FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - JERSEYVILLE, ILLINOIS Rev. Brent Meyer 200 W. Pearl Street, Jerseyville, IL 62052 – 618-639-3602 February 1, 2015 We welcome you this morning and thank you for choosing to worship with us on this Lord’s Day. Our service is broadcast over radio station WJBM-1480 AM to the glory of God. (Please note the broadcast is delayed one week.) *Hymn of Invitation Sherilyn Imboden Welcome and Announcements Pastor Benefit Update Tim Buis *Greeting One Another *Call To Worship Step By Step *Invocation & Lord’s Prayer *Praise and Worship Brad Pickel Morning Prayer Anthem Pastor Half Way Chancel Choir Children’s Message Ellen Schaefer [Children 4 yrs. to 5th grade dismissed to Children’s Church] *Hymn Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated Offering Invitation & Prayer of Dedication Offertory #568 Zach Moreno Sherilyn Imboden *Doxology Morning Message Rev. Brent Meyer “Partners With God – Doing Our Part” Text: John 1 #569 If God has spoken to you and you want to respond by accepting Jesus as your Savior, we invite you to come to the front of the church at this time. If you want to become a member of this church or just want to pray, we invite you to come forward as well. Celebration of the Lord’s Supper Diaconate Offering *Benediction Hymn Postlude Prelude Living For Jesus (stanzas 1 & 2) *Please Stand Blest Be the Tie That Binds Sherilyn Imboden CCLI Lic. #1480551 WELCOME VISITORS We here at First Baptist consider you to be our special guest and want to thank you for choosing to be with us today. Please sign your name on the Attendance Sheets as they are passed to you. Brochures with information about our church are available at the back of the sanctuary. We welcome you to our service. CHURCH NURSERY The Nursery is staffed and available for infants through 3 year olds during the Worship Service each Sunday. You may take your child there prior to the service or at any time during the service. If the unfamiliarity is difficult for your child, you are welcome to stay a while until he/she feels comfortable. The Nursery is also available during the Sunday School hour for infants through 2 year olds. Three year olds may attend the PreK – K Sunday School Class. THE LORD PROVIDED THROUGH HIS SERVANTS: Received week of January 25 $3,749.29 Breakdown for January 25: Unified Budget $3,670.39; Sunday School $78.90; Chuppers Paper Products $5.00; Chuppers $189.00; Initial Offering $20.00; Youth (Winterjam) $60.00; New Van Fund $45.00; Backpacks $40.00; Matec Windows $500.00. HOW WE ATTENDED LAST WEEK Morning Worship 197; Sunday School 95; Children’s Church 21; Fusion 39 THIS WEEK’S OPPORTUNITIES Today – 2/1 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Conversation with Pastor Brent 10:45 a.m. Sunday School 12:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall Reserved 5:30 p.m. Fusion Super Bowl Party 6:00 p.m. New Prayer Group Monday – 2/2 Pastor at Prayer Retreat 3:30 p.m. Kid’s Choir 6:00 p.m. Scouts Tuesday – 2/3 Pastor at Prayer Retreat Wednesday – 2/4 5:15 p.m. Chuppers 6:00 p.m. Bible Studies 7:15 p.m. Choir Thursday – 2/5 5:00 p.m. Organization Review Team Meeting 6:30 p.m. Diaconate Meeting Saturday – 2/7 7:30 a.m. Men’s Breakfast (location TBA) ATTENDANCE SHEETS Our Attendance Sheets are located in black folders, one for each section of pews. We invite the persons in the front and middle pews to begin passing the folders each week. As the folder is passed to you, please add your names and update only any contact information that has changed. Be sure to add the number of reservations for Chuppers. NEW PRAYER GROUP CONTINUES TONIGHT The new prayer group formed last Sunday night will continue tonight at 6:00 p.m. in the Cornerstone Room. Everyone is welcome to attend. For more information, see JoAnn Cooper. BRIDAL SHOWER All the ladies of the church are invited to a bridal shower for Alyssa Henderson (Jordan Buis) to be held on March 1 st at 2:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Alyssa and Jordan are registered at Kohls, Macys and Bed, Bath & Beyond. YOUR CHURCH STAFF Rev. Brent Meyer, Pastor Zach Moreno, Youth & Adult Director Beth Smilack, Admin. Assistant Scott Quiller, Custodian Cindy Minor, Choir Director Sherilyn Imboden, Organist WEDNESDAY NIGHT PROGRAMMING If you’ve been missing Chuppers, you’ve been missing out! Serving begins at 5:15 p.m. and continues until 5:45 p.m. on Wednesdays before the Bible Studies – all are welcome to attend. This week’s meal will be Goulash with Hamburger, Garden Salad w/Ranch Dressing, Garlic Bread, Fruit Combo and a variety of desserts. A children’s meal will also be available. The cost is $3.00 per person or $8.00 per one household family. Please indicate on the attendance sheets the number of your family who will be attending or call the church office by Tuesday afternoon to sign up. The Fusion Youth are serving, cleaning and providing desserts this month. COLLECTION OF HYGIENE ITEMS FOR SALVATION ARMY FOOD PANTRY The Mission Board is asking for your help in providing hygiene items for the Salvation Army Food Pantry. They will be taking up a collection on Sunday, February 8 th – and ask that you wait and bring any items you wish to donate on that day. The items needed are: Laundry Soap Bar Soap Dish Soap Shampoo* Garbage Bags* Toothpaste Paper Towels Toilet Paper *these items are the first to go BAZAAR DONATIONS REQUESTED The ABW Bazaar gals are gearing up for this year’s Annual Bazaar and are looking for items for special projects – here is what they need: old door knobs (all sizes, shapes and styles), hinges, shutters and wooden boat paddles. If you have any of these items you can donate, please place them in the old kitchen. MISSIONETTES There has been a calendar