@ , TYPE ''R'' UNIVERSAL \ J. OUTPUTS l While the ave.age speaket voice coil has an impedance of 8 ohms, speakers of difiereni manu{acfure diverge videly {rom lhis value. l{ lhe voice coil impedance can be delermined, ihe cha't below will indicate tLe best possible match to *he tubes used. Where lhe voice coil is nol known, triel will indicate the besl malch. lf itis 1, increased I desired to d-', 'iadi61he lo*-6d-tntfi-t€qffiles, lhe impedsnce should be -rihmetched. The lows wilfb;'-- ' if lhe voice coil i! connected lo a lower impedance and the highs increased i{ il is connected to a higher impedance. The upper seclion of the chart indicates ihe tube or tubes from which +he iransformer operales. l{ using push pull fubes, the blue leads go fo lhe pldles and the yellow io B plus. lf using a single lube, I blue l"uj go"s +o the pla-+e and 'the olher blue lead to B plus. When the lube combinaiion used is {ound in lhe upper pa.i o{ ttre chart, ihe various secondary impedances oblainaH,!:*are read down the column benealh il. To ihe exlreme lefl of the desired imped:r.:e, +he co,.esccrd- ing colours are nofed. -_.--- -r R-27, R-38, R_38A, R_se, R_60 !1, 33. a5. 47,2A5, Pssh PullT!bes 49 class Bg 6276 clasr 19, lJ6c, 30,89, 6A6,6N6, 6N7,685, rub.s r2,lt \- Pri. lmpedance . €reea. Red & Whitbi Blacl Red " RsJ & White Red - f 7tA, t245, tl !6,59 25A6,25A7 to Secorld1ry 8! Lir. 49, 6V6,33 89,245, '.r _-. -a,L,t. 5F6,6Bs . . |4OOO Slacl Elacl - Red & Whire Green - Blacl Red - Greoi Red . B-o-. Brown 6G6. 6K6 R.tio 43.45. 59. r -:- -'d't*-- _:S. P-P 45A8 33,42,46,47 59 7lA.r0. 2516,6Y6G 645G.684G, 6AC5G,53, 59 Peni. 79. 89 Penr-. 5E5. 6Y76 5i.ere 243,5A3, 42AP,,45, 43 t.8 2.7 t6 s.6 a;- _ 12.;' t'.t 3s r0000 tiOOO r.5 - ?.1 rl00 7000 t.3 .9 1.9 t.3 t.2 1.6 3.1 2-6 2 1.8 {.8 4 l.! 2.8 4.t 5,9 {.' 9 f-l 16 t3 t0; 30 2E 7.t rl 6000 4000 .55 .5 7700 '11 52 .t t.1 ls---*..+1' 4.5 5-5 7.8 9 i7.5 t2.5 2500 r700 5.5 t5 00 I t.6 6.1 20 5@0 1.6 t00 5.2 )7C t0 .00 R-ze t!--*r-t- Posh Pull Tubes Pri. lmpedanca p-p Brown ' - Stact Blacl - Red & Whir€ Green Ir , Red - Green Red - Brown ,t\ I Red - stdck Red-Red&Whife r, 6V6. r0 3.3 7.1_ l0.l; 841 616 sel{ t602 8000 2.5 Blaclr €reei-Red&Wh;r6 ,.\ 2A5. /u. ff 6 P.d. AB 10000 685 7000 45, 42,-5!,,&\s 6F6 triode AB :atio 6000 t.6 t,5 2.7 2.7 2 3.8 3.t 2.9 t.8 5-7 5 4.1 4.3 8.4 7-5 7 6.3 3000 t.3 2.4 950 I 4.8 625 t6.5 r5.5 t4 t2 29 25 23 2t l8 R-58 color code. 2100 t400 t,9 f6 r 3000 t.4 3.t 23.5 See reverse 5ilg I 2-l t3 9.6 4000 5.3 t6 t0.5 .75 425 t0.7 280 CONNECTION CHARTS ,+ i{)rt{€ Cenier Tap RED L 325V.-0.325V. R.: 40 Ma. :51'/ -C.350V. 5 5V.-2A- e.!'.2a " :.'"' : 4 '. s_1-: E NO. RI c3 FtL, No. I R.d coLoRs TYPE TYPE''R'' TRANSFORMERS r!?Ai.tstrcRVERS coLoR CODE FOR POWER -:-: :i ''' Aiv BI-ACK LEADS ALWAYS lNDiCAi: :_-.:'r No, l ' FILAMENT No. |-': Eloe e': --'. Blse.While E'c-':-: gLU 3L!€ sLA-TE YELLOW :; . .i \ 2.5V.4A. sV.-3d c-1V..2.5,A.. 2.5V.-8A. -1sov-4-350v. s,..3A. 6.1v.-4.5A. 2.5V.-4.sA. :.aV.-iA. 95 Ma. 175v.-o-375v. :'..4A. 6.3V.-5A. 2.5v.-5A- :,:, - 5420 Ma. lssv..o_385". :v.4A. 6.3V.-4A. zjy.4AI R5 180 R Mi. 350v.-O-3ith\5v.-3A. 5.3V..-?A- 75 Ma. 37sv.-0-375v iC Ma. 5l-3A. 6.3V.-:A425V.-0-42sV. 5 '..34. 6.3V.-5A 200 Ma. 3004.300v. 5v..2A. 6.3Y.-2A- Rt2 R54 6.3V..5 A. :2.sv.-trA.... L5Y.-34. -:- "' 2.5v.r44; 1 . 2.5V.-8A. : 2.5V.-5A. : ' .-lA. 2.5V..12A. 2.5V.-5A VARITAP DUPLICATE AUDIO TRANSFCRM:R5 ,:: ,.,ni :Blue SECONDARIES_ .-+::*=*-qr:i. to plates: R23, R29 ' ple:e return. Green 1o grid; Red . Bro*n R24, R25, R26 Red to qridsl Greer: :o plales; Yellow to p,aie return. R29 to -.- ': : 9- -eturn. i chdr+s or --*}\ relurn. R27, R28, R38 - microphone or line; Yeilow ro ..rurn, See T "'put NOTE:-R 2 s conneclions as aboye for Class A triodes. slep r,r, i,5: L :':: dc--, 1.5.1, {or 616's, 2A3's, 2A5's, e+c., rlverse lransiormer. Black io 9' reverse side oj :"e:-' 8.58 245 lA5 {r!i) tFaE0 (Ei) 2546 3l 6li 6F6 ,t{t 50 5Aa 33 42 6K6G {5 :. P,BI. l.l 1.0 7,0 t2 _8 l t0 l8 {8 ll{ 150 Vqrick Streel, ',IER lll 111,8 *[-f," 1,. 1,. l" ll7 UNITED TRANSFOR} /'--.,_-- rc 14 CORPORATION New York 13, N. Y.
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