Tecumseh United Methodist Church Est. 1854 Tecumseh BackSnack Ministry Begins Rev. Sarah Marsh Office: 379-5005 Home: 379-1586 www.tecumsehumc.com Helpful Websites Great Plains UMC www.greatplainsumc.org Twenty students at Tecumseh North and twenty at Tecumseh South received food this October to get them through the weekends when they might not have enough to eat. This happened because of the dedication of many church members willing to lead the way in establishing partnerships with Harvesters Community Food Network and our local schools. The Harvesters website (harvesters.org) offers this description of this new ministry in our church: Harvesters’ BackSnack program provides a weekly backpack filled with nutritious, child-friendly food for schoolchildren to take home over the weekend. More than 100,000 children in Harvesters' service area receive free and reduced-price school meals during the week, and many of those are at risk of hunger on weekends. Upper Room devotional.upperroom.org Topeka JUMP topekajump.weebly.com Facebook TUMC-Facebook this issue Rev. Marsh P.1-2 BackSnack is a partnership between Harvesters, a participating school and a local community partner—usually a corporate, civic or religious organization. Harvesters provides the food and the backpacks. The local community partners help facilitate picking up the BackSnack food kits from Harvesters and distributing them to the schools. School principals and/or counselors determine which children receive BackSnacks at each school. Thank you to all who have helped make this happen and especially Carolyn Edwards for her persistence and leadership. November food drops will happen on the 6th and the 20th, sometime around 1 p.m. (The truck shows up when it shows up and we are still figuring this out.) This ministry is open to all who wish to serve, but we could especially use those with a gift for carrying heavy containers! (cont.p2) The Bulletin Board P. 3 Thank You/ UMW Happenings P.4 Let’s Eat P.5 Stewardship & Offerings P.6 Monthly Calendar P. 7 Fall Festival P. 8 1|Page JUMP Communities Problems Assembly November 11 JUMP team leaders narrowed the focus for next year’s justice campaign to three potential problem areas Housing/Infrastructure, Crime/Drugs, and Mental Health at the Team Assembly on October 21. November 11 at 7 p.m. at El Shaddai Ministries, you will have an opportunity to vote with Tecumseh UMC on the community problem you want to see JUMP address next. The new issue campaign will begin as the education campaign continues. JUMP continues to advocate for three more Communities in Schools Site Coordinators in USD 501 by the end of the 201516 school year. Dr. Julie Ford, superintendent, is expected to be in attendance November 11 to share in the education campaign update that evening. I hope you will make it a priority to be present and participate. Your voice, your story, and your vote are significant to the justice ministry of Tecumseh UMC. Confirmation Sunday November 16 Confirmation class for our seventh and eighth grade students will have its last session on November 9. Youth who make the decision to confirm their faith will join the church in worship on November 16. Thank you to Diana Halstead for leading the group with me, to Heather Rake for joining Diana and the youth on a field trip to worship at El Shaddai Ministries, and to the UMW for your help with food. It has been a real joy to work with these seven youth. God’s Spirit has been present in our learning and conversation. I hope you all will able to join in the celebration of their faith November 16. Grace and peace, Rev. Marsh New Members A warm welcome to those who joined the church on September 28: Shirley Atteberry, Lucy Campbell, Jann Gray, Tara Shaughnessey, and Larry Tessendorf. We celebrate your presence in our community! We give thanks as well for the love of God present at the baptism of Tara and her son Seamus. If you are not yet a member and wish to join Tecumseh UMC, you may contact Rev. Marsh or the church office at any time. 2|Page THE BULLETIN BOARD November USHERS GREETERS Larry & Sharrai McCammon Willa Norwood NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS HOSPITAL & HOME VISITS NURSERY DORCAS CIRCLE Wednesday, Nov 19 9:30am FINANCE REPORT January 1, 2014 Balance Forward: $3,534.07 TOTAL INCOME SEPTEMBER: $7,726.16 EVE CIRCLE Tuesday, Nov 18 7:00pm Rita Halderman TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS: $9,682.07 CASH BALANCE: $0 3- Sally Davis 5-Stephanie Cannon 6-Kevin Zimmer Mert Wilch (91) 8-Roberta Kiehl (84) Jackie Natalie 9-Elizabeth Hennessey Zachary Rake 11- Diana Halstead 15- Regina Mannell 17- Matt Oliver 18- Frances Meyer (89) 19-Candy Champney 23-Vivian Brenden Dan Sterling 25- James Pinger 26-David Martinson (85) 27-Abby Steffen 29-Taryn Dial William Edds 30- David Cannon NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES December Newsletter Please make sure the office has any announcements, articles, or information for the December newsletter. Deadline for submissions is Nov.19. Newsletter folding will be on Nov. 25. This Special Sunday event collected $88. Thank you for your generosity. 