REQUEST FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION OF GENERAL CONTRACTING SERVICES FOR REPLACEMENT OF CENTRAL AVE. BRIDGE (STRUCTURE No. 124205) WHICH CARRIES REGIONAL ROAD 124 (CENTRAL AVE.) OVER THE CN RAILWAY IN THE TOWN OF FORT ERIE DOCUMENT NUMBER: 2014-RFPQ-08 ISSUE DATE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 04, 2014 CLOSING LOCATION: CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARA CAMPBELL WEST BUILDING 2201 ST. DAVID’S ROAD THOROLD, ONTARIO, L2V 4T7 ATTN: DAN AUGUSTINE, PURCHASING SERVICES CLOSING DATE: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2014 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME Document source: Request for Prequalification Revised October 16, 2014 General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 The Regional Municipality of Niagara Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 3 2.0 SUMMARY AND SCOPE OF WORK 3 3.0 PRE-QUALIFICATION PROCESS 11 4.0 MANDATORY & MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 11 5.0 EVALUATION OF SUBMISSIONS 12 6.0 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 16 7.0 RESERVED RIGHTS 17 8.0 NON-EXCLUSIVE 17 9.0 PURCHASING BY-LAW 18 10.0 DE-BRIEFING 18 11.0 LOBBYING RESTRICTIONS 18 12.0 FORM OF SUBMISSION 19 APPENDIX DESCRIPTION A KEY PLAN B ORIGINAL GENERAL ARRANGEMENT DRAWING C GENERAL ARRANGEMENT AND STAGING DRAWINGS D FORM A AND FORM B E PROPOSED SCHEDULE 2 The Regional Municipality of Niagara General Information 1.0 General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 INTRODUCTION The Regional Municipality of Niagara (The Region) intends to pre-qualify contractors for the following project: Replacement of the Central Ave. Bridge (Structure No. 124205) which carries Regional Road 124 (Central Ave.) over the CN Railway in the Town of Fort Erie. The construction budget is estimated at $10,000,000 and is based on a winter/spring 2015 tentative start date. The project must be substantially completed by April 2016 and complete by May 2016. Pre-qualified contractors are to receive tender documents in December 2014 / January of 2015. Request for Pre-qualification (RFPQ): 1. This call for RFPQ is open to all interested General Contractors who wish to be considered for this project as detailed herein. Interested contractors should follow the details of this document closely when responding to this request. 2. This Call for RFPQ outlines the scope of the required work, responsibilities of the Proponents, requirements for the RFPQ submission, the selection process and related conditions and drawings. The Region reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify Proponents who fail to provide all mandatory information as required by this Call for RFPQ. 3. The information contained in the Call for RFPQ is intended to provide interested parties with a general overview of the work required. Nothing in this document should, in any way, be construed to be a condition or term of the yet to be issued Request for Tender document. The Region reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change the scope or conditions of the program and this procurement, in any manner, or to discontinue the Call for RFPQ process completely. 2.0 SUMMARY AND SCOPE OF WORK Niagara Region invites prequalification submissions from interested contractors for the replacement of the Central Ave. Bridge (Structure No. 124205), which carries Regional Road 124 (Central Ave.) over the CN Railway, in the Town of Fort Erie. Background: Central Avenue Bridge was originally constructed in 1953. Central Avenue Bridge carries Regional Road 124 (Central Avenue North) over CN Rail (Mile 1.2 - Stamford Subdivision) and Lewis Street, 250m north of Wintemute Street, in the Town of Fort Erie, Ontario. (See Appendix ‘A’ – Project Location Map and Key Plan). Central Avenue Bridge (Structure No. 124205) consists of a north slab on steel girder structure, central steel through truss structure and a south steel pony truss structure. The approach roadways consist of fill between reinforced concrete retaining walls. 3 The Regional Municipality of Niagara General Information General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 The bridge supports two (2) 4.57m wide lanes of vehicular traffic and two (2) 1.22m wide sidewalks, along both sides of the structure. The structure also supports a 14” transite water main and a 6” inch gas main. It is unknown if these utilities are currently in use. The central through truss structure falls at a constant 1.8% grade from north to south. The minimum clearance of the central through truss structure is 7.8m (25’6”) near the south pier. The single span central steel through truss structure consists of parallel structural steel through trusses, supporting deck beams at the panel points. Longitudinal stringers span between the deck beams and support a 178mm (7”) thick reinforced concrete bridge deck. 127mm (5”) thick reinforced concrete sidewalks are supported by structural steel cantilevers along the east and west exterior sides of the through truss superstructure. The central through truss span is 61.0m. (See Appendix B – Original General Arrangement Drawing). Recent Studies and Investigations The Central Avenue Bridge structure