change to the Missionettes schedule. They will be meeting on Monday, February 16 th instead of the 9th this month. They will meet here at FBC for a work night. All women of the church are invited. SPECIAL CALLED BUSINESS MEETING There will be a special called business meeting on Sunday, February 15th following Sunday School in the Overflow Room. Our New Building Ministries Team has a proposal to bring forward to the congregation regarding the Matec Building. Don’t miss it! KID’S NIGHT OUT Kid’s Night Out this month will be on Friday, February 20 th at 6:00 p.m. in our Fellowship Hall and will be a skate night! All children from pre-k (with a guardian) through 5th grade are invited. There will be a snack provided. Bring a friend! FUSION LOCK-IN IN VIRDEN February 20th-21st, the Fusion youth will be traveling to Virden, Illinois for a Lock-In. They will be leaving at 6:00 p.m. on Friday night for games, live music, worship and food, but please eat dinner before you come. They’ll return sometime Saturday morning. See Zach Moreno for more details. BENEFIT FOR JONNY WADE Saturday, February 21st from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., there will be a benefit for Jonny Wade here at First Baptist in the Fellowship Hall sponsored by the Mission Board. The menu will consist of Sloppy Joes/Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Pickles, Chips, Dessert and Drinks. The cost is $5.00 per ticket and carry-outs are available. You may purchase a ticket in the church office or contact Tim Buis for more information. NURSERY SEEKING VOLUNTEERS If you are able to volunteer for a Sunday morning to care for children in the nursery (or during Sunday School), please sign your name and leave your phone number on the Sign-Up Sheet that is on the Nursery Bulletin Board outside the nursery door (across from the Ladies Restroom on the Second Floor). Your help is greatly needed for this vital ministry of the church. COREY MEREDITH’S TRAVEL BLOG AS you may know, Corey Meredith is currently studying abroad – he is making his way to Prague via London, Scotland, France, etc. You can follow along on his adventures by visiting his travel blog at He will be updating his blog with information and pictures. Be sure to keep him in your prayers. He will return in May. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD This year the Operation Christmas Child (OCC) team is looking to reach a goal of 150 boxes to ship to needy children around the world, all in the name of Jesus! In order to achieve this goal, they have come up with some ideas on how you can help them reach their goal. A barrel will be set up year round, outside of Fellowship Hall, with a suggested “need” list that will rotate monthly. In February, the focus is going to be winter items. There will be a sample list of suggestions with the barrel. However, you are welcome to put ANY type of donation in the barrel at any time. This will hopefully alleviate the year end rush. Small boxes make a HUGE impact in these children’s lives. A sample box is set up with the barrel so you can see the size of box that gets shipped out. Beginning February 1st, the team will begin collecting change at each Sunday morning worship service. This is a great opportunity to empty your pockets and purses of unwanted clutter, while making a positive contribution to outreach programs! At the end of each month, the amounts will be tallied and that donation will be given to a specific committee on a monthly, rotating basis (Missions, Trunk or Treat, Van Fund and of course, Operation Christmas Child). This month the donations will be going to the Wade family. You will find colorfully marked jars on the table just inside the door to the Overflow Room (at the entrance to the Education Building), in the cookie room and toward the back of the main sanctuary. Keep an eye out for this new opportunity to make a big difference in such a small way! The big fundraiser for the year will be a basket raffle at the Fairgrounds during the Jersey County Fair. This will be a chance for the public to learn more about OCC and FBC in a fun and friendly environment. The team will be reaching out to local vendors and businesses for donations but if you would like to donate supplies toward a themed basket, reach out to one of them. And of course, stop by the booth and try to win a basket for yourself! They will be seeking out volunteers to assist with this event to make it a success! Fellowship Meetings – do you like to sew, crotchet, scrapbook, or maybe you are just a crafty person? The OCC team is looking to form a group of people who would like to get together as the hands of Christ to make items such as scarves for OCC boxes, making blankets for the homeless, making hair accessories, etc., the possibilities are endless. If you are interested in something like this, please touch base with one of the OCC team (JoAnn Cooper – 618-772-3466; Christy Sylling 618-855-5547, Leann Hewitt or Joyce Sagez). OUR PRAYER CONCERNS SPECIAL PRAYER CONCERNS: [on two weeks unless office is notified] Jonny W – radiation treatments for brain cancer Brandy H (daughter of Roxie M) – custody hearing 2/5 Bernie G – therapy patient at Jerseyville Manor Chris C (son of Dave and Bev C) – surgery February 17 Gordon G (Gwenda R’s brother) – broken vertebrae Lori S (friend of Cindy E) – brain tumor Steve D (friend of Roxie M) – terminal illness, Crone’s Barb M (neighbor of Bob and Cindy L) – terminal illness Diane N (co-worker of Roxie M) – breast cancer Eric D (13 year old grandson of friend of Judi P) - cancer John S (Bob L’s cousin) – cancer Simmeon and Debbie P (friends of Dottie R) - lymphoma Anita R (friend of Marilyn B) – treatments for lymphoma
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