1- Hawkins Kirk & Carole 2-Champney Candy & Bud 16- Lavin Lloyd & Judy 16-Reinheimer (57) Richard & Ella Cards to Betty Fergola may be sent to this address: Betty Fergola 1610 SW 37th Room 121 Topeka KS 66611 3|Page Thank You to the Trustees for all that you do to care for the church and parsonage. I want to express my appreciation especially for including the parsonage lawn in your mowing again this summer and fall, and for taking the initiative to install shade screens for the parsonage patio. The mowing is a huge help to me personally in terms of time and effort. The screens were a thoughtful touch and practical too. Thank you for your service and care, Rev. Marsh Dear Wonderful Cake Bakers and Cake Providers: Thank you all for your generous donation of cakes to KNI as you have done oh so many years. Birthdays and special events are made so much nicer with a cake and we simply cannot thank you enough for you continued support. With heartfelt appreciation, Todd Han, KNI volunteer services November 15, 2014 The Bishop’s Round-Up for Hunger is a project of Global Ministries in the Great Plains Conference of The United Methodist Church. We need the following items, which are gathered for distribution to those in need within the state and elsewhere. ***As you shop each week, please add these items to your cart*** SHOPPING FOR BISHOP’S ROUND-UP FOR HUNGER Oct 5 PEANUT BUTTER, CANNED MEAT & FISH Oct 12 CANNED FRUIT Oct 19 CANNED GREEN BEANS, CORN, MIXED VEGETABLES Oct. 26 DRIED BEANS, RICE, CRACKERS (1 LB PKGS) Nov. 2 SOUPS: TOMATO, CHICKEN & NOODLE Nov 9 MACARONI & CHEESE, CEREAL (KIDS) As you bring items each week, please bring them to the front of the sanctuary. The Missions Committee sponsors this project greatplainsumc.org Dillons Cards When you buy the cards from this church Dillons makes a 6% donation to the church! Therefore, each card you buy Dillons donates $3 to our church. You do not pay anything extra- you pay $50 for each card and you have $50 to spend on groceries, gas, and pharmacy items. We will be selling cards every Sunday after church in the south room. Cards may also be purchased in the office during regular office hours. Thank you, Dillons! 4|Page We invite you to Service Nov 5 5 pm Community Dinner Ham, Au Gratin Potatoes, Roll, Drink and Dessert 6 pm Good Life Service We will be talking about All are invited Power Good Life -POWER November 23 Noon Mexican Chicken, Corn, Tossed Salad, Dessert & Ice Cream Your donations will go to Harvesters for the Snack Pack Program Nov. 23 after the Mission Dinner Nov 30 Noon Everyone is invited. Join for food, fellowship and fun. 5|Page Click link to view scripture Proverbs 3:5-6 Mathew 11:28-30 Luke 18:27 John3:16 Romans 8:1 Romans 8: 28 1 Corinthians1:30 2 Corinthians 9:8 2 Corinthians 12:9 Philippians 4:13 Philippians 4:19 2 Timothy 1:7 Stewardship Sunday, October 12, 2014, twenty eight individuals/families indicated their planned financial support for Tecumseh UMC for the coming year, 2015, using forms included in the September newsletter. Several more supporting statements have been received since then. (Recent years have recorded around 50 supporting units). The Stewardship and Finance Committee will put in the mail letters offering an opportunity for others to respond. Hebrews 13:5 Church Conference December 2, 6:30 p.m. Berryton UMC All are invited to participate in our church’s annual gathering. We will be together again this year with Shawnee Heights UMC, Berryton UMC, and our District Superintendent Rev. Kay Scarbrough. If you haven’t yet indicated your financial support for the work of God @Tecumseh United Methodist Church, you may on any Sunday (forms are available as you enter the church). You may also respond by mail. Thank you for your past and continuing support. And thanks be to God! Stewardship and Finance Committee Ernestine Adam, Chair UNITED METHODIST STUDENT DAY November 30, 2014 “Without the support of the United Methodist Student Day low-interest loan, I would not have the chance to attend college. And, to be honest, I don’t even want to know the kind of person I would be without my education.” — Zack Conover, a UMC student at Judson University Your gifts to United Methodist Student Day help students continue their education and their faith journey as they strive to make a difference in the world and discern what God has planned for them. Your offering provides scholarships and student loans for applicants. Please give generously on United Methodist Student Day Thank You! united-methodist-student-day 6|Page Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 9a-2p Fall Festival 2 10:30a-Kids choir practice 2p- Lets Go Visiting 5p-Confirmation Class 3 7p- Boy Scouts 4 Election Day 3:30p-5:30p Discovery Club 5 5p-6:30p Community Dinner 6p-7p Good Life Service 6 1p- Harvesters 7p- Choir Practice 7 8 9 10:30a-Kids choir practice 10 7p- Boy Scouts 11 Veterans' Day 3:30p-5:30p Discovery Club 5:45p-6:45p Good Life Leadership Team 12 11:30a-Golden Age Lunch 5:30p- Nominating & Leadership Development 6:30p- Kiwanis 13 5p-9p Auto Club 7p- Choir Practice 14 15 8a-1:30p Bishop's Round-Up Against Hunger (Lawrence, KS) 16 Confirmation Sunday 10:30a- Kids choir practice 5p- SPRC 6p- Council Meeting 7p- Trustees 17 9a- Mission Committee 7p- Boy Scouts 18 3:30p-5:30p Discovery Club 7p- Eve Circle 19 Newsletter Deadline 9:30a-Dorcas Circle 6:30p- Kiwanis 20 TUMC Serving Lets Help 1p- Harvesters 7p- Choir Practice 21 22 9a-CERT 23 Mission Dinner, Hanging of the Greens 10:30a- Kids choir practice 24 7p- Boy Scouts 25 Newsletter Folding 26 27 Thanksgiving Office Closed 28 29 30 Advent begins United Methodist Student Day 10:30a- Kids choir practice Potluck Noon Sunday Services Sunday School 9:30 Worship10:45 TUMC Calendar 7|Page TECUMSEH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 334 SE Tecumseh RD PO Box 5 Tecumseh KS 66542-0005 XXXIX Volume 11; November 1, 2014 June 1, 2014 Open hearts. Open minds. Open Doors. The people of The United Methodist Church -CHURCH OFFICE HOURS- -SUNDAY MORNINGS- 8:30am-12:30 Monday-Thursday 785-379-5005 SUNDAY SCHOOL children and adults 9:30am WORSHIP - 10:45am Nursery Available www.tecumsehumc.com Our Mission is to teach and share God's love with all. November 1, 2014 9-2 Apple Dumplings 8|Page
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