I2 Dffirent Metbods oflbe Balance of Power The balancing process can be carried ot eit$er bv diminishing tl|e weight ol the heavier scJe or bv incresing the u'eight of the lighte' one' DIVIDE AI]D NUI.Ê The former method has found its classic manifestation, aside from the impo peace Ûeaties âtd the incitement to tr€asor sition of onercus conditions in "àivide and rule." It has been resorted to by and revolution, irl the maxim natioûs who tried to make or keep their cemPetitors weak bv dividing them or keeping them divided. The most consisrent and importânt policies ol tlus k;nd in m-odern times are the policv of F ance with respect to Germanv tnd the oolicv of the Soviet Union with respect to the rest of EuroPe From tto century to the end of the Second World wal it h&s been ar ".uât.."ttt unvarying principle of French foreign policv eithe-r to fLor the divisioa oftbe r"." a number of smÀl ndependent states or to-p1ev9ntû! Ëipr* è"'-L coalescenceàf such states into one tniffed nation. The support of th€ Prot€t' tant Drinces of Germany by Richelieu, of tbe Rhinebund by Napoleon I' rh" priri.e" of Southern Germany by Ntpoleorr lll' of tlle abortlve separa mo'Lme'ts alier the First world war. and the opPositlon to tùe hâve th€ir common det( of Germany after the Sec'ond World War-all po\À'er in Europe, which France of the balance of in considerâtions tor the Soviet Union ÊoÎ Similarlv, state. Cermân by a strong threaten€d twenties to É" p.""""1 hâs consistently opposed all plans for the uniffc-a of Eùrope, ( European .É UDion sùch I The otb, adding to th( Dy hvo difen if not surpass Se power of, A, in which c policies with r or compensatil ter, by the po, COMPE] Compensations and nineteenth or was to be, lreaty of Utrec sron, recpgnizei ryw_erby wayo "r !h: sp""i"5 I and the Bourbo prrt it. - The three D marJ( the end ;t snar| discrrss late ;::,,:'Jîi'"J to the exctusion:hree nations âsrr oution of powe; l ti*.ffh were- used as obiec iiï: ,iî:x,,, 9o"s'*" orvi"i"i I shjistical -.-t" Uur,q'ai,y,l; Di.ïerent Methods of the Balance <,f pouer rss ;i:1i"''r^'""i;l';r,ir riJ,i; fui:,lti:iÏïiî;:ïi:li,Tii"r:;r.. ïti ï;ili:ffT,.r[-ï;:; ;:il.ilïï:!i,]1'ilt;;r::':lT j iï:t:i*ruÏi;q'Ë:{irî,*ii:r'#l l;':*;::il:i:i:i':"""*3:lr3:"::*:*l*;ilx;ir:l: COMPENS1{TI()NS rf ris rd of ist nd he mm**çf****nffi nllll;+tru*:n:.,'lruiiiif **ffi*ffi 2(n L!ûitarioîs oî Nationdl ?o,)el: Pooet The Balance ol ment is likely t difÊculties in r Washington N: Japan, France, political and t€ AI ]-IANI The historicâll #$#.',$Ëffi#$ The Gen multiple-state **g'-;gm the adversary. A.RMAMENl]S a policy of allir believes that i of tlre commit vantages to br that, throughc States hawe n tions. L)ift..,i i1,,th..1s 1l lik &Ltan.. ù.ptr..r ral * i il ;;i; T3il ;* I,[i,limi:'.Ï*i-i,.tïï *l,r#-'"ffi1iiitÏ ;çï :lïî,;;,,:iï1if il.çl Ï'ffi':uN:ïî-*;;gr11ri*tÏi j.,i,i'i.:* rilffi il*tr*ir1i$ffi :çt i,i;I,!:Jl.ll lh. liLt,,k,rl1., ùùJst irrl)o.t:itrr .J,,,u1i,, îïi,,i:il: n"jl,{j*,;*ij,ij,ï.