was built between 1952 and 1955. Since then, various rehabilitations and investigations have been performed on the bridge. Table 1, below, summarizes the available information on Central Avenue Bridge since its inception. Table 1: Available Information Pertaining to Central Avenue Bridge Year Description Company 1953 Original Drawings, Sheets 1-22, dated “Approved Sept 1953” Engineering Investigation Report – Deck & Bearings Rehabilitation Drawings (Contract RN 74-1) C.R. Hagey Engineering Co. 1973 1974 1975 1990 1993 1995 1997 1998 1999 2005 2006 Remedial Concrete Repairs (Contract RN 75-13) Bridge Inspection Report (LCE for all spans) Inspection Report (Biannual Inspection) Inspection Report (Biannual Inspection) Bridge Inspection Report (LCE for steel girder spans) Rehabilitation Drawings (Contract RN 9807) Inspection Report (Biannual Inspection) Inspection Report (Biannual Inspection) Rehabilitation/Replacement Analysis Report for Central Avenue Bridge 4 De Leuw Cather, Canada Ltd De Leuw Cather, Canada Ltd Regional Municipality of Niagara Totten Sims Hubicki Totten Sims Hubicki McCormick Rankin Corp. Kerry T. Howe Engineering Limited Kerry T. Howe Engineering Limited ELLIS Engineering Inc. ELLIS Engineering Inc. ELLIS Engineering Inc. The Regional Municipality of Niagara General Information General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 2007 2009 Inspection Report (Biannual Inspection) Inspection Report (Biannual Inspection) ELLIS Engineering Inc. ELLIS Engineering Inc. 2009 Structural Evaluation – Deteriorated Truss Member in Central Avenue Bridge Through Truss Report (Member U7L7) 2009 Structural Maintenance Program (Removal of Pedestrian Access and Railing Repairs) Detailed (“Up-Close”) Visual Inspection of Truss Panel Points Report (Central Avenue Bridge Through Truss) Bridge Load Capacity Evaluation Report – Central Ave. Through Truss Bridge (Str. 124205) Inspection Report (Biannual Inspection) ELLIS Engineering Inc. Central Ave. Bridge (Structure Ni. 124205) Municipal Class Environmental Assessment – Environmental Study Report AECOM 2009 2010 2011 2011 2013 ELLIS Engineering Inc. ELLIS Engineering Inc. ELLIS Engineering Inc. ELLIS Engineering Inc. The Central Avenue Bridge structure was rehabilitated in 1974 and 1975. The 1974 repairs included the complete replacement of the reinforced concrete deck and sidewalks, replacement of the expansion joints, replacement of all expansion bearings, miscellaneous substructure concrete rehabilitation, rehabilitation of the existing steel handrails, and the installation of street lighting. The 1975 repairs included the installation of drains into the retaining walls and concrete rehabilitation of the retaining walls and north and south abutments. Following a 1997 Bridge Inspection Report – LCE for Steel Girder Spans (Kerry T. Howe Limited) the structure was again rehabilitated in 1998. The 1998 repairs included replacement of the expansion joints, full depth concrete rehabilitation at the ends of the bridge deck and around the truss through holes and concrete patch repair rehabilitation of the various substructure components (abutments and piers). An attempt was also made to shelter the truss through holes to prevent excessive moisture from accumulating in the connection crevices In 2006, Ellis Engineering Inc. (EEI) completed a rehabilitation/replacement analysis of Central Avenue Bridge. The analysis concluded that it would be economically favourable to replace the structure in 6-10 years (from 2006). The recommended alternative included replacing the existing structure with the following proposed structure: Remove the existing north slab on steel girder structure and replace it with a reinforced earth approach. Remove the existing 61m (200’) single span central through truss structure and replace it with a new 31m single span box girder structure with integral reinforced earth abutments. 5 The Regional Municipality of Niagara General Information General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 Remove the existing 22.9m (75’) single span south pony truss structure and replace it with a new 26m single span box girder structure with integral reinforced earth abutments. In June, 2009, Niagara Region retained EEI to perform a structural evaluation to assess the structural capacity of a vertical through truss member L7 locally, at the location of observed deterioration. The 2009 structural evaluation concluded that the local compression capacity of vertical through Truss member L7 was sufficient to carry CHBDC evaluation live loads and the original design dead loads even in its current deteriorated state. In accordance with the 2009 structural evaluation recommendations, an up close visual inspection of the structure panel points was conducted by EEI on October 20 and 21, 2009. The results are summarized in the letter report titled “Detailed Visual Inspection of Truss Panel Points – Central Avenue Through Truss Bridge”, dated March 12, 2010. The report recommended a complete load capacity evaluation of the Central Avenue through Truss Structure. In 2010, Ellis Engineering Inc. (EEI) performed a Load Capacity Evaluation on the through truss structure. During their assignment, Ellis Engineering Inc. reviewed