The monthly newsletter of First English Lutheran ChurchChurch - Appleton, WI First English Love Jesus. Live your call. January 2013 News Vol. 4 Issue 1 FELC Outreach Through Building Use First English is blessed to own two beautiful buildings which meet the congregation’s needs so well - from the wonderful Downtown Site Choir Room to the spacious Activity Center at the North Site. These wonderful spaces have not gone unnoticed or unused by the greater Appleton area community. In addition to the benevolence funds FELC contributes to the community, we extend the use of our buildings to other local non-profit groups. Many of these groups would find it financially crippling to have to pay usage fees for meeting space and are surprised at the generosity of our congregation as we open our doors to them. Some groups send a small stipend to compensate for the usage, most do not. But all are very thankful. Some examples of non-profits using our buildings on an ongoing or periodic basis are local Boy and Girl Scout troops, Easter Seals of Wisconsin, Christian Family Radio’s Christmas Care Campaign and Help for the Homeless, Christian Co-operative Preschool, Family Services of Northeast Wisconsin, Appleton Area School District, Lutheran Social Services, ESTHER, Bible Study Fellowship, Feed My Starving Children, the Lawrence Girl Choir, and the VSA Choir. This is just one example of the way First English Lutheran Church is reaching out into the community to “Live your Call.” First English Lutheran Church Website: Email: Downtown Site Corner of North & Drew streets Phone 920-733-2303 Office Hours: M-Th: 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Fri: 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Service Times: Sunday 8, 9:15 & 10:30 a.m. Learning Time: 9:15 a.m. Nativity Displays at Advent Tea Thank you to all who shared their Nativity sets at the Advent Tea on Sunday, Nov. 25. There was a wide variety of shapes, sizes, materials and nationalities of beautiful displays - 42 sets in all. First English member Connie Krueger shared a Nativity scene (below), about which she has written a lovely poem. She shares the poem with us below. North Site Corner of Broadway & Ballard Road Phone 920-882-7942 Service Times: Sunday 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Learning Time: 9:35 a.m. Echoes Phone 920-882-8172 First English Pastoral Staff Jeff Tengesdal Mary Bauer Bryan Schmidt First English Support Staff Anita Damon Julie Doerfler J. Blake Doss Jeanne Gronholm Donna Haberland Kathy Hoffman Kristy Howard Meri Hujet Jenny Jamison Jennifer Leahy Zay Lenaburg Jean Monson Kirsten Owens Dale Rude Cindi Schwab Steve Sieck Brenda Smongeski Newsletter Deadline: All submissions for the February, 2013 issue must be emailed to by noon on Wednesday, Jan. 16. 16. Special thanks to all those who contributed photos for the newsletter. 2F Crèche Bandits I left the kids with Granny, and traveled off with Paul. A conference way out West for him, for me, the shopping mall! My mission was to find a crèche… the Christmas Story tell to grandkids who’d be showing up with thoughts of jingle bells. I found a beauty, made of wood, carved by the man who sold it. I knew at once this was the one, as he, his story, told it. Grandkids, ages three and four… oh, how they loved that crèche! They told the story o’er and o’er, each time ‘twas new and fresh. Two days after they arrived, I noticed that the horns of both the cows were missing! And in my heart grew fears… …that two small boys had done this crime, and spoiled my newest treasure! So I began to question them, and found new ways to measure. “The cows had horns so very sharp!” they started with their tale… “They’d hurt the Baby Jesus!” and they both began to wail…. So after that confession made with two such tender hearts, I chose to not reveal their crime. The story this imparts…. …is of those tiny, loving hands that saved the Baby Jesus, and will forever help us see as those young hearts would lead us. -Connie Krueger, 2012 Thank You to the Many Volunteers who Serve at First English Thank you to all First English volunteers and staff who helped reach out to others with special events, programs, projects and worship services during the Christmas season, including but not limited to: ♦♦♦ The many worship volunteers who helped make each service so meaningful each week but especially during the busy Christmas season; greeters, readers, ushers, communion assistants, acolytes, television/sound/media technicians, soloists, musicians, choir members, special music musicians, and worship assistants. ♦♦♦ The dedicated volunteers who assemble our weekly bulletins and always come through during the Christmas season. ♦♦♦ The office volunteers who help answer phones and provide a welcoming presence to the office during this busy holiday season. ♦♦♦ Echoes volunteers, customers and donors for creating a festive Christmas atmosphere with wonderful displays and Christmas spirit. ♦♦♦ Volunteers who helped make the “Advent Tea” a success plus The Waupaca High School Madrigal Singers who provided wonderful entertainment to enrich our time together. ♦♦♦ The families who donated their nativity sets for display. 