Document 409393

‘t PianoPodium
Dijnselburgerlaan 1 hal 20
3705 LP Zeist
Henk Hupkes presenteert:
KlantenConcert zaterdag 15 november 2014, 20:15 u.
Hanna Shybayeva is terug! En ze is niet alleen!
Spectaculaire ontmoeting van twee meester-pianisten
uit de werelden van de klassieke én lichte Muziek,
Zij spelen 'eigenwijs' werken van:
C.Debussy, A.Scarlatti, T.Takemitsu, G.Ligeti,
B.Beiderbecke, G.di Ienno, F.Say..
Wij nodigen U en de Uwen, mede namens Hanna en Gianluca, van harte uit voor
ons volgende ‘KlantenConcert’ op zaterdagavond 15 november a.s.!
Hanna Shybayeva - piano
Gianluca Di Ienno - piano
De Bovenkamer van Henk Hupkes Piano’s Vleugels
Dijnselburgerlaan 1 hal 20
3705 LP Zeist
zaterdagavond 15 november 2014
20:15 uur (zaal open: 19:45 uur)
liefst per email of telefonisch 030-6971310, gaarne naam en
aantal reserveringen vermelden.
Gratis, maar ter bestrijding van de onkosten stellen wij Uw
vrijwillige bijdrage echter zeer op prijs (richtbedrag € 15,-)
Zegt het voort en graag tot dan!
Pianologues is a project born out of the meeting of two musicians
that represent different musical backgrounds, classical and jazz
music, whose intention is to draw inspiration from their respective
repertoires and try the third way, through interpretation,
elaboration, improvisation and composition. Therefore written
music gives room to improvisation in the same way improvisation
becomes a trigger to invade one or the other piece of classical
repertoire making the concert continuous clink of ideas and
spontaneity. Widely practiced, starting from the Baroque to the late
Romantic period, improvisation was the staff of life of almost all
musicians and composers from early times but slowly disappeared
from the custom by the end of the 19th century. Numerous
examples in a form of variations, cadenzas and other written out
improvisations show how greatly skilled classical composers of the
past were in the genre of improvisation. Hanna Shybayeva and
Gianluca Di Ienno, taking the path of research on this issue, have
reached a place where the music has no label and in which
coexist. Borrowing compositions from both, Baroque and
contemporary periods, such as music of Scarlatti, Debussy, Bix
Beiderbecke, Takemitsu, Ligeti, the repertoire of Pianologues
resurface both in the practice of improvisation and in mutual
contamination, showing strong connotation of jazz of today and
Marjolijn Peper en Henk Hupkes
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