11/21/2014 I-News I-NEWS Incarnation Catholic School Newsletter "ANationalBlueRibbon SchoolofExcellence" Incarnation School Mission Statement "Incarnation Catholic School provides a spiritually and academically rich environment in which children, their families and the school staff are encouraged to grow in faith as they follow in the footsteps of Jesus." Incarnation Catholic School 2013 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence click here to link to the US Dept. of Education announcement Crusader Calendar Nov.21 All School Mass Gr.6 Nov.21 Early 5's Thanksgiving Nov.21 Chess Club Nov.26-28 NO SCHOOL Dec. 1-7 Scholastic Book Fair Dec. 3 Casual Day Dec. 5 All School Mass Gr.5 Dec. 5 Pizza with the Principal Dec. 5-6 Christmas Festival Dec. 8 All school Mass Gr.4 Dec. 9 Career Day- Jr. high Dec.11 3&4 Christmas Show Dec.12 Chess Club Dec.16 Band & Orchestra Program Dec.17 Kindergarten Christmas Program Dec.17 Spirit Day Dec.18 Geography Bee Dec.19 All School Mass Gr.3 Dec.19 Christmas parties Dec.22-Jan. 4- NO SCHOOL 2014-2015 School Calendar November 21, 2014 Volume 5, Number 15 From the Principal: What are Universal Screenings? How do I know whether my children are growing spiritually and academically? This question emerges from touring parents as well as our current parents. Hopefully, spiritual growth exposes itself as your children come to know and experience the beauty of Sunday Mass, and they learn to "walk in the footsteps of Jesus" during each day at school as well as at Friday's All School Mass. Refer to "Mass Matter" below for home support. Academic growth is measured objectively and communicated to you through many assessments, i.e., conferences, teacher communications, Iowa Assessments, Cognitive Aptitude Tests (standardized tests administered in March, 2015) and multiple forms of classroom assessments. Universal Screenings (AIMSweb) are another form of assessment for teachers and parents to measure the academic growth of children throughout the school year and as a year to year comparison. This test is administered in September, January, and May, and teams of teachers work with parents to closely monitor academic growth throughout the school year. Recently, teachers provided September results for parent, and comparative January screening results will be shared in early February. You can also watch your children's progress throughout the year by visiting EdLine or contacting the teachers. For more information about Universal Screenings, visit www.AIMSweb.com. Have a wonderful weekend! Mass Matters For the least of my people - you did for me! November 23, 2014 The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Crusader Cafe' King of the Universe Gospel Reading: Mt. 25:31-46 As a community of believers, we are invited to be joyful because https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119190052162&format=html&print=true 1/10 11/21/2014 I-News Click here to download the November-February Menu Principal's Reports to the Parish Commissions of the love of Christ. Commit yourself to sharing your faith with your children by attending weekly Mass together as a family. Through our faith practices and the traditions of the school, Fr. Stretch has asked that we make spreading the good news of our Lord our vision and goal. No other goal is more important than bringing Christ to those we meet. An overview of this week's readings may be found at the following web site: http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/112314.cfm. For our younger children, families may want to visit the Catholic Moms' website (see Sunday's Gospel) at: http://catholicmom.com. August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 Click here to update family information Inclement Weather Policy 11-20 Fr. Stretch Holiday Travels The Incarnation Parents, Please remember to send in a note to the main office and the homeroom teacher if your child(ren) will be missing school or leaving school early for the holiday. Happy Holidays and safe travels! Click Here VIRTUS Training information All volunteers are required to be in compliance with the VIRTUS training program and NEW Archdiocesan Child Protection Program. This applies to homeroom coordinators, fieldtrip chaperones, as well as library, classroom, cafeteria, and play ground volunteers. For Questions please contact Terri Conroy at 433-1051 ext. 137 or click here to email. Emergency Notification System Click here Attention Parents: Mark your Calendars! Car Drop Off and Pick Up Reminder As the weather changes, safety must be our first concern with drop off and pick up procedures. Please review the procedures including in your Beginning of the School Year Packet and be especially mindful NOT to use the drive between the Parish Office and the Rectory between 8:00-8:30am and 3:00-3:30pm. This drive is used by buses and by children who walk to and from school. Car traffic in this area poses a hazard to our students, especially as the weather turns cold. Please review the maps and help maintain the safety of our students. Yearbook Orders: Available Now!! Attention Families! The Incarnation School 2014-15 Yearbook order forms have been distributed to the students. Each student received an order form. Yearbooks are being offered at $25 per book. Orders can either be turned in to the office