St. John University Parish—Morgantown, West Virginia Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed—November 2, 2014 Our Second Collection today will be taken up for the Archdiocese of the Military Services. This collection will enable chaplains to provide the Gospel, the sacraments and other forms of spiritual support to the men and women of the United States Armed Forces, wherever they serve, no matter the circumstance. Please be generous. Condolences to Stephen, Hope and Abbey Paczek upon the death of wife and mother, Jessica, and her parents, Joseph and Linda Kuzniar. We also extend our sympathies to Marian Commodore and her family upon the death of husband and father, James Commodore. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Vino et Veritas Once more St. Mary’s Parish invites us to “indulge our spiritual thirst.” Enjoy the local taste of wine from regions throughout the world while conversing with their Spiritual Masters. Fellowship, learning and faith—all done in good taste! This Wednesday, November 5th from 7:15-8:30 pm, there will be a presentation on St. Andrew Kim of Korea. Please call 304-599-3747 by Monday with the first and last name of those attending. Child care provided. Free will offering will be accepted. THANK YOU This bulletin is furnished to the Parish without charge. The advertisements that appear on the last page completely defray all publishing costs with which the church would otherwise be burdened. Please patronize these sponsors as a thank you for their kind generosity. Friendship Room Toiletry Drive Mental Health America of Mon County operates the Friendship Room, a drop-in center where anyone is free to relax, attend an educational or support group, or simply share a conversation over a hot cup of coffee. To support their outreach, St. John will be collecting personal care products from November 2-9. Needed items: band aids, bar soap, bug spray, deodorant, foot powder, hand sanitizer, Q-tips, inexpensive razors, shampoo, shaving cream, socks, tooth brushes, toothpaste, wet wipes. Place your donations in the marked boxes, which will be located in the church entry and in Newman Hall. View this bulletin online at “Honoring All Who Served” Trinity Christian School will hold its Annual Veteran’s Day celebration on Tuesday, November 11, 2014. Veterans and their guests are invited to attend this community event designed to honor the men and women who have served our country. Light refreshments will be served at 9:00 am and the Program will follow at 10:00 am. Please RSVP no later than November 7th by calling 304-291-4659. Holupki Sale The Ladies Guild of St. Mary's Holy Protection Byzantine Catholic Church (2115 Listravia Ave., Sabraton area, Morgantown) is selling their delicious holupki (cabbage rolls.) Cooked or uncooked, $12 per dozen. Deadline to order is Sunday, November 9th. Pick-up for cabbage rolls will be from 1-5:00 pm on Tuesday, November 18th for uncooked holupki and Wednesday, November 19th for cooked holupki. To place your order, please call Ellen at 304-282-0431. Operation Christmas Child Once again all parishioners are invited to prepare a Christmas surprise for children overseas. Please fill a mediumsize shoebox with toys, school supplies, non-liquid hygiene items, accessories. You may also include a personal note. Do not include used or damaged items, chocolate candy, war-related or highly breakable toys. For a more complete list of gift suggestions, see t he church bu llet in bo ard o r go to Brochures and labels are available in the church entry. The deadline for dropoff at the parish office or the Parish Center is November 16. After that, items may be dropped off at Christian Missionary Alliance through Nov 23. Salt & Light Awards Catholic Charities West Virginia’s Central Region is accepting nominations for the 13th Annual Communities of Salt and Light Awards. The award will be presented to two