Page 1 October 19, 2014 CHURCH OF ST. MARY 20 Harrison Ave., East Islip, NY 11730 Tel: 631-581-4266 Website: Fax: 631-581-0112 Rectory Reception Desk Hours 9am to 7:30pm ~ Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm ~ Saturday Closed on Sunday Parish Ministries Office of Social Ministry 581-7070 Sr. Camille Solis, DW, Director 9:30am to 4:30pm (Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri) 1pm to 4:30pm (Thursday) Office of Music & Liturgy Barbara Grace, Director 581-4266 ext. 107 Pastoral Staff Rev. Donald E. Babinski, Pastor Rev. Michael P. Flynn, Associate Pastor Rev. Jaime Calderon-Hernandez, Associate Pastor Rev. Robert W. Ketcham in Residence Rev. Hugh D. Cannon, Associate Pastor Emeritus Deacon Stephen Behar Sr. Patricia Tippen, IHM, Pastoral Associate Mass Schedule Weekday Masses: Monday through Friday: 7:30am & 9:00am Saturday: 8:30am Office of Family Faith, Catechesis & Enrichment 9am to Noon & 1pm to 4pm (Mon-Thurs) Religious Education Linda Crowley, Director (Grades1-8) 581-3304 ext. 122 Baptismal Ministry MaryAnn Giannettino, Director 581-3304 ext. 120 Family Life & Youth Ministry Theresa Roach, Director 581-3304 ext. 124 St. Mary School: 581-3423 8am to 2:30pm Biagio M. Arpino, Principal Rectory Joseph Isoldi, Business Manager 581-4266 ext. 102 Business Office: 8am to 4pm (Mon-Fri) Ann Galioto, Bookkeeper 581-4266 ext. 104 Sunday Masses: Saturday: 5pm in the auditorium Sunday: 7:30am, 11:00am, and 5pm in the church 9:15am, 10:45am, and 12:15 in the auditorium Parish & Pastor’s Secretary/Bulletin Editor: 9am to 5pm Teresa Van Buren 581-4266 ext. 105 Eve of Holyday: Holyday: Facility Maintenance Management & Janitorial Services LBS—Loyal Building Services, Inc. 581-4266 ext. 135 7:30pm in the church Masses as announced New Parishioners: New families are welcome to register at the Rectory Reception Desk during office hours. Anointing of the Sick: 1st Saturday monthly — 8:30am Mass. Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month at the 11am Mass (10:45am in the summer) and the 12:15pm Mass. Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month at a 1:30pm ceremony in the church. No Baptisms during Lent. Parents should call the Faith Enrichment Office at 581-3304 ext. 120, preferably before the baby’s birth, to schedule an interview, class and celebration date. Confessions: Wednesday (8:00am—8:45am), and Saturday (4:00pm—4:45pm). Marriages: Engaged couples should call the Rectory and arrange for a Nuptial Interview with Deacon Steve at least one year in advance of the marriage date. Birthright: 631-277-3888 THE 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 19, 2014 Page 2 October 19, 2014 ADORATION HOLY HOUR & BENEDICTION Please join us on Monday, October 20 to pray for priests in the Church at 12 noon. All are welcome. MONDAY OCTOBER 20 ~ St. Paul of the Cross 7:30 a.m. Anna Ozgo 9:00 a.m. Paul Maloy TUESDAY OCTOBER 21 7:30 a.m. Paul Panetta 9:00 a.m. John Callahan The ANOINTING OF THE SICK will not be held on Saturday, November 1 due to the Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop Robert J. Brennan. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 22 ~ Pope Bl. John Paul II 7:30 a.m. Nick Psomas 9:00 a.m. Angela Angerame THURSDAY OCTOBER 23 ~ St. John of Capistrano 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Adele Citarella FRIDAY OCTOBER 24 ~ St. Anthony Mary Claret 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Patricia Ann Houlihan SATURDAY OCTOBER 25 8:30 a.m. Charles Herba, Jr. 5:00 p.m. Carol Reinig SUNDAY OCTOBER 26 7:30 a.m. All Parishioners 9:15 a.m. Linda Catalano 10:45 a.m. Maurice Cote 11:00 a.m. Katherine O’Neill Allen Westby Mark Boyd Martin Pollizotto Steven Scalza Anna La Spesa 12:15 p.m. Anne Vogel 5:00 p.m. Agnes Villacci Fr. Michael Fr. Rob Fr. Jaime Fr. Don Fr. Hugh Fr. Jaime Fr. Michael THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Confessions: Wed, Oct. 22 at 8am—8:45am Fr. Michael Confessions: Sat, Oct. 25 at 4pm—4:45pm Fr. Jaime SCRIPTURE Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Ephesians 2:1-10; Luke 12:13-21 Ephesians 2:12-22; Luke 12:35-38 Ephesians 3:2-12; Luke 12:39-48 Ephesians 3:14-21; Luke 12:49-53 Ephesians 4:1-6:Luke 12:54-59 Ephesians 4:7-16; Luke 13:1-9 Exodus 22:20-26 Psalm 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10 Matthew 22:34-40 Please pray for the safety of the members of St. Mary Parish who serve in the Military. If you have a relative or friend that you would like to add to our Military Prayer List for six months, please call Teresa Van Buren at 581-4266, x105. Let us remember in our prayer . . . Rory Allen Sgt. First Class, Brian Alfano, Anthony Barbera, Jr., Sgt. Kurt Benjamin USMC, Colin Boyle Second Lieutenant, George