Page 1 October 19, 2014 WEEKLY CALENDAR SUN. OCTOBER 19, 2014 Mission Sunday 7:30 AM to 2:00 PM SVdP “Stuff the Truck Day” 8 AM Mass 9 AM to 10 AM Hospitality Hour 10 AM Mass and CLOW Hospitality Hour Cancelled (No Host) 7 PM Mass MON. OCTOBER 20, 2014 8:30 AM Rosary at Benedict House 9 AM Communion Service Benedict House 9:30 AM SMdP Sandwich Making Parish Center St. Teresa of Calcutta Room TUES. OCTOBER 21, 2014 9 AM Mass at Benedict House 7 PM St Vincent de Paul Meeting Parish Center St. Teresa of Calcutta Room WED. OCTOBER 22, 2014 9 AM Mass at Benedict House 6 PM Finance Council Meeting Parish Center St. Lawrence of Brindisi Room 6:30 PM Alzheimer Support Group Parish Center St. Teresa of Calcutta Room 7 PM Human Concerns and Social Justice Commission, Parish Center St. Martha Room THURS. OCTOBER 23, 2014 9 AM Mass at Benedict House 9:30 Peaceful Crafters Parish Center St. Teresa of Calcutta Room 7 PM Choir Rehearsal St. Benedict Church FRI. OCTOBER 24, 2014 9 AM Mass at Benedict House 7 PM Marian Rosary & Mass St. Benedict Church SAT. OCTOBER 25, 2014 10 AM Betty Peterson Funeral (time may change) 10 AM Saturday Morning Prayer Group Parish Center Lower level 5 PM Rite of Reconciliation SUN. OCTOBER 26, 2014 8 AM Mass 8:45 AM First Reconciliation Preparation School Auditorium 9 AM - 12 PM Hospitality Hour 10 AM Mass with CLOW 11:30 Confirmation Preparation 7 PM Mass LITURGIES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2014 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Is 45:1,4-6 Ps 96:1,3-5,7-10 1 Thes 1:1-5b Mt 22:15-21 8 AM Mass (INT) For the Parishioners of St. Benedict 10 AM Mass (RIP) Rick Willette by Tom & Jan Barrett 7 PM Mass (RIP) Beth Glasson by Marcia and Colin Shepard MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2014 St. Paul of the Cross, priest Eph 2:1-10 Ps 100:1b-5 Lk 12:13-21 8:30 AM Rosary 9 AM Communion Service TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2014 Eph 2:12-22 Ps 85:9-14 Lk 12:35-38 9 AM Mass (RIP) Betty Peterson by The Parishioners of St. Benedict WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014 St. John Paul II, pope Eph 3:2-12 (Ps) Is 12:2-3,4c-6 Lk 12:39-48 9 AM Mass (RIP) Nancy Hebestreit THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2014 St. John of Capistrano, priest Eph 3:14-21 Ps 33:1-2,4-5,11-12,18-19 Lk 12:49-53 9 AM Mass (RIP) Nancy Hebestreit FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014 St. Anthony Mary Claret, bishop Eph 4:1-6 Ps 24:1-4b,5-6 Lk 12:54-59 9 AM Mass (RIP) Nancy Hebestreit SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2014 Blessed Virgin Mary Eph 4:7-16 Ps 122:1-5 Lk 13:1-9 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2014 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Ex 22:20-26 Ps 18:2-4,47,51 1 Thes 1:5c-10 Mt 22:34-40 8 AM Mass (INT) For the Parishioners of St. Benedict 10 AM Mass (RIP) Kurt Vance by His loving family 7 PM Mass (RIP) Nancy Hebestreit Page 2 October 19, 2014 From deacon Roy’s desk Dear sisters and brothers in Christ: All of the sacramental preparations for the coming new liturgical year beginning Sunday, November 30 th, the 1st Sunday of Advent, are underway. Twenty-two families have stepped forward bringing their 2 nd graders for 1st reconciliation to be celebrated on Dec. 13th, and for 1st Communion to be celebrated in April after Easter. At Easter we will be welcoming new members into the Church, including one of our 2 nd grade dads! We have much more room for more participants if you feel God calling you to engage more completely in your faith. Renee Lindstrom is also working hard on establishing our Confirmation group for this year. We hope to celebrate their full reception into the Church in late March or mid-April. I want to personally invite all adults in the parish who have not been confirmed to participate in this preparation. Any person who is a sophomore in high school or older, even much older, is most welcome! Could that be you or someone you know? Simply contact Renee Lindstrom and she will get you started. Classes will be held on Sundays after the 10 am Mass to make it easier for everyone. We all are praying for the success of the Synod on the Family which is currently being held in Rome with Pope Francis presiding. Some exciting and tremendous changes may be coming out of this synod—changes that will make it easier for many more