the 1953 construction drawings produced by C.R. Hagey Engineering Company, the bridge inspection report produced by Kerry T. Howe Engineering Ltd. In 1997 and the bridge inspection report produced by Totten Sims Hubicki in 1990. During the 2010 Load Capacity Evaluation, it became evident that there was a structural capacity issue with multiple truss compression members (vertical members of the truss). It was determined that the original design does not meet current design standards and loadings on the bridge. As a result, EEI recommended that the Region immediately revise the bridge load limit posting to 20 tonnes. This was completed on December 23, 2010, by Regional staff. Based on the importance of this bridge to the downtown core of the Town of Fort Erie, the Region had requested Ellis Engineering Inc. to make a recommendation to strengthen the existing structure until the existing structure can be rehabilitated or replaced. Ellis Engineering Inc. made a recommendation to strengthen the vertical truss members in order to reach a target load posting of 35 tonnes. The recommended load limit posting for the through truss span of Central Avenue Bridge after strengthening was posted as follows: Level 1 – Single Unit Truck 19 Tonnes Level 2 – Tractor and One Trailer 25 Tonnes Level 3 – Tractor and more than one Trailer 35 Tonnes Bridge Posting Summary At the outset of the Load Capacity Evaluation performed by Ellis Engineering Inc., Central Avenue Bridge was posted as follows: • Level 1 – 21 tonnes. (Single Unit Vehicle) • Level 2 – 36 tonnes. (Tractor-trailer, Semi-trailer or Single Unit Vehicle-trailer) • Level 3 – 47 tonnes. (Tractor with more than one trailer) 6 The Regional Municipality of Niagara General Information General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 The existing load limit posting was determined by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited (TSH) in 1990. The load capacity evaluation completed by TSH determined that the central through truss span stringers were the governing structural components resulting in the load limit posting. During the 2010/2011 Load Capacity Evaluation (EEI), it became evident that there was a structural capacity issue with multiple truss compression members. The bridge posting was subsequently revised to a 20 tonne limit. Based on Emergency Structural Steel repairs recommended by EEI, the load limit posting for the Central Avenue Bridge is as follows (March 2011): • Level 1 – 19 tonnes. (Single Unit Vehicle) • Level 2 – 25 tonnes. (Tractor-trailer, Semi-trailer or Single Unit Vehicle-trailer) • Level 3 – 35 tonnes. (Tractor with more than one trailer) Class EA Study Recommendations The Municipal Class EA Study for the replacement of Central Ave Bridge was completed by AECOM in May 2013. The study was conducted in accordance with the requirements for a Schedule ‘C’ project stipulated in the Municipal Class EA document. The Class EA study has recommended that the Central Ave. Bridge be replaced and that traffic during construction be managed within the Central Ave. corridor. The recommended design is a new three-span continuous steel girder bridge with a composite concrete deck slab supported on two piers within the CN right-of-way. In addition, in order to maintain traffic on this important link to the downtown Bridgeburg business district the preferred alternative includes the use of rapid replacement technology for the bridge replacement. The recommended construction/traffic staging that was established during the Class EA phase is as follows: Build a new superstructure on temporary piers beside the existing bridge with a composite concrete deck and jack it laterally into place to retain the same horizontal alignment of Regional Road 124 (Central Ave.). Manage traffic on the Central Ave. corridor during the various stages of construction. During the jacking operation temporarily detour traffic via local roads. The following is an overview of the design for the proposed Central Ave. Bridge replacement based on the Class EA recommendations: The proposed Central Ave. Bridge is a three span continuous steel girder bridge consisting of the following: o A 35 m southerly span over a slightly re-aligned Lewis Street. o A 46.5 m span over the four currently operating CN main rail lines and CN rail maintenance road, and 7 The Regional Municipality of Niagara General Information o General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 A 33.2 m northern span over the area of future potential CN main rail tracks in the north section of the CN Rail ROW. The new north abutment is 5.6 m south of the existing abutment. Gateway structures located on the abutments at each end of the new bridge that use cross braces over the roadway salvaged from the existing bridge. Northern bridge is replaced with a single new span in order to maintain flexibility for future CN expansion within the CN ROW. Based on the current horizontal clearance standards and depending on the skew of the tracks: o The central span will accommodate up to six tracks or up to five tracks plus a CN maintenance road, o The south span will accommodate Lewis Street plus up to three tracks or Lewis Street plus up to two tracks and a CN Rail maintenance