INCARNATION CATHOLIC CHURCH DOMVS MEA DOMVS ORATI ORATI ONIS VOCABI VOCABITVR BI TVR My house shall be called a house of prayer (Mt 21:13) MSGR. STEVEN B. ZAK REV. LEO ALBERG REV. MR. DOMINIC PONTRELLI MSGR. EUGENE FRILOT PASTOR ASSOCIATE PASTOR DEACON PASTOR EMERITUS RETIRED DEACON, REV. MR. RESTIE NORIEGA SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 18, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE: Monday through Saturday: 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM and 5:30 PM CONFESSIONS: Saturdays 3:30 to 4:30 PM BAPTISMS: Contact parish office. MARRIAGES: Contact parish office to set an appointment at least six months before desired date. BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL (SE wing of parish center) Silent prayer & meditation, Monday - Friday, 9:15 AM to 5:00 PM Exposition and Adoration every Friday. Almighty ever-living God, who govern all things, both in heaven and on earth, mercifully hear the pleading of your people and bestow your peace on our times. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 1001 N. BRAND BLVD. * GLENDALE, CA 91202 * 818-242-2579 * Incarnation Catholic Church Monthly BBQs at Incarnation THIS SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 10:00 AM to 1:15 PM Parish Center Patio Back by popular demand: Filipino Barbecue Sticks: $2.00 each. Chicken or Pork! Steamed rice and drinks: $1.00 each. Celebrant Schedule for Sunday Mass S., J. 17, 5:30 : S., J. 18, 7:30 : 9:00 : 10:30 : 12:00 : 5:30 : S., J. 24, 5:30 : S., J. 25, 7:30 : 9:00 : 10:30 : 12:00 : 5:30 : M. H M. F M. H F. A M. Z# F. A F. A M. H M. F M. Z# F. A M. Z# Readings for the Week ~ Jan. 19 - 25 Incarnation Parish School Scrip for Sale!!! Stop by tables outside of church 8:30 AM to 12 NOON on Sundays to purchase gift cards/scrip for participating merchants. Did you know that you can help Incarnation School by signing up your Ralph’s Rewards card? Ralph’s donates a percentage of your purchase to Incarnation School just by signing up your card. For more information: A win-win for all!!! INCARNATION SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Sunday, January 25 10 AM – 12:30 PM Open House is a wonderful opportunity to meet teachers, students, and parents, take a tour and find out about all of the exciting things happening at our parish school. Enrollment information and application materials will also be available. All are welcome! We look forward to seeing you. Incarnation Parish School: Faith, Excellence, Community ALL ARE WELCOME! MON: HEB 5:1-10; PS 110:1-4; MK 2:18-22 TUE: HEB 6:10-20; PS 111:1-2,4-5,9,10; MK 2:23-28 WED: HEB 7:1-3, 15-17; PS 110:1-4; MK 3:1-6 THUR: HEB 7:25 — 8:6; PS 40:7-10, 17; MK 3:7-12 FRI: HEB 8:6-13; PS 85:8, 10-14; MK 3:13-19 SAT: HEB 9:2-3, 11-14; PS 47:2-3, 6-9; MK 3:20-21 3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: JON 3:1-5,10; PS 25:4-9; 1 COR 7:29-31; MK 1:14-20 MASS INTENTIONS S, J 17 5:30 C&' I (M Z, RIP; R T, RIP; M V, INT; S V, RIP; G S, S., RIP) S, J 18 7:30 S P RIP 9:00 O' DL RIP 10:30 R / S0 E20 INT 12:00 T5 P I& INT 5:30 R6 C RIP M, J 19 8:30 Y' C RIP 5:30 K5 D RIP T, J 20 8:30 I&& C RIP 5:30 R6 C RIP W, J 21 8:30 C C INT 5:30 A0 G RIP T, J 22 8:30 R6 C INT 5:30 M. F INT F, J 23 8:30 F. L A INT 5:30 C&' I (C M, RIP; K V, RIP) S, J 24 8:30 J R2 RIP Page Two Incarnation Catholic Church January Grace & Art Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you. — 1 Corinthians 6:19 Special Prayer Requests For the Sick: Teresa Magallanes, Jessica Jimenez, Frank D. Korcz. For the Recently Deceased: Giuseppina Scharrer, Teresita Ebba, Elvira G. Bongco, Fred Ribas, Serafin Quintero, Ruben Velasco. Long time parishioner, Virginia Babcock, passed away January 7 at her home in Orange County. Incarnation Offices Closed for the Holiday Parish offices will be closed for Martin Luther King Day Monday, January 19 We will have regular Mass schedule: 8:30 AM & 5:30 PM Watching For The Messiah Today’s Gospel story of John and his disciples seeing and following Jesus sounds so simple and casual, it’s easy to miss the significant acts of faith that are made. John points to Jesus: “Look,” he says, “there is the Lamb of God.” John’s faith in Jesus is evident, so evident that John’s disciples immediately leave his side to follow this Jesus. The two disciples make their own act of faith. They follow Jesus, spend time with him, and are quick to spread the good news of their discovery: “We have found the Messiah.” It is easy to forget that the expectations of generations, the hopes of many ages of faithful people were being fulfilled in these simple acts of faith. The Lamb of God, the Messiah, foretold by the prophets, had finally come. Nearly everyone among the Jewish people was watching for the Messiah back then; who in our own society watches for signs of the presence of the Messiah today? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Free Adult Art Classes - Pray, Draw, Paint, Create! Create art that is inspired by the wonder and beauty of God’s creation. Classes will start Friday, Feb. 13 and be held every 2nd Friday of the month at the Incarnation Community Center in Rm. G-103 from 7—9 pm. Please RSVP to Ann Marie Smith, Instructor; call/text (818) 970 -0350 cell or email: Bring your own sketch books, paper and pencils, pens or brushes & paint. Some supplies may be purchased in class. Space is limited. Reserve your space today. Donations for Building Fund will be gratefully accepted! St. Vincent de Paul Monthly Food Drive Reminder that today, Sunday, January 18, Incarnation SVDP Society is collecting non-perishable food for their Monthly Food Drive benefiting Loaves & Fishes. Please bring your items to the patio area between 7 and 11 AM. Minister Schedule Vacation / Preference Dates Needed! The new schedule for Ash Wednesday through Pentecost, May 22 will be created soon. Please give us your information on the forms that are available in the sacristy or at the Parish Center by Sunday, Feb. 18 or you can email to “Radiate.LA” ~ New Evangelization Website A new website was recently launched and recommended by the Archdiocese called, “Radiate.LA”. We are called to radiate the love of Jesus Christ to all the world! However, this divine love only comes through a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior. In this website you will learn how to love God with your head through spiritual reading, with your heart through deep prayer, and with your hands through humble service. Go to Life in the Spirit Seminar at Incarnation Parish Come for a life changing experience through the power of the Holy Spirit! Saturday, January 24, 9:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Incarnation School Auditorium (Registration starts at 8:30 AM) Park in school lot. Speakers: Fr. Bill Adams, C.S.S.R., Deacon Rolando Bautista, Deacon Celso Roxas and the Heart of Jesus Team. Light lunch and snacks will be served. A free-will love offering will be appreciated and everyone is welcome! For information, please call 818-421-1354.or 818-276-5129 or email to Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Incarnation Catholic Church Incarnation Seniors ~ “Young in Spirit” February 4, 2015 ~ Regular Meeting, 12 NOON in the school auditorium. Students from Incarnation will entertain. Please bring sack lunch; dessert and coffee will be served. Trip payments due for: $57 for Wed., March 11 Trip to Knott’s Berry Farm. $22 for Wed., March 21 Damn Yankees at the Glendale Centre Theatre. For more information, please phone Dolores at 818-2472878 or Lee Henry at 818-419-6040. Adults Needing Sacraments Are you an active Catholic who has not yet received all their Sacraments? We are in the process of forming a Sacrament preparation class for active Catholics who have not received their First Communion and/or their Confirmation. If you would like to learn more about your faith, and become a Fully Initiated Catholic, please contact Deacon Dominic at or phone 818-627-5595 as soon as possible. Classes will begin in February. Parish Blood Drive Sunday, January 25, 8 AM to 2:15 PM, ICC Gym Remember you are giving the Gift of Life! Sign up outside of church before and after Sunday morning Masses or call Dr. Dan at 818-244-0547. Passion & Purpose Are you thriving or just surviving? Are you ready for more energy? A deeper sense of purpose? More joy? A clearer understanding of God’s plan for your life? If you said yes to any of these questions then join us for a Passion & Purpose event at St. Finbar Catholic Church, 2010 W Olive Ave. in Burbank. The topic is Living Every Day With Passion & Purpose with Matthew Kelly and will be held on Friday, February 27, 7 to 10:45 pm. Incarnation's Confirmation Process implemented Matthew Kelly's program, Decision Point, as a new tool to engage our young Catholics in a meaningful conversation about the beauty and genius of our Faith to prepare them to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The program teaches and inspires our youth to respond and cooperate with God's grace in all circumstances of their daily lives, long after their Confirmation has passed. It is a great opportunity for all parishioners, especially the families of those who have students in our Confirmation Program to hear Matthew Kelly’s presentation. Tickets are $39 and include materials. Please purchase your tickets in advance at or call 859980-7900. Page Three 2014 Year End Statements Year End statements will be mailed to those who donated $250 or more in 2014 by January 31, 2015. Please keep us posted if you have a change of address or phone number. You can either fill out a registration card, or contact Vickie at the Parish Center, 818-242-2579 x 114, or by email to Thank you! The Life of St. Faustina Don’t miss out on this opportunity to experience a deeper understanding in doing God’s will and living the message, “Jesus I Trust In You,” and the gospel call to forgive, be holy and be perfect like your heavenly Father. St. Luke Productions will present this show Tue-Thur, January 2729 at St. Dominic Parish Hall in Eagle Rock, 2002 Merton Ave, LA. Tickets are $10 each pre-sale or $15 at the door. For information call 323-254-2519 or go to Bundle Sunday Mark your calendars! The St. Vincent de Paul Society truck will be in our parking lot from 8 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. on the following Sundays this year: February 8, May 3, August 16, November 8 Bring your used but usable clothing and other household items to assist the needy. For heavy items, phone (323) 224-6280 or (800) 97-HELP-1. Thank you in advance for your generosity! Parish Contacts Parish Manager: Len Goswitz Office Manager: Vickie Van Paddenburg Facilities Manager: Rick Thomas Finance Director: Ara Moradian Religious Education Director: Gloria Figueroa Confirmation Coordinator: Ray Emnace Liturgy Coordinator: Kay Kennedy Community Center Director: Tonie Casey Receptionists: Maureen, Sandra, Claire School Principal: Courtney Kassakhian Pre-School Director: Rosemarie Muscarella * * * * * * * * * Pastoral Council Chair: Lorena Parker
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