people to fully participate in the faith life of the Church. Some of those people are those who have been married in the Church and then divorced and remarried. For their second marriages to be valid in the Church’s eyes, they must work through a legal process in the Church but it is not complicated or difficult! We have members of the parish who are experts in this process and would be happy to help you through it. See Fr. Bill or me if we can advise you further. Finally, if you were not married in the Church, it is a simple process to have your marriage blessed in the Church through a simple ceremony called a convalidation. Fr. Bill or I can preside at these services and bless your marriage with the grace of this sacrament. Just see us or email us if you’d like to learn more. We’re here to assist you any way we can! Blessings to you all. Your servant in Christ, Deacon Roy Harrington - Pastoral Coordinator Worship and spiritual life ST. PAUL OF THE CROSS (1694 - 1775) After having a vision of himself clothed in a black habit, St. Paul established the Congregation of the Passion (the Passionists, or congregation of the Discalced Clerks of the Most Holy Cross and Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ). The Passionists, a community of priests, were to live a strict monastic life while fostering an intense devotion to the Passion of Christ through preaching and missions. Along with the traditional vows of other religious communities, they took a fourth vow to spread the memory of Christ’s Passion. Unique to their habit was a large badge in the shape of a heart, bearing a cross and the words Jesu XPI Passio. As they grew in numbers, they engaged in ministry to the sick and dying. Toward the end of his life, St. Paul founded a community of Passionist nuns. (2014 Sourcebook pg. 303) ST. JOHN OF CAPISTRANO Born in Italy and entered the Franciscans in 1416, John was drawn to the ascetic life and became a follower of St. Bernardine of Siena. After his ordination, John traveled throughout Italy, Germany, Bohemia, Austria, Hungary, Poland and Russia, preaching penance and establishing numerous communities of Franciscan renewal. When Mohammed II threatened Vienna and Rome, John, then 70, was commissioned by Pope Callistus III to lead a crusade against the invading Turks. Marching at the head of an army of 70,000 Christians, he was victorious in the battle of Belgrade in 1456. (2014 Sourcebook pg. 304) ST. ANTHONY MARY CLARET The son of a Spanish weaver, Anthony wanted to be a Jesuit, but ill health prevented him from entering that religious order. Instead, he became a secular priest, overseeing a parish in Spain before heading to Catalonia and the Canary Islands as a missionary. He established the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (the Claretians), a group of priests and brothers dedicated to seeing the world through the eyes of the poor. They operate a diverse number of ministries throughout the world, St. Anthony was instrumental in spreading the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Rosary. (2014 Sourcebook pg. 304) MARIAN CENACLE MASS – 7:00 PM ON October 24th All are invited to a Marian Cenacle Mass to pray for our Pope, all Priests, Religious & World Peace scheduled for Friday, October 24th. This celebration begins at 7:00 PM here at St. Benedict Church with a rosary and continues with the celebration of the Mass. Refreshments will be served after Mass and Our Lady of Fatima Home Prayer Group literature will be available during the reception. MASS INTENTIONS Have you been seeking to honor a loved one? Maybe a birthday milestone, anniversary or just to let them know you care? You can have a Mass said for them. Just come over to the Parish Office, choose an available date and we have a card for you to send to the person or their family. The Suggested donation is only 10 dollars. Page 3 October 19, 2014 Worship and spiritual life WHERE IS FATHER BILL’S HOMILY? Editor’s Note: With Fr. Bill’s permission, we are pleased to publish his Homily when provided. Today is Mission Sunday and Fr. Bill delivered an unscripted homily regarding his year’s with the Missions in Africa. Future scripted homilies will appear in the Bulletin on weekends that he is the homilist with his hope that we will reflect on his message. We are thankful and honored to have them to publish. Thank you Father