the news review - Thursday, November 6, 2014 - Page 25A CLASSIFIED ADS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 CINDY'S SUNDAY MARKET Now taking bookings for our SEPT. 14, OCT.12, NOV.9, & DEC.7 shows. Held at the Yorkton Legion from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Call 306748-2269 for details. OBITUARIES CARE: The sudden passing of Jean Care occurred peacefully on October 14th, 2014 in Leader,Sk with daughter Cyndy by her side. Jean Annie (Dutchak) Care was born Dec.19, 1933 to parents, Mary (Homeniuk) and John Dutchak, at the family farm near Canora, SK. Due to winter storm, her birth was not registered until Dec. 20, 1933. 80 years later, this led to legal errors and her birthdate was legally changed to Dec. 20, 1933. Predeceased by husband Carol James Care, brother Jim Dutchak and his wife Mary-Ann, brother-inlaw Peter Cymbalisty, parents Mary and John Dutchak, and eldest brother at infancy. Jean grew up in Canora,Sk. and in 1951 met husband Carol (cal) Care in Yorkton,SK. They were married in Winnipeg, Man. on Aug 16, 1952. Surrounded by the Care family they remained in Winnipeg for almost 2 years before returning to Yorkton. While Cal worked as a sales and parts man for Bowman Brothers, Jean worked various jobs. From nurses aid to sales clerk and hospital staff, she mostly enjoyed the hospital work. In 1954, son Cameron was born, followed by daughter Cynthia in 1957, both in Yorkton. Cal's work led to the family being transferred to Portage La Prairie, Man. Brandon, Man. and finally Saskatoon,Ski. Avid campers and fishermen, the family enjoyed the outdoors and many trips to Good Spirit Lake and canoe trips down the Churchill River. Jean and Cal became world travelers and took many trips across the U.S.A., Japan and a cruise. Retired from their jobs in Saskatoon, Jean from City Hospital, they moved to a cabin in Cochin,Sk. They enjoyed their cabin renovations flowers and garden, until Cal's failing health forced a move to Kindersley,Sk. Here they had the help of family, where Jean and Cal enjoyed a more quiet life until his passing in 2010. Never being one to give up or in, Jean travelled on her own and moved herself to Swift Current,Sk. Her last trips were to B.C. to visit brother Jim and family, shortly before his death. Then a winter trip with daughter Cindy and Robert, to visit Jean's sister Vicki one final time. Jean was diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. Even with Cyndy's constant care, many months were spent in Swift Current Hospital over the next 2 years. Unable to then live alone and with her only caregivers sudden health issues, Jean happily moved to the Wester Senior Citizens Home in Leader,Sk. Mostly bedridden Jean took great pleasure in the humour of the staff who cared for her, wonderful new found friends and visits with Cyndy, whose health she worried more about than her own. Jean's biggest joy being there was, "No more housework!" While Mom only had a few short months to spend in her new home, she enjoyed it all. Mom left us quietly, peacefully and suddenly, but still asking, "did you make enough to feed the boys?" God Bless you Baba! Jean is survived by son Cameron Care