}Tilj:r*i:i,it,ltr,i1,iïïr:,,,i" 'i iltl Cere ran Naru,.e ôf Alliâ&ce, iljï,.';1ïi:lî,lilï:,î:1,:i;il]il:;,ii";;;,ïï,ïi,LiJt,i]11.: thrc..hoi.cs iû or(lcr t.) li{iùtaiù ârtd ii n*I,r*iliiiiii*fîd*'#ririil,r:î,$*;:; ffifl,ti;,]1,,ïlt",ii;':i,i;:ï,,':':,iï::.iï:iliilii,i"illl;*-l:ï,"ïïïlll; : lt;ii,iti :ï:.,îïï:;,ï"",,,; :"l,i:ïi:î,,;:,j:i:,i ffj:ljilll,ii"lî ; j: ïili,1ïl,i:,::"fllli,;,i;;il: lll.n,:l;;ti;'1 ir*_l'iir*:* ill"'i,:-:l,li:":iii:'[i,"'1,,,1J:;;ï,,1.,,,o!y. ..crr 'riiâinan.ir,reLrù*cd 5ht.s hak ',ihair!e.l l;onr eriernrg ini(, p,:a..ctinr.,:rlliâr.es wirh ()rhe) ,i. Li,l)i,,).,,, n ,ir:,ùI.,''fnr u 1 ! r n ,l'm,,s.,i rf ,r..rr, j 1i{rit 1 , ,{ t r r f n r '"l 2(n I'tnitatuns Bdlance of Pott'î of NationôI Poaeî: The threat to tt similar châr strâctly des The ty *eg*$;g,Ïlu*ts last decades H*m*s* ïïft îftT*iï*frfl*rÈïi*:** could, in ot foe wo'rld k tions. Had I tion in Euro been as indr Not ev( il;:;Y*+iTï:ç{"}:t';1E:Hii!,';tïi *' Âed throùgh alliance is 'r well as the , distinguishe( relationship, to the total n and their ef ,E$*N*figr* ideological ir sided, genel ative alliânce The AtlÉ erample of â l|er-the pr€ tive of the ot *+1*t*rî**$g*çi ests. For the scope of the neighbors. The pure Holy Âlliance down general t)illtrcù M.thoù oj.the Butar.e .)f potûer 2a3 :ltt:,,:i:, îi tiïj.,j:,:îr:l *ilï'ijLjÉiïi;,i;l;:::'îi,,,:'il,t,,î t,*:mr."l,rï,i ïh; ;ri,*: *lïji[î;i.ï.J*iï'*,; 'l:"1; 'l l ' l l l : ,, , : , l : l : ',,' ;-l, - , - , , , , : r , ,!,c, n' i\n \ ,r , , , n, , , , , . , , r t'',,'r.ï';,î,;: ;:l;*i:;il*:i;il,:,:; ;iiiïi:l*::'"il^:r-*' "Titliï#i,i* i;;:i;*rmil*i::iiïtihir ,;# u ;i,';l;;'i up.r,J ri,,,ri,,,r ,t,,, ,r,r,r,1r,,,, tleterl ,:" ';l ,il,llr,:l;l:l' l"jÏ;:llfr::ir::r"i ï:1":,,il,;':;"il; [ïl;i.il::I"lï,:;l ;i;ij. :1,";i. :;ll#ii,,iiilllH,îhj:ï D e e nd \ c t e 3 r r ! w e r e r h ê .l,r..ti._. , ;:"l.-;:lï:; :îi,i:i,t;l;::il;.1"'iÏ::;;-ï1Ï;-;ï'i';î::J, \or every cornimnity ':,"ir;. l;ïï:"i." l:î;111),1; .ru:i,ll'l:t[ l::il.lli i::îîJ::, ,",, ,;,, ,,. ;;.;,:i::;;;;, ;,; :':i,;",,"i,,;li": ;" ol.iDierest r , t r , , , r ,r . n _ , t , r j k d t , , , , , â L e rh.r,, (_rn ,::,i,;:1".îIj, i; j i,l";i ll":".l liî';;:li', Jlil; i:;irr"""'';li;:;i;-_lil.Ji,i: 1;,,: ,l;,11,:Jl:llll" ,',-,r,.,,,,.,,,,-,, :"r:,.,,,1,,,,, "r;;:,,_r"i,llj',--"-, ll ;:,.;::l ^\crrc, : ;:" : :il ; ï,,--'il,l:1j,,: :1,ïl'::.'-,',h-,r' .,;,, . ;, ;;,i;,: ji:'iil j:illr:i: :]i;ïï.".1:, iî;:,i,,:r:l:':t i;, : i:t;,,, ;' ïji;[ i-,,,o",";,,i:,jl:lï,,,i:.:lilî;:i,illîîl:"",;,"î:i ,1,"î;,;::::,,,,.rr,,,,_lr 'l'1.,e À,,qto \D,clcJn .",.''" ',r-'l;:ll,i ,il:i-:ï.'l;:';.,îï1,:ï,'i;,''::;i: "::":i :''" ,rr',',altraltc rvrth I;' ",l; ;;,;i"'l;;t;i,.1;',;:il:;""'.f"ycr,,,,Europ-,. .,.",n-"i"t,t' ' ' , ; " l l l " l , , l t l " ,,.,.,,:. J , : : j ;;;. ,.,; 1 ",,i. 1 , ;:l tr':::. l : ; , ,i,ll,:: : ' : p ;;j"iii;::l , , n , . , , , Fll,ll: U.p^Fi,,",,,,"ji,,_,r* '"i,'iill,::;:';:,:li:i'll. ro ,,' .