St. Columbkille Catholic Church Holy Name Chapel VOCATION VIEW

St. Columbkille Catholic Church
Wilmington, Ohio
Holy Name Chapel
Blanchester, Ohio
“Since you have been faithful in small matters, you will be given greater responsibility.” To follow the Lord is to slowly grow
in the love of the Lord, practicing small steps of virtue in order to grow to a vibrant faith in Christ. (Matthew 25:14-30)
“Let us not forget that Christian marriage is a vocation to holiness in the full sense of the word, and that example of holy parents is the
first condition favorable for the flowering of priestly and religious vocations.” – Pope Benedict XVI
Pledge to pray for vocations at the international website, It was inspired by a 2012 document from the
Congregation for Clergy urging Catholics to “organize an ‘invisible monastery’ in which many persons, day and night are committed to
continuous prayer for priestly vocations.”
NOVEMBER 8/9, 2014
921 Registered Families
217 Sunday Identified Gifts
Unidentified Gifts
2 Children’s Envelopes
Poor & Needy:
St. Vincent de Paul
Hope Emergency
Building Fund
Miscellaneous Donations
$ 7,978.82
$ 8,404.22
$ 1,304.65
Next week’s Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human
Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded
to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding
organizations that help people help themselves. With the tradition
of improving education, housing situations, and economic
development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact on
communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human
dignity and help those living on the margins of our society. Please
give to the CCHD Collection. Thank you. For more information,
please visit at
Sunday, December 14, 2014
5:15 pm, St. Columbkille Church
To help prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ, please join us for
a prayerful and inspirational program of scripture readings, prayers,
and hymns. It will be presented by the Faith Formation Classes, and
Adult Volunteers.
immediately follow the program in the Parish
Center Basement. To ensure that everyone will
eat promptly and stay out of the cold, please enter
the 2nd glass door at the Parish Center, by the
elevator. The food line will wind around the 1st
floor hallway going downstairs to the Youth Room
in the Basement. In the Youth Room, will be two
serving buffet lines that will get you through quickly to your seat so
that you can enjoy your meal with your parish family. The Family
Life Commission will be working ahead of time to try to ensure that
everyone will have a comfortable seat.
The meal will be catered by Werner’s. The menu includes: Pulled
Pork, Roast Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, and Gravy, Green Beans, and
Cole Slaw. The drinks served will be: Tea, Lemonade, and Coffee.
Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. The event is sponsored
by the Family Life Commission. If you are interested in joining our
fun group that plans the social events of the parish family, please
contact Dave Chesney at 937-486-1042 or email mdchesney@gmail.
com. Thank you.
4:00 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
8:15 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Emily Brausch,
Molly Lynch
(A) Cecilia Krusling,
(B) Jim Krusling
Pat Thompson,
Bob Menker
Bob Meyer, Dan Murtland, Terry Looft,
Arvil Hines, Carol Utrup
Aaron Steward,
William Rannells
Carolyn Warner
Tom Warner,
Jim Wiederhold
Bob Baker, Nancy Harpster, Carol Bedinghaus
Timothy Farr,
Elizabeth Farr,
Mason Crowe
John Ulmer,
Shannon O’Boyle,
Caleb Fritz
(A) Amy Farr,
(B) Gil Farr
Ben Germann,
Josh Germann,
(A) Theresa Rembert,
(B) David Ulmer
Jim Brausch,
Jesús Muñoz
Frank Kanyuck, Barbara Baker, Colleen Germann,
Charlotte Bland, Frank Ferguson, (CL) Carol Rack,
(CL) Russell Madison
Larry Droesch, Bonnie Droesch, Joyce Noland,
John Merling, Deanna Liermann,
(CL) Kathy Schwab, (CL) Sara Carruthers
The first name for E.M. will have the host and the others will have the cups; the first name for CL will have the host.