Byrnes, Ray Callahan, Nick Cerbone, Sgt. Timothy Chaplin, Anthony Corrado, Jr., Mark Crawford, Patrick Donohue, Colin Dornemann, Dale Dougherty US Navy, Terrence Edward, Lance Corporal Gwen Ehatt, John Gregory Finn, Mickey Flannery, Charles Flood III, Major Gregory Galligan US Army, Lance Corporal Marine Matthew Gervais, Matthew Granetta, Lance Corporal John Grogan, Christopher Hill, MA Erik Kasper, Keith & Teague Liming, Ian Lynch, Alex & Sean Lyon, USMC, Paul Minihan, Colleen Stephens-Minihan, James Misner, PFC Eric Mitchell, Robert Necci Jr., Lance Corporal Matthew Paterno, Michael Paradiso, Michael Pare, Rob Raguso, Lt. Commander Lloyd Reinhold US Navy, Janel Santana, Lance Corporal Daniel Santos, Lance Corporal Andrew Schaedtler USMC, Eric Schurman, Private Donald Scott, Sgt. Rick Seitz USAF, Ray Sigman, Michael Skelly, Kevin Snow USAF, Private Eric Thomesen US Army, Lt. Samuel Warren, Anthony Adam Wilson, John Yancigay, and all Military Chaplains Page 3 October 19, 2014 Dear Friends, On the weekend of September 13th/14th, I once again spoke at all the Masses about our upcoming capital campaign to improve our parish buildings and grounds. For the benefit of those who did not hear me speak that day, this is a summary of my talk. “This weekend the Church celebrates the Exultation of the Holy Cross. All of us have our crosses in life. A pastor has two special crosses that come with the job: paying bills and raising money. When we talk about money, many of us get nervous. We feel uncomfortable. I know that is certainly my case here today. Asking for money is my least favorite thing to do as a priest, but as a pastor, it is part of my responsibility. When I became a pastor sixteen years ago, my older brother Mike called to congratulate me. Then he said, “Don, welcome to the world of being a homeowner. But you don’t have one to maintain, you have five.” Well, in coming to St. Mary six years ago, that number increased to seven, if you include the auditorium as a separate entity which it really is. Those who own or have owned a house, know the headaches associated with maintenance. It is in that spirit that I speak before you this morning/afternoon/ evening. For some time now we have been studying the needs of our parish and looking at the current state of our facilities and property while assessing our financial situation. Time, nature’s elements and normal wearand-tear have taken their toll on our buildings and grounds. So now is the time for us to act before certain items become irreparable and eventually cost us more money. Back in May, I reviewed with you the results of our recent feasibility study. Thank you again to all those who participated in that survey. Over 500 households were represented. Very valuable feedback was given. Your comments and suggestions encouraged us to prioritize our needs and accomplish the most necessary projects first. Therefore, we have determined that a three-fold plan be implemented over a three-year period to accomplish the work that needs to be done with a goal of $1.2 million. The work in each phase will be performed in the Spring and Summer of each year: • Phase I (2015) will include replacing the roofs of the Parish Social Ministry Building, the Rectory, and the Middle School Building. Also any unused oil tanks on the property will be removed by order of Suffolk County. • Phase II (2016) will include the cleaning and painting of various interior and exterior buildings; replacing windows in the school. • Phase III (2017) will include the repaving and restriping of the parking lots; installing new dry wells; and paying off any existing debt on the newly installed heating system which I hope by then will be nonexistent. Using this multi-phase plan, we will be able to “pay-as-we-go” for all these improvements. As I have mentioned before, we will only do what we can with the money we raise. The parish will not incur any additional debt. We are also examining ways in which certain projects can be done “in-house,” that is using our own parishioners to reduce the costs. I realize this is a major undertaking and a real challenge, but one which I am confident we can achieve. We have established a realistic campaign goal of $1.2 million in pledges over a three-to-four year period. If each of us does his or her share, this campaign will not be excessively burdensome for anyone. The Diocese of Rockville Centre, through its Mission Assistance Corporation, has generously agreed to help us in our endeavor. They will match 50 cents for every dollar we collect. This means if we attain our goal of $1.2 million, they will give us $600,000. this is not a loan. It is a matching grant. In essence, if we reach $1.2 million, we will have $1.8 million in funds. This