Westminster Presbyterian Church 1515 Helen Avenue Portage, MI 49002 (269) 344-3966 e-mail address – westminsterp@wpcportage.org Web Address – www.wpcportage.org NEWSLETTER Mailed Monthly Address Service requested Vol. 132 November 2014 Welcome Statement We open our doors to all persons to join in worship, fellowship, educational programs and service. We welcome into membership all who profess faith in Jesus Christ without regard to gender, age, race, ethnic origin, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, disability, or any other human condition. We elect and ordain as leaders in the church persons who are called by God and committed to serving the Lord Jesus Christ in the Church. adopted by the Session, May 18, 2009 Marty King and Helen Rodee, Editors Westminster Staff November 8 Serving lunch at MWC Second Saturday Social Group November 14 Third Age 12:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. November 17 Session 7:00 p.m. November 24 Deacons 6:30 p.m. To my church family, Thank you so much for the expressions of kindness in the form of hugs, cards, prayers and a love note from you on the recent death of Mom, Madeline Berster. On October 18th my whole family gathered in Pittsburgh to remember a life well lived. A special thank you to Marie Kerstetter, with help from Chris Rohwer, for creating a special cd with music from the 30's and 40's, which Mom especially loved to take with me. We enjoyed it at the luncheon following the service and played it for the family later in the hotel. You are all truly a blessing. Barb Knickerbocker Blessings on you all, Jerry and Janet and Kurt Kremlick included, for all you have done for us while I have been ill. Prayers, cards and calls are much appreciated. Bob and Jean Cox Join us on November 21, (3rd Friday) at 8:00 a.m. We will meet at East Egg on Sears Drive in Portage for breakfast and fellowship. Any questions, contact Mike Evans. MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY… Please read, pray, and consider how you can help! We have a number of folks who would love to attend programs or activities at church , but who aren’t able to drive themselves. We want this opportunity to be available to everyone who would benefit from it, but we need some help. Are you occasionally or regularly free mid-day during the week? Could you consider being a driver? It’s a simple ministry but would mean a lot to someone. If you would like to consider this important ministry, please talk with Eileen Best or Janet Duggins. 1 Pastors—Reverends Jerry and Janet Duggins…..jerryorjanet@wpcportage.org Parish Associate— Rev. Kurt J. Kremlick, Jr. ……kremlick@juno.com Parish Associate— Rev. Theda McBryde….tpmcbryde@talkamerica.net Pastor Emeritus—Rev. Richard Jackson Connections Coordinator—Eileen Best...….. eileen@wpcportage.org Sunday School Coordinator—Leslie Ashbaugh..…...LESLIEA83@GMAIL.COM Director of Music/Pianist—Marie Kerstetter…...kpianogirl@aol.com Choir Director—Jason Zerban...jzerban@hotmail.com Administrative Assistant—Susan Vincent….westminsterp@wpcportage.org Nursery Care—Kris Senholtz Westminster’s Web Site—www.wpcportage.org Session Members Eileen Best Jim Gluys Malcolm McBryde David Teugh Amy Capelli Nancy Husk Martin Schultz, clerk Tom Cook Mike Jungel Lindsay South Deacons Emily Dood, Moderator Stan Rop, Parish 1 Jayme Ruimveld, Parish 2 Mary Anderson, Parish 3 Laurie Bushnell, Parish 4 Audrey Curry, Parish 5 Pat Kurtz, Parish 6 Marlin Gerber, Parish 7 Lynn McFarlen, Parish 8 For information on… Contact… Administration (including finance & personnel)…………………. Mike Jungel, Malcolm McBryde Adult Education ......................................................................................Linda DeYoung Building & Grounds................................................................... Paul Bushnell, Jim Gluys Children and Worship ................................................................................. Nancy Husk Christian Education (Children & Youth) ................................................... Leslie Ashbaugh Coffee Plus ............................................................................................ Glenda Farrell Family Fun ................................................................................................. Barb Poliak Congregational Life & Evangelism .................... Eileen Best, John Chapman, Lindsay South Greeters .................................................................................................... Cindy Green Interpretive Arts ...................................................................................... Bobbie Gerber Memorial Garden ....................................................................................... Amy Capelli Mission Opportunities ................................................................................. Nancy Husk Nominating Committee ............................................................................... Dave Teugh Nursery ....................................................................................................... Marta Best Ushers/Sound Person ................................................................................ Kelly Schultz Worship ....................................................................................... Pastors, Kelly Schultz Youth Program .......................................................................... Pastors, Mary Anderson 14 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed “PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER” Thu Fri Centsability Collection is the first Sunday of each month 1 SET YOUR CLOCKS BACK 1 HOUR 2 All Saint’s Day— Communion Special Music: Proclamation Brass 9:30 am Worship Coffee Plus; No C & W 10:45 am CE No Youth Group 3 7:00 pm Dance Club 4 5 9:00 am Gamb Anon 9:30 am Bible Study 12:00 pm Read Aloud 5:30 pm Worship Planning 7:00 pm Adult Choir 7:30 pm Volleyball 6 11:00 a.m. Mission Team 4:00 pm Knitting & Prayer 9 Stewardship Dedication 9:30 am Blended Service C & W; Coffee Plus 10:45 am CE 10:45 am Usher/Host Training 11:45 am Adv Wkshp Planning 12:00 pm Lunch Together 5:00 pm Youth Group 16 Harvest Sunday 9:30 am Worship C & W; Coffee Plus 10:45 am CE 5:00 p.m. Youth Group 10 7:00 pm Dance Club 7:00 pm Presbyterian Pilgrimage Training 11 3:30 pm CROP Walk Team 7:00 pm Faith Book Club 12 9:00 am Gamb Anon 9:30 am Bible Study 12:00 pm Read Aloud 7:00 pm Adult Choir 7:30 pm Volleyball 13 7 8 Office closed at noon 9:30 am Presbytery— Muskegon 12:45 pm Serving at Ministry with Community Second Saturday Chili Cook-off X 6:00pm 17 7:00 pm Session 7:00 pm Dance club 18 Newsletter Deadline 10:00 am Adult Ed Team 12:00 pm Cong. Life & Evang. Team 19 9:00 am Gamb An 9:30 am Bible Study 12:00 pm Read Aloud 4-9:00 pm NOODLES 7:00 pm Adult Choir 7:30 pm Volleyball 20 23 Christ the King Sunday 9:30 am Worship C & W; Coffee Plus 10:45 am CE 11:45 pm Green Team 5:00 pm Youth Group 24 7:00 pm Deacons 7:00 pm Dance club 25 10:00 am Committee On Ministry 26 9:00 am Gamb Anon No Bible Study 12:00 pm Read Aloud No Choir 7:30 pm Volleyball 27 28 Church Office Closed Church Office Closed 14 12:30 pm Third Age Office closed at noon …………..…………….….Susan on vacation……………….………………... 21 8:00 am Men’s Breakfast 15 At Transformation Spirituality Center 8:30 am—3:00 pm 22 Office closed at noon 29 10:00 am Decorating the church for Advent ~ Christmas 30 First Sunday of Advent 9:30 am Worship C & W; Coffee Plus 10:45 am CE No Youth Group 1 Jeff Poliak 2 Joanne Watson Sara Stuut 4 Fatch Chapeyama 5 Rob Boven 6 Steve Hessen 7 Anne Deming Meg Wonser 9 Nancy Husk 11 Suzanne Rop - James 5:16 Sat In prayer we find we want to know God more deeply, to enjoy and engage with the mystery more, through the scriptures, reflection, and silence, allowing more of God to become present to us. As we do so, prayer gives us deeper knowledge of our own mystery and our role in the world. Christian tradition tells us that we need time for private prayer and time for prayer together, just as we need time for work, food, sleep and relaxation. ~ Rosemary Power, in Like Leaves to the Sun, ed. Neil Paynter Please remember in prayer: John Kuchta and his family on the death of his father, Chester Kuchta, Hank Hamilton, Merry Hamilton, Jean Cox, Aileen & Walter Rist, Glenda Farrell, Kettie Chapeyama, Dottie & Harry Eberts, Virginia Rhinesmith, Pat Leavens, Vickie Iverson, Agnes McColley, Bill Eberhart, Joyce LeBrecht, Martie Leak, Paul Schuring, Jan Walter, Jackie Martinez, Don & Sally Cubbison, Olly Visser, Helen Rineholt, Ellen Armstrong, Phil Lyon, Mitchell Rossen, Michael Luanda, Randy Osborne, Gabi Cochran, Margaret Charron, Mary Kay Trompeter, Jimmy Utley, and Nancy Glass. A PRAYER: O Lord, we look for your help. May we live positively; May we find love to strengthen us and free us from fear. Give us your blessing for all that may be required of us, that love may drive out fear, that we may be more perfectly abandoned to the will of God, and that peace and contentment may reign in our hearts, O Giver of life, Bearer of pain, Maker of love, Creator and Sustainer, Liberator and Redeemer, Healer and Sanctifier Be with us and all we love and all who are in need this day and all days. Amen. ~ adapted from a prayer by Vincent Manning, in Like Leaves to the Sun, ed. Neil Paynter 12 Lizz Cardwell Samantha Poliak 17 Tom Hamilton 18 Bud Toornman 19 Mary Carlson Sharon Brouwer 20 Meg Truesdell 25 Zachary Hamilton 26 Amy Ruimveld 13 If you’d like to be on an email list to receive prayer requests, please contact Susan or Janet. 