INCARNATION CATHOLIC CHURCH DOMVS MEA DOMVS ORATI ORATI ONIS VOCABI VOCABITVR BI TVR My house shall be called a house of prayer (Mt 21:13) MSGR. STEVEN B. ZAK REV. LEO ALBERG REV. MR. DOMINIC PONTRELLI MSGR. EUGENE FRILOT PASTOR ASSOCIATE PASTOR DEACON PASTOR EMERITUS RETIRED DEACON, REV. MR. RESTIE NORIEGA Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 MASS SCHEDULE: Monday through Saturday: 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM and 5:30 PM CONFESSIONS: Saturdays 3:30 to 4:30 PM BAPTISMS: Contact parish office. MARRIAGES: Contact parish office to set an appointment at least six months before desired date. BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL (SE wing of parish center) Silent prayer & meditation, Monday - Friday, 9:15 AM to 5:00 PM Exposition and Adoration every Friday. Grant us, we pray, O Lord our God, the constant gladness of being devoted to you, for it is full and lasting happiness to serve with constancy the author of all that is good. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 1001 N. BRAND BLVD. * GLENDALE, CA 91202 * 818-242-2579 * PARISH OFFICE HOURS: MON. - FRI. 9:00 AM TO 7:30 PM; SAT. CLOSED; SUN. 8:30 AM TO 1:30 PM Incarnation Catholic Church Deacon Restie’s Retirement Party! Last Sunday, November 9 we celebrated the retirement of Deacon Restie with a reception for him and Nita. We know they will still be a part of our parish community but we wanted to thank them for their many years of service to Incarnation! Celebrant Schedule for Sunday Mass S., N. 15, 5:30 : S., N. 16, 7:30 : 9:00 : 10:30 : 12:00 : 5:30 : M. Z M. H M. Z M. F ! M. Z F. A!$ S., N. 22, 5:30 : S., N. 23, 7:30 : 9:00 : 10:30 : 12:00 : 5:30 : F. A!$ M. Z M. F ! M. Z F. A!$ M. H Readings for the Week ~ Nov. 17 - 23 Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or for the memorial of the Dedication, Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Wed: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1-6; Lk 19:11-28 Thur: Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1-6,9; Lk 19:41-44 Fri: Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14,24,72,103,111,131; Lk 19:45-48 Sat: Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1-2,9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Christ the King: Ez 34:11-12,15-17; Ps 23:1-3,5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26,28; Mt 25:31-46 Mon: Tue: MASS INTENTIONS Deacon Restie will share a brief message with us in next week’s bulletin! * * * * * * * Special thanks to Lee Henry, Marguerite Lincoln and members of the Hospitality Ministry for putting on this WONDERFUL reception! SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 5:30 DR. FRANK SORRENTINO SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 7:30 BOBBIE SQUIRE 9:00 SAMIA & RACHID THOMAS 10:30 RIAD KHOUZAM & JULIETTE ISHAK 12:00 MASS FOR PEOPLE OF INCARNATION 5:30 EVA GARNIER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17 8:30 LEONARD & SUSIE DYRNESS 5:30 W ILLIE GARCIA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 8:30 ROSEMARY ASMAR 5:30 MELBA ALCAZAR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 8:30 JOSEPH ROY JINGCO 5:30 SEAN MICHAEL BEATON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 8:30 HESTER W ALSH 5:30 W ILLIE GARCIA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 8:30 CHELSEA LOPEZ 5:30 CHELSEA LOPEZ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 8:30 GAUDIOSO GALLANO RIP RIP RIP RIP INT RIP INT RIP RIP RIP RIP RIP RIP RIP INT INT RIP Page Two Incarnation Catholic Church Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Blessed are you who fear the LORD. — Psalm 128:1 A New Ministry at Incarnation Parish “EVANGELIZATION TEAM” November 15/16, 2014 Campaign for Human Development How many poor people are too many in this, the richest of nations? Struggling to hang on. Making hard choices between hunger, housing and health care for their families. Let us work together to end poverty in America. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) invests in community-based solutions that know no racial or religious boundaries. We support self-sufficiency and self-determination as the best strategies for change. We support projects that break the cycle of poverty for good. Next weekend, November 22/23, we will be asked to join in solidarity with the 34 million poor of the United States through the annual collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Please help break the cycle of poverty by giving generously to this most worthy cause. Envelopes are available at all church entrances. Special Prayer Requests For the Sick: Jessica Jimenez, Gerry Gallagher. For the Recently Deceased: Aurora Escueta, Vincenza We plan to visit and welcome newly registered parishioners. We will provide a welcoming packet with information of all the wonderful ministries and events at our parish. Anyone interested in participating as a team member, please contact our soon to be Deacon, Serj Harutunian, at 818-541-0770 or email to Nicistaro, Marita Stewart, Rita Menezes, Isabel Cranshaw. SAVE THE DATE! This year we will be supporting “Operation Christmas Child” as our Christmas project for helping the needy. Please join the Incarnation Girl Scouts, Religious Education and Incarnation school students in the their effort to collect toys, candy and toiletries for poor children around the world sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse. There will be a table in the patio area this weekend with information. EVANGELIZATION I will go anywhere and do anything in order to communicate the love of Jesus to those who do not know him or have forgotten him. —St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Operation Christmas Child