Document 337788

Our new members:
Trevor Tallant
Corey Clinton
Jorge Romero
Joel Rosana
Marlene Rosana
Symon Mugo
Please remember the following in
Finances of our church Our sister churches in the DFW area
People of Dallas in the White Rock Lake area
The Adventist message to all the world in this
• North Dallas Adventist Academy
Beginners I
Beginners II Prayer Warriors - If you have any prayer requests that you would like to share,
please contact the prayer warriors at or at the Church Office. !
Men’s Prayer Group - Join the men's prayer group on Sunday mornings at 8:00am
as we make supplication to God and be blessed. Call in number is 605-475-6720
Code: 279 182. For more information contact Peter Ebere 469-831-1960. We invite
you to send all your confidential prayer requests to: for
us to make intercession on your behalf.
Room E3
Kindergarten (Ages 4 ½ - 6)
Room E6
Primary I (Grades 1-2)
Room E5
Primary II (Grades 3-4)
Room E4
Juniors (Grades 5-6)
Room E1
Earliteens (Grades 7-8)
Room E13
Youth (Grades 9-12)
Room E8
Young Adults / Collegiate
Women’s Ministry
To start a group (Sabbath School, Ministry, Bible Study or Mission) find
three leaders (Upreach/Inreach/Outreach) and one Church Board Mentor.
Then start bringing people to Jesus and His final movement! Amy Abernathy
Jae-Do Tae
Rene Campos
Neize Ferreira
Darlene Morford
Toni Unrein
Carolyn Douglas
Jason Allen
Angie McWilliam
Curtis Elcock
Fabiaye Arinyedokiari Oneil Brown Roberto Esmeralda Ezra Ibrahim
Dustin Pestlin
John Petchkurow David & Marlene Spady
Hilda Lauriello
John McWilliam (elder)
Sue Mathieu
Greg Larson
Jonathan Campos (elder)
Brenda Tae
Vince Christensen Rade Milosavljevic (elder)
Susan Ramsey
Jody Beck
Mavis Bowman
Room E2
(Ages 3-4 ½)
Adventist Education Leader Adventist Youth (AY) Leader
Adventurer Director
Children’s Ministry Leader Clerk Communications Leader Community Services Leader
Deacon (Head) Deaconess (Head)
Family Ministries Elder (First)
Elder Elder Elder Elder Elder Elder Health & Temperance Leader
Home & School Leader
Interest Coordinator
Men’s Ministry Leader
Music Ministries Leader
NDAA School Board Rep Pathfinder Director
Personal Ministries Leader Religious Liberty Leader
Sabbath School Superintendent
Stewardship Leader
Women’s Ministry Leader (Ages 0-3)
Fellowship Hall
Room E12
Sabbath School Quarterly
Sanctuary, C2
New Members & Visitors
Room E7A
Room C1
Room E10
Richardson Seventh-day Adventist Church
1201 West Belt Line Road, Richardson, Texas 75080
Pastoral Team
- Senior Pastor: Dan Serns (upreach leader)
- Associate Pastor: Eric Louw (outreach leader)
- Part Time Pastoral Assistant: Lois Serns (inreach leader)
White Rock Lake Campus (Sabbaths at 3:30-5:30pm) | 9217 Ferguson Road Dallas, TX 75228 North Dallas Adventist Academy (pre-k to 12th grade) | | 972-234-6322
302 Centennial Blvd, Richardson, TX 75080
Sunset Tonight: 7:01pm | Next Sabbath: 6:53pm
OCTOBER 11, 2014
First Service
9:00 a.m.
Gathering Song Praise Team & Congregation
Welcome & Announcements Frank & Hilda Lauriello
Celebrating Changed Lives Ray Ljubisic
Songs of Praise Kids Praise Team & Congregation
Intercessory Prayer John Boylan
Special Music
Kids Praise Team
Pastor Eric Louw "The Price of Raisin Cakes" Hosea 3:1
Offering (Voice of Prophecy)
Leo Mathieu
Closing Song Kids Praise Team & Congregation
Sabbath School Zimbabwe Mission Report
Gathering Song 10:15am
Second Service 11:30 a.m.