matching grant by the diocese should be an incentive for all of us to give and make this campaign a big success. I also know that whatever is given will be of great sacrifice. It is my strong hope that this parish campaign will put our parish in great shape for the foreseeable future. The parishioners of St. Mary have a long history of generous support and pride in their parish. I look forward to continuing that legacy as we move forward with this campaign. God bless you and God bless our Parish of St. Mary which has faithfully served God and His people for over a century.” Fr. Don Page 4 October 19, 2014 MEN’S MINISTRY Tuesday, October 21 ~ 7:30pm Sacred Heart Hall Fr. Brian Brinker ~ Our Lady of Consolation Topic — The Gospels ST MARY CHILDREN’S CHOIR Next Rehearsal: Tuesday, October 28 6pm-7pm ~ Auditorium We will be leading song at the 10:45am Mass —Nov.16. Lynne Cook @ SHAWL MINISTRY Thursday, October 30 ~ 1—3pm Joseph Room Info: Rose LoVerde 631-581-0466, Angela Hufner 631-859-5299, or 581-4266 x100 ROCK OUT HUNGER V Sunday, November 9 ~ 2pm Boulton Center, Bay Shore See details on page 10. CHRISTIAN COFFEE HOUSE Brothers in Christ Saturday, November 15 ~ 7pm Admission $5 SENIOR CONNECTION “SENIOR TEA” Tuesday, November 18 ~ 1pm—3pm Sacred Heart Hall Our 7th Year! Women’s Bible Study ~ The Bad girls of the Bible! We will study women who were bad for a season, bad for a moment and just plain bad to the bone! All meetings will take place in the Joseph Room at 10am— 11am on Thursdays—October 23 & November 13. Please RSVP to Avida Del Genio at 631-277-0520 or Sister Patty Tippen at 631-581-4266, x134. EARLY CHILDHOOD OPEN HOUSES FOR SEPTEMBER 2015 NURSERY THROUGH GRADE ONE VISIT WITH US EARLY TO AVOID A WAITING LIST! COME SEE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER . . . TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 ~ 2:30PM—3:30PM WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 ~ 9AM—10AM The Sixth Grade is looking forward to Technology Day at Adventureland Amusement Park. Students will explore the applications of technology and physics while enjoying the rides. SCRIP will be sold on the first Sunday of each month after the Masses, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in the School Office from 8:30am—1pm. 100TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION! “COME & BE PART OF THESE CELEBRATIONS” This is just a few of the many great events planned . . . December 14 and 20 Tis the Season Caberet — 7pm Creative Ministries Performing Arts Center Oakdale, NY (SMS Performing Arts will be part of the performance) YOUTH MINISTRY HALLOWEEN PARTY ~ Friday, October 24, 7pm-9:30pm in the Auditorium for 7— 12 graders. We will have our annual Costume Contest, Games, Music, Dancing & a Spooky Walk! So bring a friend and your favorite snack or beverage, and don’t miss out on the fun! For more information, please call Theresa Roach at 581-3304, x124 or email at If you have any questions, please call 631581-3423 or email The 2015 Mass Intention Book will be available on Monday, November 3. To schedule a Mass for a loved one, please see the Rectory Receptionist during office hours. Page 5 October 19, 2014 “A vision of Church as envisioned by the Second Vatican Council, the Gospel message proclaimed by the Lord, Jesus Christ, the solemn obligation to hear the cry of all those in need.” With these as our FOUNDATIONAL STONES, the ST. MARY’S MISSION STATEMENT is: “CENTERED IN THE WORD OF GOD AND THE GIFT OF JESUS IN OUR MIDST, THE MISSION OF ST. MARY’S PARISH FAMILY IS TO BE A WELCOMING COMMUNITY WHICH PROCLAIMS THROUGH WORD AND ACTION THE DIGNITY OF EVERY PERSON”. . .and we take our mission seriously! Please let us know how we can help you. First Time Jeffrey Sluker and Kerry Zuaro James Fecteau and Loretta Trisfani Shaun Servais and Emily Barnas Third Time Anthony Nuara and Briana Eckert Kristian Valencia and Christine Tutino Donald Wojnar and Kaitlin Brownyard GLUTEN-FREE HOST ~ Anyone needing to receive a gluten -free host is to inform an usher 15 minutes before Mass. The usher will tell the sacristan, deacon and priest. The host will be placed in a special Pyx. At communion when the Eucharistic Ministers come to the altar, please make your way to the front of the pews to receive the gluten-free host before anyone else receives communion. Thank you for your cooperation. If you wish to list a name in the “Prayers for the Sick” section of the bulletin for the month of OCTOBER, please use the form below and return it to the Rectory (Attn: Teresa Van Buren) or place it in the weekly collection basket. Prayers for the Sick Date: ________________________ Name: ________________________ Requested by: ________________________ Phone # ________________________ Names will be listed in the bulletin for one month. A family member may call the Rectory Office (581-4266 x100) to place or remove a name on our monthly Prayers for the Sick. Thank you. “Centering Yourself in Prayer” Take some time from your busy day and spend some quiet, quality time with God! Our next gathering is Monday, October 20 at 10am in the Rectory Chapel for approximately 30 minutes. Have your own inner, meditative time with God. For more information, call Sister Patty at 581-4266, x134 or visit CIRCLE OF SCRIPTURE We meet every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30am in the Joseph Room for 30 minutes. We gather to break open and share in a prayerful setting the Scriptures of the day. Take some time to bask in the light of God’s love each day. Please pray for the children who will be baptized and for their families: Roman Fiore Pollina Daniel James Rauer Ava Rose Peckholdt Rose Abruzzo Bob Ahearn Joseph Balletta Max Berlin Sherry Brightman Michael Caliendo Caren Callimano John Cascio Christopher Mary Rose Creamer Pat Croteau Sonny D’Ambrosio Debbie Dominic De Yorgi Thomas Gernon Theresa Harvey Thomas Smith Henley Johnny James Henley, Jr. Theresa Henry Janice Hock Grail Mc Ginley Chloe Marie McManus William Mc Sweeney Tom Magoulas Karen & Vito Marzovilla Harry Munster Kay Peterson Nick Psomas Kevin Quinn Virginia Restifo Diane Romeo Thomas Ruddy Joanne Scala Peter Sloboda Josie Spano Stephen Schaedtler Travis Thorton Robert Tirado Edward Tierney Frank Tornincaso Dan Traietta Keegan Tuma Leo Vollbracht Brian & Sabrina Ward Let us pray for the deceased of our parish. . . Ronald S. Ferrara, Annette L. Micciche, John E. Massaro, James Cummings, Sophie Delagi, Giacona Biancoviso Page 6 October 19, 2014 Dear All of You, I write this note to you at least two weeks before it is published in the bulletin. Sometimes it presents a problem for me because by the time you read the message, it’s not relevant anymore. Some items though do remain current; for one is the never ending violence going on in this world. Unfortunately, I can predict that the problem with ISIS will continue to be shocking and terrorizing months from now. I can also predict that when we sit down to the six o’clock news, the top stories will be about murders, children who are victims all around the world, and unexpected shootings. And isn’t it true that all our hearts beat a little faster when “Breaking News” appears on the screen. I can’t understand why issues can’t be settled by talking things out. We call ourselves civilized. Why must we live by the motto, “kill or be killed?” Isn’t it sad that we are afraid to walk down the street at night; that we can’t forget to lock our doors; that we must live with suspicion and anxiety, and notice if there is baggage left standing? At what point does the most peaceful one of us join the crowd and think, “we must get them before they get us?” Right here, let me say that I am an admirer of the military and the police force. It is their lives too that I would like to see protected. I know by now you are shaking your heads. The main question is, “What can we do about all this violence?” A couple of things come to mind. As surely as violence is in the world, each of us has a spark of the Divine within us too. Both can be passed on easily. Both are contagious. So if we attempt to do our best to remove all the violence from our life, we can spread that message of peace. We may think of ourselves as passive, but I am sure we will be surprised to find how many ways and times we are argumentative, sarcastic, verbally abusive, unforgiving, and prejudiced. All of that is a form of violence. Together we must promote non-violence in our lives, in our homes, in our community, and in our world. “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” In Wisdom’s love, Sr. Camille Solis, DW EARTH ‘N BOWLS FOR CHARITY An earnest thank you to all who attended and supported our fund-raiser at Captain Bill’s on October 7! The huge success of this event plays a big part in continuing our Outreach Ministry. The donations are still being calculated and will be published shortly. A heartfelt thank you to our chairperson, the gracious and loving Patty Bulk, aka “The Energizer Bunny!” Patty gave of her time and talent sooo generously! All on her committee were blessed with her dedication, delightful laughter and kind heart! Outreach is so grateful to Patty and all of you! RESPECT LIFE ~ “Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as you can.” (John Wesley) PRAY to end abortion. The meetings for Catholic Gays/Lesbians, Parents and their Families are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm. For further information, please call Al and Rita Mazza at 631-650-7016. HOLIDAY