During the Christmas season, St. Columbkille
Parish adorns the altars with beautiful potted
poinsettias. To help defray the cost of the flowers,
you are welcome to make a donation in memory of
a loved one. Please send in cash or a check made
out to St. Columbkille in an envelope marked
“Christmas Poinsettias”, along with the name(s) of your loved ones.
You can place the envelope in the Sunday collection basket, or drop
it by the parish office. Suggested donation is $10.00, but any amount
is welcome. Thank you for your consideration. Questions?? Please
call the parish office at 937-382-2236 or email: colleengermann@ Thank you.
Help is needed to prepare the Christmas Crèche on Wednesday,
December 24, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. in St. Columbkille. The crèche is
large, and requires a few extra hands for set up. If you are interested,
please call Joyce Noland at 937-382-4745, or email jangel764@
The Knights of Columbus will again be collecting for the “Pennies
for Heaven Campaign” after all Masses this weekend to support
Ohio seminarians.
Due to the upcoming THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY, articles
for the November 30, 2014 bulletin are due by Tuesday, November
18. Thank you.
Come and enjoy a bowl of hot, fresh chili (dine in or carry out) and
bring home quality, homemade baked goods for your family or
Thanksgiving guests.
After all the Masses
Parish Center Basement
Pope Francis has set aside November 30, 2014 through February 2,
2016 as the Year of Consecrated Life. Our Archbishop has set the
objectives for this celebration in our Archdiocese: to increase the
visibility of religious life/consecrated life, to express appreciation, to
highlight the joy experienced in this vocational choice, and to educate
on the importance of religious life/consecrated life to the Church. As
one means of learning more about religious life/consecrated life, our
weekly bulletin will periodically have an educational component in
the form of a question and answer. It is our hope that everyone will
not only read the entries, but discuss them with family, friends, coworkers, and perhaps share stories about the influence of consecrated
women and men in their life.
We will be scheduling the Liturgical Ministers on December 10
for the first quarter – January thru March 2014. If you will not be
available any weekend, please let us know as soon as possible. If
you would like to serve a specific weekend, please let us know that,
too. Please notify Carolyn Warner (937-655-9501) or Kathy Schwab
(937-382-4060) or email at
The Right to Life of Clinton County annually places an Ad in the
Wilmington News Journal affirming Clinton County’s support for
the unborn and all stages of life. There is an envelope placed in
this bulletin asking for your written and financial support. Please
send the envelope back through the Sunday collection, or drop it
by the parish office during regular business hours. We hope to have
the name of our Church and beneath, names of parishioners who
support life. For more information, please call Diann Nadeau at
937-289-2800. Thank you, RTL St. Columbkille
Sunday, November 16
K of C will be outside after all Masses for the
“Pennies for Heaven” Campaign
7:15 a.m. Folk Choir Practice (CL)
9:30 a.m. PreK-6 Faith Formation (PC)
9:30 a.m. S. E. R. (PCBYR)
9:30 a.m. Family Life Donut Sunday (PCB)
9:45 a.m. Parent Penance Meeting (PC CR 8)
10:00 a.m. HNC Faith Formation (HNCSH)
2:00 p.m. HNC Bonfire (HNCSH & Grounds)
6:30 p.m. Grade 7 & 8 Faith Formation (PC)
6:30 p.m. Wilmington Lifeteen (PCB)
6:30 p.m. Acts of Apostles Adult Bible Study (PC)
Monday, November 17
6:30 a.m. Weekly Men’s Encounter (PC)
4:30 p.m. AHG Leader’s Meeting (PCL)
7:00 p.m. Cub Scouts (PC)
7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts (PCB)
7:00 p.m. Education Commission Meeting (PCL)
Tuesday, November 18
6:00 p.m. Lightweigh (PC)
7:00 p.m. SVDP (PC)
7:00 p.m. Traditional Choir Practice (CL)
Wednesday, November 19
7:30 p.m. Confessions (StC)
Thursday, November 20
9:30 a.m. Women’s Encounter (PCL)
1:00 p.m. Blessed Margaret of Castello
Homeschool Group Co-op (PCB)
7:00 p.m. Oktoberfest Meeting (CU)
7:00 p.m. Adult Education Class (PC CR 8)
7:00 p.m. RCIA Meeting (PC)
Friday, November 21
Adult Faith Enrichment Movie Night
6:30 p.m. Social Time with Appetizers
and Drinks (PCB)
7:00 p.m. Mary of Nazareth Movie (PCB)
7:00 p.m. NA Meeting (CU)
Saturday, November 22
AHG Chili Dinner/Bake Sale
after all Masses (PCB/Kitchen)
7:00 p.m. AA Meeting (CU)
Sunday, November 23 –
AHG Chili Dinner/Bake Sale after all Masses
Liturgy of the Word with Children (CU)
November 17 –
St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious
St. Elizabeth of Hungary, the Queen of Hungary, and mother of four
children, had a special love for the downtrodden. She built a hospital
in the basement of her castle, nursed the sick, fed the hungry, and
provided life-giving work for the poor. After the death of her
husband, she took the habit of a Franciscan tertiary (Third Order
Franciscan), devoting herself to a life of simplicity and almsgiving.