* r.,,"r',1"i i,,lï n-,.' l'i..";,i, *lÏlriï:;:ilï;i*ff iîiï#;:r*:d*,,:îlJ,i..l;l;;:iliiïi XM Liûitati.B of Natrotot pouer: Thz Bota@ of pounr ence, and general objecrives whose reatizarion they pledged themsetves seek. The Treaty of tbe Arab Leasu€_of lses p,"--a."ï ."?,._";.*; ; ple of an alliance. expressing, since rhe war against Israel of f9a8, ideoloeical solidaritv. Much more typicâl is rhe addition of ideologicâl commitments ro matedd "îT. t.:lty a|liance.irhus ,r,. rr,*. :ï"-.1:^?1.j9 lh:, for mititaryof Leâgue-ofl87o p-rovided assisr*." e-p"-J "-""t e""u.,;;#i.';; ot attack on any of them ând, ar the same time. emphasized :T" I"""",.'l the solidarity of the three monarchies .g"i"", ..p"Uri"""-."r"1.";;;:ï^; times. the id.eologicalcommirmenr asainst comm;nisr s,U""^r"",-m""i.jï rrea.res or a !ânce. p€rlorms a similar function. The ideological faclor âl5o manifests itselfin the-officiat interpretation ofan âlliance. S*"i,"", -TËrri interests.- in terms of ân ideologicâl solidarity transcending tf," fi_i,"ti.".? ma.rerrat s. Ihe conception of the Anglo_American alliânce, comlnon ,rnlerest *r9* lntish invasion of Egypt in 1956, as all_inclusive and world. .*. emDracrng, based upon c\ommon cultùre, political institutions. and ideals, ise As con elns the political eFect of this ideologicâl facto! upon . an alliance. rhree possibilities rnusr be distinguished. A purety,a.A.gij Jir.r*.-r"* rared to marerial interesrs, cânnot but be stillborn: it is unable to deterrnim policies or guide actions ând misleads Uy p.""u"u"g *" "p[;;;;;;i,; câl solidùity where there is none. r:t'. ia""rgt"o ri"to., ;b;;i; ";-":;posed upon an actual communiy ofinrerest". â |e"a.i*.gu,;;;ii;; Dy mârshâtrng morat convictions ând emotional preferences ro its support. lt can also.weaken ir by obscurins the n.t,,.."a rt-;*" "rit..";;;ffi;"; wnrch rhe al|iance was supposed to make precise and by raisjng exDectâhons. oound to be disâppointed. for the extent of concerted policies and acbons. For both these possibilities, the Ânglo-Âmericar aùiance can "e.r";;-; 'fhe distribution of benefits within an aliânce should ideâltv be one of complete mut'rality: here the seruices perfo,*.a Uv *" o.,r"" Ë; ;"il; are commensurate with the beneffts rec€i""a. rr,i" iaJi" -; tË;;.-,iu approximâted in ân alliance concluded among "q""t. r" *J-l"_rr" o"*.. idenrical interestsi here rhe equat *""",."" "râr.'.."["dË ;; .;J;;;;: -the tives. serue one single inreresr. Tbe orher extreme in disiriU"t;". .ii.". effts is one-sidedness, a sociztas leonta in which one p"r.y ;.;;-;; ;;ï;i share of benents while the other bears .r," -"i" u"nliÉ"J;;".;:; Ë'; the obFct ofsuch an alliânce is the presewation of the territoriat and potitiJ Ùre receivins party, such an alliance is indisrinsuishabti Èom a ol cya:anree. complementry interesrs lend rhemsetv;s most