and wife Brenda, daughter Cynthia Care and friend Robert, sister Victoria Cymbalisty, brother Terry Dutchak and wife Sharon, sister-in-law Rosalie (Care) Howey, five grandchildren and their spouses who gave Jean eleven great-grandchildren. Numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts, and uncles. At Jean's request there will be no funeral or memorial service. PSYCHICS TRUE PSYCHICS For Answers, CALL NOW 24/7 Toll FREE 1877-342-3032 Mobile: #4486 GENERAL EMPLOYMENT CAREER OPPORTUNITIES CAREER OPPORTUNITIES CAREER OPPORTUNITIES $0.00 MECHANIC INSTALLER s&ULL4IME s)NSTALLING2EMOTE3TARTERS s$IAGNOSING6EHICLES s(ITCH7IRING)NSTALLATION s263ERVICESAND2EPAIRS s7AGE$EPENDINGON %XPERIENCE Drop off or fax resume to: 306-783-1222 RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES Washers $ starting at. . . . Dryers This Week’s Hottest Jobs!! Five Hills Health Region Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Licensed Practical Nurses Casual Registered Nurses Casual Power Engineer Casual Aboriginal hiring initiatives within Canada are of top of mind for todays employers To view these jobs and many more please visit our Aboriginal recruitment website at www.firstnations First Nations Jobs nline phone 306 229 6774 This Week’s Hottest Jobs!! 169 $ 99 starting at. . . . . . . . 3DUULVK+HLPEHFNHU/LPLWHGZLWKLWVKHDGRIÀFHORFDWHGLQ:LQQLSHJKDVEHHQLQWKHDJULFXOWXUH EXVLQHVV IRU RYHU \HDUV :H KDYH DSSUR[LPDWHO\ HPSOR\HHV DFURVV &DQDGD DQG WKH 1RUWKHUQ86DQGRSHUDWHDYDULHW\RIVXEVLGLDU\FRPSDQLHVFRYHULQJDOODVSHFWVRIWKH$JULFXOWXUDO ÀHOG:HRIIHUDSRVLWLYHZRUNLQJHQYLURQPHQWFRPSHWLWLYHFRPSHQVDWLRQDQGEHQHÀWVDQGWKH RSSRUWXQLW\WRFRQWULEXWHDQGVXFFHHGZLWKLQDJURZLQJ&DQDGLDQFRPSDQ\ Operations Manager Yorkton, Saskatchewan Hwy. #10 East, Yorkton, SK FOR SALE - MISC Washer & Dryer Pairs $ starting at. . . . 249 3 Months Warranty DELIVERY AVAILABLE 5HSRUWLQJ WR WKH *HQHUDO 0DQDJHU WKH 2SHUDWLRQV 0DQDJHU DW RXU <RUNWRQ ORFDWLRQ ZLOO DVVLVW LQ PDQDJLQJWKHRYHUDOOSHUIRUPDQFHPDLQWHQDQFHDQGUHSDLURIWKHJUDLQHOHYDWRUDQGZLOOVXSHUYLVH DOO)DFLOLW\$VVLVWDQWV7KH2SHUDWLRQV0DQDJHUZLOODOVRRYHUVHHTXDOLW\FRQWUROPHDVXUHVRQLQFRPLQJ DQGRXWJRLQJVKLSPHQWVDQGWKHPDLQWHQDQFHDQGFRPSOLDQFHRIDVDIHZRUNLQJHQYLURQPHQW THORSNESS Duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 0DQDJLQJWKHTXDOLW\FRQWUROEOHQGLQJRIJUDLQ 6XSHUYLVLQJWKHGDLO\RSHUDWLRQRIWKHJUDLQHOHYDWRUIDFLOLW\ 3HUIRUPLQJUHJXODUPDLQWHQDQFHDQGUHSDLURQIDFLOLW\HTXLSPHQW 6RXUFLQJJUDLQDQGPRQLWRULQJWKHPDUNHWDVZHOODVFRPPXQLFDWLQJUHJXODUO\ZLWKSURGXFHUV 6XSHUYLVLQJ)DFLOLW\$VVLVWDQWVSULPDU\UHVRXUFHIRU)DFLOLW\$VVLVWDQWVLQWKHPRYHPHQWRIJUDLQ 2YHUVHHLQJIRRGVDIHW\FRPSOLDQFHFRPSOHWLRQRIVDIHW\WUDLQLQJDQGUHODWHGGRFXPHQWDWLRQ 306-786-7676 4XDOLÀFDWLRQV \HDUV·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pVXPp E\ November 13th, 2014 to: Appliance Centre 14 Betts Ave., Yorkton TERRY & NATASHA KORMOS, MELVILLE Windows installed October 2, 2012 Comments 1 year later: “Best things about our new windows – no frost, no steaming, warm in winter & cool in summer. The benefits are the energy efficiency & crisp clear view. These windows are worth every $!” NORTHOME COMFORT WINDOWS 1-866-362-6525 COMING EVENTS We thank all those for applying but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. 