haul road, o The north span will accommodate up to four tracks plus a CN Rail maintenance road. Improved horizontal flexibility for track arrangement under north bridge because the current three span bridge is replaced with a single span structure; A new bridge centerline that follows the existing roadway centerline; A single pier in the CN Rail ROW to minimize impacts to CN Rail property and operations; and Clearances over the CN Rail lines and Lewis Street that exceed CN Rail and Niagara Region standards and requirements. The following is an overview of the associated roadway and approach roadway design: 1. Courtwright Street Conversion of Courtwright Street east of Central Ave. to two-way from oneway traffic at a signalized intersection that accommodates all turning movements; Lowering the grade of Courtwright Street by approximately 1 m and reconstructing approximately 86 m of roadway along Courtwright Street including retaining walls where required; and Possible lowering of the existing watermain and utilities within the limits of Courtwright Street. 2. Regional Road 124 (Central Avenue) A 50 km/h posted speed; A rebuilt two lane roadway 320 m in length with a 10.6 m pavement width (3.5 m lanes and 1.8 m wide clear zone for pedestrian and cyclists). Reduced vertical road profile over Central Ave. Bridge. 3. Lewis Street Slight Northerly re-alignment of Lewis Street and replacement of the sidewalk under the bridge. 8 The Regional Municipality of Niagara General Information General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 PROJECT SCOPE The project includes but is not limited to the following major tasks: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Environmental protection Temporary works associated with bridge and project construction Environmental protection of adjacent lands Traffic management (Construction Staging and Detours) Maintenance of traffic on the existing bridge (Construction Staging) Cut-over of traffic to new bridge Protection of CN Railway lands and property Excavation and dewatering of foundations Reinforced concrete footings Reinforced concrete abutments Retaining walls Structural steel girders Reinforced concrete decks Reinforced concrete sidewalks Reinforced Concrete barriers Waterproofing and paving Expansion joints Approach slabs (Precast) Clearing and grubbing Roadway and related excavation Roadway construction Lighting and Electrical works Landscaping Drainage Utilities and services Site restoration works Heritage features Demolition and removal of existing bridge Rapid Bridge Replacement Technology The proposed Central Ave. Bridge is a new three-span continuous steel girder bridge with a composite concrete deck slab supported on two piers within the CN right-of-way. The Central Ave. Bridge replacement project is a challenging project. As the only truck crossing of the CN corridor in Fort Erie, it is a vital link to the local community and provides a unique linkage for commercial traffic. To meet the requirements of the Class EA and maintain traffic during construction of the new bridge the project has been designed to replace the bridge using a rapid bridge replacement technique. This will allow the new bridge to be constructed on the original alignment and will allow traffic to be maintained on the existing structure until the new structure is in service. Staging of the work will be in accordance with the detailed staging plans (see Appendix C for General Arrangement Drawing and Staging Plans.). 9 The Regional Municipality of Niagara General Information General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 PROJECT CHALLENGES AND CONSTRAINTS The Central Avenue Bridge Project is an undertaking which includes a number of special features of which the contractor should be aware. These include the following: Special care and skill is a necessary requirement for the successful fabrication and erection of the structural steel girders. The bridge is intended to be replaced using a rapid bridge replacement technique in order to enable traffic to be maintained on the crossing to the maximum extent possible throughout construction. This involves maintaining traffic on the existing bridge in various stages; transferring traffic to the new bridge in various stages; demolishing the existing bridge and completing the works. The staging shall be carried out in conformance with the detailed staging drawings shown in Appendix C. During the project and various stages both vehicular and pedestrian traffic will need to be detoured. The bridge crosses a CN Railway adjacent to an international crossing between Canada and the United States of America. Close coordination with Canadian National Railways (CN) will be required. As well the contractor will need to adhere to the working times and restraints in the contract when it comes to working in and around CN lands. There are existing utilities in and around the construction site. This will require the contractor to closely coordinate the construction activities with the protection and or relocation of the utilities being affected. Examples of know utilities include the following: 350mm diameter watermain attached to the west side of the existing structure. Street lights mounted on existing