eâsilv to !::a? rlùs krnd ot disproportton. since they are by deGnition different in substance ano Inerr compâratrve assessmen( is likely to be distorred by subjective inrer- -.""i'-îï:*it*"1ff:*""Jl,l}î'iï ï;1if ;:Ë'"au"'t"""" "t'*"' ^,.rr"-*'o The distr within a good ch and i allian( the Un trveen '-' However lrest value fo ïhe former is cdmpletely or tccent histon regard to bas, .lso illustrâte of total wâr, total interest! wer and the to be limited which mây o' À tx>ica ests of the o them, others Thus a tlpicr stretgth of tl interests of I policies witù General ing throùgh the traditior only such a Dilf.rcat Method, of the Betûnce of po@er 2O5 sùperioritv in power is bound to arld weisht to such i"*:.î,,t"ï**o The distrjbûtion of beneffts ;s t ;; ;i:ri."ir l'ï::i';:î.'J n'.,".*,,*Ï*l*i*.$Ë'Ïr'lr i*mdi'",,".:+l*-,*if-îii,lq,'.' Ï:ïî:ïï'ij:È:*r"{:#im:;iï:ii+î'r:::iiitîï:,'r":; jï: j: il,::: *i::ru; x,l;n"_;rl h1nf::iil,-,ÏiiïitïJ.:-.; p.,{Iî::":"i"..;.r**jn l*ïir*T.:"lîi;#ftj: j,ïj:i; "::; il,iîï;î'rîr:Inï.!fu ;ii:Tllili_ti:rm jri5. ii,".-,i'jp Fi,ïî:: i{ji{ifili:i:""."i,i.fi "T.* i,'',fÏË+ii næruJ;*1"',;i;t:1,":"xllî::.#":ïj:ïï:i,î"î "":î:lllï*:j,,nt: ï::ljf]::,ii;,ili;.,;,i:1",:ii':Jiî; J#j";;\ r;:*l*ï:ir *m,r*ï T, ;*ï'15, ;,:5f;ifi *"# fi$i[ri,*" i#f"fr:i:ir;" iiï Ill:':*x'iJilïïT; ;ilï:';til;."ilïïr "[:::,5,:-:::,illifl ïi,.îil".tirl Ï,.,r,,];llrjiikî*llkù,j.*:xiilJ;lî,1îïîil iliï:*î*";# li':":*ll';;:$; :Ï;iÏiirïril ;;rïirilffl:*iîi:r,n.,tll+ill +;,,f*'ï';l[ "1À. Pri,.e, Ch.pter 2t 206 Unitatro Tlû Balnîae of Pot'Ni ' of Na'ltonol Po1tel: Alliance while the bsl gle for power starting in th' teenth and ni erally as a pn pendence, agr lgmrusrug**gg,yf potentially thr mans, the Car The Carth . Sicilisn do ( of its major allies' ,fl 'ffil.f'!!i:ï"nrH,i *iv'$rml'i*"x'mt :""::Ëi**i{iàlËi:-":lçfffi:'r''r':-'""+l'fi liliii 'J,* .it *t'"t' thealiânæ"^ Dilferent MethoA, of the Batancè po@er af 2oT Alliances vs. World Domination ,''ffi['trtfrïj;,;:$,,* .çii$;*rffi îï*ififfiddfit*[ïrt]Ïiffi 1..gfrT_{+,r-ffiH",,*: [l-#l*ï$iii:**-.,-*':ii';i#;ïil*j,:i -tt----------t-.. The Balarûe oî Poùel "*:iËîli: w;'*: * iË"::i rr*:îii:î$îî#iiîr* 2o8 I'hfiations of Natiotutt Pouet *#mffi Âlliancer The struggte against one p( to which the t or both pursui mernbers aga most frequent To mentn that fought th imperiâlistic â settling the âi balance of por thê period be Polând of 17t Utrecht had er rise of Prussiar changes in th€ historians and principled and policy that W Yet the p( of the bala\ce period that mc that the princ, principle to gr g;ffffi'{"t,*-f* ffi$frm$*,u-l#ffiffi fiç***,r*****t***,s' t#ilrut'++*ru*** thing, in tl :#ÏïJ-ili"lTiî.ï".JÏ:,'..;::'*""':"i':::*ll%""îîÏll,illl'i"'' D,fï.j., 'j';":; ,. ll" """',,',;,.-.'