3+LVFRPPLWWHGWREXLOGLQJDVNLOOHGGLYHUVHZRUNIRUFHUHÁHFWLYHRI&DQDGLDQVRFLHW\$VDUHVXOWLWSURPRWHVHPSOR\PHQWHTXLW\ DQGHQFRXUDJHVFDQGLGDWHVWRLQGLFDWHYROXQWDULO\RQWKHLUDSSOLFDWLRQLIWKH\DUHDZRPDQDQ$ERULJLQDOSHUVRQDSHUVRQZLWKD GLVDELOLW\RUDPHPEHURIDYLVLEOHPLQRULW\JURXS City of Prince Albert CITY ASSESSOR Competition #2014-083 Aboriginal hiring initiatives within Canada are of top of mind for todays employers CAREER OPPORTUNITIES To view these jobs and many more please visit our Aboriginal recruitment website at www.firstnations 14112AT00 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES First Nations Jobs nline phone 306 229 6774 JOURNEYMAN Heavy Duty Mechanic required for oilfield trucking company. Will consider 3rd year apprentice or higher. Fulltime position. Phone resume to: 780-842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. Email: MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-888-528-0809 to start training for your work-athome career today! GENERAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE MASTERS SECURITY is hiring Couples for manned security gates. Work is done on a contract basis and can vary from year round to seasonal employment depending on worker preference. Schedules are varied depending on the contract term and location within Alberta. We collaborate with you to develop a work schedule that suits your lifestyle. Valid tickets such as: AB Security guard licence, H2S, First Aid, CSTS, WHIMIS are considered an asset for immediate employment. However training can be arranged for the right applicants and all persons interested are encouraged to apply! Must be willing travel and have a personal 4X4 vehicle for work access. How do you apply: For a complete information package and FAQs which includes training requirements & compensation rates submit your resume with references via email to: CAREER OPPORTUNITIES CAREER OPPORTUNITIES WORK WITH US & GROW A CAREER Glacier Media Group is growing. Check our job board regularly for the latest openings: DELIVER Page 26A - Thursday, November 6, 2014 - the news review GENERAL GENERAL LIVESTOCK EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS SERVICES Earn up to 100 $ Autobody & Painting Ltd. per month or more of Extra Cash Carriers Wanted UÊÊÀi>ÊvÊ-Ì°Ê¿ÃÊ-V ]Ê{Ì ÊÛi°Ê ° UÊÊÊÀi>ÊvÊ>iÃÊÛi°]Ê>`ÃÌiÊÛi°Ê-° UÊÊÀi>ÊvÊ>iÞÊÀ°]Ê>ÀLÕÀÊÛi°]ÊÀiiÊ-Ì°]Ê VÊÛi°]Ê7>>ViÊÛi° UÊÊÀi>ÊvÊ>iÜ`Ê Àið]Ê >Ü`Ê Àið UÊÊÀi>Ê>ÌL>ÊÛi°]Ê««iÌÊÀ°]ÊÀ>iÊ>Þ UÊÊÀi>ÊvÊ-«ViÊÀ°]Ê7ÞÊ*°] ÀÀÃÊÀ° UÊÊÀi>ÊvÊ`Ê-«ÀÌÊ Àið] -Ü>ÌiÀÊ>Þ]Ê7 ÌiÜ>ÌiÀÊ*° UÊÀi>ÊvÊ>Ì iÃÊ Àið]Ê>}ÀÊÀ° UÊÊÀi>ÊvÊVÕÀiÞÊÀ°]ÊV iÊ Àið] -ÌiÜ>ÀÌÊ Àið UÊÊÀi>ÊvÊ7>ÌiÀÊ,`°]Ê >VÌÌÊ-Ì°] >«iÊÛi° UÊÀi>ÊvÊÕ«Ê-Ì°Ê7°]Ê*>ÀÊ,`° UÊÊÀi>ÊvÊ >`iÀÊ*°]ÊLÀiÊÀ°] iÌi>ÊÀ° Call 306-783-7355 RELIE F CARR IERS NEED ED IN AL L AREA S THE NEWS REVIEW FOR SALE - MISC Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association' s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 550,000 readers weekly. Call this newspaper NOW or 306-649.1400 for details. RURAL WATER TREATMENT. Patented iron filters, softeners, distillers, "Kontinuous Shock" Chlorinator, IronEater. Patented whole house reverse osmosis. Payment plan. 1-800-BIG-IRON (244-4766); View our 29 patented & patent pending inventions. Since 1957. TRAVEL CANCEL YOUR TIMESHARE NO RISK program STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call us NOW. We can Help! 1-888-3565248 CANCEL YOUR TIMESHARE NO RISK program STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call us NOW. We can Help! 1-888-3565248 SNOWBIRDS! Parksville/Qualicum, Vancouver Island, 600 sq.ft., 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom fully furnished cottage in treed forest setting. $975/month, utilities included. Available November 15/14 Spring 2015. 250-248-9899 or BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GET FREE VENDING MACHINES Can Earn $100,000.00 + Per Year. All Cash-Retire in Just 3 Years. Protected Territories. Full Details CALL NOW 1-866-6686629 Website WWW.TCVEND.COM WANTED HELP WANTED!! Make up to $1000 a week mailing brochures from Home! Genuine Opportunity! No Experience Required. Start Immediately! WORK AT HOME!! $570/WEEKLY** ASSEMBLING CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS + GREAT MONEY with our FREE MAILER PROGRAM + FREE HOME TYPING PROGRAM. PT/FT - Experience Unnecessary Genuine! Don’t Just Get “R” Done! Get “R” Done Rite! Call GNG for massive year end herbicide sales: -'$ &%& prices -$$%)! !$%"% -($&!&+$ -!"!%&! ! & $% -$% !%& $% )$% )! Products: -!,! +"!%& -($,! 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MLS#513423 Sheri Willick Re/Max Saskatoon 3062817612 The Disability Tax Credit Allows for: $1,500 Yearly Tax Credit $15,000 Refund (On Avg) Covers: -Hip/Knee Replacements, - Arthritic knees, hips, hands, or shoulders, - COPD, other Disabling Conditions For Help Applying 1-844-453-5372 13 and 1 Part Quarters of grain and cattle land near Theodore, SK. RM of Insinger #275. Contact Harry Sheppard @ 306-530-8035. Suton Group - Results Realty. Regina,SK RM of Orkney #244. NW19-25-0502 near Phone Hill. Assessment $46,700. 90 Acres Cultivated, 70 acres other. $93,900 or offers. For more information call Clarence Hannotte 306-621-8079 or 306783-2956 391 Ball Road 782-9600 Imagine what you could do with $200/acre cash upfront. Input Capital. Investing in good producers like you. Partner with us. 844.715.7355 NORA'S HOME CLEANING Residential Cleaning Serving Yorkton & Area. Weekly, Bi-Weekly, & Monthly. For more information & rates please call 306-7824409 or 306-621-0116 VCR and Camcorder tapes converted to DVD. Don't lose those precious memories. For prompt services call Yorkton Video at Dale 306-783-9648 INDUSTRIAL/ COMMERCIAL Commercial Space for Rent 116 Ball Road Yorkton 3,120 sq. ft. (can be divided into 2 separate bays) Phone Stan at 306-782-4200 (day) FEED & SEED Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS heated / damaged CANOLA/FLAX Top price paid FOB FARM Western Commodities 877-695-6461 Visit our website @ HEATED CANOLA WANTED!! - GREEN CANOLA - SPRING THRASHED - DAMAGED CANOLA FEED OATS WANTED!! - BARLEY, OATS, WHT - LIGHT OR TOUGH - SPRING THRASHED HEATED FLAX WANTED!! HEATED PEAS HEATED LENTILS "ON FARM PICKUP" Westcan Feed & Grain 1-877-250-5252 MOBILE/ MANUFACTURED FALL BLOWOUT. All Moduline Manufactured 20'x76' and 16'x76' reduced to sell