community members (couple or individual) and one Catholic community group whose gifts of time, talent and treasure exemplify social ministry in action at the annual dinner on April 17, 2015 at the Knights of Columbus Banquet Hall in Fairmont, WV. Nomination forms are available at your parish or by contacting Kandi Shafer at (304) 292-6597 ext. 3. or Deadline: December 22. St. John University Parish—Morgantown, West Virginia Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed—November 2, 2014 This Week in Our Parish 2 Feast of All Souls 11:15 am CRE 3 5:30 pm St. Francis Robotics SC 11:30 am Sarah’s 7:00 pm WVU Table Student RCIA 1:30 pm Baptism Preparation 4 5 5:30 pm St. Francis 6:30 pm Divine Robotics SC Mercy Prayer 7:00 pm Choir Group 8:00 pm Light of Life Prayer and Bible Study 7:30 pm Bad Catholic Bible Study 7:00 pm Adult Faith Formation CL Liturgical Ministers Schedule 6 11-1 SPO Street Evangelization 7 8 Adoration contin- Private Event PC ues until 5:00 pm 5:30 pm St. Francis 12:30 pm Inter- Private Event SJPC Robotics SC Varsity PC 6:00 pm Dinner for 2:00 pm Catholic a Dollar Homeschoolers 8:00 pm Alcoholics 7:00 RCIA 3:45 pm AnonymousGeo Bee CL Potter’s Cellar 10:00 pm Adoration begins Liturgical Ministers Schedule Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed—Nov 1-2 Dedication of St. John Lateran— Nov 8-9 5:00 pm Lector— Rita Bajura Lector 2-- Richard Bajura AS—Emma Harper, Luke Puderbaugh EM—Susan Hunter, Denise Palmer, 1 Volunteer Sacristan—Diana Martin 5:00 pm Lector 1—Connie McCluskey Lector 2—Wendy Noll AS—Nolan and Natalie Cook EM—Steve McCluskey, Elliott Hair, Nikki Dalesio Sacristan—Diana Martin 8:00 am Lector—Valerie Lastinger Lector 2-- Jane Cyphert AS—Cal and Sara Linn EM— Linda Craig, Mike Citro, Joe Kanosky Sacristan— Diana Martin 8:00 am Lector 1—Lisa Salati Lector 2—Laura Christy AS— Matthew and Nicholas Ogershok EM—Ginny Petersen, Jim Stevens, 1 Volunteer Sacristan— Diana Martin 10:00 am Lector— Trina Wafle Lector 2—Shaun Moyers AS—Gretchen and Eric Pifer EM— Ann Durham, Frank and Allison DeGeorge 2 Volunteers 10:00 am Lector 1—Kathy Gorski Lector 2—John Lojewski II AS— Sam Gorski , Patrick Ryan EM—Ann Durham Chris Gorski, Tom Riffon , Mary Gabriele, 2 Volunteers 6:30 pm Lector 1—Paul Daugherty Lector 2—Pauline Lanciotti AS—Erin Gore, Isaac DeBastiani EM—Katy Hurley, Mark Gore, 3 Volunteers Sacristan— Steve Niederriter 6:30 pm Lector 1— Sarah Lanciotti Lector 2—Alex Lancaster AS— Nate and Emily Goldcamp EM— Katie Rabidoux, Harry and Amy Taylor, 2 Volunteers Sacristan—Pauline Lanciotti 8:30 pm Campus Ministry 8:30 pm Campus Ministry SARAH’S TABLE VOLUNTEERS Parish Collections Oct 18-19 Regular. Bldg Fund Missions $6656.00 216.00 1758.00 Thank you for your faithful support! November 2—Rebecca Cato group November 9—Gary Marlin group MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, November 1 9:00 am Priest Intention 5:00 pm +Marlowe Gabriele Stewart Louise Deal Sunday, November 2 8:00 am +Murl and Mary Michael Judy Dlugos 10:00 am Priest Intention 6:30 pm The People of St. John 8:30 pm Priest Intention Monday, November 3 5:00 pm Priest Intention Tuesday, November 4 5:00 pm +Jessica Paczek Pauline Lanciotti Wednesday, November 5 5:00 pm +Ann Dolan Therese Iammarino Thursday, November 6 5:00 pm +Dr. Gene Harlow Mary Paul Friday, November 7 5:00 pm Priest Intention Saturday, November 8 9:00 am Priest Intention 5:00 pm The People of St. John Sunday, November 9 8:00 am Priest Intention 10:00 am Priest Intention 6:30 pm +Michael Tarantini Giovanni and Cecilia Tarantini 8:30 pm Priest Intention November 16—Irene Lueckel group View this bulletin online at St. John University Parish—Morgantown, West Virginia Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed—November 2, 2014 Latin Mass will be at St. Patrick Church, 210 Center Ave, Weston, WV on Sunday, November 9th, 2014 at 6:00 pm. The celebrant will be Fr. George