-.""' ' '! kt" ' i' ' , f;':rl;'l;",;:'l;,',,-',,-", | ,,^,,,, ,, ':l;l;: :,:. J,, ; ,: t , , , ' t : l ' : :I:,l ': l ; ;i 1 " ',,.,:; l ; : ; ; l ,; l, l' , ,t r: ïl '.:l ,r i : ;i '''li"i;;,; l':'';: i'i', ,;:i: -::,:ljj;lr,,ll'r, lj,i.'r'jj; l ' l : 1 , , , , , , ' " ' , , , ' , . ; ,i l,i,:;l:':;,;.':,li ,, l-"i,i:,' :.1: ; . ' , , t . , , , , . . 1 . ,- ' .r'r' i " r r ) ,I i . t l i \ f , . . ,,: ,:;i: :., ,i, ,",Li,,,i,;t;',, t:':l,i::;,;.:; ",''r: , ' . ' .; ,' , " , : : ' , , - ' . , . .'"' 1 . i"' ,, i : : l ' :' . ' . , " , ;1, ', ' ;ll' ' l;:'-i ,' ;; ,1"1'l; , :;; :; ',1.' i-,-:.1 . l;, ' - l :;,,,,' : : 'r;,:, , , ' ,, ,1;r ' ,:i; 1,' :,;,l ; , , 1 1 , i , , 1 ',:, , , ' l : , r 1 . , , ' " - 1*, , , " , , ,l,l'-, , 1. ,' I " . , : , 1 : ;r : ',''".' ; ; ' , ' r :r;ï,:.l;r , I' ,;;,l, :::j:,,,l:l;; :::l: i,î,ij::jilt, l",rl ri r l l; l i . " r r ' ':rl 1 ,, , : , 1 .oJ,riù., ,., ,.. i,. ,;,,,.,*,,"iiu,1. rrtc ,':. , " , ,,' , .' , '; ii t'',, ,".";l.l l'_,,i,_];: , , : , ," , : . l't , ' , ' , '. : r , ', ; . l , " ; , t'' , ' , ', , ;' ' , " i ,' ; . , , , , , ., t . 1 " : ;,; _l,:;., or Na**"'-*'':::*Iîr"*. 21o Lini,a,"ians o,,* r,r-". '$i"dji:rjjiiîËf[i:,'}:ïjt{HJi. ilriiifr ffi*N*ffiffi which mi8 called the First World its origins ex gium, locater approaches t petition. Th, power in Eu the others. 1 its independ Prussia, and declared on imposed up( had become European b: In furth îr'*lr**mtrËHfifi** .u-*i*****+er*aur âUy neutral d€claration the other si Differcnt Methods of the Batonce of ptuer 21r *âtion in lturopcàn politics. Soûe yeas âfter thât agâin, prussia became not ônlv â sùbstantive! but a preponderating monarchy._Thus, while rhe baldce ;f power continued in principle the sâû€, the meâns of adjusting i! b""._. ;; w r d a " d . n t a ' q r d T h . ) h ê c a m ee n t d É ê d . i n p r o p o r r i o n , " , f r " . ,".r*"J """-l npr or.on\r\tp bk.^çtar.. _r! p,.,t,orriun,I ma) say. to the numher of$eishts w n r h m ' g r r rh e s r ' i f t ê . itn r ! .r h e , , n p o , r h ê o t h e r s . â l e . . w."rt"."n""rt". node of rcsÈtânæ, thàn by â direct attâck upon Frânce_or try . ** . U" ,nd,rrâk.nnnrh."ô,j.ùf\nain?wt,at if th. pos$\\ion ot S p â i nm , g h r b ê r . n _ r"rpd harmrês\ ,n ,iv.l hand._ hdrmte,, r, ,, gaded ",_a.a "at""ie* ro ttre possessors?Vight not coDpensâtion for dispâragemcnt be obrâined bv neâns better âdapted tô the prese.t time? If Frânce ()lspied Spatn, was it ,n odê, ro rvord rhe (oni.quen.ê\ ofthâr (Kupâri;n_ rh;r wc,houtd ,n"e$d:'. N o . I l o o k ê { l " n o t h . r w a v . t \ â w m a r e r i a l sf o r o m p e n s â t i o n i n M n t h r . h c m À p h e r . C o r r r e F p l â t , n gS p a j n \ u c h â s o u r â n e \ l o r s h a d k n o q hcr, Lc\ol\cd rhdr ir F'ân.e hail Spain. ,t shoutd nor he spain ùith the Indies. I r a r r e dr h e v . u \ 1 o , l d i n r o e r i s t e û c , . r o r e d , , . \ . t h ê b a l a n . , . o f t h c o t d ' This development roward â world-wide batance of power operating by neans ofalliances and coùnteraliânces wâs consummated in tb" .