HELP PROGRAM for the Bereaved, sponsored by the Bereavement/Consolation Ministry of St. Mary, will be held on Thursday, November 6 from 7:30pm to 9pm in Sacred Heart Hall. Guest Speaker ~ Sister Diane Liona, CSJ. All are welcome and please bring a friend. Refreshments will be served. Free Will Offering. Please RSVP by November 1 to the Rectory Receptionist at 581-4266, x100. ST MARY FOOD PANTRY NEEDS PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY PASTA SAUCES IN JARS CANNED RAVIOLI SPAGHETTI-O’s HOT CEREAL COFFEE HOT CHOCOLATE Page 7 October 19, 2014 Sacrificial Giving Thank you for sharing your Treasure Last Week’s Offering $19,166 “Msgr. Peter A. Chiara Sacred Heart Hall” Renovations are well underway with the completion of electrical upgrades, new air conditioning system, new bathrooms including handicap accessibility, new interior painted walls, new side doors, and a new tile floor. Curtains for the stage and windows are on order. There are plans for a new landscaping design and new signage. Volunteers have painted the exterior stucco a vibrant color. Everything is looking great. We hope to dedicate the hall sometime at the end of this month in memory of Fr. Pete. If you are interested in donating to the renovation of Sacred Heart Hall in honor of Fr. Pete, please call the Rectory at 581-4266, x100. You may also mail your donation to the Church of St. Mary, 20 Harrison Ave., East Islip, NY 11730 ~ Attention “Fr. Pete Fund.” Also please write “Fr. Pete Fund” in the memo section of your check as these funds are in a restricted account and can only be used for the sole purpose of the renovation project. When planning your Will, bequests and memorials, prayerfully consider including our parish community of St. Mary. “MEMORIAL GARDEN” Our landscaping plan surrounding this garden is a work in progress. We have received many compliments thus far and a renewed interest in the purchase of bricks. Our volunteers have made such a difference. Check them out on Facebook (Church of St. Mary)! St. Mary Memorial Garden Dedication Brick Honor your loved one or family with a brick ($200) which will be placed in the Memorial Garden adjacent to SHH. You can help make this garden a place of peace & prayer. Your Inscription—Maximum of 30 Characters. Forms available at the Rectory Reception Desk. Parish Renovation Campaign “Improving our Parish Housing Our Ministries” . . . Presentations Begin ! ! ! All parishioners are invited to attend a short presentation to learn more about the details of our Parish Renovation Campaign. If for some reason you are unable to attend, please call the Parish Office at 5814266 and speak with Andy White to reschedule for a more convenient time. Please join us in the Rectory Chapel on: Thursday, October 23rd from 7:30pm to 8:30pm Friday, October 24th from 10:30am to 11:30am Friday, October 24th from 2:30pm to 3:30pm Or After All the Masses on Saturday & Sunday, November 15th and 16th All Parishioners are Encouraged to Attend. Parishioners who attend will receive their own packet of information to take home and decide what you can do to support this important campaign. The campaign is based on equal sacrifice, not equal giving. Not every family can make the same size pledge, but every family can make the same size sacrifice. Please Remember — The Diocese of Rockville Centre is providing a matching gift for every Dollar we receive, they will give an additional fifty cents! Page 8 October 19, 2014 CLASSES ~ Grade 1 will meet this week in the Auditorium. Grades 2-6 will meet as scheduled this week. Grades 2—7 need to pick up their books at the FFE Office in the White House, if you have not done so already. The office is open Monday through Thursday from 9am to 4pm. Mass Attendance ~ Each child in the Religious Education program, whether on-line or in class, is required to attend a minimum of 15 Masses. All children in Grades 1—7 should pick up a coupon from the wicker baskets in the auditorium or the church, fill in their name & grade, and deposit it in the Collection Basket. On-Line Students ~ Parents will be receiving an email from My Catholic Faith Delivered at the end of October.. Your child will start the course then and have until the end of June to complete the work. Critical Catechist Shortage ~ We still need some awesome volunteers to be catechists, assistant catechists, substitute catechists and hall monitors. Please call Linda Crowley at 581-3304, x122 if you have any questions. Teens are most welcome to volunteer as Assistant Catechists. Just come into the FFE Office in the White House to fill out the volunteer form. We are particularly looking for some teens to help with the First Grade program. We are incorporating elements of the Good Shepherd