November 18
The Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles
The whole Church celebrates the dedication of the two great Roman
Basilicas of St. Peter at the Vatican and of St. Paul-outside-the-Walls.
The basilica of St. Peter stands on the site of the tomb of the Prince
of the Apostles, where stood Nero’s circus. It was here that St. Peter
was executed. Recent excavations have shown that the Basilica was
built over the tomb of St. Peter, just as tradition had said. It was
consecrated by Urban VIII on November 18, 1626. St. Paul-outsidethe-Walls, situated at the other end of the city on the Ostian Way, is
built near the place St. Paul was martyred. It was almost completely
destroyed by fire in 1823, and was rebuilt in sumptuous fashion by
Gregory XVI, and Pius IX, and consecrated by the latter on December
10, 1854. The celebration of the anniversary of these two dedications
has been kept, nevertheless, on November 18.
November 18
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, Virgin
St. Rose was born in Grenoble, France in 1769, and became a
Visitation nun during the French Revolution. After her convent was
closed during the reign of terror, she joined the Society of the Sacred
Heart. She was sent to the Louisiana territory as a missionary and
founded a boarding school for daughters of pioneers near St. Louis
and opened the first free school west of Missouri. She also began a
school for Indians. She died in 1882 in St. Charles, Missouri, and was
canonized in 1988.
November 21 – Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sourcebook, pages 316-318;
Monday, November 24 –
Parish Finance Council Meeting (PC)
Monday, December 1 –
Parish Council Meeting (PC)
To visit our online calendar, please visit, scroll over Parish News tab,
click on calendar.
Reminder: CL = Choir Loft; CU = Church Undercroft;
PC = Parish Center; PCB = Parish Center Basement;
PCL = Parish Center Library;
PC CR = Parish Center Classroom;
HNCSH = Holy Name Chapel Social Hall
The Caregiver Assistance Network will meet on the 3rd Friday, November
21, 2014 at the Clinton County Senior Center (717 N. Nelson) from 1:00-2:30
p.m. in the Billiard Room. Please call the Caregiver CAREline at (513) 9294483 for more information.
Glenmary Home Missioners cordially invite you to a Christmas Concert.
The concert will feature the Cincinnati Brass Band on Sunday, December
7, 2014 at 2:00 p.m., St. John the Neumann Church, 12191 Mill Road,
Cincinnati, OH 45240. Any questions? Please contact Jennifer Snedigar at
513-881-7498 or email
Faith Formation News
The next MEN’S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST is Saturday, December
6. This monthly fellowship is for all men of the Parish. Friends are
welcome. Breakfast is served at 7:02 a.m., (7:00 a.m. is just too early) in
the Parish Center Basement. After breakfast, we are sharing and
discussing the DVD series by Fr. Larry Richards: Be a Man! Becoming the Man God Created You to Be.