with a check made out to Incarnation PTO for the amount needed, or they can be ordered online at www.YBPay.lifetouch.com. The Yearbook ID Code https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119190052162&format=html&print=true 2/10 11/21/2014 I-News needed for online ordering is 9222315. Yearbooks were not included in the activity fee that was billed at the beginning of the school year. Cosi On Wheels will be visiting Incarnation Students in grades 3 & 4 on January 13, 2015. We are in the early stages of requesting volunteers. Please email Ellen Miller if you are interested in volunteering for this program. We will be needing 40 volunteers. More information will be available next week concerning times for the program. Click here to email Mrs. Miller Click here for the Cosi Information Sheet Labels & Boxtops If you have any questions feel free to contact Mrs. Hoffmann at ext.148. Shoe Drive for students in Grahn, Kentucky! For the past fifteen years, the Incarnation School community has taken part in a unique mission project that has donated over 200 pairs of new shoes and over 100 packages of underwear each year for children in the community of Grahn, Kentucky. It has been a beautiful experience for all of us involved in the project. Sr. Joanne (Mrs. Masline's aunt) and her friend, Sr. Sara, work with the people of Grahn so that each child in the community can have a new pair of shoes for Christmas. Some children cannot attend school because they do not have shoes that fit. We ask that each family reflect on this project and decide on what level they can participate. The shoes do not need to be brand name items, but need to be new shoes. Parents of school age children in Grahn select a pair of shoes for their children as a Christmas gift. Choose a comfortable style for any child ages 4-16. Gym shoes/tennis shoes are best because of all of the walking the children do. Any new t-shirts, briefs, socks, or underwear would also be greatly appreciated. Send your donated items to school November 3rd through November 25th. The items may be given to your child's homeroom teacher. Monetary donations are welcomed too. Checks can be made out to Incarnation School. Thank you for your generous donations. The Incarnation Mission Committee Click below to download boxtops and Labels. Holiday Boxtops Holiday Labels Labels For Education Special Promotion!! Labels for Education® announces The Grand Stand for Schools Sweepstakes! Labels for Education is going to give $1000 to 1000 schools. It's easy for Incarnation to enter. Every participating UPC and Beverage/Sauce cap submitted by us by 12/31/14 equals 1 entry for Incarnation School! Or you can enter for free at www.labelsforeducation.com. To see a list of all participating 8th Grade Washington DC Trip Information The second payment for the Washington, D.C. trip for the eighth grade students is due TODAY, November 21, 1014. Checks must be made out to INCARNATION SCHOOL, and should be placed in an envelope marked "8th Grade Trip" along with the student's name. Envelopes should be placed in the box found in Mrs. Paprocki's room marked, "8th Grade Trip." The third payment of $150 will be due January 9th, 2015, and the balance (dependent upon the number of participants and chaperones) will be required by February 27, 2015. Destination Imagination Coaches and Kids Needed!! Did you miss the Destination Imagination informational meeting this week? There are Kindergarten-5th grade teams that have started to https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119190052162&format=html&print=true 3/10 11/21/2014 I-News products, go to http://www.labelsforeducation. com/Earn-Points/ParticipatingProducts. Scrip News Click here for the Scrip Order Form St. Nicholas Volunteer Needed! St. Nicholas volunteer needed for the Incarnation St. Nicholas Prayer Service 12/5 6:30 pm -7:30 pm. The costume will be provided. Volunteer will present information about St. Nicholas (provided) to church audience, will greet children, hand out chocolate coins and prayer cards. Volunteer needs to be a gentleman and will act the part of St. Nicholas. Contact Jenn Lammlein for more information at jenn.lammlein@kettering schools.org or (937) 8299830. Cafeteria and Playground Volunteers Needed Attention We Need Volunteers for Cafeteria and Playground Duty Please take a moment to check your schedules! If you can help out with this area of need please contact Ellen Miller at ext.137 for scheduling information. Thanks so much for being a part of our volunteer group, We need YOU!! The cafeteria and playground safety form and are in need of participants AND coaches! WHAT IS DI? Destination Imagination is a nationally affiliated program that promotes a community-based, school-friendly forum for children to build skills in creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork. Children work together, after school, as a team, to solve pre-determined problems or scenarios in an enjoyable and meaningful environment. Once formed, each team will choose from one of the following challenges for 2015: technical, scientific, structural, fine arts, improvisational, or service learning. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE IN DI? Guided by two adult coaches (both must have completed and be current with VIRTUS training), teams of five to seven children (K thru 8th grade) use their diverse talents to think creatively and critically as they work to solve a predetermined Team Challenge. This problem-solving competition dares them to stretch the limits of their imagination. Coaches: your job is to help guide them, but it is the team's job to do all of the work! WHAT IS THE TIME COMMITMENT FOR DI? The program takes approximately ten weeks and begins in November or December. Our returning teams are just getting ready to start meeting. Solutions are presented to a panel of judges on March 7, 2015 at the DI Regional competition at Sinclair Community College. Coaches usually meet weekly with their teams (days and teams are determined by the team) until a few weeks before the competition, and then (if needed), they may ask children to meet more frequently to practice. HOW CAN MY CHILD GET ON A DI TEAM? The only way to guarantee that your child will be on a team is to volunteer to coach a team! PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WE WILL NEED TWO VOLUNTEER PARENT COACHES FOR EVERY 5 - 7 CHILDREN. If you think you have enough students to form your own team, please email Maria Snizik, Incarnation's DI Coordinator, at maria@thevacationvan.com for more details and to get started. If you are interested in coaching/cocoaching, or have a child interested in participating, please email Maria with your name, your child's name, and grade level. Teams must be formed by December 1 in order to be officially registered! Don't miss out!!! Destination Imagination is a FUN and rewarding experience for both the students and the coaches! Scrip News Gift cards will be available in the Parish Center Lobby this Sunday 9am-noon in conjunction with the distribution of Christmas Kindness tags. While helping someone out in need, pick up your gift cards and help the PTO! Or, you may purchase gift cards Online through the Scrip website at www.shopwithscrip.com using code EA59L5863158. Complete the attached Scrip order form and submit it to the school office. Stop by the School Office during school hours. We have many cards in stock, ready for purchase. https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119190052162&format=html&print=true 4/10 11/21/2014 I-News depend on your volunteering . Our first order in December will be placed on Monday, December 8. Order forms may be dropped off at the school office by December 5 or during at the Christmas Festival December 5 or 6. Any questions, please email: scrip@incarnation.catholic.org . Thanks for supporting the PTO! Cafeteria and Playground Volunteer Sub List Cafeteria Volunteers Schedule Playground Volunteers Schedule Check out the Incarnation Facebook Group. To be added click here The Incarnation PTO Facebook page is a dedicated communication for the sharing of school information. As an extension of Incarnation School, all contributors should prayerfully consider the school's mission to, ". . . follow in the footsteps of Jesus" as they comment or ask questions. This page is not intended to be a forum to discuss school policy or submit complaints. Parents who would like to discuss school policies should contact the school directly. Misguided use of this page may result in removal of the user from the page. Thanks for your cooperation in keeping the PTO Facebook page a valuable resource for parents looking to exchange information. Spirit Wear Christmas Sale Announcing Incarnation School's Spirit Wear Christmas Sale. The sale includes hoodies and a few new designs. Order forms will be distributed to the students and emailed home before Thanksgiving. All orders must be turned in by December 1st for holiday fulfillment. If you have any questions, please contact Christina Stava at incarnation.spiritwear@gmail.com. Incarnation Christmas Festival Announced! 2014 Incarnation School Christmas Festival & Bazaar Friday, December 5th 7:00pm -9:00pm Saturday, December 6th 9:30am - 2:00pm click here to be directed to the Incarnation Christmas Festival web page. New this year - Student cookie/cupcake decorating contest: judged Friday 12/5 3:00 pm in Parish Center kitchen. Go to website to register. The BOOK FAIR is coming soon! The BOOK FAIR is coming soon! The Incarnation Library will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair December 1st -7th. Get a sneak peek at the book fair and start your holiday shopping at our Online Book Fair: http://bookfairs.scholastic.com/homepage/incarnationschool Dorothy Lane Market Reward Information and Contribution for Incarnation School Please take a moment to register your family at DLM. Incarnation receives a nice donation each year from your shopping if your family is a registered member. The Incarnation Charity ID number is 214. This will be needed when you link to our school program. Click Here You can place orders online from November 20th through December 10th. There are no shipping charges when you shop online. The books will be delivered to the school after the book fair is over. Incarnation Students Recognized in Library Writing Contest! Several junior high students took a writing challenge and entered their 500-word response in the annual Good Life Award Writing Contest which is sponsored by the Dottie Yeck Good Life Endowment and the Centerville-Washington Township Public Library. Three students (out of 376) placed