42 sets were on display. ♦♦♦“The Progressive Dinner” organizers and participants who created such a wonderful spirit of fellowship. Thank you especially to the host families in 2012. ♦♦♦ ALL FELC Bell-ringers for the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign; those who rang bells on the three First English dates but everyone who rang bells at any time to help support the Salvation Army. ♦♦♦ FELC members who helped plan, organize, cook, set up/clean up and bake for the annual Dec. 13 “Waiting with a Sure and Certain Hope” Worship Service and Lunch, and Elizabeth Mazurak and Jennifer Johnson for sharing their musical gifts to create a memorable morning. Thank you to all who donated sweets for the 2012 cookie exchange. ♦♦♦ Steve Sieck, Parish Choir Director for his wonderful contribution in creating the Advent Vespers service that was held on Dec. 12. Thank you all the volunteers and musicians who assisted in providing an evening of pure Advent joy. ♦♦♦ ALL the bakers who provided so many treats throughout Advent and Christmas. ♦♦♦ Everyone who blessed the staff with sweets, cards and greetings. ♦♦♦ Cooks, decorators, servers and cleanup crews who assisted with the multiple programs throughout Advent and Christmas. ♦♦♦ Early Risers Bible Study for making krumkake and delivering it to FELC homebound plus sharing the treat at the 50+ Cookie Exchange. ♦♦♦ The Sunday School children and teachers for sharing messages about Jesus’ birth. ♦♦♦ Preschoolers for songs about baby Jesus. North Site Sunday School children for their beautiful Christmas program, “ Follow the Star”, and Downtown Site Sunday School children for their joyful music in the Christmas message, “Shepherds, Sheep and a Savior." ♦♦♦ Children who made Christmas cards, decorated cookies and sang Christmas carols. ♦♦♦ All who brought donations for the WEMI Christian Family Radio’s Care & Share program and food items for St. Joseph Food Program. 58 Care and Share boxes will bring joy to others this Christmas. ♦♦♦ All choir members and those providing special music for their spirited singing in this season of joy. ♦♦♦ Those that participated in the “Fill the Trailer” food drive and associated activities collecting food for the less fortunate. ♦♦♦ Those who supported the Alternative Gifts Market by purchasing Christmas presents. ♦♦♦ Those who participated or helped with set up for the “Longest Night” service on Dec. 20. ♦♦♦ To those who gave their time and talents to decorate the sanctuaries at both sites. ♦♦♦ Bruce Jahnke for donating the beautiful Christmas trees and greenery at both sites. ♦♦♦ Those assisting in tree delivery, set up and take down of the Christmas trees. ♦♦♦ All who purchased poinsettias to complement the sanctuaries, and alternative gift chicks in memory/honor of a loved one. ♦♦♦ The Christmas offering organizers and counters. January 2013 Newsletter 3 From the Desk of Pastor Jeff “The eyes of all . . . were fixed on Jesus” (Luke 4:20). We are going to fix our eyes on Jesus in January. We are going to fix our hearts on the things that matter to his heart: “. . . to bring good news to the poor . . . to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind . . . to let the oppressed go free” (Luke 4:18,19). Sunday, Jan. 6, is a very special day in the life of our congregation. It is Sign-up Day for our Unbinding Your Heart study scheduled for Lent (Feb. 10 - Mar. 24). The study is designed to unbind, free, and release our hearts to be in a deeper relationship with Jesus, and I want EVERY person in our congregation to be in a study group, and every homebound person in prayer. For the six weeks of Lent we’ll offer our whole selves to God. In fact, we’re canceling all regular meetings, including Church Council and Ministry Teams, so that all worship, Confirmation and prayer can focus on what we’ll be studying. Be sure to worship on Jan. 6 so you won’t miss learning more about this. Sunday, Jan. 13 will introduce us to the Adoption Ambassador Program of Lutheran Social Services (LSS) of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. Guest preachers and forum