5 Bernie & Helen Rodee 11 Ted & Lynn McFarlen 13 Tom & Peggy Depper 22 Bob & Jean Cox 25 Harry & Carol Madison 27 Bill & Frances Potts 2 FUNDRAISING AND FELLOWSHIP WORSHIP in November at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday Our worship theme for 2014-15 is “Strange Scenes and Familiar Territory: Journeying Through Scripture.” This fall we are following the twists and turns and recurring themes of the Old Testament story. Put Wednesday, November 19 on your calendars and join other Westminster folks at the Noodles and Company Restaurant on Westnedge Avenue for dinner. Between the hours of 4:00 and 9:00 p.m., Noodles and Company will give 25% of the sales to our church. Be sure to mention Westminster when you order! November 2 A flyer will be available to take to the restaurant that night to participate. Invite your friends, too! ALL SAINTS SUNDAY Special musical guests: PROCLAMATION BRASS Communion Today our worship will include a time of remembrance for those of our church community and loved ones who have died during the past year. scripture: Exodus 14 & 32, selected verses November 9 No Children & Worship today STEWARDSHIP DEDICATION SUNDAY scripture: Numbers 13 & 14, selected verses November 19 Children & Worship HARVEST SUNDAY scripture: Judges 6:11-27 November 23 Children & Worship CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY scripture: 1 Samuel 8:1-22; 16:1-13 November 30 GETTING TO KNOW ONE ANOTHER… ESTHER WICKERT Children & Worship FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT scripture: Isaiah 42:18-43:7 Join us throughout Advent, as we “Journey to the Manger,” reflecting as we go on themes of Pardon, Power, Peace and Presence. You won’t want to miss the lighting of the Advent Candles, the choir cantata, and all the special traditions of the season! Advent devotional booklets will be available at church. We will have choices available for adults, families & children, and youth/young adults. Taking a few minutes each day to light a candle, read, reflect and pray, can bring a special peace into your home this Advent. 3 Esther was born a few years ago in Holland, Michigan. She graduated from Hope College in 1944, then continued her education earning a Masters in Education. She taught school several places throughout Michigan. She met Jack in Holland, married him, and followed him to Kalamazoo where he worked in the Kalamazoo Public School system as an administrator. They parented two daughters, Jane (Werner) now living in Portage, and Mary (Deppe) now residing in Kent. Together they’ve provided the Wickerts with four grandchildren and one great grand child. Jack passed on in 2000. With pride, Esther shared that her eldest grandson just graduated from Western Theological seminary and is about to be ordained into the Reformed church in Granville. After having attended First Presbyterian in Kalamazoo, they became charter members of Westminster. Both she and Jack have served as elders here and contributed in numerous ways to the life of the church community. “Community” is the term Esther focuses on when talking about her life with this church, saying it is the ‘people’ who make a church what it is. After living by herself for several years, she chose to move to Friendship Village where five other Westminster members now call home. Looking west through Esther’s living room window, the fall colors painted a brilliant picture. She remarked that here she feels cared for and happy meeting her friends and greeting new ones on a daily basis. Interviewed by Marlin Gerber 12 Make some plans for th th Our WPC Youth Group is for kids in 6 -12 grade. We get together most Sundays from mid-September through mid-May for a meal, an outing, fun, conversation, a creative project, prayer, service to others… … or all of the above! November 2 No Youth Group November 9 5-7 p.m. Baking! We’ll eat dinner together then bake some goodies to serve for Coffee Plus November 16 12-2:15 p.m. Lunch and Leaf Raking dress for the weather and bring your rake and gloves! November 23 5-7:30 p.m. Cooking Dinner & Sharing with Confirmation Mentors November 30 No Youth Group. Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend! For questions about our youth group, talk with one of our adult leaders: Leslie Ashbaugh, Jeanne Trompeter, Janet and Jerry Duggins. To sign up to provide a meal for a youth group activity, contact Theresa Cook. Everybody: Don’t forget our ongoing project to facilitate recycling of items like electronics, compact fluorescent bulbs and such. We have bins available at church (in the narthex the first two Sundays of each month) so you can bring your items and we will get them to the recycling center. The 10th Annual Chili Cook Off is upon us. Are you ready for another hot time at the Currys’ or do you have a mellower pallet? Either way, join us at Ed & Audrey Currys’ house on Saturday, November 8 at 6:00 p.m. Feel free to submit a chili to be judged by all (prizes awarded) or just attend and sample several chilies. After the meal feel free to stay and play games...cards...pool table...whatever you bring as well. Sign up in the Narthex on the bulletin board. Looking forward to seeing you all! December: Fieldstone Grill; Hosts - Mike & Carole Evans, Bill & Frances Potts 11 Our “Longest Night” service is scheduled for Tuesday, December 16, at 7 p.m. This is a quiet time of worship, music, and prayer, which we offer because we recognize that not everyone feels jolly at Christmas time. However, we also believe that Christ was born into our troubled world to speak to our need, our sorrow and our pain. This service is for anyone, but especially appropriate for those who are grieving, struggling, or feeling depressed. Last year’s Longest Night service was very meaningful to those who attended. Please consider attending this year, and perhaps inviting a friend to join you. If you would like to help with plans for this year’s Longest Night service, please speak to Pastor Janet. ADVENT IS COMING Everyone in the congregation is invited to join Interpretive Arts Team on Saturday, November 29 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to decorate the church for Advent and Christmas. We will install our theme arrangement for Advent then, too. Lunch will be provided. ADVENT WORKSHOP Being together is on always a joy but especially at Christmas time. Join the Westminster family for an Advent Workshop on Sunday, December 7 from noon to 2:00 p.m. There will be crafts to make for all ages, interests, and ability levels. Lunch and all materials provided. Contact Eileen Best if you would like to help. CHRISTMAS CARDS AND GIFTS Now you can support the Special Offerings of the Presbyterian Church (One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Peacemaking, and Christmas Joy) in two new ways. Beautiful Christmas cards with the words love, joy, hope, and peace are available to buy. Information is on the bulletin board in the narthex or go to marketplace.mimeo.com/pcusa#name=13 to order. Also in the narthex are copies of the Giving Catalog. Here you can “buy” animals, seeds, water purification systems, school supplies, scholarships, support for Young Adult Volunteers, and many other mission projects as gifts to honor someone special. All gifts and proceeds from the cards go to the mission of the Special Offerings. 4 Celebrate Our Abundant Journey Harvest Sunday - November 16 Let’s join together to celebrate our abundant life by sharing it and God’s kingdom with the hungry in our community. On Harvest Sunday bring a bag of groceries to church OR give a special gift to Loaves and Fishes (checks to WPC with “L & F” on the memo line). While the food collected does not go into “Thanksgiving Baskets,” it does sustain those who count on Loaves and Fishes to see them through this stressful time of year. Talk to one of the dozen Westminster members who work at the Food Pantry at Ministry with Community. The stories we hear are of perseverance, caring, and courage . . . someone picking up food for a disabled mother, someone getting groceries while they’re looking for a place to live, someone choosing food for the grandchildren who live with them. Items that are always in demand at the food pantries: Canned – main dishes such as stew, ravioli, spaghetti meat such as tuna and chicken pasta sauce (no glass) vegetables Fruit Pasta in boxes or bags Juice in plastic bottles or cans (no glass) Peanut butter Boxed cereal Cake mixes and canned frostings (for families having a birthday within a short time of food pickup) Items which are NOT in demand: Dry milk, Macaroni and cheese, Dried beans, Rice Watch for Fair Trade Opportunities In the next week you’ll receive an electronic brochure with information about ordering fair trade Christmas gifts online. Paper copies will be available in the narthex. Take one for a friend to illustrate Westminster’s core values. In place of an Alternative Christmas Fair, the Mission Team is offering this opportunity to continue shopping which supports justice for farmers and craftspeople throughout the world. FAIR TRADE FOOD A new shipment has arrived with delicious things to try—new kinds of coffee, new flavors of chocolate, fruit and nut bars (mango cashew and apricot cashew), and dark chocolate chips. Check out the display in the narthex. Place the money for the items you would like in an envelope and put it in Susan’s mailbox in the office. Fair Trade items support small farmers around the world. 