NYAAC is pleased to sponsor a 3-part training series: Critical Skills for Health Care Managers and Supervisors presented by During this time of ongoing change, managers and supervisors in health care need to effectively hire, coach and retain employees and achieve service excellence. This training series provides the skills to: • Use Behavioral Interviewing techniques to hire employees with the right skills and organizational “fit” for the long term • Manage performance and transform your workplace • Create and retain flexible, satisfied, and customer-focused teams This information-packed series kicks off with a highly interactive in-person session Management Skills to Increase Performance and Transform Your Workplace In-Person Session - Thursday, October 30, 2014; 8:30 am - 11:30 am Location: Beth Israel Medical Center, Phillips Ambulatory Care Center 10 Union Square East, 2nd floor Auditorium, New York, NY 10003 Followed by two dynamic webinars Behavioral Interviewing: Hiring to Strengthen Quality and Retention Webinar - Friday, November 14, 2014; 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Making Service Excellence a Reality Webinar - Friday, December 5, 2014; 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Speaker Lisa Mouscher, Course Facilitator Lisa Mouscher is CEO and Lead Consultant at Sogence Training and Consulting. As a popular and dynamic facilitator, trainer and consultant, Lisa works primarily with leaders, managers and staff from health care organizations across the country, building skills to enable these organizations to become both providers of choice and employers of choice. She is passionate about the work she does and is known for facilitating both immediately applicable results and lasting impact to strengthen organizations for the long-term. About NYAAC The New York Association for Ambulatory Care (NYAAC) is a voluntary, nonprofit organization of professionals from various disciplines who have a strong professional commitment to the delivery of ambulatory health care services in its various settings and have a responsibility to the people served in these different health care environments. The commonality of the membership centers on the issues that arise from the delivery of ambulatory care services. Members are employed in the health care industry in various facilities, organizations, companies, and private and governmental agencies, the majority of which are located in the metropolitan New York City area. Formed in 1966, NYAAC is an organization that fosters professional collegiality among its members through a series of programs featuring speakers whose presentations cover key health care issues. Along with its newsletter and a developing website, NYAAC offers its members a forum to enhance their knowledge and skills, to network, to share ideas, and to stay current in an ever-changing environment. NYAAC Program Committee Co-Chairs Irene Kaufman, MPH Senior Associate, Executive Director NYC HHC-Queens Network Marjorie Stuckle, PhD Regional Associate Vice President F.E.G.S Health and Human Services System Behavioral Health Division Registration Information Complete the registration form below. (please print) Or register directly on our website at: www.nyaac.org Name: ____________________________________________________ Title: __________________________________________ Organization:______________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________________________________State:______________ Zip: _________________ Phone: ______________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________ Registration Fee: ❏ Free for NYAAC Members ❏ $75.00 Series for Non Members ❏ $125 Join NYAAC Today! Includes 2015 membership and program registration fee. (For new members only. Annual Membership $100) Registration deadline Monday, October 27, 2014 Please mail or fax registration form and payment (if applicable) to: Debra Goldman, Executive Director NY Association for Ambulatory Care 150 Veterans Memorial Highway, #406, Commack, New York 11725 Phone (631) 864-8392 • FAX (631) 864-8397 • e-mail dgoldman@nyaac.org Please make checks payable to NYAAC. Or pay by credit card (Mastercard, Visa or American Express) _________________________________ ____/____ card number exp. _____________________________________ signature CVV Code____________ Zip code for billing address _____________
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