We conclude with prayer and are back to our busy schedules by 8:30 a.m. For additional information,
please contact Bob Schaad at 937-725-6830 or email, or Les Conover at
937-302-9909 or email
St. Columbkille,
Patron Saint
of Faith Formation
The new resource for Adult Faith Formation, Symbolon, is
offered as a group format on Thursday evenings. Join us at
7:00 p.m., classroom 8, on the first floor of the Parish Center
(easy access) for this informative, engaging, and inspirational
series, Part One – Knowing the Faith.
Can’t make it to the class? Program is fully accessible on line! Every parishioner is invited and
encouraged to establish a personal user name/password for the Symbolon series. Once you have an
account, you can access this outstanding educational and inspirational series of videos/participant
study guides for 20 episodes, 8 MP3 audio downloads of various topics, and three e-books by
Peter Kreeft! All free – a gift from your parish – ready for use on your computer, smartphone, or
tablet. IT IS EASY – you can find the registration link on the parish website,
or contact, Dave Copsey at 937-728-0717 or email, Jennifer
Gress at or 937-728-8488, or Margo Lewis at 937-382-1596 or margolewis@
Start today! We know Symbolon will be an invaluable resource for our parish in bringing adults
into a deeper communion with Jesus Christ and his Church, and we look forward to helping you
navigate this new tool as we form disciples to go out and transform the world for Christ!
Bring your favorite appetizer and drink to the next movie night on Friday, November 21st, Parish Center Basement! The evening begins at
6:30 p.m. with appetizers and fellowship with the movie, MARY OF NAZARETH, starting at 7:00 p.m. This is the acclaimed, recent movie
about the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus. It is an epic motion picture, filmed in Europe with outstanding cinematography and strong cast
along with a majestic music score. “The film captures the essence of Mary’s (actress Alissa Jung) profound faith and trust in God amidst the great
mysteries that she lived with as the Mother of the Messiah” (from the cover of the DVD). JOIN US! Movie night has been a well-received event
for young adults/adults in the parish. Bring friends, everyone welcome – See you there! (This movie will also be available for check-out
from the Parish Library in December.)
Each group continues with monthly gatherings in the Library:
+Men meet on Mondays at 6:30 a.m.
+The Women’s Encounter meets on Thursdays at 9:30 a.m.; Join us for Scripture reflection, prayer. We are also discussing Fr. Barron’s new
program, Priest, Prophet, King. Remember – men and women can drop in on any given Monday or Thursday. All are welcome!
Margo Lewis – 937-382-1596
CALENDAR: Faith Formation classes for the Elementary grades continue through December 21st. There are no classes on November 30
(Thanksgiving weekend).
REMINDER: PARENTS’ MEETING for Sacrament of First Penance—this weekend, Sunday, November 16 at 10:45 am in the Parish
Center Classroom 8. This is a required meeting for parent (s).
CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES: Keep in your prayers the following youth from our parish who are preparing for the Sacrament of
Confirmation: Nathanial Allgeyer, Emily Brausch, Jennifer Callewaert, Hunter Cole, Nadia Escobedo, Alex Flanigan, Anna Garnai, Hailey Georges,
Mary Handra, Simon Heys, Griffin Laake, Grant Mayer, Carrie Robinson, Meredith Robinson, Emma Schroeder, and Melissa Stroebel.
May the Holy Spirit guide these youth and their families, ever opening their eyes of faith and accepting Jesus in their hearts. May they
grow in knowledge of their Catholic Faith - gaining a deeper understanding of God’s love for them, their role in the Church, and purpose
in lives.
CHRIST OUR LIFE: Online access for resources to compliment children’s Faith Formation: Parents with children in grades 1-7 are
encouraged to take time to view the wealth of online review lessons/activities provided by Loyola Press, publisher of the textbooks used
in our Faith Formation program. Visit for interactive chapter reviews, study guides, clever games like - Stump the
Shepherd, word finds, paint, and over 400 creative learning activities for all age groups. For parents, there is also a daily 3-minute retreat
and the Sunday gospel reflection.