5 On Friday, November 14 the Third Age group will gather for a potluck lunch at 12:30 p.m. in the narthex. Bring a dish to share and your table service. Everyone is welcome! Come to celebrate Game Day. Bring a game to share or come to learn a new game: Simple Rummy. We’ll begin at 1:00 p.m. Please contact Eileen at the church office if you need a ride to Third Age or can offer a ride to someone. We will meet to discuss When Crickets Cry by Charles Martin on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the church library. I'm sure we will have an interesting discussion since we usually do. Come, join in whether you have read the book or not. If you have any questions contact Lorie Leak. If you have a question regarding finances, contact Mike Jungel or Janet Duggins. ADULT BIBLE STUDY Wednesday mornings come on a journey with us through the books of Acts. We gather at 9:30 a.m. for coffee, study and fellowship. Questions, contact Pastor Jerry. SEPT Income - $21,653 YTD Income - $239,849 SEPT Expense - $21,082 YTD Expense - $223,043 Lunch Together MEALS ON WHEELS FOR WPC: November 3, December 15. Questions? Contact Kay Haas or Carol Madison. Our informal “no sign up” lunches together after worship have resulted in great conversations and times of fellowship. We’ll plan to do it again on Sunday, November 9. Look for Eileen Best after worship to participate. We’ll go for lunch at noon, after adult education class. 10 UPDATE ON CUBAN SOCIETY From Izett Sama, Vice Moderator of the Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada en Cuba The members of the Young Adult group here at Westminster Presbyterian Church have a passion for social justice and activism in the world. We have been researching various organizations and their missions in a hope to bring a worthwhile cause to the congregation's attention as we near the Advent/Christmas season. Rahab's Rope is an impressive organization that works to help women and girls who have been victims of human trafficking in India. "Rahab's Rope is a 501(c)(3) that exists to give hope and opportunity to women and girls who are at risk or have been forced into the commercial sex trade of India. By creating a safe and loving environment, they are enabled to grow and develop physically, mentally, and spiritually. Our work provides basic education and vocational training for each girl and woman who come through our centers, ultimately, allowing them to integrate into their communities in a positive and constructive manner." For more information visit www.rahabsrope.com. To help support their important work, we are hosting an event to sell beautiful items made by the women in India striving to start a new life. We will be selling a wide variety of hand made, fair trade merchandise after the church service 10:30-12:00 Nov. 23 through Dec. 14. Please join us and do a little Christmas shopping while making a difference in the world. Speaking to the Cuba Partners Network meeting October 1 through 4, Diana Rosa's dear friend Izett outlined three possible scenarios for Cuba's economic future as the government tries to mobilize an economy stagnant for 50 years. 1) The government controls everything but allows small business development and foreign investment under strong central control with less social and political participation by the people. 2) The government relinquishes economic control to municipalities and provinces which decide how to develop their own resources. Private businesses would be empowered to make more decisions, involving more people in the process. The Communist Party would control politics more than the economy. This model promotes more solidarity among people and collective businesses. Churches would be more active locally promoting collective economic activity. 3) The country would make a total transition from socialism to capitalism with aggressive foreign investment and, more importantly, a loss of guaranteed resources (education, pensions, salaries, health care) for the people. The questions facing the Cuban church are: 1) Which model to advocate for? 2) How to envision a future for Cuba in which people will participate rather than leaving? 3) How to raise a commitment among Cubans to work for their country? 4) How to prepare pastors and lay leaders for this mission? Eileen Best, Nancy Husk, and Beth Myer attended the Cuba Partners Network meeting. Ask them to share their stories. IDLE FREE BROCHURES The Bible is filled with stories not intended for children. These stories challenge our simple understandings of God and God's people. Some make us wonder how the Bible could ever have been called "holy." While shocking, even offending us, these parts of scripture reflect the complexities of life then while speaking powerfully to the ambiguities of life today. Join Jerry and Janet as we wrestle together with some troubling texts. November 9 - Hagar and Ishmael November 16 - The Levite's Concubine November 23 - David and Bathsheba 9 Do you get frustrated when you see other drivers sitting with their cars running in drive up lanes at the bank, or while waiting to pick up children at school? Our cars are so hard on the environment. Why have them idling without going anywhere? Westminster’s Green Team has put together a brochure that outlines this problem and encourages people to change their behavior. Pick up a copy (or several copies) at the bulletin board display in the narthex. 