FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - JERSEYVILLE, ILLINOIS Rev. Brent Meyer 200 W. Pearl Street, Jerseyville, IL 62052 – 618-639-3602 October 26, 2014 We welcome you this morning and thank you for choosing to worship with us on this Lord’s Day. Our greeters this morning are: Ed and Charlotte Haun Pat Gipson Postlude Our service is broadcast over radio station WJBM-1480 AM to the glory of God in memory of Richard Crotchett by Pat Gipson, Mike, Amy and their families. (Please note the broadcast is delayed one week.) Sherilyn Imboden Ordinance of Believer’s Baptism Pastor Candidates: Debra Glisch and Amber Sanders Mentors: Brad Pickel and Shelly Pointer *Hymn Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine Welcome and Announcements #514 Zach Moreno *Greeting One Another *Call To Worship We Have Come Into His House *Invocation & Lord’s Prayer Deaconess Terri Starrett *Praise & Worship Brad Pickel Morning Prayer Pastor Children’s Message Ellen Schaefer (Children 4 years – 5th grade dismissed to Children’s Church) Offering Invitation & Prayer of Dedication Offertory Zach Moreno Sherilyn Imboden *Doxology Special Music “Overwhelming” Morning Message Gina Meredith Rev. Brent Meyer “The Lord Of The Harvest” Text: Matthew 9:35 - 38 Come, Ye Thankful People Come #381 If God has spoken to you and you want to respond by accepting Jesus as your Savior, we invite you to come to the front of the church at this time. If you want to become a member of this church or just want to pray, we invite you to come forward as well. *Benediction Front Entrance East Entrance *Prelude *Hymn of Invitation *Please Stand Pastor Sherilyn Imboden CCLI Lic. #1480551 WELCOME VISITORS We here at First Baptist consider you to be our special guest and want to thank you for choosing to be with us today. Please sign your name on the Attendance Sheets as they are passed to you. Brochures with information about our church are available at the back of the sanctuary. We welcome you to our service. CHURCH NURSERY The Nursery is staffed and available for infants through 3 year olds during the Worship Service each Sunday. You may take your child there prior to the service or at any time during the service. If the unfamiliarity is difficult for your child, you are welcome to stay a while until he/she feels comfortable. The Nursery is also available during the Sunday School hour for infants through 2 year olds. Three year olds may attend the PreK – K Sunday School Class. THE LORD PROVIDED THROUGH HIS SERVANTS: Received week of October 19 $2,292.90 Breakdown for October 19: Unified Budget $2,215.00; Sunday School $77.90; Chuppers $200.00; Backpacks $55.00; Van Fund $100.00; Shoeboxes $250.00; Soda deposit $113.50. HOW WE ATTENDED LAST WEEK Morning Worship 163; Sunday School 90; Children’s Church 23; Fusion 42 THIS WEEK’S OPPORTUNITIES Today – 10/26 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Sunday School Conversation with Pastor Brent in Overflow Room 11:45 a.m. Mission Board Meeting in Conference Room Monday – 10/27 3:30 p.m. Kid’s Choir Rehearsal 6:00 p.m. Scouts Wednesday – 10/29 5:15 p.m. Chuppers 6:00 p.m. Quarterly Business Meeting (No Choir Practice) Friday – 10/31 6:00 p.m. Trunk or Treat Saturday – 11/1 7:30 a.m. Men’s Breakfast at Hickory Grove Next Sunday 9:30 a.m. Teacher Appreciation Sunday ATTENDANCE SHEETS Our Attendance Sheets are located in black folders, one for each section of pews. We invite the persons in the front and middle pews to begin passing the folders each week. As the folder is passed to you, please add your names and update only any contact information that has changed. Be sure to add the number of reservations for Chuppers. CONVERSATION WITH PASTOR BRENT Are you visiting with us for the first time today or have you been a part of our church for a while? Do you have questions about the Christian faith or life at First Baptist? Do you just need to talk? Pastor Brent will be in the Overflow Room following worship to connect with you. Come join the conversation! YOUR CHURCH STAFF Rev. Brent Meyer, Pastor Zach Moreno, Youth & Adult Director Beth Smilack, Admin. Assistant Scott Quiller, Custodian Cindy Minor, Choir Director Sherilyn Imboden, Organist WEDNESDAY NIGHT PROGRAMMING We are having a great season at Chuppers! Serving begins at 5:15 p.m. and continues until 5:45 p.m. on Wednesdays before the Bible Studies – all are welcome to attend. This week’s meal will be Hot Dog on Bun, Baked Beans, Macaroni & Cheese, Cole Slaw, Rice Krispie Treats and a variety of desserts. There will be a Children’s meal available as well. The cost is $3.00 per person or $8.00 per one household family. Please indicate on the attendance sheets the number of your family who will be attending or call the church office by Tuesday afternoon to sign up. TRUNK OR TREAT – TRUNKS STILL NEEDED If you want to help out with our yearly outreach to the community called “Trunk or Treat” you are welcome to provide a trunk and treats on Friday, October 31st from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. You may let Dawn Olson know directly or you are welcome to call the church office to be put on the list to provide a trunk. If you can provide a trunk, you’ll just need to show up at the designated time, decorate your trunk as you wish and provide candy to hand out that night. It is always a super fun night and you will be blessed by all the delighted children who come out to visit us. QUARTERLY BUSINESS MEETING WEDNESDAY This Wednesday, October 29th, immediately following Chuppers, we will have our Quarterly Business Meeting. Please plan on attending this important meeting. We need to have a quorum of our members in order to vote on any items. If you are a regular attender, you are welcome to come and see what a Quarterly Business meeting is all about! We will not be having regular Wednesday Night Bible Studies so there will be no programming for the teens, elementary