leaders will be at both of our sites to tell us about this program. I met with Jay Fulkerson two months ago. He is one of many LSS Adoption Ambassadors, and he explained how LSS has partnered with the Adoption Board in Manila to place orphaned Philippine children in stable, loving homes. His own personal stories of Manila from last April inspired me to the point I wanted his message heard by all of First English. Sunday, Jan. 20 marks the kick-off of next summer’s Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) event. There has been hardly any down time since last summer’s event. Christians from many community churches have been meeting monthly to plan for our fourth annual event. The hundreds of thousands of FMSC meals which have been and will be prepared are “good news to the poor.” Sunday, Jan. 27 will introduce us to representatives from Crossways Camping Ministries (CCM), including its Executive Director John Meachen. I’m hoping this Sunday will foster support for CCM and encourage many of our families and children to register for summer Bible Camp. One of the surest guarantors for keeping our children’s eyes fixed on Jesus, especially into young adulthood, is an experience at camp. January is going to be a great month together as we move further into our congregational mission: Love Jesus. Live your call. ~Pastor Jeff Worship and Music 2013 Altar Flowers Sign Up FELC is pleased to have a local floral designer design the altar flowers that are arranged in honor of or in memory of a loved one. The cost is $50. Please sign up on the special Altar Flower calendar and send your payment to the church office. Wedding couples are welcome to leave altar flowers behind, if they so wish just inform Kristy in the office so you can be acknowledged in the Sunday bulletin. For Downtown Site flowers, sign up in the Gathering Area. For altar flowers at the North Site, please contact Kristy Howard in the church office (733-2303 or Sermon Schedule for Winter and Spring 2013 You may have noticed the pastors will usually preach the same sermon two weeks in a row, giving it once at each site. While this can be repetitive if you want to travel freely between both sites, this actually encourages unity between the two sites at First English. If you meet someone who typically worships at the opposite site, you know that they are learning the same things and being challenged in the same ways that you are. And if a pastor has a sermon that they feel meets a need for the entire congregation, they can be assured that most of the church will hear it. To see a calendar that will let you know when a sermon is a repeat of a previous sermon, go to under the calendars tab, and click Sermon Schedule. If you have questions or comments, please contact Pastor Jeff, Pastor Mary or Pastor Bryan. 4 Learning Children's Learning Time News Confirmation News Continue exploring the weekly Sunday School Bible story at home using the Family Page available online at This month the Bible stories are: • 9th Grade Confirmation Meet- Jan. 6 Jesus’ Baptism Movie Luke 3: 21-22 Jan. 13 The Wedding Banquet Matthew 22:1-14 Jan. 20 Jesus Feeds the 5,000 John 6: 1-14 Jan. 27 The Greatest Commandment Matthew 22: 34-36 Parenting Workshops First English is pleased to host the following parenting workshops, which are sponsored by Parent Connection, of Family Services of Northeast Wisconsin and open to the community. The cost is $5 per person per workshop. Reg- 830--6877. ister in advance by calling ThedaCare at 920920 -830 Scholarships are available by calling 739-4226 ext. 108. • 1-2-3 Magic: Parents, learn how to STOP the behavior you don’t want and START the behavior you do want on Thursday, Jan. 24 and 31 from 6-8 p.m. in Room 218 at the Downtown Site. • Two Homes, No Battles: This workshop suggests successful co-parenting skills for divorced or separated couples. Discover practical ideas and skills to create a more nurturing environment. Learn what parents can do to make the transition less traumatic on Thursday, Feb. 7 from 5:30-8 p.m. in Room 110 at the Downtown Site. • Terrific Twos: This one night workshop explores the world of two-yearolds! Topics include typical behavior, stages of development, creating a safe, learning environment, and the importance of routines on Thursday, March 14 from 6-8 p.m. in Room 110 at the Downtown Site. • Let’s Get This Potty Started: Learn the signs for toilet readiness and stress-free toilet learning techniques on Tuesday, March 5 from 6-7:30 p.m. in Room 110 at the Downtown Site. ing: All 9th grade confirmation students and their parents are required to attend an informational meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 2 at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Details and schedules regarding the students’ last semester of confirmation will be discussed so please bring your family calendar along with you; this will include specifics about the FELC new member five week series that all 9th grade students will participate in. Don’t forget that, if you wish, the LIFT meal is served from 5:15 p.m.