CHILDREN’S MISSION DRIVE: Members of the parish can assist the children (all ages, Pre-K through grade 8) by contributing to the
collection of basic hygiene items and nonperishable foods for our Saint Vincent DePaul Society (SVDP) and the local homeless shelter.
There is a crate for hygiene items in the back of church (travel size items ideal; men’s products needed). The children of our parish certainly
are “givers” and have been very generous over the years with their donations. The groups who receive from our children are grateful and
often amazed by their generosity. Thank you for joining in on the Mission Drive for SVDP & the Homeless Shelter.
Because of “our choice” method of distribution, we prefer all gifts be
unwrapped, so clients may see their gift selections. If you would like
to share some wrapping paper, please attach it or send it with your
gift. We try to give each family some wrapping paper, ribbons, tags,
so they can wrap their "Christmas" themselves. Please place the Hope
Emergency gifts in the barrel marked “Hope Emergency” at the back
of Holy Name Chapel by Saturday, December 6. For St. Columbkille,
please place the gifts in the box at the Mary side Altar no later than
after the 11:00 a.m. St. Columbkille Mass on December 7th.
• Hand held games
• Building Blocks
• Tools
• Lego Sets
• Sports Equipment
• Models
• Race Tracks
• DVDs
• Dump trucks
• CDs
• Toy Vehicles
• Action Figures
• Watches
Casual Clothing: T-shirts; all sizes of jeans, sweat shirts and tennis
shoes (especially anything with team names.)
• Watches
• Arts and Craft Kits
• Coloring Books
• Workbooks
• Dolls and Stuffed Animals
• Jewelry
• Hair Accessories
(dryers, curling irons, etc.)
Hand held games
Skin Care Products
PJ’s & Flannel Pants
Clothing: T-shirts; all sizes of jeans and pants; hoodies; pullover tops
and zip shirts; sweat shirts.
Sizes (Girls and Boys):
Newborn/Infant; Toddlers 2t-5t; Early Childhood 4-8; preteen 10-12;
Teen 14-16; Adult S, M, and L.
We Are Always In Need Of: New Coats, Zip-Hoodies, Fleece Shirts
and Zip Up Items, Toboggans (For all sizes newborn and up), scarves,
and gloves. Further: We encourage and our Families would appreciate:
Family Items like: sports balls; board games and puzzles; arts and crafts
kits; coloring books; story books and movies.
Please do not purchase movie passes, Itunes, Old Navy or Gap gift
cards. Our clients do not have access to these places/items out here.
However, if you would like to choose gift cards, we ask that they be
from the following: Walmart; Kmart; or Kroger.
If you have questions, you may reach us at Hope Emergency:
Tuesdays-Thursdays: 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. or call 937-364-1055, or please
email or
Thank you,
Sr. Sandy Bates
Sr. Lucia Castellini
HO HO SHOP – We have the names of 75 children, and the stockings
will be up on the communion rail the weekend of November 16th.
Each child has two stockings – one for Toys and the other for Clothes.
Please remember to sign your stocking number out in one of the binders
that will be located on the front radiators of St. Columbkille church.
They are listed in numerical order. There will be a certain section of
numbers in each binder. Please pay special attention to signing out each
stocking, and place your name and phone number on the appropriate
designated line. The toy stocking has the number and “Toys” indicated
on the stocking, (Example: 1A, – Toys, Girl Age 2). The clothes stocking
has the number and “Clothes” indicated on the stocking, (Example: 1A
– Clothes, Girl, Age 2). Thank you. Please place your donations on the
St. Joseph Altar, or bring them by the parish office during the week. The
gifts need to be returned no later than Sunday, November 30th. Any
questions or concerns, please call Colleen at 937-382-2236 or email
We are collaborating with the Wilmington Friends Meeting to
sponsor the following charities:
A Safe Place for Women and Children is an emergency drop-in shelter
that serves women at risk and any children they may have. Crossroads
Church has graciously allowed us to open our “stay safe sleep place”
in their facility. Though we are gratefully using Crossroads' space, we
are an ecumenical organization, convinced that Christ has fitted his
Church universal with unique gifts to alleviate poverty wherever she
encounters it. We will be open seven days a week, from 9:00 to 7:30 a.m.