SIMBANG GABI WITH BISHOP OSCAR SOLIS ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 7:00PM Simbang Gabi (Night Mass) is a Filipino Advent tradition consisting of a novena of Masses that will be celebrated by Filipino-Americans in more than 100 parishes in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. This year, we have the honor and privilege of welcoming Bishop Oscar Solis, the first and only Filipino consecrated U.S. Bishop at our Simbang Gabi here at Incarnation Church. This year, we will begin with Mass at 7:00 PM, followed by a “Taste of the Philippines” reception featuring a variety of Filipino food and entertainment. The Simbang Gabi committee has been busy planning and organizing this event all year. We call all of our fellow Filipino parishioners to help us showcase our Filipino heritage. We need volunteers, donations of Filipino food and sponsors to help fund our event. The success of this event is dependent on all of us. Please be generous with your time and treasure. To sign-up or for questions, please email Marguerite Lincoln at or Ben Aranda at Thanks in advance for your generosity! Adult Religious Ed On-Line! The topic for November is “The Incarnation.” To subscribe to our free on-line continuing adult education, please send an email with your name, phone number, and email address to The Catholic article topics come with discussion/ reflection questions. Email distribution starts on the 15th of the month. If you have sent an email with your subscription information but have not received a confirmation from us, please send it again or leave your information at the Parish Office (Attn: Dave De Genito, OFS). We will meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month to review the article & questions of the previous month mailing. Should you not have access to email and wish to participate, printed articles will be available in the vestibule of the church or at the Parish Center. Contact: Deacon Dominic at 818-627-5595 or Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Incarnation Catholic Church Incarnation Justice & Peace Ministry Acts of Kindness 2014 A reminder that our Justice & Peace Ministry is collecting handmade lap blankets for the patients at USC County Hospital during Christmas time, so you still have time to make a knit, crochet, quilt or fleece blanket--or one of each! Lap blanket size is 36"x 36" or 36"x 48". This is sponsored by the Department of Spiritual Care under the direction of Fr. Chris Ponnet, and we hope to help them reach their goal of 500 blankets! A Blanket Workshop will be held Tuesday, November 18, 6:00 –8:30 PM in the school auditorium. Christmas Cards & Stamp Donations The Justice & Peace Ministry is also collecting Christmas cards and postage stamps again this year. These cards will be distributed to inmates of local prisons and jails giving them an opportunity to stay in contact with their families and loved ones at Christmas. Your donations can be dropped off at the Parish Center in designated boxes. For questions, please contact Leslie Boccadori at 818383-8793/ Thank you! Boy Scouts Support SVDP! Last weekend Incarnation Boy Scouts passed out paper bags after all Masses to be returned today, filled with non-perishable food items, and will be donated along with our monthly SVDP food drive. Virtus Certification We will be having a Virtus Certification class on Sat., Nov. 22 from 9 am to 12 noon in the basement at the ICC. There are only 25 spots available so please call the parish office at 818-242-2579 as soon as possible and reserve your spot. The Sacrament of Marriage Do you have questions or concerns about your marriage? Are you married civilly, but not in the Church? Are you living together and not yet married? Are you divorced and remarried and wondering about your options? If you have questions, please contact Deacon Dominic at or 818-627-5595. Bundle Sunday, November 23 The St. Vincent de Paul Society truck will be in our parking lot from 8 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Bring your used but usable clothing and other household items to assist the needy. For heavy items, please call 323-224-6280 or 800-97HELP-1. Page Three CRAFT SALE THIS SUNDAY, NOV. 16 Volunteers for Concern America will be here offering unique quality handcrafts that provide us the opportunity to help those attempting to improve their lives. These are beautiful handmade craft items inspired by nature and honor indigenous traditions from Bangladesh, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico. Concern America is an inter-national development and refugee aid organization based in Santa Ana, California, 714-953-8575. To view a selection of their crafts, you may visit their website at: What A Wonderful Time For A Baptism! The Holiday Season is a time when relatives and friends come to visit and share the joys of the season. What a wonderful time it would be to have your baby baptized and to have your family participate and share in the joys of this blessed event. We are scheduling a special Baptism on Sunday, December 21 at 1:30 PM. Anyone interested should contact Dcn. Dominic as soon as possible to make arrangements. Please call 818-627-5595 or email to Parish Contacts Parish Manager: Len Goswitz Office Manager: Vickie Van Paddenburg Facilities Manager: Rick Thomas Finance Director: Ara Moradian Religious Education Director: Gloria Figueroa Confirmation Coordinator: Ray Emnace Liturgy Coordinator: Kay Kennedy Community Center Director: Tonie Casey Receptionists: Maureen, Sandra, Claire School Principal: Courtney Kassakhian Pre-School Director: Rosemarie Muscarella * * * * * * * * * Pastoral Council Chair: Carlos Lazatin
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