utility poles. Hydro (Canadian Niagara Power CNP) will be re-located out of the road corridor prior to the bridge replacement project. Cogeco, Activo Inc. will be temporarily relocated during construction and permanently placed on the existing bridge in a duct hanger system. Municipal services including storm and sanitary services will be affected at Courtwight Street and at Lewis Street. Coordination with the Town of Fort Erie will be required. Significant coordination with Bell Canada will be required due to the large amount of Bell telephone plant within the project area. The project is enhanced by the consideration of a number of heritage features which are to be built into the fabric of the bridge, by a lighting system which is architecturally compatible with the bridge and by landscaping and finishing components including handrails, and traffic barriers intended to provide an architecturally-outstanding overall completed bridge crossing. 10 The Regional Municipality of Niagara General Information General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 The schedule of the project is as follows (See Appendix E – Construction Schedule): Contract Tender Contract Award Commence Construction Completion 3.0 December 2014 / January 2015 January 2015 January / February 2015 May 2016 PRE-QUALIFICATION PROCESS The purpose of this call for RFPQ is to obtain submissions from interested general contractors to determine who are qualified, based on the criteria developed by The Region to undertake the work. The Region intends to short list a minimum of four (4) contractors. Only those contractors that have been short listed will be invited to submit a bid for the replacement of the Central Ave. Bridge. In making their submissions, all contractors must submit a letter of commitment stating their intention to be pre-qualified for the project as outlined herein and, if short-listed, to partake in the bid process. In the event that any applicant has questions as to any terms, conditions or provisions of this call for pre-qualification, or the meaning or interpretation thereof, they may request information or clarification by submitting such requests, in writing, by fax or by e-mail to the following: Dan Augustine, Purchasing Services Email: Telephone: 905-6895-4225, extension 3470 Fax: 905-682-8521 4.0 MANDATORY & MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS This Call for RFPQ has been designed to elicit pertinent data that will be used in evaluating each Proponent’s ability and qualifications. This process is intended to provide properly qualified contractors for services deemed critical to project completion and to protect The Region’s interest. The Proponent’s RFPQ must use the format identified in the following sections of this document. The format has been designed to facilitate efficient evaluation of the RFPQ’s. In the event that the Proponent has questions as to any terms, conditions or provisions of this Call for RFPQ, or the meaning or interpretation thereof, the Proponent may request information or clarification by submitting such requests, in writing, by fax or by email to the following: The Pre-qualification submission for this project must include the following mandatory information: 11 The Regional Municipality of Niagara General Information General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 1. Legal name and address of the company, including legal form of company. 2. A commitment letter clearly stating the intent of the contractor to be pre-qualified and, if short-listed, to participate in the formal tendering process. 3. Company profile including number of employees, number of years in business. (Form A – Capability of Contractor, see Appendix D) 4. Summary of similar projects previously or currently undertaken and experience and qualifications of key employees, including description of the work undertaken, date undertaken, client name and address, references, including address and telephone number and project title. 5. The current standard construction document CCDC-11 1996ER2006 Contractor’s Qualification Statement. 5. Resumes of key personnel including, as a minimum, project manager, together with their qualifications, availability and experience on similar work. (Form B – Named Office and Site Personnel). 6. A letter from a recognized surety licenced to practice in Ontario, stating that the required bonding for the project is available. The short-listed general contractors will be required to submit with their formal tender, a bid deposit in the form of a certified cheque, bank draft, or bid bond, in a form approved by the Region of Niagara, in the amount of (5%) of estimated contract value, and an agreement to bond in the amount of 100% performance bond and 100% labour and material payment bond. 7. Current workplace safety and insurance board clearance certificate. 8. Other pertinent data deemed important by the proponent. 