We are staffed completely by community volunteers from within the
entire Faith Community who have a calling for this kind of ministry.
….” everything stays the same…” Tammy Beery will be a special
guest speaker after the Sunday, December 7th Masses to discuss the
Wilmington Hope House.
began in 1995 in response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Cambodia.
Because of the economic downturn, less in the way of resources is now
available, and the Seedling of Hope Project’s main focus has changed
from expanding facilities and staff to working with children and youth
who are dealing with the effects of HIV/AIDS – either because they
themselves have been diagnosed HIV+ or someone in their family has.
There have been many projects within the Seedlings of Hope Project
that were aimed to children and adults, but they, because of financial
cuts and new drugs to extend the life expectancy of the patients, have
been eliminated. The main goal is to give the children some stability
in their lives by helping parents or caregivers attain an adequate level
of economic stability themselves, so that they can do more to support
the children, reducing the need for financial assistance from the
project. The focus on children and youth is the primary component in
Seedling’s work now. An adult program operates with a reduced scope
of operation following the closure of the Hospice, and the ending of the
direct medical and public aspects of the work. James Havey, son of Dr.
and Mrs. Patricia Havey has been a Seedlings of Hope Missionary for
two years now. We are happy to support James, and the work that he
does with this project. James will be a special guest speaker after all the
Masses the weekend of December 13/14, 2014.
Mt. Elgon is in the western part of Kenya and it is known by its favorable
weather conditions which are ever green. It has all varieties and species
of trees including bamboo which is normally eaten by the residents at
the shooting stage and later used in building houses and making of
baskets. The region is leading the western region in food production.
Inhabitants of the region are Sabaots, who are the majority, the Bukusu
and Dorobo/Okiek who are a clan of Sabaots that live in the forest just
below the top of the mountain. There is only hardship there. Mt. Elgon
has experienced many conflicts since independence. These conflicts are
based on tribe, land and politics. African Great Lakes Initiatives (AGLI)
with financial support from the African Great Lakes Peace Trust in
England in collaboration with Friends Church Peace Teams (FCPT) have
done a recommendable work of peace building in the region. Through
the project, people have been reached with programs like Alternatives
to Violence (AVP), Healing and Rebuilding our Communities (HROC),
transformative mediation, non-violence for social change, and others.
All of these have brought positive change within the community.
Many people have begun moving towards forgiving each other and
joining hands in daily activities in the community. This is because of
the methodology used by AGLI and FCPT. The Friends Church Peace
Team could use financial help, and prayers to continue their work in
this region. The guest speaker for this charity is scheduled to speak after
the Masses on Sunday, December 7th.
One donation envelope for all three charities will be available the
weekend of November 23rd, also. Any support for any charity is
welcome. Please call the parish office if you have any questions or
concerns. Thank you.
50/50 DANCE
Fast and Slow Dancing, Line and Country Dancing, and Square
Dancing with the George’s Brother’s Band. Saturday, November 22,
2014, from 8:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m., St. Louis Parish Hall, Owensville,
OH. $10.00 per person. Includes soft drinks & snacks. BYOB.
The JPII Crew, the youth group for grades 5-8 will meet on Sunday,
November 23, 2014, at Royal Z Lanes, Wilmington from 12:30 p.m.3:00 p.m. Please bring $7.50 per child. Contact: Mrs. Amy Farr (937728-9987; e-mail:
Jesuit Spiritual Center at Milford seeks a part-time weekend retreat
assistant. This person must be well versed in the Catholic faith
and possess the ability to lead prayer services. Strong organization
abilities a plus. Overnight room and board provided. Submit resume’
and references to Al Cucchetti at acucchetti@jesuitspiritualcenter.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at 7:00 p.m., Wilmington United
Methodist Church. The choir will be directed by Steven Haines.