Program into the First Grade and Theresa Roach will be training the volunteers soon. We’d love to have your help! If you missed the Parent Meeting for Confirmation Information, please call Linda Crowley at 581-3304, x122 to arrange to pick up the Confirmation packet that was distributed at the meeting. Confirmation is scheduled for Saturday, November 1. IMPORTANT: Any student expecting to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation MUST enroll now to avoid missing any classes or required preparation. Page 9 October 19, 2014 Prayer for the success of the St. Mary Parish Renovation Campaign Gracious God, building your Kingdom on earth is your will and our privilege. Keep us mindful of the needs and mission of our Parish of St. Mary that has served you and your people faithfully for over a century. Empowered by your Holy Spirit, be with us now as we embark upon a new capital campaign to improve our parish buildings and grounds that are used for the good of your Kingdom. Open our hearts and minds to be generous in our giving, knowing that whatever we give will be of great sacrifice. May Mary, the mother of your Son and our patroness, watch over us so that our efforts may accomplish the goals you have set before us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. This is our 12th year participating in OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD at St. Mary Church. Our annual Packing Party will be Tuesday, November 4 at 10:30am in the auditorium. Due to the damage caused by the August 13th flood in the FFE Office, we lost many donations along with our work and storage space. A rented trailer was generously donated to continue this wonderful project and will be located in the parking lot across from the FFE Office. With our Packing Party less than one month away, we are in a serious need of donations to fill the boxes. Items needed: pens, pencils, crayons, spiral notebooks, small toys, combs, brushes, soap, wash clothes, small books, small dolls & stuffed animals, new T-shirts & flip-flops, socks. Donations can be dropped off in the collection bins at the church, auditorium, FFE Office and at our new Operations Christmas Child trailer. One more change is we will not be collecting shoe boxes this year and instead will be using “Go Boxes.” These are pre-made boxes that were also generously donated. This will allow us to make more boxes and save on shipping & gift wrapping. If you have any questions, please call MaryAnn Giannettino at 631-581-3304, x120. Thank you sincerely for all you do to make Operation Christmas Child a wonderful part of our parish community. Question: Is the presence of the Tabernacle important; and if so, where is it usually located and how do we acknowledge its presence? Answer: Yes, the Tabernacle is of greatest importance because it is the “house” of the Eucharist Who is Christ. The Tabernacle must be present either in the sanctuary of the church, or in an attached chapel (usually directly behind the altar or to one side of the altar). The Tabernacle is located in a place that is “truly noble, prominent, readily visible, beautifully decorated and suitable for prayer.” Because Christ is truly present in the Tabernacle, it is customary to genuflect in reverence toward the Tabernacle in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament when entering and leaving the church, or chapel and to direct our prayers toward Christ in the Tabernacle in general. CATHOLICISM Are you a Catholic who has some questions about our faith? Are you an adult who has not yet received Confirmation? If you can answer “yes” to either question, please consider joining us as we journey through the history of and explanation of our faith. Our RCIA Team will be leading sessions to view the DVD series, CATHOLICISM, by Fr. Robert Barron and to answer any questions you may have. The classes will continue on Thursdays through November 20 at 7:00pm in St. Mary School. To register, please call Sister Patty at 581-4266, x134. Page 10 October 19, 2014 “ROCK OUT HUNGER V” November 9, 2014 at 2pm Boulton Center ~ Main Street, Bayshore $30—Tickets are on sale at the Boulton Center Box Office or Join us for a Concert to benefit the St. Mary Food Pantry . . . How would you like to hear some of the music of your grandparents, parents or possibly your childhood, and at the same time assist the St. Mary Food Pantry? We have organized an afternoon of big band tunes & songs from various artists that will perform the music of that era, and all to benefit the St. Mary Food Pantry. You will hear songs from Miller, Dorsey, Armstrong, Karin, Bennett, Sinatra, Martin and many more! Consider joining us as we enjoy the music of: Gene Santini Sister Act Tommy James & His 17-Piece Orchestra