6 … hugs, love notes, birthday cards, encouragement … your concern and prayers for Jerry during his recent adventures with cardiac care In this month of giving and giving thanks, it seems like a good time to reflect on some of the things that make me grateful to be a part of Westminster: … the many folks who have cared about and communicated the love of God to our daughters over the years (believe me, it did not go unnoticed!) … the sunshine that pours through the windows of our office … the trust that you all place in us as your pastors … the musicians whose practice I’m often privileged to overhear whilst preparing the bulletin or writing a newsletter column (you know who you are!) … insurance that protected us from financial catastrophe in the wake of storm damage to the church roof … the people who make sure our youth have snacks and meals to fortify them for our activities … the deacons who cheerfully, creatively, and compassionately convey our shared concern and God’s love to those in our church community who are hurting … the grace and good humor of this congregation, that allows us to laugh at little mistakes and keep things in perspective … the passion for art and beauty which expresses itself in so many ways here at Westminster … the many people who, quietly, faithfully, year-in and year-out, devote themselves to the countless unsung tasks that keep the church’s ministries humming along … computers that make so much of our preparation and communication easier (and John K who helps us make them work right) …our leaders, especially our elders and our staff, who care deeply and thoughtfully about the quality of our congregation’s ministry … those who’ve been around a long time, giving our church a solid foundation of faithfulness, and for those who have recently joined us, bringing us fresh ideas and energy … our partnership with the Iglesia Presbiteriano en Perico, Cuba … the church members whose generosity and forward-thinking created endowment funds to support aspects of ministry we couldn’t otherwise do … the Buildings and Grounds folks who fix stuff that needs to be fixed in our facility … all the members of our church who practice their faith not just within the walls of the church but beyond our walls – in work, in family, and in the community … the opportunity to create sermons that explore scripture, theology, and issues in diverse ways ... sermon feedback and discussion 7 These are just some of the things about Westminster that I am thankful for… just some of the reasons Jerry and I are glad to support Westminster with financial stewardship as well as our ministry skills and energy. I’ll bet you can come up with a list just as long. Peace, Janet Journey in the Work of the Lord I have been on a journey with the Lord all my life… from baptism as an infant to now and hopefully many more days. My journey has been part of this congregation now for 18 years. And, quite a journey it has been. I have seen this church family give comfort like no other. When one of us is hurting...we gather… with prayer, hugs, food and much more. I have seen this church provide a safe environment for our youth—to explore their faith, grow in their faith and have fun. I have seen this first hand with my son as well as many of your children. This church family helps others who cannot help themselves… evident every second Saturday when we are sure to have enough volunteers at MwC to serve lunch, so folks don’t have to wait in line. It is evident in so many other ways… like Open Door, Habitat, Meals on Wheels, etc. I am speaking to you today about the stewardship part of this journey. It is a critical component to all the parts of the journey I already mentioned. We live in a world that has evil. It is real. Several weeks ago, Pastor Jerry told us, “how do we live in a world with evil? Faithfulness is ALWAYS the answer.” I believe that. This Church, this congregation is where I grow in faith. This place allows my faith to be strong so I have something to hold on to when evil rears its ugly head. Please join me in giving prayerful consideration to your pledge this year. Thank you. Minute for Mission, Sunday. October 26—Judy Paget 8
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