Welcome & Announcements Brown & Betha Njagi
Celebrating Changed Lives Ray Ljubisic
Children’s Story Sibu Ncube
Offering (Voice of Prophecy)
Bonn Igwebuike
Call to Worship Psalm 66:8-9
Songs of Praise Kids Praise Team & Congregation
Intercessory Prayer Ezra Ibrahim
Special Music
Kids Praise Team
Pastor Eric Louw "The Price of Raisin Cakes" Hosea 3:1
Closing Song Kids Praise Team & Congregation
Pastor Eric Louw
Lois Serns
Pianist: Lois Serns; Song Leader(s): Kids Praise Team!
Deacons: Al Lewis (first service), Jim Roe (second service)!
Elders: Curtis Elcock(1st service), Rade Milosavljevic (2nd service)
Day of Prayer for Ebola Crisis
Today is a special Day of Prayer for our brothers and sisters in West Africa and
for the entire population in that region as they face this virtually unprecedented
tragedy. Let us pray that God will put a halt to the spread of this virulent virus.
Adventurer Club Induction Richardson Flames Adventurer Club invites our church family to the Induction
Ceremony taking place tonight at 6pm. Come support our children and families
as they dedicate a year of service to the Lord.
Town Hall Meeting
All members are invited to attend a Town Hall Meeting at the Arlington SDA
Church (4409 Pleasantview Dr, Arlington, TX 76017) on Wednesday, October 15
at 7pm. This will be a great opportunity to see what's happening in the
conference to ask questions to our leaders. !
Showers of Love Celebration
Everyone is invited to a Showers of Love Celebration Potluck on Sabbath,
October 18 in the fellowship hall after second service. Come and show your love
to Fana and LaMarcus Brown as they look forward with eager anticipation to the
birth of their baby girl later this month.
Texas Veggie Fair
The Richardson Young Adult Group, Cross Connections will be having a booth
at the upcoming Texas Veggie Fair on Sunday, October 19 from 11am-6pm at
Reverchon Park (3505 Maple Ave Dallas, TX 75219). If anyone wants to donate
or volunteer, please contact Brenda Tae (214-557-8823) or Karen Wemay
(703-618-3131). !
Forever One Marriage Retreat
The Texas Conference Marriage Retreat,"Forever One" will be from November
7-9 at the La Torretta Lake Resort in Montgomery Texas. The early bird
registration has been extended to October 15. Go to to
register or for more information. !
NDAA Vegetarian Food Store
It's that time again to pre-order your Thanksgiving favorites like Dinner Roast,
Smoked Turkey Rolls and other items from our vegetarian food store. We offer
10% off all cases! To place an order, please contact Monique Monroe at (214)
289-3945 or Cari Gwin at (305) 331-4685. The NDAA Vegetarian Food Store is
open on Tuesdays from 3-5pm. !
Ministry Positions - First Reading
Family Ministry Leaders - Rade & Ella Milosavljevic
Home & School Leader - Jessica Browne
“Praise our God, all peoples, let the sound of His praise be heard. He has
preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping.” Psalm 66:8-9
Saturday, October 11
1:00 p.m. Women’s Ministry Potluck & Nursing Home 2:30 p.m. Bible Worker Training
3:30-5:30 p.m. White Rock Lake Campus 4:00 p.m. Pathfinder Club 4:00 p.m. Single Parenting
6:00 p.m. Adventurer Club Induction
Sunday, October 12
10:00 a.m. Master Guide Club
11:00 a.m. Cooking Class
3:00 p.m. Intro to Graphic Design
5:00 p.m. Intro to Biblical Greek
Monday, October 13
11:00 a.m. Romans Bible Study
6:30 p.m. Visitation Teams
Tuesday, October 14
3:00-5:00 p.m. NDAA Vegetarian Food Store Open 6:00 p.m. Praying for Our Children
Wednesday, October 15
11:00 a.m. Christian Service
4:00 p.m. Baptismal Prep Class
6:15 p.m. Light Supper
7:00 p.m. Children’s Program
7:00 p.m. Financial Peace University
7:00 p.m. Education
7:00 p.m. Homosexuality and the Bible
7:00 p.m. Revelation Revealed
Friday, October 17
6:30 p.m. Church Choir Rehearsal
7:00 p.m. Bell Choir Rehearsal
Tithe to Date: $351,219.94
Online Giving
Local Church Budget
July 2013-June 2014
Given Last Week:
Given to Date:
Needed to Date:
Ways to Give: • Offering Plate
• Drop-box in church lobby
• Mail to Church Office (1201 W Belt Line Rd, Richardson, TX 75080)
• Give Online: available at or by scanning the QR code.
Remember to fill out your tithe & offerings in a tithe envelope.