Following Christ Spreading the Word Serving the Community Minister: Revd. Alan D. Reid M.A. B.D. In8ma8ons: Sunday, 23rd November 2014 A very warm welcome if you are a visitor today, or if you are new to Kinross Parish Church. Today’s Worship: We will be led in worship this morning by The Minister ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fire Exits: Main Entrance and each side of the Pulpit. Toilets: Front entrance hall and rear hallway where there is a toilet for the disabled. Parking: The area at the top of the Church lane, on both sides, has been designated 'Disabled Parking Only'. The blaize playing field of the old High School is normally available for general car parking. Information leaflets: Our current Prayer Diary, the leaflet ‘A Word of Welcome’ and the Church Handbook are available at the main entrance and beside the notice board at the entrance to the meeting room. If you are a visitor, please sign our Visitor’s Book, which is beside the notice board. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today: Sunday, 23rd November 9.15am: Choir Practice in the Church 10.30am: Guild Dedication Service. Acts 6:1-11 - 'A World to Serve'. Crèche during the service. Tea, Coffee and Traidcraft Stall after the service. After the service, assistance would be welcome in moving furniture in the church ready for the concert this evening. 7.00pm: Performance of Handel's Messiah in the Church. Tuesday, 25th November 10.00am: Pram Service in the Church for pre-school children and their carers. 8.00pm: Monthly Bible Study in the Church Centre. Genesis to Revelation - a Bible Timeline in one hour. All welcome. Wednesday, 26th November 10.45am: Midweek Service in the Church Centre Garden Room. All welcome. 1.30pm: Craft Group in the Church Meeting Room. All welcome. Thursday, 27th November 2.00-4.00pm: PS2 - an informal drop in coffee and chat time for parents and carers of pre-school and primary age children. Come when you can and leave when you must! Saturday, 29th November 10.00am-Noon: BB Coffee Morning in the Church Centre. 4.00-7.00pm: Support the Churches Together stall at the Festival Street Market Next Sunday, 30th November - Advent Sunday 9.15am: Choir Practice in the Church 10.30am: Morning Worship. Mark 13:24-37 - Advent Hope. Crèche during the service. Tea, Coffee and Traidcraft Stall after the service. 3.00-5.00pm: Family Week ADVENTure in the Church 6.30pm: Informal Evening Service for Advent on the theme of Waiting Monday, 1st December 8.00am: Time for Prayer - Silent Meditation in the Church Bake Sale: The bake sale after church last Sunday realised well over £400 for the Teenage Cancer Trust. This will be added to money raised by the young people at other local events. Well done for their efforts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crafts, Cake & Coffee - The Craft Group Coffee Morning held on 1st November raised £671.90 for the General Funds of the church. In addition, the Traidcraft stall had sales of around £146. Thanks to everyone for making this event a success, it is very much appreciated. Some crafts are still available and will be on sale after the service on Sunday, 23rd November. Please come and see what's available and enjoy a coffee and chat at the same time. The Family Week team invite children and their families to an exciting ADVENTure on Sunday, 30th November from 3pm – 5pm in the Church. Come and celebrate Advent through a wide variety of activities. Contact Ruth Robertson T: 865985. Spread the Church Logo: Hard-wearing jute bags are now available printed with the Kinross Parish Church logo and website address. A useful gift for yourself or others, now that the carrier-bag charges are in operation. Price £4 with profits going to support the church. They are available from the Traidcraft stall at the end of the service. The Craft Group ladies have decided that they will not meet in December. Meetings will resume on Wednesday, 7th Jan 2015. CRÈCHE - There have been a couple of 'retirees' from our pool of volunteers, so this seems like a good opportunity to ask if anyone else would like to join us to look after a small group of under threes during the church service - a definite recipe to keep you youthful! Also if anyone has any suitable toys for this age group, they would be very gratefully received. Please contact Moira Hookham T: 861033, for more details The December issue of the Kinross Parish Church magazine is ready for collection by Elders from the meeting room TODAY, Sunday, 23rd December. Free Will Offering envelopes will be available to collect with the magazines. Some of you will know that Betty Penman decided to stand down from her role looking after Life & Work subscriptions for the Church. Many thanks go to her for her sterling work in this area of service. Anne Sutherland has now taken over this role. If you currently have a subscription, you should have received an email, or a letter (in your December magazine) regarding this. If you would like to start a subscription in 2015, or ask anything please contact Anne E: or speak to her at the Church. (If you do not know who Anne is, please just ask one of the Welcome Team, or an elder) Traidcraft: After last year's success of making up baskets of Traidcraft goods to be given as Christmas presents, we are doing it again this year. There are various sizes of baskets to choose from, you then just pick the products you want in the basket and the cost is the items you have chosen. A ready-made present to take the strain out of Christmas shopping and know you are helping others too. Please come and have a look. Thank you. The Traidcraft Team. BLYTHSWOOD SHOEBOXES: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 40 filled shoeboxes and £30 in monetary donations went away on Tuesday morning. Your support is so appreciated. Sadly, next month (16th December) MAY be the last collection from Blythswood. Eric, the lovely regular driver is being made redundant, so is not quite sure what is to happen. I understand it costs £30,000 a year to run the "round the south" lorry, so apparently it is not economically viable, however there will be clarification next month, so watch this space. Magazines: Free copies of two attractive magazines covering areas of the church's work are available in the entrance hall and on the welcome table to take home. 'Crossreach News' covers the work of the Social Care Council of the Church of Scotland, which was the subject of Minute for Mission by Brenda Fraser on Crossreach Sunday in November, and 'Alive and Active' reports on recent work by the Scottish Bible Society, including the Penny Gospels project in which we have been involved. Festival of Networking: A gathering to make connections. Wednesday, 3rd December. Renfield St. Stephen’s Church, Glasgow. 9.30am-4.00pm. The Festival of Networking is a free event aimed at new and experienced: church, faith and voluntary projects, potential applicants to the Go For It Fund, and key people engaged in supporting this work. A partnership event by the Go For It Fund and Faith in Community Scotland’s Transformation Team. (Go For It is part of the Church of Scotland’s Ministries Council.) And finally… Christmas Wrap – Wednesday, 10th December at 7.30pm. The House Groups invite you to a festive evening of carols, seasonal fare and the wrapping of gifts for CATH (Churches Action for the Homeless) and Crossreach (Perth Prison Visitors’ Centre). This year we hope to be able to give around 150 individual presents to bring some joy to those going through a hard time. As always, contributions for the parcels will be most welcome. Please collect a bag with guidelines for your gift today. The filled bag should be returned on 30th November or 7th December. Do come and join in what is always a very enjoyable event. Further information from Margaret 01592 840602 or Myra 862039 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please remember that when you submit intimations for publication, it should only be for TWO WEEKS. Any longer is at the Editor’s discretion! Intimations can be sent directly to; Thanks, G. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE INTIMATIONS DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY, 5PM! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contacts: Minister: Rev. Alan D. Reid. T: (01577) 862952 Ordained Local Minister: Revd. Margaret Michie. T: (01592) 840602 Session Clerk: Jaffrey Weir T: (01577) 865780 E: Church Office and Church: Open Mon- Fri 10am – 12noon. Use the rear door. T: (01577) 862570: E: Intimations: Graeme Paterson: T: 07879 445261 E: The deadlines for next week’s Intimations are; Hand written/by telephone to office – Noon (sharp!) on Wednesday and by email – 5pm on Wednesday. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visit our website! Registered Charity Number; SC 012555 Minister; Revd Alan D. Reid MA BD. T: (01577 862952) E:
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