Document 380431

Beth Jacob Congregation
We Welcome You
Shabbat, October 25, 2014
1 Cheshvan, 5774
5:51 pm
Parshat Noach pg.30, Haftorah pg. 1208
Hashkama Minyan 7:10 am Schoenfeld Beit Midrash; Rabbi Topp’s Parsha Shiur 8 am Eisenstat Beit Midrash;
Benny’s Minyan 8:30 am Eisenstat Beit Midrash; Main Service 9 am Shapell Sanctuary; Jr. Congregation 9 am Schoenfeld Beit Midrash;
Teen Minyan 9:30 am Ives Youth Lounge; Young Professionals 9:30 am Bayer Hall
Mincha 5:40 pm • Seudah 6:00 pm • Havdallah 6:50 pm
Noah Gets Drunk
Natan Bourkoff, Joshua Klugman,
Cantor Wollheim
Jacob Goor
Joshua Klugman
KIDDUSH SPONSORED BY the Goor family in honor of
Jacob’s Bar Mitzvah. In Jacob’s Garden.
SEUDAH SPONSORED BY Gisele & Jon Wine in memory of
Jon’s father Samuel Wine a”h; David Libo in memory of his
brother, Andrew Libo, Leibish Chaim ben Tzvi Zev, a”h.
In Bayer Hall.
We welcome all those who will be attending our Shabbat
Masters Lunch in Eisenstat Beit Midrash!
Mazal Tov!
► To Jacob Robert Goor on his Bar Mitzvah; to parents Pamela
& Avi Goor; to all his siblings, to grandparents Chana & Rabbi
Israel Goor and the extended family.
► To Miriam & Ari Mark on the birth of a baby girl, to grandparents Rivki & Sam Mark; to great grandparents Perla & Ben Mark.
► To Penina & Kenny Lowenstein on the birth of a baby boy; to
grandparents Steven Lowenstein and Rochel & Dovid Goldberg;
to aunt & uncle Ruth & Yaakov Glasser; to the rest of the entire
► To Frieda & Leonard Korobkin on the birth of a great
grandson; to parents Racheli & Avi Niman of Los Angeles; to
grandparents Jennifer & Tzvi Niman.
Expand your mind
Learn Torah With Us This Week!
Rabbi Topp’s Chumash Shiur this Shabbat morning,
October 25, 8 am. Sponsored by Marcie Meier in loving
memory of her mother, Belle Yarmish, Baila Esther bat
Yitzchok Mordechai Hakohen a”h.
Rabbi Posy’s Pre Mincha Shiur, this Shabbat at 4:10 pm.
Topic: Contemporary Halacha.
Weekly Classes
Conversational Hebrew Monday, October 27, at 9:45 am.
If you can read and write basic hebrew , come and join our
friendly group.
Monday Classes, with Rabbi Topp, October 27, at 11 am
The Intersection of Judaism and the Modern World, 12 pm
Bread & Bible .
BMW - Beit Midrash for Women, Monday, October 27,
7:30 pm. Please join us as we gather to learn and grow.
All levels encouraged to come. Bring your own chavruta
or join our 4th Monday of the Month study group on Parsha.
For details or contact Adina at
Gemara Gems with Rabbi Arye Sufrin Tuesday, October
28, at 7:30 pm. Learn Masechet Bava Kamma in depth. For
men only.
Parenting & Parsha Shiur, Wednesday, October 29, at 9
am. Coffee & yogurt are served. A joint program of Beth
Jacob & Harkham Hillel. Given this week by Rabbi Y.
Boruch Sufrin.
► To Gittel & Rabbi Yaakov Wincelberg on the forthcoming
marriage of their daughter Serah to Ariel Yehuda, son of Mr. &
Mrs. Warren Newfield, and families.
► To Yvette Edidin on the loss of her father Samuel Borofsky
►To Yanay Ofran and Elana & Zach Samuels on the loss of their
beloved wife and daughter Rana Samuels a”h.
Modern Minds on Jewish Matters
Opening Night is this Wednesday,
October 29 at 8 pm!
Colonel Richard Kemp
visits Beth Jacob
Israel, Gaza, Morality
and a Complicit Press
Please see flyer in this packet for
details on this exciting series!
Calendar of Events - At a Glance
Torat Imecha Bat Mitzvah Seminar Begins this Sunday!
Sunday, October 26, 10 am
Congressional Debate at Beth Jacob
Tuesday, October 28, 7:30 pm
Modern Minds Series Begins
Wednesday Oct. 29
Shabbat Scholar in Residence Ben Shapiro
Shabbat, November 7-8
Bar Mitzvah Program Begins
Sunday November 9, 9:30 am
Kristallnacht Commemoration, Movie "Paper Clips"
Monday, November 10, 7 pm at Beth Jacob
Sisterhood Chanuka Luncheon
Wednesday, December 17 in Bayer Hall
Avraham Fried Live in Concert with Chazan Arik Wollheim
Sunday, January 11, 6:30 pm at the Saban Theatre
For details on all our programs and events, please refer to this
packet or visit
Beth Jacob’s Kestenbaum family
youth department
Shabbat Youth groups for ages 6 months to 12 years begin
at 9 am in Shapell Sanctuary and run until services
end. Activities include davening, snack, games and
Torah learning.