Bill for sharing your first hand account on, “ Living Your Mission,” with us today. CORNERSTONE CATHOLIC CONFERENCE The Bishops of Washington State are sponsoring this conference covering life, justice and peace this weekend October 24th and 25th at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center. Be inspired by the Gospel call to care for all who are unborn, poor or dying! You can still register online by October 20th to assure lunch availability. Online registration is at: DAILY MASS/COMMUNION SERVICE VENUE CHANGING Beginning Monday October 20th, the venue for the Daily Mass/Communion Service and Rosary will be the St. Cecilia Room of Benedict House. Fr. Bill has suggested a much cozier atmosphere and a possible way to cut some heating costs in the church by moving the Daily Liturgy to Benedict House. First Saturday Mass, Holy Day Mass and designated School Mass (usually Thursday’s) will still be in the Church. Watch the bulletin calendar for changes and weekly information or go to the church website. PEACEFUL CRAFTERS - BOXES OF JOY Our Peaceful Crafters are at it again, putting together their “Boxes of Joy” for Homeless Women. The generosity of St. Benedict Parishioners leaves them in need of very few items to complete their goal of 60 boxes this year. Needed items to complete the boxes are: individually wrapped coffee and tea packets, individually wrapped candy, small tubes of toothpaste and small bottles of body lotion. Items must be individually wrapped. Any additional items will be donated to other homeless shelters in Seattle. Donations may be dropped in the Church vestibule or taken to the Parish Center. Please label items for Peaceful Crafters. The donation deadline is November 30th as the boxes will be put together Thursday December 4th. The Crafters and homeless thank you for your continued support of their ongoing ministry. MEMORIAL CANDLES FOR ALL SOULS There are only 2 weeks left to purchase Memorial Candles for the All Souls Novena. Candles may be purchased after all Sunday Masses until October 26th at the table in the vestibule of the church. Inscribe your candle with the name of a deceased loved one(s) and that candle will burn in the church for approximately six days during the All Souls Novena. Envelopes for Mass Intentions are also available and should be returned to the Parish Office by Friday, October 31st so that we can gather them for placement on the altar All Souls Day and Novena. All Souls Day is on a Sunday this year. This will be a wonderful day of celebration for the souls that have helped form us and loved ones we want to remember. stewardship STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE for October 12th Sunday Offerings: $5,962 Budgeted Amount: $5,478 Fiscal Year-to-Date Offerings: $109,053 Fiscal Year-to-Date Budget: $110,441 Shortfall: $1,388 The bishops’ pastoral letter on stewardship reminds us, “Jesus not only calls people to him but also forms them and sends them out in his service. Being sent on a mission is a consequence of being a disciple.” CHILDREN’S STEWARDSHIP IN ACTION Last week I shared my time by: Helping move 10 AM Mass Helped with movie night Took out the neighbors trash Last week I shared my talents by: Running Soccer Swimming Football Soccer Last week I shared my treasure:$152.79 HOSPITALITY HOUR 8 AM Host Len Kannapell 10 AM Cancelled (no host) We need hosts! If you are interested in hosting a Sunday morning Hospitality hour, the sign up sheet is in the school cafeteria or call the Parish office at 206.632.0843. Don’t allow this coffee hour to be cancelled as this is our strength in getting to know our community. SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL - “STUFF THE TRUCK” The truck is here and donations will be accepted from 7:30 AM through 2:00 PM, accepted donations of gently used clothing, shoes, small household items and sports gear will help us to “stuff the truck” with items for the SVdP thrift stores. 