5.0 EVALUATION OF SUBMISSIONS The evaluation of the RFPQ submission will be based on the contractor’s ability to complete the projects on time, within budget with a minimum of risk and to perform in accordance with the drawings. This will be based on the proponent’s submission which will be evaluated by the Region using the information submitted by each proponent. The Region reserves the right to use its own judgment in rating each of the submissions with the objective of minimizing risks. The Region will discuss the submissions with those not successful upon request. The ranking will be carried out on the following criteria listed below. Each item will be scored out of a total of 10 with the least positive score 1 and best qualified score of 10. The total will be multiplied by a weighting factor as indicated and reflecting the relative importance of the criteria item. The total scores will be added together and the highest scoring proponents may be short-listed. Points for the rankings will be awarded on the following basis. 12 General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 The Regional Municipality of Niagara General Information 5 A. CAPABILITY OF CONTRACTOR (35 points) Evaluation Criteria Available Points What are we looking for: Contractor’s corporation profile, annual construction value in the past 5 years. A1. Company Resources 20 pts Contractor’s workforce, equipment and other resources required for carrying out similar contracts. Contractor’s proposed office and site personnel for this contract and their experience. A2. Statement on Commitment 5 pts. Contractor’s ability and commitment to provide adequate resources to this contract to meet the schedule requirements. Night and weekend work may be necessary. A3. Statement on Bonding capacity 5 pts. Ability to secure minimum 100% bonding requirements (estimated project budget $10 Million) 5 pts. Ability to commit to the financial requirements and to obtain required insurance in accordance with Niagara Region’s requirements A4. Statement on Financial & Insurance Capacity Total for Section A 35 pts. 13 The Regional Municipality of Niagara General Information 5 B. General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 EXPERIENCE – CONTRACTS OF COMPARABLE SIZE AND NATURE (45 points) Evaluation Criteria B1. Comparable Bridge Rehabilitation Contracts Available Points 20 pts. What are we looking for: Similar structural rehabilitation/replacement contracts completed in the past 10 years. Similar road contracts (over $5 million) for the Region or other municipalities, provincial and federal agencies in the past 10 years. Contractor’s/subcontractor’s experience in significant steel bridges in the past 10 years. Contractor’s/subcontractor’s experience in using Rapid Bridge Replacement Technologies. Contractor’s/subcontractor’s experience in working with Canadian National Railways (CNR) and/or other Railroad Authorities. B2. Project Control 15 pts. Evidence of satisfactory protection for works and the public. Contractor’s past experience on environmental protection to meet all regulatory requirements including MOE, MNR, DFO, NPCA, and other stakeholder agencies. Evidence that contractor has exercised effective control on schedule and budget for past contracts of similar size and complexity. Contractor’s past experience on working within/on CNR R.O.W. and project controls put in place to protect the R.O.W. B3. Past Performance on similar contracts 10 pts. Record of past performance on similar contracts. Completed appraisals for similar projects from other jurisdictions with reference information including the owner’s project manager and contract administrator. Total for Section B 45 pts. 14 General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 The Regional Municipality of Niagara General Information 5 C. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROPOSED WORK (20 points) Evaluation Criteria Available Points What are we looking for: C1. Qualification submission related to Construction Bridge Engineers and Construction Specialists 15 pts. A Specialist Erection Engineer that is a professional engineer eligible to be licensed in the Province of Ontario having a minimum of five years of relevant experience in the design and construction of Rapid Bridge Replacement techniques and erection strategies. A Specialist Demolition Engineer that is a professional engineer eligible to be licensed in the Province of Ontario having a minimum of five years of relevant experience in the demolition of steel truss bridges. Experience related to the completion of staging related to complex projects. A professional Engineer licensed in Ontario for the design of temporary works. Experience of contractor/subcontractor in dealing with bridge demolition projects. C2 Claims/Legal Actions 5 pts History of previous or existing claims or legal actions with Niagara Region or other municipalities, provincial or federal agencies. C3. Project Control 5 pts. Contractor’s proposed measures to monitor progress and to ensure the contract remains on schedule Contractor’s proposed measures for environmental protection over the CN R.O.W as well as protection of the public and Utilities. QA/QC procedures. Total for Section C 25 pts. A minimum of three (3) persons will review all submissions independently and the average of the rankings will be used for overall total score. Specific mandatory information must be included with the submission and failure to include such information, may, at the discretion of the Region, cause the submission to be declared informal. In that event, the submission may be rejected. 