Those to Serve Week of November 9th, 2014 MorningWorship Welcome Larry Knight Prayer Ronnie Dunn Scripture John 14:1-6 Read Sean Wilson Communion (*Presiders) *Kim Wilson *Ray Warmath Danny Gillum Brian Brush Terry Wise Alex Gonzalez Pete Clark Ushers Dick Watson Jamie Shields Nursery Attendants Babies Dara Pritchard Jane Bruce Toddlers Donna Moses Laney Copeland Visitation Group -2nd Sunday D-H— Nancy Riley Totals for the Week of 11-2-2014 Attendance: Contribution: Bible Class 203 $7,938.60 A.M. 277 P.M. 144 Wed. 146 Weekly Budget Baptisms YTD 9 $ 7,783.00 Responses YTD 5 Evening Worship Prayer Dene Enlow Scripture 1 Chronicles 16:8-11 Read Sean Wilson Dismissal Stuart Rhea Communion Gary Hargrove Brad Tucker Larry Knight Ronnie Dunn Audio/Video Assignments Audio Michael McDaniel Video Barry Youngblood Announcements Vol. 53 No. 44 November 9th, 2014 From the desk of Josh Ketchum Bus Drivers 11/9 11/16 Seven Oaks Church of Christ Fuller Bennett Seven Oaks Church of Christ 290 St. Rt. 97, Mayfield KY 42066 270-247-5201 Minister: Josh Ketchum 270-705-4545 (Hm) 727-1285 (Cl) Blog: Associate Minister: Ryan Scherer 270-970-1620 (Cl) New Sermon Series: Questions about the End Nov. 9th (a.m.) - What will Heaven be Like? Nov. 16th (a.m.) - What will Hell be Like? Nov. 23rd (p.m.) - Who is the Man of Sin? Nov. 30th (a.m.) - What will happen when Jesus Returns? Nov. 30th (p.m.) - What about the Earth? Dec. 7th (a.m.) - What Happens after Death? Dec. 7th (p.m.) - Where Do Christians Go After Death? Dec. 14 (a.m.) - What does the Bible say about Judgment Day? Dec. 14 (p.m.) - What was Jesus Talking About? Dec. 21 (p.m.) - Questions and Answers Schedule of Services Sunday: Bible Class: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study: 7:00 p.m. Minister: Josh Ketchum Associate Minister: Ryan Scherer Church Office: 247-5201 Elders: Joel Crider (247-6914) Larry Knight (247-7435) Bridges Holland (376-5411) Don Sparks (247-6454) Spotlight Event KFC Devo (1st - 6th grade) Tonight after Worship YOUTH LEAD WORSHIP PLANS We would like our young men to gain training and experience in leading worship. The Sunday evening worship of November 16th has been set aside for them to lead our worship service. Josh and Ryan will plan and work with all willing participants in K - 12th grade. All young men ages K - 12th grade that wish to participate need to come to training classes on Sunday November 9th at 4:00 p.m. SONSHINE YOUTH RALLY The Washington Avenue congregation in Evansville, IN is once again hosting “Sonshine” on Nov. 21st-22nd. This is a great and growing youth rally that our young people can greatly benefit from. We would like teens and adults to sign-up on the youth board. Youth Corner Sun., Nov. 9th, KFC Devo @ Gloria Beadles home. Boys bring drinks, girls desserts. Sun., Nov. 16th, Young men lead evening worship. Sun., Nov. 16th, Teen devo hosted by the Scherer’s. Nov. 21st-22nd, Sonshine Youth Rally in Evansville. PICTORIAL DIRECTORY You can get your picture made for the new directory 30 minutes before and after morning and evening worship services on Sunday. Go to the ladies classroom to get your picture. Please fill out the information sheet as well. Please try to get your picture made this Sunday or next. EVANGELISM UNIVERSITY On January 16th-18th, we will be taking a trip to Savannah, TN for Evangelism University. This is a great weekend for our teens as well as adults to experience the realities and the necessity of evangelism in our world. Sign up on the youth board by Thanksgiving weekend for early registration. We are also asking folks in the congregation to help give scholarships to the teens that would like to go. This year the cost is $40 per person. Also, the full cost for adults will be covered. CHALLENGE YOUTH CONFERENCE Registration is also now open for Challenge Youth Conference in Pigeon Forge on February 27th-March 1st.The cost for early registration is $30 per person. Early registration will end Dec. 31st. Hotel will be covered for all adult chaperones. Everyone can sign-up on the volunteer table. HANDLING STRESS IN OUR LIVES New Pathways for Children is sponsoring a special seminar on dealing with stress at the Graves County Library on December 9th from 6-8p.m. The speaker will be Will McSweeny. NEW ADDRESS The new mailing address for Pedro Gonzalez is: Pvt. Gonzalez, Pedro, Room 129, A CO 369 sig BN, FT Gordon, GA 30905. EVERY “ONE” COUNTS $277 was used to help a family that has had injuries and health problems. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER ARE AT THE EXITS NO LADIES’ CLASS THIS TUESDAY MORNING. The Ketchum family will be leaving Sunday afternoon for a vacation through Wednesday. November 30th - 5th Sunday Building Fund Contribution PRAYER LIST Dora Arguera, Zach Katzman, and Tim Connell all are fighting cancer. Wavel Lamb has lung cancer. Jama Scherer begins radiation treatments on November 13th. Saige Callahan, Ryan’s newborn cousin, has suffered from multiple seizures. Charlotte Terrell’s cancer has returned and she has begun chemo therapy. Joe Tad and Carla Knight in their pregnancy with twins. Lindsey Barton, has a brain injury after falling out of a truck. Jose Dy, father of Michelle Neiswender has been in the hospital after at stroke but is home. Andrew Shultz, a 23 year old, was in a bad car wreck and broke his back in 3 places. Bonnie Dobson fell and dislocated her shoulder. Laken Enlow was in ICU at JPMC for complications with diabetes. Sympathy is extended to Larry and Sona Knight in the passing of his sister, Scytha Knight Allen in Clarksville, TN. CONGRATULATIONS! We want to congratulate Coye and Ashley Elliott on the birth of their son Easton David Lytton Elliott. He was 8 lbs 5 oz and 20 in long. He is the grandson of Joel and Jamie Crider and great-grandson of Ray and Sue Warmath AREA-WIDE ACTIVITIES Sermon Plan A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Today, November 9th - What will Heaven Be Like? John 14:1-6 - Singing Night 1 Chronicles 16:8-11 Next Sunday, November 16th - What will Hell Be Like Mark 9:43-48 - Young Men Leading Worship Tues. Nov. 11th, West Kentucky Bible School begins the book of Romans (6:30p.m.) and the book of Genesis (7:50) with David Williams and Josh Herndon.This will be every Tuesday night. Nov. 21st, Area-wide Singing at Green Plain. Starts at 7:00 p.m. SINGING NIGHT Tonight we will have a special singing night in the auditorium. If you have song requests please get them on the white board in the foyer by the end of morning worship. Also, if you would like to lead songs, please give them to Ryan so they can be put on powerpoint.
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