à"^. "ith" Fi$t Wo d war, in. which practicâly al nations of the world p.;,-l;;i;; sct'velyon one or the orher side. The very designation of tUt *ar a" a '\vtrrld war points to the consummâtion of the deve'loDment. In contrastto the Second world war, however, the First World War had orisù,sexclusively in rhe fear of a disturbance of the r","p.u" Uau,]". of r. uhrh was rh,êarened in rwo resiuns: Bctsium ând tf," e"lkr;". À"i_ . lo,atêdàt the northeâsternfrontier of Frânce and guârding rhe ea\tern loâchesto the English Channet, found itself a f"""t p"i.t "f"e*"t p"*"; rpetition,without-being-strong enough to parricipate acti""ly ; tlai com_ r That the independence of Belgrum ;" ".""."..y ro. il," U"t*,.. or rt i!,urope was axiomatic. Its annexâtiôn by any of the greât Eùropean onswould of nece$ity make that nâtion too porerful f"."tf," *.".tÇ "f others.Thh was recognized from the very moment whe" nelgi",n gai'"J in*pen1lïce with the active ""ppo.t .i c.""i ssra,,aDdIrânce. These nations, assembled n",.-.-e""iÀ,'f;;, at a co erence i" f,""a"", on FehruaryJ9. In3t. thar'TÏ,ey hâd the right. and the cvents upon lhem lhc dutv to çee to it thar rhe Belgian provinces.after they bemmeindependen |. did not ie,rpardize,r." i..la ,".,.iiv ""a'ii.l . "' Peanhalance ot Dôwêr In furtherance of thât aim, in 1839 the Êve nâtions conccrned conctuded lr€atyin vhich,rhey.dectared Betgium to t e ..an independe"t ."a p"À"t* neutralstate ùnder the colectivc guaranty of the five "ig""t".i.".'Thi" alationsoùght to prevent Belgium forever from participating, on one or rn. Luropean bataDcc ot fower It $â\ the Cerman viola ':f,îi:;"i'!:,ï:*::: i:#::xiïi::,s":)":i: \î;i:iilil;,IÏl# sl,.iî;," Thus tl sign of the theory the perseded b tually, collr abolish the alliance âg of which tl tain indivi( ber of the quently, c âggression individuâl the disint( illustrate t THE and this h ûetaphor the stâtus erally ope The t "holder" identiÊed balance v rcales. Tl union llXÏi.t'* ;" soviet æ4(kndonlHisMàjest's Diffele'tt M.ithôds of the Bdldnce of Po@eî 213 the two world w{rs stânds it fact uDder the Thus the pêriod bets..û alttrougb in sien of the balance o1 power by alliances and couticralliances, have been sulh€ory the principlc of the balance of powcr was supposed to ol collective secùritv.- Yet, ac perseded bv thc League of Nations Pf,.iplc irally, cotlc,ctivc secu.ity, as will be shown lâter in greâter dctâit,a did not âboljshihe balance ofpower. Rather, it rea{Iirmed it in the form ofa universal aggrcssor, the prcsumptioD being that such an allian.. âsâinst any pote.tial security difièrs, alljance rvoukl àl$,â-vs outu'.,igh the agg:essor' Collective however, f.o'n the balu.c.: rtl power in th. principle of $sociation by virtue ofwhn,h the alliarce i! formed. Bâlanq: of power allianccs are fonned by ceriaùi individurl nàtions agâiDst othcr individÙâl nations or an allia.