15 The Regional Municipality of Niagara General Information 6.0 General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS The proponent shall submit one (1) original and three (3) copies of the RFPQ. Each submission shall have a minimum font size of 12 and are to be no more than twenty-four (24) pages, exclusive of covering letter, resumes and references. RFPQ’s are to be submitted in packages with the following information clearly marked on the outside of the package: 1. Name of Proponent. 2. Title Prequalification Call for General Contracting Services for the Replacement of Central Ave. Bridge (Structure No. 124205) in the Town of Fort Erie. Content of Submission General contractors are requested to submit a qualification submission, which includes the following sections indicated and containing no more than twenty-four (24) single sided pages exclusive of covering letter, resumes, and references. The qualification submission should provide sufficient information to judge qualifications of the general contractors to complete the project described herein. General contractors should submit their qualification submission as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Table of Contents Form of Submission Commitment Letter Capability of Contractor Form “A” Contractors Experience (CCDC 11-1996ER2006) 6. Named Office and Site Personnel(2) Completion of Form “B” Total Pages 1 1 1 3 16 2 ____ 24 The following information may be provided as appendices in the contractor’s submission: 1. Contractor’s reference letters 2. Resumes of named personnel The Region may, in its sole discretion, disqualify Proponents who fail, in the opinion of the Region, to meet the requirements of the Call for RFPQ. The Region reserves the right to revise this Call for RFPQ prior to the due date. Revisions shall be emailed and/or faxed to all potential proponents who have received this RFPQ document. The Region reserves the right to extend the date by which the RFPQ’s are due. Date and Place for Receiving Submissions Submissions will be received by the Purchasing Office, Corporate Services Department, Attention Dan Augustine, Regional Municipality of Niagara, Campbell West, 2201 St. David’s Road, P.O. Box 1042, Thorold, Ontario, L2V 4T7, until 2:00 p.m. local time, November 20, 2014. 16 The Regional Municipality of Niagara General Information General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 Submissions received after 2:00 p.m. local time will be returned unopened. No further information will be made available at that time. Niagara Region will not, under any circumstances, reimburse any Proponent for any costs associated with the preparation of the RFPQ. 7.0 RESERVED RIGHTS In addition to any other right expressed or implied in this Request for Prequalification, the Region reserves the right to: a) make public the names of any or all applicants and members of a applicant's team; b) request written clarification of any element of any Pre-qualification from any applicant and incorporate an applicant’s response to that request into the applicant’s Pre-qualification; c) clarify or verify with any Applicant or with a third party any information set out in a Pre-qualification; d) check references other than those provided by any applicant; e) disqualify or invalidate any Pre-qualification that contains material misrepresentations or any other materially inaccurate or misleading information; f) make changes, including substantial changes, to this Request for Prequalification provided that those changes are issued by way of addenda; g) if a single Pre-qualification is received, reject the Pre-qualification of the sole Applicant and cancel this RFPQ process or enter into direct negotiations with the sole Applicant. 8.0 NON-EXCLUSIVE Any contract awarded as a result of this Request for Pre-qualification will be nonexclusive. The Region may in its sole discretion, purchase the same or similar services from any one of the pre-qualified respondents or other sources. The Region reserves the right to award by project, or part thereof, groups of project, or parts thereof, or all items, and to award contracts to one or more pre-qualified respondents; to reject any and all offers in whole or in part; to waive technical defects, irregularities and omissions if, in so doing, the best interests of The Region will be served. The Region reserves the right to accept or reject any or all submissions received. The Region has the unilateral and exclusive right to change the dates, schedule, deadlines, process and requirements described in this Request for Pre-qualification; to change the limits and scope of the Request for Pre-qualification; to cancel this Request for Pre-qualification; to abandon this process; or to elect not to proceed with the proposed Engineering Services for any reason whatsoever, without incurring any liability for costs and damages incurred by any respondent. 