or younger children. Childcare will be provided. TRUNK OR TREAT – CANDY DONATIONS NEEDED We are in need of candy donations to augment the candy the people who are decorating their trunks will be bringing. If you can donate a bag or two of candy (Brockman’s here in town is very inexpensive for large bulk candy bags), please bring your bags to the church office. Also, if you cannot get out to purchase candy, but can donate money toward the purchase of candy, see Dawn Olson and she will do your shopping for you! Thank you! HOME GATHERING REPORT COMING WEDNESDAY A significant piece on the agenda for our October Quarterly Business Meeting will be a report from Pastor Brent and Patti on the information collected at the Home Gatherings, which pertained to the use of the Matec Building and future ministries and missions. There was wonderful input given by the church family at these gatherings and there are important things for us to consider as we prepare to journey into 2015. Recommendations will be made calling for much discernment and prayer as we move forward! (Given the full agenda, the October meeting will be approximately two hours in length) ABY GATHERING The American Baptist Youth (ABY) Gathering will be hosted by our church this year November 7th – 9th for grades 6 through 12. Students will be coming from all over the GRR Region. Registration forms for our students are in the Teen Center and across the hall from the office on the Youth bulletin board. The cost is $50 $30 per Fusion student for the weekend. Please register by October 31st. E-MAIL ADDRESSES If you wish to be notified of events, prayer requests, church news, etc., please provide the church office with your e-mail address. If your e-mail address has changed, let the church office know this as well so that the contact list in the office will be up to date and you won’t miss a thing! You may e-mail the church office at Thank you. We will need people to host students and leaders in their homes that weekend. You will need to provide a place to sleep (sleeping bag on the floor works great!), breakfast and transportation to and from church Friday night, Saturday morning/night and Sunday morning. Please be in prayer for this need – the homes must be able to house 2 or more people. You will be blessed! Zach Moreno will be manning a table in the Overflow Room after worship for you to sign up. Thank you for your help! RING THE BELLS – IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN! The Salvation Army’s Tree of Lights campaign is beginning and we have volunteered once again to provide Bell Ringers for Saturday, November 15th at Walmart South door. If you or a group you put together can ring the bells for a one hour shift from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on that day, call the church office or sign up on the signup sheet located on the new Office Notes Bulletin Board to the right of the church office door. Thank you! BEST CHOICE AND CAMPBELL SOUP LABELS NEEDED The ABW wants to remind everyone to save and bring in their Best Choice (Sinclair’s) and Campbell Soup labels for their use for mission projects. There are boxes in the church office and also a basket in the Overflow Room under the bulletin board for you to deposit your labels. Thank you for your help. OFFICE BULLETIN BOARD Outside of the Church Office, to the right of the door, you will find a bulletin board now titled “OFFICE NOTES” – please be advised that items that were previously taped to the secretarial desk will now be on the Office Notes Bulletin Board – facility reservation forms requiring signature, envelopes and notes addressed to members, items that have been delivered to the office for church members, anything that you need to pick up in the church office will now be on the bulletin board – this way you can pick up items or sign forms on Sundays and other hours when the church office is closed. GREETING CARDS FOR SALE IN CHURCH OFFICE COPY ROOM The ABW has Dayspring greeting card boxes for sale in the church office year round anytime the church office is open. The boxes are $3.50 and there is a wide variety of events that are covered including Thanksgiving cards, Minister Appreciation, Get Well, Thinking of You, Birthday, Anniversary, Sympathy, etc. Christmas cards are available as well and are on display in the office in the room next to the safe. OUR PRAYER CONCERNS SPECIAL PRAYER CONCERNS: [on two weeks unless office is notified] Lexi P – surgery Thursday at Mercy Hospital Ken B – health challenges Janet F – recovering at home from hand surgery/mini-stroke Beth and Pad L. (sister and brother-in-law of D H) – health concerns Jim C (Floyd B/Lena S’s nephew) – recovering from stroke at St. John’s Springfield Rosemarie R (Tom I’s Aunt) – cancer of the heart Jo and Rick L – health challenges Barb M (Neighbor of Bob and Cindy L) – terminal illness Diane N (co-worker of Roxie M) – breast cancer Eric D (13 year old grandson of friend of Judi P) - cancer John S (Bob L cousin) – cancer and infections stopping chemotherapy, situation is critical Rhonda F (Elaine S’s niece) – recovery from car accident – slow progress, now on walker Nina W (Kevin’s mother) – Hospice care Simmeon and Debbie P (friends of Dottie R) - lymphoma Anita R (friend of Marilyn B) – treatments for lymphoma Ed S (Steve S’s dad) – health challenges Items needed for Charity Works Food Pantry Canned vegetables - corn, peas, green beans, potatoes, carrots Canned fruit Canned tuna and chicken Pasta and pasta sauce Soups Macaroni and Cheese Breakfast Cereal Oatmeal Peanut Butter Jelly Hamburger or Tuna helper Applesauce Stuffing mix Canned Pasta Ramen noodles Box potatoes Rice Pancake Mix Syrup Flour Sugar There are boxes placed around the church for your donations. Charity Works is extremely low on their food items currently and could really use your help. Thank you for anything you can bring.
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