2014 Galveston Disabled Championship October 27-28 - 29, 2014 2014 Special Olympics Texas Sailing Championship October 29, 2014 Galveston, TX Notice of Race Organizing Authority: Galveston Community Sailing Center (GCSC) is the Organizing Authority. RULES: The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the RRS 2013 -2016. The Flying Scot Fleet will also be governed by the SOTX Sports Information Guide. Entries: To enter the regattas go to www.regattanetwork.com . Entry fee is $40 for all competitors, except the Special Olympics sailors. The fee is $20 per competitor for the Special Olympics athletes. There is a $5 discount for US Sailing members. Additionally, Special Olympics entries need to be completed at the Austin office by October 15, 2014. All other entries should complete the selfclassification system at http://raceadmin.ussailing.org/Assets/Race+Admin/Classifiers/Documents/IDEAS.pdf and send the result to Galveston Community Sailing Center. Fleets : A minimum of three yachts of the same design will constitute a fleet. A fleet of fewer than the required number of entries will be regarded as having failed to form and the entry fee refund may be requested. Special Olympics athletes will compete in Flying Scots, non-spinnaker with divisioning. Disabled competitors may bring their own boats. Visiting fleets expected include Libertys , Skud 18 and Freedom 21. Contact Galveston Community Sailing Center for charter boat availability. Measurement : Yachts racing One Design will comply with all requirements of the relevant class association. Sailing Instructions The Sailing Instructions will be available at the Competitor's Briefing s at GCSC, October 28 and 29. Notices To Competitors: Notices to Competitors will be posted on the official Race Information Notice Board located at GCSC . Scoring: The Low-Point Scoring System of RRS Appendix A will apply. When fewer than 6 races are completed, a boat’s series score shall be the total of her race scores. W hen 6 or more races are completed, a boat’s series score shall be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score. A total of 7 races are planned. This modifies RRS Appendix A. Prizes: The number of entries will determine number of awards. Docking, Launching, and Accomodations: Arrange for accommodations and boat and trailer storage by contacting GCSC. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided during the event. Launching cranes, ramps, and storage are available at no charge. Exercise caution when lifting boats with a crane. Always have three or more people working with the boat and crane. Parking campers and buses on CSCG grounds is prohibited. There are numerous hotels close to the sailing center. Galveston Disabled Championship: Notice of Race Race Area: Racing will be in Offats Bayou adjacent to CSCG . The number of race courses will depend on the number of entries and the classes racing. W indward/leeward courses are planned. Contact : Event Chair David Gaston, dgaston@ssbgalveston.org may be emailed for further information. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Monday, October 27 02:00 pm Development Clinic – “How to Race” by Betsy Allison. Tuesday, October 28 09:00 am Competitor Briefing 10:00 am Warning Signal for first race, up to 3 additional races to follow. Lunch will be served ashore. Social event after racing. Wednesday, October 29 09:00 am Competitor Briefing. 10:00 am Warning Signal for first race of the day, up to 3 additional races to follow. Lunch will be served ashore. Awards will be given approximately one hour after racing. Galveston Disabled Championship: Notice of Race
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