Manjadi. There are Latin - English missals along with printed copies of the Propers of the Mass available for use by all who attend; and new people are always welcome. For more information, contact Mary Tillman (304) 745-5428. In Loving Memory Evelyn Carubia James Commodore Angelina Farrell Glen Kuehn Ruth Mullen Virginia Olenchock Mike Oliverio, Sr. Billy Park William Stadtmiller Billy George Stevens Bobby E. Stevens Conference Invitation Ignite: Charisms/Renewal/ Unity is the theme of the National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal which will be held November 7-9 at the Doubletree Hotel in Greentree, PA. You’re invited if you are involved in parish ministry or service, or are seeking growth in the Holy Spirit. Speakers include Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR, Fr. Killian Loch, OSB, Michelle Moran (England) and Mark Nimo. For more information call 1-800-338-2445 or visit . Onsite registration will be available. Fun Run St. Francis Central Catholic School will host a Fun Run for Education, on Saturday, November 15, 2014. This will include a 5K race and a 1 mile run/walk. The 5K race will kick off at 11:00 am, with the 1 mile run/walk to follow the completion of the 5K. All proceeds from the race benefit St. Francis Central Catholic School. Preregistration is now open online at or Race day registration will begin at the Hazel Ruby McQuain Amphitheater at 9:00 am. Those registered in the 5K will also be registered to participate in the 1 mile run/walk if desired. Pre-Registration Fee (received through 11/03/14): 1 Mile Fun Run $10.00 (all ages); 5K Race - $20.00 (all ages.) Late Registration Fee (received after 11/03/14): 1 Mile Fun Run - $15.00 (all ages); 5K Race - $25.00 (all ages.) For more information please contact Rita Sokos at Ted Tekieli The Wujcik Family Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. View this bulletin online at Thanksgiving Food Collection is starting Each year during November we encourage everyone at St. John to think about the food needs of our less fortunate sisters and brothers in the local community. Students, think about donating a can of soup— or three! Families, are you able to give a meal or a day’s worth of food? Personal items and cleaning supplies are also needed. Bring your donations to Mass with you and place them in the sanctuary near the food display. We will continue to collect donations through Sunday, November 23. St. John University Parish—Morgantown, West Virginia Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed—November 2, 2014 Staff St. John University Parish AssociatePastor,DirectorofCampusMinistry The Catholic Parish for West Virginia University Rev.JohnPaulHeiser,O.S.B.304-296-8231 1481 University Avenue, Morgantown, WV 26505 Phone: 304-296-8231 Fax: 304-296-4650 Email: Website: PastoralAssociate Rev.Mr.JosephPrentiss 304-292-7766 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CoordinatorofChildren’sReligiousEducation MargeMarino MusicDirector CarolNowak Of"iceManager CourtneyKirby WeekendMasses Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am,10:00am,6:30pm Duringtheacademicyear, Sundayevening8:30pminthechurch FinanceManager CarlaComer WeekdayMasses Monday-Friday Saturday BulletinSecretary MarjorieMcCawley 5:00pm 9:00am MorningPrayerMonday-Friday7:30am (ExpositionoftheBlessedSacramentMon-Thurs,6:45am) AssociateDirectorofCampusMinistry/Directorof YouthMinistry JacobKing DevelopmentDirectorforCampusMinistry AshleyKing AdorationoftheBlessedSacrament Wednesday 7:00-9:00pm ThursdaythroughFriday 10:00pm—5:00pm (Sign up for a time slot at Reconciliation Monday-Saturday Chairperson,PastoralCouncil DanMiller TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The souls of the just are in the hands of God, and no torment shall touch them (Wisdom 3:1-9). Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Psalm 23). Second Reading — Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts (Romans 5:5-11) or Romans 6:3-9. Gospel — This is the will of the Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes may have eternal life (John 6:37-40). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-32; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Phil 3:17 — 4:1; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 4:00—5:00pm orbyappointment ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 am—4:00 pm Sacrament Preparation To inquire about preparation for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders or Marriage, please contact the parish office. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Contact Mary Paul or the parish office. RCIA meets Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm during the academic year. Children’s Religious Education Classes for children in grades pre K-8 are held Sunday mornings at 11:15 am during the regular school year. For questions on high school youth ministry, contact Jacob King Ministry of Care To arrange for hospital or home visits, contact the parish office. To know more about ministering to those in need, call bob at 304-598-0026. An Afterglow of the Eucharist prayer team is available at the altar after most weekend Masses to pray with you for your individual and family needs. Prayer Requests Call the parish office. Bulletin Deadline NOON MONDAY. Please submit a written copy of the bulletin announcement to the parish office or email the item to Marge View this bulletin online at View these Sponsors @ , CCC-A CERTIFIED AUDIOLOGIST 1191 Pineview Dr., Ste. H-3 Carrying Crosses & Rosaries Sabraton Plaza 1395 Earl Core Rd. Serving West Virginia 31 Years 304-292-0881 HEARING TESTS • HEARING AIDS • REPAIRS Quality Bicycles Sales & Service Chip Wamsley, 304-296-CHIP (2447) 709 Beechurst Ave., Ste. 3 GRD 599-6762 304.241.1170 Canvas & Aluminum Awnings 292-6921 since 1955 WV005759 304-598-5713 1109 Van Voorhis Rd., Ste. 201 • Morgantown Single Catholics For Advertising Information CALL • FINE BEERS • TRADEWIND TEAS • NANTUCKET NECTARS BEER DISTRIBUTOR, INC. 304-296-4871 Aluminum Company West Virginia Commercial Real Estate Development Business Consulting 595 Greenbag Rd. Morgantown FENCING RAILING 24-HOUR SERVICE Ervin’s TOWING AUTO REPAIR & BODY SHOP 304-292-2586 304-284-8702 304-983-6160 Appt. & Walk-Ins Welcome Morgantown Mall Business Hours: Mon.-Sat.: 10am-9pm • Sunday 12pm-6pm J.L. Machine & Tool, Inc. 1-800-282-5106 Machining & Welding Trailer Hitches & Parts 194 Willey St., Morgantown 304-296-7689 Open 7 days a week at 11 a.m. Order Online: Michael A. Oliverio II, MBA Financial Advisor Melissa Oliverio 304-292-3339 121 Simpson St. 304-594-2237 John Lojewski, II Parishioner In Memory of ST. JOHN MEDICAL PATRONS Antonio Tarantini Nicola, Maria and Jimmy Rossetti The Arthurs Family I Love and Thank You Most Sacred Heart of Jesus MASSULLO’S Novena May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, honored, adored and glorified throughout the World now & forever. Amen. Present this advertisement and receive 20% off our cleaners & tailors 447 high st. 304-296-5210 -&suncrest towne centre Pick-up & Drop-off only 304-225-5210 Repeat 9 times a day for 9 days and publish, and your request will be granted. “Best Available Rate” PAB (subject to availability and eligibility) Call Advertise Your Business Here Diocesan Publications 1-800-282-5106 PATRONS Avon 328-5631 Buy or Sell Lorraine Knestaut ® ADVANTAGEHEALTHANDWELLNESS.COM 127 High St. Morgantown 304 • 292 • 8200 • For The Traveling Catholic ! The Montmartre Fresh Seafood, Steaks, Chicken and Pasta See Menu at (304) 292-8200 • Online or by eMail T&R H a n dym a n SeRviceS interior / exterior Painting 304.241.1717 • 225 Don Knotts Blvd., Morgantown 3 Year/30,000 Mile Warranty Landscaping Residential / commercial Repairs 304–288–0817 2392
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