Donations will be given to Wilmington Hope House.
8 Days – February 17-24, 2015
The pilgrimage will be hosted by Deacon Ray Defendorf, who is
a Permanent Deacon of the Diocese of Rochester, NY, and has led
pilgrimages to the Holy Land on 15 occasions since his ordination in
1982. Stops include Israel, Jericho, Bethlehem, Ein Karem, Emmaus,
Nazareth, Galilee, and Jerusalem. Our own Deacon Bob Meyer
will be attending this trip, also. For more information, please visit
EO.TRAVEL, call 863-648-0383, or email
HNC will be hosting a bon fire on Sunday, November 16, 2014,
beginning at 2:00 p.m. Please bring a side dish, any item you would
like to roast or toast on the fire and a beverage for yourself or to
share. We will have games, adult and children, but feel free to bring
your favorite game as well for others to enjoy. For more information,
please contact Jim Wiederhold at 937-728-4379.
Benefit for the Clinton County Homeless Shelter
Friday, November 21, 2014
11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Robert Moyer Community Room – Wilmington Municipal Building
Lunch includes five kinds of homemade soup: Chicken Noodle,
Potato, Beef Vegetable, Vegetarian, Chili, Ham and Bean
Variety of Desserts, Drinks.
Donations are accepted at the door. Thank you.
Any questions, call 937-382-6272 or
Please welcome Brinley Kay Moore, daughter
of Christofer and Patricia Moore, who was
baptized at St. Columbkille on Saturday,
November 8, 2014 by Deacon Bob Meyer.
Congratulations to the Godparent, Christofer
Rosburgher and Christian Witness, Katherine
God bless Brinley, and her family! May the light of the risen Christ
be a reminder to all that Christ is truly Lord and King.
“We do not come to church to attend the service as a spectator, but
in order, along with the priest, to serve God. Everything we do –
our entering, being present, kneeling, sitting, and standing, our
reception of the sacred nourishment - should be of divine service.
This is so only when all we do overflows from the awareness of a
collected heart and the mind’s attentiveness.” – Fr. Romano Guardini
(Meditations Before Mass)
Please join our newly formed Senior Citizen’s group named “Social
Carry In Luncheon
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
12:00 p.m.
St. Columbkille Parish Center Basement
Meat will be furnished. Please bring a
covered dish or dessert to share.
Program: “Sharing Christmas Memories”
Please be prepared to share a favorite
Christmas childhood memory.
Registration is necessary. Sign-up sheets will be on the registers.
Deadline to register: November 30, 2014.
Remember to bring a covered dish!!
For more information, please call Rita Butcher at 937-382-8054.
Join the fun!
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mary Theresa Firman, sister
of Mary Louise (Raymond) Brown of Taylor Mill, KY;
Betty Juanita (Danny) Hall of Farmers Station, OH; Rita
Elaine Willis, Clara Genevieve Rainey of New Vienna,
OH; Roberta Jean Tucker of Wilmington; Brothers –
George Cordy of Blanchester, OH; Arthur Eugene Cordy
of Leesburg, OH; Charles E. Cordy of Wilmington, OH;
Robert James (Connie) Cordy of Wilmington; Harold
(Connie) Cordy of Wilmington. Her funeral was held at
St. Columbkille on Thursday, November 13, 2014.
May Christ grant Mary eternal warmth, everlasting life, and comfort
her family. We are so sorry for your loss.
Please take a few minutes to look at the 2014 edition of the
sponsor page of this bulletin. It is through the generosity
of our area sponsors that we
get our bulletin printed free
of charge to the parish. We
Quality Collision Service
ask you, our parish family
Collision Care
and guests, to consider
of Wilmington
these advertisers as a source
1850 Rombach Ave.,
Wilmington, OH 45177
of future business. Please
mention you saw their ads on
our bulletin!