on our lot. "Temora" 20'x76' Moduline home. Three bedroom, 2 bath. Open kitchen and LR. Regular price: $118,900. Sale price: $116,900. "Eclipse" 20'x76' Moduline home. Three bedroom, 2 bath. Beautiful kitchen. Regular price: $154, 900. Sale price: $149,900. "Lockport" 20'x76' Moduline home. Three bedroom, 2 bath. Family and living room. Regular price: $141,900. Sale price: $139,900. "White Rock" 20'x76' Moduline home. Four bedroom, 2 bath. Great for the growing family. Regular price: $136,900. Sale price: $134,900. All prices include block, level and delivery up to 300 kms. We also supply upgraded insulated skirting installed as part of the price. For more details call Marg at Craig's Home Sales. Phone toll free 1855-380-2266 HOUSES FOR RENT 1, 2, 3, & 4 bedroom homes for rent in Canora. Starting from $500 a month. No PETS. References required, utilities extra. Call 306563-2031. OFFICE/RETAIL SECOND FLOOR OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT SIGN on Broadway St. W. (formerly Travelodge) Call Marlene @ 306-783-9425 Meeting space and conference space available ADULT PERSONAL MESSAGES *********** Find Your Favorite CALL NOW 1-866-732-0070 1888-544-0199 18+ *HOT LOCAL CHAT 1-877-2900553 Mobile #5015 ************** LOCAL BROWSE4FREE or #7878 Mobile HOOKUPS 1-888-628-6790 STEEL BUILDINGS / GRANARIES Bond Industrial SEA Containers FALL SPECIALS Selling New, Used and Modified SEA Containers for storage. Guaranteed wind, water and rodent proof. Delivery available. Ask about modifications eg. doors, windows, insulation, new paint, power, etc. Modify your container for your specific needs. Call Bond Industrial at 306-373-2236 email: or visit our website at STEEL BUILDINGS... "GIFTCARD GIVE-AWAY!" 20X22 $4,358. 25X24 $4,895. 30X30 $6,446. 32X32 $7,599. 40X46 $12,662. 47X72 $18,498. One End wall Included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS UP TO 60% OFF! 30x40, 40x60, 50x80, 60x100, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call: 1-800-457-2206. DOMESTIC CARS THOENS SALES & LEASING Rentals by Day, Week or Month 75 Broadway St. E., Yorkton Phone Brooks - 782-3456 1987 Buick Lasabre limited. 3.8 V6. Fully loaded. New front breaks, tires, wheel alignment, and battery. Fully serviced. Original paint. Garage kept, never winter driven. Very clean inside and out. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call 306-338-3369 or 306-4915420 2000 Saturn SL 2. 4 door. 4 Cylinder. Auto fully loaded. New Windshield, breaks, & battery. Complete tune up and service. Very good economy. No rust. Must be seen. For more information call 306-338-3369 or 306-4915420 AUCTIONS LIVE PUBLIC Industrial AUCTION Nov 13th 7:30 AM Spruce Grove AB LIVE ONLINE & ONSITE BIDDING. Excavators, Loaders, Motor scrapers, Graders, Skidders, Highway Tractors, Picker & Boom Trucks, Dump Trucks, and more! Also featuring a TIMED AUCTION including heavy attachments & Support Equipment For catalogue & pictures visit Consignments Welcome 1-866-375-6109 Place Your Classified Ads Online at Visit us today for complete coverage of local news, weather & sports. Like us on Facebook /yorkton.newsreview
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