90 cents out of each dollar raised goes to programs to help those in need. Stop by and meet our Vincentians as they work their mission. CYO BASKETBALL SEASON Basketball signup is open to 3rd thru 8th grade parishioners and students of St. Benedict. Talk to Paul Krause or to register online, go to or email The deadline is October 28th. Page 4 October 19, 2014 Pastoral Council GOOD THINGS ARE HAPPENING Beginning Monday October 20th, the carpet in the center aisle and alcoves of the church will be removed to expose the terrazzo floor which will be rejuvenated. This work is schedule to take approximately one week provided that there are no complications. Additionally, an Arborist has been hired to prune trees on campus to prepare for the winter months. DELAY IN CARPET INSTALL There has been a slight delay in final arrangements for the new carpet. The council has chosen the colors and manufacturer but now need to make sure that the carpet purchase and installation falls within the designated budget. The plan is to have completion no later than the Advent Season and that deadline is our focus. We will post updates in the bulletin once work begins. SCHOOL NEWS 2014/2015 ST. BENEDICT SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Attend and invite your friends and family to a St. Benedict Catholic School Open House. The Open House includes a tour of the school, sharing our school story and seeing our wonderful teachers in action! Prospective parents can also arrange a personal tour by appointment if needed. Call 206-633-3375 to sign up or for more information, send an email to our Development Director Teresa Gillett at Open House dates are: Friday, November 7, 9:00am Friday, December 5, 9:00am Friday, January 9, 9:00am Sunday, January 26, 11:45am-Catholic Schools Week Friday, Feb 6, 9:00am Friday, March 13, 9:00am NOMINATE THE ST. BENEDICT CATHOLIC SCHOOL 2015 DISTINGUISHED GRADUATE This award is sponsored by the National Catholic Education Association each year for St. Benedict Catholic School to identify and honor an alumnus as the Distinguished Graduate of 2015. The winner will be honored at Mass on Friday, January 30, 2015 during our Grandparent/Special Friend Celebration during the 2015 National Catholic Schools Week. Nominees must have graduated from St. Benedict Catholic School a minimum of 10 years ago and have made notable contributions to their community and church as active Catholics, exemplifying a devotion to faith, family and service. Nominations are being accepted until December 1, 2014. Forms are on the School Bulletin Board in the vestibule of the church, or the school website at Human concerns social justice GIVING TREE ORNAMENTS The HCSJ Commission is planning a gathering to make the Giving Tree Ornaments on Sunday November 2 nd after the 10 AM Mass in the lower level of the Parish Center. The Giving Tree is scheduled to be set up on November 23rd with all gifts returned for processing by December 14th. All materials of the ornaments (scissors, patterns, writing utensils, lists, paper punches, and string) will be provided. This is a Parish project, all are welcome! FIGHTING HUNGER IN WALLINGFORD As of September 30th, our donations to the FamilyWorks Food Bank total 1,644 2,000 pounds and $275. Since the program be1,500 1,000 gan in April, we have attained a little over 500 82% of our goal to donate 2,000 pounds by the end of 2014. Thank you for your generosity and for prayerfully discerning how you can help to feed the hungry in our neighborhood. What else is happening HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES Beginning with Sunday, October 19th, many of the Seattle area Catholic High Schools will be having their Fall Open Houses. There is a poster in the vestibule along with one on the bulletin board outside of the church advertising the days and time. Take the time to visit the next step for your student to complete their Catholic education. MOTHER & DAUGHTER ADVENT RETREAT Advent is a special time of preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ. Journey with Mary as she prepares to give birth to the Light and Hope of the world. For Mothers and teenage daughters 13+ this retreat is scheduled for December 12th thru 14th at the Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at The Palisades. Information: 206-748-7991. KINDERGARTEN - READY OR NOT! Villa Academy will host a forum of specialists to help you identify what a “ready kid” looks like. Thursday, November 6th from 7 to 8:30 PM at Villa Academy 5001 NE 50th St. in Seattle. IGNATION NIGHTS FOR YOUNG ADULTS Dr. Bryan Matz will facilitate a discussion on “What’s discernment got to do with it.” Meet with him on Thursday November 13th from 7 to 9 PM at the Blue Star Café.
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