Our Shabbat Youth Groups are nut sensitive. We can't
guarantee that we're nut free, but we make a sincere effort to
serve only nut-free snacks. Please refrain from sending nut
products with your child to Shul.
Teen Programs
Young Professionals Corner
Divrei Torah: If you would like to give next month’s five
minute vort, please contact
Young Professionals Friday night dinner with Ben
Shapiro November 7. $30 per person. RSVP to
310-278-1911, email or register online
Sundays, November 9, 23, December 3.
Given by Rabbi Topp, Rabbi Posy and Ronnie Sieger
BILU Is now in session, and meets Thursday
evenings 5:30 – 7:30 pm. BILU is a weekly after-school
program for public high school students who want to develop
their Jewish identity. Upcoming event:
October 30– BILU Chesed Project 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
Beth Jacob Teens! Beth Jacob is an amazing place for
teens, with a weekly Shabbat minyan at 9:30 am and exciting
field trips and events throughout the year. Upcoming events:
October 26th- Los Angeles Kings game featuring shots on
goal before the game!
November 2nd- A day with Jay Braun and Chazan Arik.
Want to learn the tips and tricks to leining and leading a
minyan? Hear from our experts and enjoy a festive
breakfast. You don't want to miss this! Program begins after
the 9:00 am Shacharit and ends at 11:00 am.
For pre & post Bar Mitzvah boys. Learn about Tefilin,
Torah and the life of a Jewish man in an interactive,
fun and relaxed environment.
For more information on our Teen & BILU programs
contact Rabbi Zach Swigard at
For more information, or to register, please contact
You are cordially invited to
An Evening of Food & Wine
Monday, November 17, 6:30 pm
Learn Hebrew at Beth Jacob’s New
Wednesday Evenings at 7:00 pm
At Beth Jacob Congregation
9030 West Olympic Blvd, Beverly Hills
Please join us as we celebrate our passion for food and wine, with a
four course gourmet dinner, accompanied by
Israeli wines that have been handhand-picked by top sommeliers.
With A Virtual Tour of Israel’s Finest Wineries
Presented by Yanki Feder,
Israeli wine tour guide and specialist.
Catered by Chef Edmond Guenoun of Elegant Event
$75 per person, space is limited.
RSVP by November 12 to:
(310) 278278-1911 or
Ten Part Series Begins November 19
With Instructor Dalia Golan
This Hebrew immersion course is geared toward
beginners and will focus on reading and
conversational Hebrew.
Tuition is $100 per person. To sign up, call
310-278-1911 or email
Beth Jacob Stands
proudly with Israel
Security: To ensure everyone’s safety, no unattended items
are to be left anywhere at any time. If you see something
suspicious, say something!
Visit our page at to see how we have
made a difference and how you can get involved.
Not Meeting: Zumba class will not meet on Tuesday, Oct. 28 or
Nov. 4. Rabbi Topp’s R&R class will not meet on Tuesday, Oct.
28 due to the Congressional Debate, Rabbi Posy’s Treasure of
the Alef Bet will not meet on Thursday, Oct. 30.
Our community was profoundly inspired by the Shabbat we
shared with Bat-Galim and Ofir Shaer and family, and by the
courage, faith and resilience they displayed as they spoke to
our congregation. It was an honor and a privilege to host them
in our shul.
Areivim Opportunities
Shabbat Hospitality The Shalom Aleichem team strives to
make our shul a welcoming place. If there’s a Shabbat or
Holiday meal when you could have extra guests, email or
Bikur Cholim If you or someone you know is unfortunately ill
or homebound, or if you want to participate in the mitzvah of
Bikur Cholim, email Rabbi Topp at,
or Michelle Dolgin at, or call 278-1911.
L.A. – Beverly Hills Community
Thank you for not wearing perfumes in consideration of those with asthma
or allergies.
Women's Tehillim Group, Mondays 9-10 am, Mellon home, 1148 Beverwil
Dr. Newcomers welcome. Hebrew skills not required.
YULA Jewish History Lectures presented by Rabbi Abraham
Lieberman- Motzei Shabbat, October 25, 2014-from 8PM- 9PM, The Maid
of Ludmir, A Hasidic Rebbe?- at the home of The Soroudi Family, 519 North
Rodeo Drive. for more information, please call 310-203-0755.
YULA High Schools Open House: YULA Girls School - Monday, November 3rd, 7:00 PM at the Girls School, 1619 Robertson Blvd. Los Angeles,
90035. YULA Boys School - Wednesday, November 5th, 7:00 PM at the
Boys School, 9760 W. Pico Blvd, Los Angeles 90035. Prospective Parents
& Students Welcome!
