Document 333936

Christ our Saoior
Roman Catholic
Weekend Worship
4:00pm Saint Margaret Mary/Arlington
5:30pm Saint Paul Church/Manchester
8:00am Saint Paul Church/Manchester
1 0:00am Saint Paul ChurchlManchester
Daily Mass & Holy Days
Listed inside of bulletin
5-3:45pm in Arlington
After the 5:30 Mass in Manchester
Opportunities for involvement in Parish Life
Adult or Youth Choir # Mass Servers # Ushers # Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary #
Catholic Daughters of America # Knights of Columbus # Parish Life Committee # Lectors #
Northshire lnterfaith Council # Church Decorations # Religious Education lf you are interested in any of these activities, call the Rectory for further information.
Sacramental Life
Parental Catechesis can be scheduled in consultation with the Pastor during the last few weeks of the
pregnancy or aftenruards. The actual ceremony of Baptism will be scheduled for everyone's convenience.
Couples seeking to be married must complete a Diocesan-approved Pre-Cana program. Convenient
scheduling for this requires a six-month pre-arrangement.
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound
lf you, or someone you know is hospitalized or homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion or
the Sacrament of the Sick, please, call the rectory to make arrangements.
New Parishioners
lf you have recently moved to the area and have not yet registered in the Parish, you can do so by
calling the Rectory. At the same time you can arrange to receive the Vermont Catholic Magazine and
to receive collection envelopes for the Parish.
Pastor: Reverend Thomas Mattison
398 Bonnet Street
Manchester Genter, Vermont 05255
Faith Formation
(802) 362-1380
(802) 366-1168
faithformation @cosp. comcastbiz. net
(802) 362-5795
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear All,
October 11 to October 19
Saturday, October 11
4:00 pm – Eugene Kayatta
5:30pm - Brian Gawlik by mother, Helen
Sunday, October 12
8:00am – Pro Populo
10:00 am – Larry Washburn by wife, Sue
Monday, October 13
8:00am - Deceased Members of
Catholic Daughters
Tuesday, October 14
8:00 am – Rita Ruland
by daughter, Kathleen
Wednesday, October 15
8:00 am – Healing for Theresa Farrara-Franklin
by Dana and Cheryl Markey
Thursday, October 16
8:00 am - Healing for Tim Markey
by Dana and Cheryl Markey
Friday, October 17
8:00 am – Father James Mattison
Saturday, October 18
4:00 pm – Edward LaBatt
by Earl and Jackie LaBatt
5:30pm - Louis Zoufaly
by Ralph Boileau
Sunday, October 19
8:00am – Ken Whalen
by John and Emy LaVecchia
10:00am –Ralph Gill by Joe and Louise Dell MAN
Let us remember in prayer...
Dan Barker, Pam Blair, Anne Marie Dellapia,
Kim Donatelli, Cheryl Finck, John Kardas Jr,
Mary Ellen Lawson-Quinn, Dick LaRoche,
Mark Madkour, Tim Markey, Lorraine Monaco
Greg Morsch, Lenore Scanlon
Donald Weber and Michael Weiss
The unbounded love and being of God are
what lie at the heart of the reality of the
Trinity. When love has infinity to bestow
and love has infinity in which to receive and
from which to return, the unity is
unimaginable to us. That, of course, is
because we are not unbounded. Our
physical self is bounded by our skin, our life
is bounded by the darkness before life and
the grave, our intelligence is limited in its
grasp … We are not made to pass away, but
our living is so limited! And this prevents
our human love from achieving the absolute
unifying power of the Divine love.
But, there is a way in which humans stretch
themselves to overcome the limits of their
being: a vow. By the making of a vow a
man seeks to overcome the predictable
depredations of time and materiality in order
to guarantee performance of a certain deed
at some specific time in the future. In the
case of the marriage vow – undertaken until
death – a couple undertake to give to and
accept from each other alone all that is
implied in the word spouse. The vow is a
human attempt to reach into the future and
to shape it in a particular way. In accepting
the vow of another, one agrees to have
one’s own future so shaped.
The sheer audacity of a vow – and even
more so of mutual vows – is breathtaking!
To assert that all the unknown events
between the moment of the vow and the
moment of death will be allowed no space or
power to change the future that the vow
depicts! No wonder the world is so full of
commitment-phobes! Who would not fear to
undertake such a guarantee? Who would be
fool enough to accept it?
A young man I know made his first vows in a
religious order no long ago. In the course of
the ceremony, the superior reminded him:
You are doubtlessly making these vows for
the wrong reason; but you will discover the
right reason in time … and it is your fidelity
to these vows that will get you there.
12 October 2014
A vow is as close as humans get to eternity
– to possessing all of their being in one
instant. It is, when made for love between
two lovers who seek to live and be God’s
love for each other, a moment when the
Divine Eternity and human finitude become
one – it is a sacrament, a human deed with
Divine effect.
There is a Synod (a big Church meeting) on
the Family coming soon. Many seem to be
hoping that this meeting will arrange things
so that those who have broken their
marriage vows will be able to be absolved of
the breaking and those who have been
betrayed by unfaithfulness will be permitted
a similar infidelity. Surely, the size of the
endeavor represented by marriage vows
would suggest that few can achieve it. Or,
maybe, the size of the endeavor will make it
clear that only faith in the presence of the
Infinite in the human will make it possible at
Really, truly and for-as-long-as-needs-be
Bishop’s Fund
Our Parish 2014 Bishop’s Fund contributions
are $48,978 towards its goal of $65,800.
This is 74% of our goal with pledge
commitments from just 172 families. Our
heartfelt gratitude to all those who have
responded so generously to this year’s
The Christmas Choir of Christ Our Savior
Parish is looking for new members of all
voice parts and ages to join us for our
annual Christmas Concert. Rehearsals begin
7:008:30pm starting October 7th. Please come
and sing with us!
Take a look at the Advertisers Supporting
our Church Bulletin on the back page!
R. H. Biben’s Sheetmetal
Southern Vermont Glass & Shower Door
The Knights of Columbus Breakfast will
take place, next Sunday, October 19th
following 8am and 10am Mass.
“Each of us is a masterpiece of God’s
Creation!” is the theme for October’s
Respect Life Month observance, an annual
opportunity for Catholic parishes throughout
our Diocese to highlight our pro-life
To view these materials online, visit United
States Conference of Catholic Bishop’s
website at
Parish Life needs more volunteers to help
host our monthly fellowship the 4th Sunday
of every month. Help is needed to continue
this time of food and fellowship.
Any amount of time you could share would
be greatly appreciated. Please call Nancy
Black at 375-9207 to volunteer.
Community Food Cupboard Fall Wish List
Now that the weather is turning, it’s time to
turn on the oven. Items needed are flour,
sugar, raisins, nuts, canned pumpkin and
evaporated milk, just to name a few. All
donations to CFC are appreciated, and may be
left in our collection box or at Manchester
Town Hall or Dorset Berkshire Bank branches.
The Free Community Thanksgiving Day
Dinner is coming soon. We need volunteers
to cook the turkeys. Our Church is buying
them and volunteers can pick them up in the
Church kitchen, time to be announced. Then
deliver them cooked on Thanksgiving Day
morning back to the Church kitchen. Please
call Kathe Henrich to volunteer at 362-0499.
Please invite your community friends to
volunteer, and to be quests at the dinner.
The music director of Christ Our Savior
Parish, Michael Gallagher will give a tenor
voice recital on Sunday October 19th at 3pm
at St. Paul’s Church. To benefit Doctors
Without Borders, to aid their efforts to
combat the recent Ebola virus outbreak.