in the Top 25 and received Honorable Mention for their unique philosophies of what a good life comprises. https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119190052162&format=html&print=true 5/10 11/21/2014 I-News Kroger Plus Members Register Incarnation as your preferred school and raise money for our school. Incarnation Families please note: Congratulations to these notable writers: Ben Conroy (8th grade), Mary Rose Schertler (7th grade), and Christian Weisman (7th grade). Incarnation's Identification number is now #80229. Please take a moment to register your Kroger Plus Card and link your card to Incarnation School. Holiday Community Happenings! Dayton Philharmonic Youth Strings (DPYS) Fall Concert FREE ADMISSION Date: Sunday, November 16, 2014 Where: Kettering's 7th Day Adventist Church Time: 3pm Participants range from 6th grade to seniors in High School, and come from all over the Miami Valley. Incarnation is represented by Grace Bradley and Lawrence Corbett. Kettering Children's Choir (KCC) Community Holiday Concert FREE ADMISSION Date: Sunday, December 14, 2014 Where: Kettering's 7th Day Adventist Church Time: 2pm and 4 pm There will be bins for nonperishable donations for the Dayton Food Pantry. Singers range from 1st grade to seniors in High School, and come from all over the Miami Valley. Incarnation is represented by several current students and alumni. Girls on the Run 5K Success!! Girls on the Run is So Much Fun! Congratulations to the 3rd, 4th, and 5th, grade girls who completed the Girls on the Run Fall Program! Incarnation had a total of 46 girls who met after school for 10 weeks. GOTR inspires girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident using a fun experienced based curriculum which integrates running. At the end of the program the girls run a 5K with other GOTR teams in the Dayton community. The 5K was held last Saturday, Nov. 15th at Welcome Stadium. The air was chilly to say the least...19 degrees! This didn't stop our wonderful girls from running a fantastic 5K! We are so proud of all our Incarnation GOTR Teams!! Way to Go Girls, and keep that star shining! Coach Anderson, Coach Andrulonis, Coach Eckenrode, Coach Greek, Coach Hoge, Coach Norman, and Coach Vollmar Special thanks to the Incarnation Community! Thank you to all those who contributed to the plastic bag Collection.We exceeded our goal of 500 bags!! We were able to give the Catholic Social Services Food Pantry over 5000 plastic bags!! We thank you for your help with our community project. Veterans Day Celebration! Grace Bradley with Centerville Mayor, Mark Kingseed, and Colonel Dr. Kathy Platoni, keynote speaker at the Veterans Day Celebration for Centerville. Grace represented Incarnation School at the ceremony. Incarnation Students Create Nativity Scene for The University of Dayton https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119190052162&format=html&print=true 6/10 11/21/2014 I-News High School Information 8th Grade Student High School Information Perspective Centerville High School Students: February 4, 2015 - Private School Parent Meeting February 11, 2014- Private School Student Registration 3:30-5:00pm Alter Knight Time Chess Club Schedule Click here for schedule "At the Manger" Nativity Exhibit The University of Dayton Roesch Library is hosting "At the Manger: World Nativity Traditions" from November 29 - January 24. This year, the university opened the exhibit to area students in a community competition. The Incarnation Muse Machine Muse Club artists have been working for the past six weeks to create their ceramic Nativity figures and beautifully painted backdrop. The Grand Open House will be celebrated on Saturday, November 29, from 1 - 5 PM. This fun, free and family-oriented afternoon includes children's activities, live music, light refreshments, and a football viewing lounge for all the fans in the family! Awards will be presented to the participating school students at 4 PM. The following Muse Club artists worked on the Incarnation entry: Lu Kurucz and Caroline Rand (grade 8), Liz Abouzeid, Amanda Arnold, Katie Jauch, Charlotte Kunesh, Sara LiBrandi, Emma Louthain, Catherine Tollefson, Michelle Woeste, and Robyn Zelinski (grade 7), and Emma Hitch, Marie Lunne, Brigid McKenna, and Mary Paulson (grade 6). Their work is a beautiful reminder of the birth of our Savior and we wish them the best of luck in the competition! click here for the flyer 8th Grade Visitors Quick Links... Beginning of Year Packet Incarnation School Edline Incarnation Parish FACTS Online Account Link FACTS Enrollment Link Donation form for school beautification project Centerville Temporary Transportation Form Parent volunteers visited the 8th grade students in social studies class this month and shared the details of their careers, especially the areas that highlighted civic involvement. Mr. Taylor (pictured) (father of David Lipnitz) discussed his various government positions at the federal, state, and local levels and Mr. Wildermuth (father of Rosie Wildermuth) enlightened the students with information regarding his job as an attorney. Special Guest for National Accounting Day! On Tuesday, November 18th, fifth grade students celebrated National Accounting Day by participating in the Ohio CPA Foundation's FETCH program (Financial Education