ETTA 21st Annual Gala on November 12, 2014 at the Beverly Hilton, honoring Moise & Angie Hendeles, Visionary Awardee Davis Factor, Special
Tribute to Rabbi Hyman and Frances Agress, and Hendeles Young Leadership Award to ETTA Youth Board. Please go to to RSVP,
buy Digital Journal ads, or donate .
Jews for Judaism will honor Dr. Emanuel Gottlieb and Jennie
Lewkowicz on November 19, 2014 at the Sephardic Temple. For Gala
information visit:, or call 310-556-3344.
Paul Shtein was diagnosed with B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic
Leukemia and requires a bone marrow/stem cell transplant. Please help
save a life and consider joining the Be The Match registry at:
We have dedicated a new MDA Advanced Ambulance in
memory of Gilad, Naftali, and Eyal z”l, Hy”d.
Kiryat Malachi Bomb Shelters have been used to protect
residents from rockets attacks.
We are also pleased to have taken part in OU Rabbinic
Soliditary Mission, FIDF packages, Yashar Lachayal care
packages, uniquely designed water canteens for soldiers
and the Nof Ayalon Respite Program.
Gene Test Now Screenings for Jewish Genetic Diseases. If you plan to have
children or expand your family, find out if you are a carrier. November 23,
2014, 9:30 am to 2:00 pm at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills, 300 N.
Clark Dr., Beverly Hills. Register online at
February 22, 2015, 9:30 am to 2:00 pm at Beth Jacob
Congregation, 9030 W. Olympic Blvd., Beverly Hills. Register online at
Project M.O.T. sends care packages to U.S. Jewish Soldiers
deployed abroad to show them support and appreciation for their service.
We are currently collecting donations for Hanukkah boxes for the troops.
For More information or to donate please contact Joan Rimmon at:
MOSHAVA MALIBU - Registration Is Open! Our religious Zionist
overnight camp is filled with great summer fun, Session: July 13th-Aug
10th, 2015. Register Now! or call 855MOSHAVA. Discounts/Scholarships Available.
AFTERNOON SNIFOct.25 5:30 PM Snif Shluchot at Beth Jacob. Walking
Group leaves Circle Park at 5:00pm. 5:15 PM Snif Saad at Yavneh. 5:30
PM Snif Tirat Zvi at Sharey Zedek. Oct 29 8:00 PM -I2 for Chevraya Bet
(9-12 grade) at Toppings. ALL 9th Graders: The Manhigut (Leadership)
Fellowship Program begins in November. APPLY TODAY! For
more Bnei Akiva info call: Eyal 310-220-1459 or Avi
818-442-8608. Shabbat Shalom!
Refuah Shleimah
Davening - Next Week
Names will remain on the list until Shabbat Mevorchim unless otherwise
instructed. Please note that the below represents an updated list. If you or
someone you know is a choleh and you would like the name included, please
call Debora at the office.
Shacharit: Sunday 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 am
Ilan Ashkenazi, Gavriel Akiva ben Esther Hanah • Dr. Sheldon
Michel, Shalom ben Uri • Jerome Schechter, Yosef Shalom
Halevi ben Elka • Shalom Raphael Yitzchak ben Chana Gittel •
Avraham Yisrael ben Devorah Gittel • Binyamin Refa’el Menachem
Mendel ben Tovah Chana • Baruch Leib Hacohen ben Doba Chaya •
Chana Tzivea bat Chava Tziporah • Rickey Bloom - Chana Rivka bat
Michla • Benzion ben Chaya Yehudit • Faige Channah bat Bayla
Rachel • Dina bat Chaya Sarah • Mordechai ben Charna • Pesel Hencha
bat Leah • Debora bat Yehudit • Sarah Gittel bat Chava Raitzel • Miriam
bat Malka • Yehuda Aharon ben Chava • Rafael David ben Ella • Ber Laib
ben Malka Nicha • Eliyahu Menachem ben Toba • Shmuel Gershon ben
Toba • Henna bat Bayla • Miriam Sarah bat Tziporah • Eliyahu Lipman
ben Leah • Yeshayahu ben Tova • Melech ben Miriam • Betzalel
Mordechai ben Raizel Rochol • Yochevet Tova bat Beila Ita • Hinda bat
Malka • Shimon Dov ben Shifra • Chaya Revital bat Rachel • Chaim
Yehuda ben Chana Rachel • Yosef Yirmiyahu ben Tzina • Chaim ben
Mahin • Mordechai Yitzchak ben Rifka • Rivka Mishket bat Serel • Eliot
Klugman-Eliezer David ben Rifka • Reuven Halevi ben Ratza •
Shoshanah bat Esther • Giora ben Ester • Darla bat Peggy •
Sarah bat Yetta
Please include all the wounded IDF soldiers in your prayers.
Monday & Thursday 6:00, 6:45, 7:40 am
Tues., Wed., Thurs., & Fri. 6:15, 7:00, 7:40 am
Mincha/Maariv: Sunday-Friday 6:00 pm
Connected to the Past - Committed to the Future