<'c of them o r h - l a s r . u l $ h r l r h ' , . F r ' , , l j v : d , r à ln u r r o D s' c ç d r d a s l h . i r . e p d t î 1 . n â t i o n a l secr.rrity is the respect for the interesis. Tbe o.g.nizing principle of.r)llective moraland legal obligatiot to consid€rr an attack by aty nation ùpon âny member of the alliâDce âs an attack upon all rnembers of the alliânce Consethat is, quentlv, collective sccurity is supposed to oPe.atc automâticâlly: proat once and, the-efore, aggressioncalls the counteralljancc into operation Alliances within greatest possible efficiency. iectspeace and security with the a balancc-of rxrver systern. on the other band, âre frequently ùncertàin in actualoperâtion. since they are dependent upon political corsiderations ofthe individùâl rations. The defection of ltaly from the Triple Alliancc in 1sl5 ând the disirtcgration o{ the French system of àlliànces betveen 1935 and ls39 illùstrâte this weakness of the balaDce of power. THE 'HOLDER" OF TNE BENEUCE whenever the balance of power is to be reâlized by means of an allianceandthls has been generatly so throughoùt the history of the western worldTo use the i',o possible vâriations of this pattcrn have to be distinguished in eâch of of two scales' metaphor of the balance, the s)'stem mâv consist policv of with the same identiÊed which âre to be found ttro nation or nâtio.s 'fhe genof Europe have Dations continental the stâtus quo or of imperialism. way. erâilyoperat€d the balance of power in this The system may, however, consist of two scalcs plus a third element, the lh. balancer rs nor p.rmanentlv b"lanccr" holJe' ol the b'rlanc" or rh. identified with the policies of eithet nation or groùp of nations lts onlv objective within the system is the ûaintenànce of the balance, regardless of the co.crete policies the balancc will serve ln consequence, the holder of the balancewitl throw its weight at one time in this scâle, at another timc in the relâtive position of the other scalc, euided only by one cortsideration-the thât secms to be higher scales.Thus it will put it! weight âlwâys nr tbe scale other hând, l VIII were ab The ide in Eûslând and of the ( 1554 for ins death o{ Ct "ke tri€d to weak Ênd ; Italiats in The c Creât Britl (he whom holding in oc'cupied I weight reâ i,j+[$***;#'s*o**ltr* jijH;':.rr*; ffi5*u.t** *-$î13ïËlp$!3#r*rt Europe an French pa beth and Charles V and by ho , i . , , . i , ! , t / , , , : , . i . r 2t6 Iimitdttoîs of Nottonal Pooer: The Balance of Pooel new aspirânt for the ffiiversal With the appearance of l-Æuis XtV as a in England and 'k-'fr":,t' monârchy, it became more ano Europe bv. keepiÛs the the English mission to âcr as ârbiter of îriâà"ti criticsrrv in balance This sâme standard was applied ."a i'i"." il;ils or charresrr and ramesrI' who madecommoncause ii-ii" ?