17 The Regional Municipality of Niagara General Information 9.0 General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 PURCHASING BY-LAW Submissions will be solicited, received, evaluated, accepted and processed in accordance with the Region’s Purchasing By-law as amended from time to time. The Purchasing By-Law can be viewed on the Region’s website, 10.0 DE-BRIEFING After the RFPQ process is complete, an unsuccessful applicant may request a debriefing session to discuss their submission. The applicant may contact the Purchasing representative, as specified in the bid document. The project representatives will conduct a debriefing, by telephone, for the purpose of explaining the evaluation process, discussing the applicant’s submission and its ranking, and explaining why the applicant’s submission was not selected. Only the submission of the unsuccessful applicant will be reviewed. 11.0 LOBBYING RESTRICTIONS (a) Suppliers, their staff members, or anyone involved in preparing Bids shall not engage in any form of political or other lobbying whatsoever or seek to influence the outcome of the purchasing process or subsequent Award. This restriction extends to all of the Corporation’s staff and members of Council. The Corporation may reject any Bid by a Supplier that engages in such lobbying, without further consideration, and may terminate that Supplier’s right to continue in the purchasing process. During a Bid Solicitation process, all communications shall be made through Purchasing Services. No Supplier or person acting on behalf of a Supplier or group of Suppliers, shall contact any elected official, consultant or any employee of the Corporation to attempt to seek information or to influence the Award. Elected officials shall refer any inquiries about a Bid Solicitation process to the Commissioner of Corporate Services. (b) (c) (d) 18 The Regional Municipality of Niagara Form of Submission General Contractors – Replacement of Central Ave Bridge, Fort Erie Document Number 2014-RFPQ-08 12.0 FORM OF SUBMISSION I/We the undersigned, having carefully examined all Sections of this Request for Pre-qualification do hereby affirm the acceptance of the requirements. COMPANY: CONTACT NAME: (Must Show Correct Legal Company Name) ADDRESS: (please print) SIGNATURE: (I/We have the authority to bind the Corporation) TITLE: WITNESS: POSTAL CODE: SIGNATURE: TELEPHONE NUMBER: TITLE: FAX NUMBER: DATE: E-MAIL ADDRESS (Must supply if available): 19 APPENDIX A – KEY PLAN ~ 1,\migari Qo\~~s IBf,doe St suoam"ow1 Pat1< GlmOfe Rd liD- Tim· \ill 21 ;1m illY G•tTisOn Rd 'iiJ ~ - 'ill" Garrison Rd 'iii TOWN 0F 1 i ~ ~ ~ lf(JRT~RIE' ~- · II f !a illY I KEY PLAN Niagara PUBLIC WORKS CENTRAL AVENUE BRIDGE STRUCTURE No. 124205 REGIONAL ROAD 124 (CENTRAL AVENUE) BRIDGE O'JER CNR RAILWAY APPENDIX A APPENDIX B – ORIGINAL GENERAL ARRANGEMENT DRAWING 22 APPENDIX C – GENERAL ARRANGEMENT AND STAGING DRAWINGS 23 24 APPENDIX D – FORM A AND FORM B REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS CENTRAL AVENUE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT (STRUCTURE No. 124205) Appendix D – Form A Capability of Contractor Introduction of the Firm (Contractor) Address Telephone Fax If Corporation Year of Incorporation Federal or Provincial Name of Province If Registered Provinces and Dates If Partnership Dated of Establishment If Firm Owned by Individual Date of Establishment Name, Titles and Addresses of Firm Officers, Partners, Individual Owner 25 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS CENTRAL AVENUE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT (STRUCTURE No. 124205) Approximate annual values of bridge construction work in Canada for the past five years 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Financial References Bank Name Address Name, Title, Telephone Number of Contact Person Insurance Name Address Name, Title, Telephone Number of Contact Person Bonding Company Name Address Name, Title, Telephone Number of Contact Person Value of largest completed project for which bonding was provided in the last five years $ 26 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS CENTRAL AVENUE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT (STRUCTURE No. 124205) Appendix D – Form B Office & Site Personnel, Engineers List below key office and site personnel who would be associated with the project and briefly identify in one paragraph relevant experience to work on this project. List the Professional Engineering for design of temporary work and the Specialist Engineer in charge of the jacking operation. Attach resume of qualifications and experience of those named below in an appendix. Name Present Position Years with Company 27 Relevant Experience APPENDIX E – PROPOSED SCHEDULE 28 ~f li ~i II: !:; • ::. (/1 ~ ~ (/1 t: ::: ~ "' II ...' I I II If n rq i' • ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 i i .n ~ H 1 I I ~ ~ Cll lr =:! :. 01 (/1"' '% (II = :: (II (/1 . ' " "" " f! HUll .r 'tu1i t ~ ' ~ 111f r H Hi.i JIiIll [j I• fHI' tqP ~ . I I i!liil . •r-·1 i·;i '1 H ~ i!t I I.Ht~ .J I• !J i I f ' Ii f i H ! p i Ip I i ~ i i 1!1 ol"' "' "' •• r. J·r· f i I ~ • ~ ~ i J j i l ii ~ 1 i i f i • ~l • i i l I ~ ~ i i" " J~ F • i i ~ ~ f . ~ ;; :::; "" = ............. ... .. - - " " ' " ' " " ... " " ~.,. Jl H Jf j i.. H p h·l· j! J . . 'J' fi f .r H ~ ·IIJ! I" i j! i c.l mJ HfJII diJ II . if ~ • f t jhti J.... J jl t l ~ i i l s li. f i I ~ I• , { I I s a • li. i ~ • ,. - i :::C ~ "'li j! 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