Teaches Children Healthy Habits). Twelve accountants from the area came to school to talk to the students and to lead them in a game that taught https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119190052162&format=html&print=true 7/10 11/21/2014 I-News money management and making responsible financial decisions. The activity concluded with a pizza lunch funded by Voss Automotive. A special thanks to Harold Brown and Mike Krug, two Incarnation parents, that were part of the program! The fifth grade students enjoyed the day! The Bradley Financial Group UBS Financial Services, Inc. 110 N. Main Street Suite 1600 Dayton, OH 45402 937-226-6563 937-226-6565 A Proud Supporter of Incarnation Catholic School CYO Volleyball Registration Now OPEN!!! Signups are open for on-line registrations at www.incarnationcyo.org. Deadline is November 30th. Please contact Mike Hayslip if you have any questions: hayslip@aol.com Attention Girls in 2nd & 3rd Grade! Intramural Basketball needs YOU!! The Intramural Basketball program has one week left for registrations. If you are a girl in 2nd or 3rd grade we need your involvement to help complete teams. Please consider participating in this fabulous program! Click the link below for more information and how to register. 2014 Intramural Basketball Attention: All 3rd & 4th Grade Families Please mark your calendars! Our annual 3rd and 4th grade musical will be held on Thursday, December 11th at 1:45 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center Gym. This year's musical, "Christmas in Reverse," is an interesting and heartfelt story about why Jesus came to earth. All 3rd and 4th grade students are required to attend this program. We will look forward to a great show! Incarnation Students and Alumni Make History with the Alter Marching Band Incarnation 8th graders Ben Hale, Caroline Rand and Sophie Shockey and Incarnation Alumni Will Braun, Catherine Bryan, Maddie Hale, Allie Gearhart, Sam Gearhart, Kate Grilliot, Melanie Grilliot, Maggey Mangold, Maria Portman, Sarah Portman and Claire Shockey made history with the Alter Marching Band https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119190052162&format=html&print=true 8/10 11/21/2014 I-News this season. The band won its third MSBA State Championship and placed nationally at the Bands of America Grand Nationals Competition. The students performed their show "Assembly Required" in preliminary competition where they achieved Semi-Finalist status. Their semi-finals performance earned them the title of Third Place in the Nation in Class A Bands! The Alter Band collaborated with the Alter Lancerette Dance Team who performed as "Assembly Required" dancing robots. The Lancerettes were also made up of several talented Incarnation Alumni, including Emily Beam, Nathalie Bidwell, Nikki Bidwell, Sami Frey, Allie Kendo, Jennifer Malashevitz, Caroline Miller, Sarah Tanner, and Mariel Thimme. Congratulations on your success and thank you for representing Incarnation School. We are so proud of you! Alters Got Talent-- Talent Search! Students in grades 6th-12th are invited to participate in Alter's Got Talent at Alter High School. ALL talents, not just singing are included. Auditions will be held at Alter High School on Saturday, December 20th from 12:00-4:00. (Seton Hall room 404) Students will need to prepare a 2 minute audition piece (singing, dancing, playing instruments, magic, comedy, etc). It can be a solo, duo, trio, or group. If they are planning on singing, they need to bring sheet music in the correct key. There will be an accompanist at auditions. There will be a $5 audition fee per person to participate. The top acts will be chosen after the audition process is complete and will compete on Saturday, January 17th for the grand prize of $500! There will also be prize money for the top five acts! Any questions or concerns please contact Mrs. Sears Megan.Sears@alterhs.org Click here for the flyer Catholic Youth Summer Camp Catholic Youth Summer Camp Live the Adventure See what the adventure and excitement is all about at cysc.com! Catholic Youth Summer Camp is a week-long residential camp for students entering grades 6-12 for the 2015-16 school year. It is located outside of Columbus. According to their website, "CYSC is the premier High Adventure camp experience. Live the Adventure!. Activities typically include: jet skis, water tubing, paintball, blobbing, go-carts, archery, zip line, rock climbing, ropes courses, mountain boarding, and more! https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119190052162&format=html&print=true 9/10 11/21/2014 I-News Our faith is founded in the Sacramental life of the Catholic Church, but our mission and work is anything but boring. At CYSC you may come for the jet skis and climbing walls, but you'll leave with a new Freedom only found in Jesus." Incarnation School Video Incarnation Catholic School: A Legacy of Learning Forward email This email was sent to molly.hoffmann@incarnation.catholic.org by molly.hoffmann@incarnation.catholic.org | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. Incarnation Catholic School | 45 Williamsburg Lane | Centerville | OH | 45459 https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119190052162&format=html&print=true 10/10
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