ài"ts; "J'"i.. power' against the Nerherta::ds with l-ouis ) v, the stiongesl nvar or ôriush rhewar o{the ;fï. l'l;'tilil;-" .",i-i*"'t' p"t;"i"""r wnti" ut With into a dogma' especiallvin SDanishSuRession. thal stanctardwas erected prac' as applied to ever new combinationsor pow-ers ;;;"""d. ;i;ft.-I, the or middle the. irie Manehester riberars after ;:ff;;ili.;;J;ntir the detâchment.Ëom permanent nineteenth c€ntury advocaledc'ompre(eand or principre. the Ë".;p"ân continent-that is' isolationism-as #;;;ffi; this diplomacv th" t'adiuo" and pracrice of British ttt*;;'Ëirlvla" d;sappearedonlv -in rec€Dt ol variew of tbe balance power seems to iave or à'iu't', aDd the growth or Anerican and lus-sl:o ,t'.1;t. ;:;;; si' win' ir'"ï t'"arr;"" and practice were about to disappear' f,i;:'i'.i'ti"; conservative the to it mosieloquentlv in a sp€€-ch iË,, A";tlï';;*a;zed Afrairs in March 1936' Foreign on ù"mbers Commlttee of Engtând hs beeD to opplse ihe For fiour hundred veaB the foÊign Policv Power on tbe continent. andfsrthdominâtina -o", .gg*",ive. most "oort"r,. i"to r-ue hânds of such a Powei hlli-"g countries l.v i,r"*iîî "."*J-tr" "r ristory thcseroùr centuriesor @nsisteni itï.i-*'ii"li"r'i and ."ndiuons' mus*ad(,, "i'cumstances ;-;;-.s and'racrs fi;;Ë".i .of of sy @e' mtion' staù' ône of the most remÙl€ble eprsæes which the records took the more ditlicul| EDglsd ", o"opf. * "ft"* Moreover' on all ocs'ions r rh xrv^undd willi* Iiuis âsâinst sPain' Ir of PhiliP b" ::"ïÏË n|w wN'd it cermmv of lI williÊt .8;"", Napoleon aeainst ;;b";ô join with the strcnser sd lmre i"î" .*" i"à 'i*, r,*e been very temPuns to the harder.@Ùre' johed "ir,o oDquest However' *" 'l*av' took ,lï'Lnj delefteo *ith the less slong I'ià'Ë",liiJ ;i;:-it'" Powers' mâde a @mbination âmong them' md thus ii.'c-""ti.eit"r -irit"v tvrantwhævdhe :ï'.$Y-:ï'T11: tb" we prese'ed rhe ltberties of EuoP€' Proiecred Ï"ji;"J"":'. i;iJ";;;: ry*-Ï:: *q-i tenibre"T'd:: *li-.--."e.a after'rour sdery wiâening Empire' aûd with the bw countlies r"-";a "".T*.*r* H"* is the wondortul unonscious *aditio' 0r 'Td;';-il";."a.""e. il;J,; 'All d our thoushts resr in rhat tradrtion rodav l rdov ËÏi"i ê*i-'n;tt"t. '!d valour j*tice' wisdom Ë* o'.c'o"d to 'lter or weaken tbe ."ir'--'îiiïl h6 hapP€nod whdch our mcestors æred I loow or nothina that "-" ;;;.. (ttduof^the-ir valrditv the âlters desree in the slishtest ilr' "Ii'* ijîîïii wniù f'd sctentiÊc in militârv' polid:al' economic or "r "-r,-s 1i""". i'r.""ï ;î";..#Ë ,h";;; i. r"* *ôL or nothinswhich'*-'ï I kn-ow tr iii.Tài'J"lii:;;::.';;;";:i:ï.,ï;u:',"""*;.';lml"::-li very general p.oposition before vou becau ."J'yir'i"e .r"" Ë"--"s much more simPle son this point, s€e the detailed discussion in Chtptèr 2l' Dilfo.ent rrcthù.is oJ.th. Baldnce t)f pobcl 2r7 il j;ïi: :,r j,i:ïr, ïiîï1 ,,,ri',1 ;li ;:ru1îi iîiir; r :1,:; m:HlihTîj:;*.: ''ir;, ;,.1îir ;;|;[1rr;[;:r; ii î ri"li, I;r:ri:lrr,;ii:::l,il,l'i*qr-.# rlilîii, 5'\h r,{, 5 Chukhnl n, o r D h n N r r u n r . u . tq48r,
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