Bethlehem Road (featuring our own Barbara Grace) CHURCH OF ST. MARY BIG RAFFLE “The Lucky 300” Winners Top Prize $5,000 2nd Prize $2,500 3rd Prize $1,500 4th Prize $1,000 Frank and Sandy Candito Pat and Des McCarthy Ann Galioto and Margo Soares John Garrone Help Needed for an elderly parishioner in Bay Shore (south of Main St. & just over the Islip border) seeking transportation and assistance to & from the 11am Sunday Mass twice a month. Must be able to fold and lift walker/transporter into trunk, and have reliable car transportation (no high step or SUV vehicles). May need some assistance getting in and out of car and up the ramp to church. Will compensate for your time and gas. If available, please call the Outreach Office at 581-7070 or Phyllis at 732-991-0680. Thank you. By popular demand, St. Mary Parish 3rd annual CHINESE AUCTION is coming! If you missed the last one, this is your chance! The event will be held in the auditorium on Friday, February 6, 2015 and will benefit the renewal of our parish facilities. We need prize items! Families, groups & organizations are encouraged to donate gift cards (buy with SCRIP & benefit St. Mary twice!), ready-made gift baskets, house wares, toys, etc. Re-gifting is encouraged. Please, NEW ITEMS ONLY. Drop off prizes at the Rectory by January 16, 2015. For more information, please call Barbara Grace at 581-4266, x107. St. Peter the Apostle Rosary Altar Society presents the 52nd Annual Fall Fashion Show on Wednesday, Oct. 29, 7pm—11pm at Villa Lombardi’s (Holbrook). “Day into Night Fashions” by Dress Bar & Angel Bridal. Tickets $38 includes dinner, soda & dessert. Please call Terry at 581-5211. St. John the Baptist DHS (1170 Montauk Hwy, West Islip) HOLIDAY GIFT & CRAFT FAIR on Sunday, November 2 ~ 10am—4pm. Great Vendors, raffles and food! You can help heal your marriage. Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. This program has helped thousands of couples worldwide experiencing ALL TYPES of marital difficulties. For confidential information about the Retrouvaille program, or to register for the upcoming weekend that begins on Friday, November 14 at the Montfort Spiritual Center in Bay Shore, please call 1-800-470-2230 and you will be connected directly and confidentially to a couple from Long Island/Metro Retrouvaille who can help. 444 Route 111 Smithtown, NY 11787 Direct: 631-648-1303 Tel: 631.715.3490 Fax: 631.715-3491 IRISH COFFEE PUB RESTAURANT COUNTRY VILLAGE PHARMACY 50% Off All Greeting Cards Confidence - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow... Jack Truncale, VP Catering & Entertainment 131 Carleton Ave., East Islip 277-0007 242 East Main St., East Islip Gerri Mulligan, Esq. Associate Email: Dedicated Exclusively to the Practice of Real Estate Law Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! email: Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA Call Frank Capanzano 800.524.0263 (631) 581-7878 East Islip Physical Therapy Orthopedic Neurological • Rehab Matthew Mangione, P.T. All Insurance Accepted 581-7707 126 East Main St., East Islip PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 100 West Main Street East Islip, NY 11730 Office 631.581.8855 ~ Fax 631.581.0724 24/7 HELP ........... St. Charles Monuments $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Memorials For All Cemeteries 1280 N. Wellwood Ave. West Babylon, New York ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB Authorized Catholic Cemetery Dealer PRESENT THIS AD: $75 OFF A MONUMENT $20 OFF AN INSCRIPTION Open 7 Days A Week We Will Match Any Competitors Price (631) 694-0943 JAMES D. SUTTON, AAI PRESIDENT 149 E MAIN ST., E. ISLIP 581.7978 x 12 FAX: 581.7507 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. email: Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. WILLIAM J. SHEA ELECTRIC Providing Quality Electricians Commercial • Residential • Industrial 24 Hour Emergency Service • Licensed and Insured 631-277-6346 Customer Satisfaction is our number one priority Parishioner For More Information Visit ALL Types of Therapy | ALL Insurance Accepted 35 Psychotherapists on Staff | Available 7 Days a Week Medication Available | Anti-Stress Massage Large Selection of Wines & Liquors Gift Baskets • Gift Certificates All Occasions • Discount Prices 207 Islip Ave., Islip 581-1680 Bring This Ad In For A 10 % Discount Cleaners and Laundry Expert Tailoring & Wedding Gown Preservation 1628 Union Blvd. 665-0335 Bay Shore Frank & Claire Whitehouse Licensed & Insured DG Roofing • Siding • Windows Doors • Decks • Carpentry Handyman Services No Job Too Small FREE ESTIMATES Deal Direct with Working Owner (631) 581-9055 Stuff-A-Bagel DeVito & Gartland, P.C. 581-9741 Attorneys At Law “The Complete and Estate Planning & Elder Law Unique Look for All” 369 East Main Street, Suite 8 • East Islip We Specialize in Barbering Phone (631) 581-0381 • Fax (631) 581-2846 183 East Main St., East Islip • Saint Margaret Sunday Missal “It’s a Better On a Bagel” Servicing The Community for 20 Years Designed to be l on Newly Remodeled ersonear Compani P r u o Under New Ownership Y through 2030 Pray ALARMS • AUDIO/VIDEO • AUTOMATION Bring this Ad and Receive Readings • Reflections • Prayers Michael Ferer 00 Phone 631-661-8941 $2 OFF a Dozen Bagels In Stock & Ready to Order Today. • 22 Varieties of Bagels CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Fax 877-661-8941 • 12 Varieties of Cream Cheese 800-566-6150 • Cell 516-523-0523 • Hot & Cold Catering Available • We serve Breakfast & Lunch Russ Knoth Exterior Designs 55 Carleton Ave., East Islip, NY 11730 • Delivery Available Siding - Windows - Roofing Decks - Gutters - Flooring 24 East Main Street Suffolk License • 5261-RE NYS License • 12000213666 East Islip 277-1835 Painting - Sheetrock - Interiors Fax (631) 661-3681 631-581-2291 Parishioner “CONTROL YOUR HOME FROM YOUR PHONE” The Technology Integrators Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Diamond & Stone Setting Jewelry & Watch Repair Custom Redesigning All Major Credit Cards Accepted 581-1443/4 166 E. Main St. St. Mary’s Graduate 007008 St Mary Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 Overton Funeral Home, Inc. 172 Main Street, Islip 581-5085 Eric S. Buehler, Manager Family Owned and Operated Since 1923 279 Orinoco Drive Brightwaters 665-5550 665-3774 FABER BROS AUTO REPAIR COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE ESTABLISHED 1957 Karp’s Wines & Liquors Imported & Domestic 214 E. Main St. Ackerly Insurance Agency You owe it to yourself to try to save money on your insurance (631) 581-4776 174 W. Main St., East Islip FLORIDA VACATION Serendip Key Biscayne …Your home by the sea Former Parishioner Margaret Zadnik-O’Connell, DDS Maria Karayiannis, DMD SANDLES Kids Love Us... FUNERAL HOME 581-8100 Member Of St. Mary’s Serving The Parish With Dignity & Reverence 98 Carleton Avenue, Islip Terrace Gary A. Rosenfeld, DDS 228 East Main Street East Islip, NY 11730 (631) 581-8600 581-9242 Captain Bill’s 439 Main Street, Islip 581-1150 All In The Family Tent Rentals Rain or shine we have your party covered. Tents, Tables, Chairs and more 631-474-3267 for all Occasions. Elder Law • Wills • Trusts • Estates Medicaid Planning • Real Estate THE GREAT SOUTH BAY SEAFOOD CO. Water Front Dining • Catering 122 Ocean Avenue, Bay Shore 665-6262 Fax 665-6293 ...Parents Trust Us! Hilary H. Hollborn & Sons, Inc. Plumbing - Heating - Electric GORMLEY & GORMLEY, PLLC Attorneys & Counselors At Law 130 W. Main Street (next to St. Mary’s) 277-1800 Parishioners Licensed & Bonded “3” Generations of Experience 102-5 Carleton Ave. 581-2624 Islip Terrace GARAGE NEEDED PARISHIONER DOWNSIZING SEEKING TO RENT GARAGE TO STORE 1 OR 2 CLASSIC CARS Vitagliano Orthodontics CALL ED AT 516-507-0540 A long standing member of the neighborhood & Catholic community and a supporter of education for our children We Strive for Excellence and miles of smiles! Drs. Joseph & Pasquale Vitagliano Massapequa: (516) 798-6786 West Islip: (631) 661-3025 New Patient Special Offer for Parishioners 665-3300 7 Belford Ave. Bay Shore FUEL OIL...HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING “Dependable Service Since 1932” Sister Locations EAST ISLIP Family Owned and Operated 62 Carleton Avenue WANTAGH 603 Wantagh Avenue (516) 731-5550 (631) 581-2828 EAST MEADOW 2515 N Jerusalem Rd. (516) 826-1010 Family Owned and Operated Proud Members of St. Mary's R.C. Church for over 50 Years DR. MICHAEL CASSANO TAX & ACCOUNTING SERVICES Taylor Rental Center WILLIAM G. BAST, D.M.D. Party Tents, Tables, Chairs Board Certified Podiatrist Joseph A Schiano CPA PC By ABPOPPM 277-1700 369 E Main St., E. Islip INDIVIDUAL (631) Personal Service BUSINESS 277-2174 Recession Friendly Fees WWW.JASCPAPC.COM Garden and Construction Tools 84 Fifth Avenue, Bay Shore 631-665-2055 Diplomate American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Practice Limited to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 194 Middle Road, Sayville 567-3777 EMERALD ISLE PAVING, INC. EAST ISLIP 200 East Main Street 631•581•5600 631-224-4969 Seamus Flannery Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured WEST ISLIP (Across from Good Samaritan Hospital) 1225 Montauk Highway 631•661•5644 007008 St Mary Church (A) BETHPAGE 20 Hicksville Road 516•731•5600 33 Wall Street • East Islip 581-1869 Off Carleton Ave. Everything From Deck To Roof For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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