8827 12933 FM 529 Rd. Suite C - Houston, TX 77041 (F.M. 529 @ Eldridge Pkwy.) Bus. Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-7pm • Fri-Sat 6am-9pm • Sunday: Closed Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Life • Long Term Care • Retirement • Disability PETER’S PLUMBING “One Call Does It All” 832-885-9255 All Types of Plumbing $20 Off W/Ad MPL 40046 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Licensed & Insured Safe. Secure. Sound. Little Flower Please contact me today to learn more: Henry T. Rangel, FICF (281) 731.8635 Catholic Books & Gifts Member Religious Goods Sacramental Needs Much More 5349 Highway Blvd. (Old Katy) † 281-391-0330 LEGAL SERVICES Lori M. Karner ~ Notary Public ~ As of 12/31/13, Rated A++, Superior for Financial Strength by A.M. Best Certified Notary Signing Agent Member National Notary Association “There is no more highly rated insurer in North America” Parishioner MEN WOMEN $ 599 $ 899 Men - Women - Kids OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Appointments or Walk-In Welcome Notary services at your location Serving Houston & surrounding 4978 Highway 6N, Suite L, Houston, TX 77084 Hwy. 6 @ Keith Harrow (281) 463-1316 areas for over 12 years Mon-Sat: 9:30am-7pm / Sun: 9:30am-6pm St. Francis Religious Goods Largest Selection of Catholic Gifts First Communion - Books - Sacramentals 4906 Hwy 6 North, Bear Creek 281-859-0400 001722 St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church (A) Prince of Peace Parishioner 713.898.0645 A FRIEND YOU CAN TRUST ~ NO PRESSURE/HASSLE FREE Preferred Pricing for St. Elizabeth Members New & Pre-owned Sales James Vu M: 832.472.8189 Parishioner • Family Law • Wills • Adoption • Health Care Directives • Collaborative Law CHRISTINE LINCOLN Attorney-At-Law 12777 Jones Rd., Ste. 475 Houston, TX 77070 281-970-9005 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941
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