-6:15 p.m. on Jan. 2; just make a reservation by Friday, Dec. 28 at noon. • “New & Review” classes begin Jan. 6 or Jan. 9: All 9th grade Confirmation students will begin their second semester with New & Review classes. These classes are to be attended with a parent or other guardian. Students are to attend either a Sunday or Wednesday class for each week of the series. Sunday classes will be from noon to 1 p.m., Wednesday classes will be during the regular Confirmation class time, 6:30-7:45 p.m. New & Review is a five week series beginning Jan. 6 and ending Feb. 6. Family Pizza and Veggie Tale Movie Night Sedgewick, and George (Larry the Cucumber, Mr. Lunt, and Pa Grape) are all busboys at the Pieces of Ate Dinner Theater, and all long for the day when they can cease cleaning tables and step into the spotlight. If Elliot could overcome his timidity, Sedgewick could muster some motivation, and George could only boost of self-confidence a bit, perhaps their dreams of starring in the big pirate show could finally come true. When a mysterious artifact known as the "Helpseeker" falls from the sky searching for three heroes to embark on a treacherous quest back to the 17th century, Elliot, Sedgewick, and George must choose between traveling back in time to rescue a royal family from a dangerous despot or spendEveryone's favorite produce pals set out to seek their for- ing the rest of their lives lazily lounging around on the tune on the open seas in this animated adventure. Elliot, couch. Mark your calendars for Friday evening, Jan. 25 for a night of fun, fellowship, and food! All families with children ages preschool-grade 6 are invited to the Family Pizza and Movie Night in Fellowship Hall at the Downtown Site. We’ll enjoy a pizza dinner starting at 5:30 p.m. and we’ll watch the Veggie Tales movie, “The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything” after dinner. Bring your favorite blankets, wear your slippers and be prepared to laugh as your favorite Veggie Tales characters are dreaming of being pirates. Please sign up online at for the dinner and to bring a dish to pass. Arrgh Mateys – hope to see you there! January 2013 Newsletter 5 Learning Men's Bible Studies All of FELC’s Men’s Ministry groups welcome visitors. You’ll find a support group, time to discuss current events, friendship, fellowship and mentoring. No need to register, just come and visit one of these weekly small groups. • Tuesday morning men’s ministry meets at 6:30 a.m. at the North Site Office. • Wednesday men’s ministry meets at 7 p.m. at the Downtown Site Office. • Tuesday men's ministry meets at 7 p.m. in the Downtown Site Lounge. • Friday morning men's ministry meets at 6:30 a.m. at the North Site Office. Sunday Adult Learning Time Women of the ELCA 9:15 a.m. Downtown Site Starting Jan. 6, the study “Jesus Christ: A Portrait of God” meets weekly at 9:15 a.m. in Room 221 at the Downtown Site. In this new year, may Jesus help us see His reflection in each person we meet. Have you ever been so busy you don’t have time even to eat? In January, the monthly study looks at the disciples who’ve been away on a mission trip, back and eager to tell Jesus what they have done, but with so many people clamoring around them, they hardly have time to eat. Jesus calls them to “come away . . . and rest a while.” Visit one of these women’s small groups and take time to rest. Contact Anita Damon in the church office for more information. • The Judith Circle meets at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 8 in Room 114 at the Downtown Site. Ruth Rucks is the Bible Study leader. • The Miriam Circle meets at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 9. Please contact Anita Damon at 450-1196 for the location. • The Sarah Circle meets Wednesday, Jan. 9 at Ann Erickson’s home, 430 W Park Ridge Ave, Appleton. Appleton. Regrets only to 733-4631. • The Young Moms Group meets Wednesday, Jan.16 at 9 a.m. in the Nursery at the Downtown Site. Children are welcome to come and play while mom’s share a study. Please contact Jen Wagemen at or by cell: 920-636-8121 with questions. Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring the Fruit of The Spirit Bible study, by Beth Moore, provides a personal study experience plus a video group session. A Spirit-filled life truly results in living beyond yourself. Starting Sunday, Jan. 6, at 9:15 a.m. in Room 114; Annette Ford is the facilitator. The book will be available at class for $15. 9:35 a.m. North Site Starting Jan. 6, join a discussion of Faith Lens, a weekly Bible study which connects world events with the Bible, faith, and everyday life. Jen Wageman is the facilitator. Early Riser’s Women’s Group This group resumes on Thursday, Jan. 10 in Room 114 at the Downtown Site. The Thursday 9 a.m. Bible Study This study group resumes their weekly study on Thursday Jan. 10 in the Lounge at the Downtown Site. This study is open for new participants as we study the Gospel of John. Barb Mattheis is the facilitator. Every Sunday we celebrate the Resurrection. 6 Today’s Events are Tomorrow’s History From the very beginning, CHART’s mission has been to organize and preserve records of events significant to FELC. In keeping with this mission, we are looking for photos of the FELC float from the Appleton Christmas Parade. If you have any photos to share of the float construction or during the parade, we would be happy to add them to the FELC historic collection. We are also interested in photos from this year’s Progressive Dinner (or years past). If you have any extra photos from either event, please drop them off at the office or contact Anita Damon at 733-2303 or Julie Nussbaum at 7313645. The CHART History Team will be meeting Downtown in Room 221 on Jan. 10 and Jan. 24 at 10:30 a.m. We will continue to work on the photograph sorting/identification project and archiving documents. Baptismal Workshop The next Baptismal Workshop is at 6 p.m. (please note the time change) on Tuesday, Feb. 5, in Room 110 at the Downtown Site. Families wishing to have a family member baptized will learn about the very special gifts God gives us in baptism - we are named and claimed as children of God, promised forgiveness of sin and eternal life, and given the gift of the Holy Spirit. Baptism is truly a faith milestone. Details of the baptismal service will be discussed. Please RSVP by calling the church office and indicating if child care is needed. If you have not attended a Baptismal Workshop in the last four years, please plan to attend a workshop before scheduling a baptism. Learning Church Library Is one of your 2013 New Year's Resolutions to read more and view inspiring DVDs? Could you share a Christian book with your child or grandchild? Available for you in the church libraries are over 3,000 books, CDs, DVDs and videos. FELC Book Club: New Look, New Name! Every month there are gifts to the church library. These can be placed in the bottom drawer on the right side of the desk at the Downtown Site. If they can be valued additions to our libraries, they will be entered into the computer and available to be checked out. If the item is not needed, it will be donated to Echoes. Two of the recent additions are: • Gift from Judy Snavely: When Cancer Strikes a Friend by Bonnie E. Draeger (616.99,Dra) The author said that there are numerous books for patients, immediate family members, and primary caregivers, but "Where is the book for friends?" In her research, she learned that cancer experiences are as unique and varied as the individuals who struggle with the disease. She gives guidelines to help you find countless ways to demonstrate your care and support throughout the cancer journey. • Gift from Elayne Lastofka: 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper (231.7,Pip) From a car accident, Piper experienced the glories of heaven, awed by its beauty and music. Now he shares his life-changing story with you. (A copy of this book is already at the North Site.) Are you a solitary creature who lives in constant danger of being crushed by a stack of books? When company comes, do you have to move books off the sofa so they can sit down? Or maybe you're an avid reader looking for other avid readers in a culture that seems uninterested in reading anything more complicated than a cereal box? If so, you've come to the right place. Nancy Ashland and Donna Haberland invite you to join them the last Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. in Room 114 at the Downtown Site. Come and make some new friends, share a laugh, enjoy tea and treats, talk about all types of topics and generally just have a good time. Oh - and we do discuss the book we’ve read, too! Our book selection for January is A Secret Gift by Ted Gup. Feel free to contact Donna Haberland in the church office (733-2303) with any questions. We hope to see you on Jan.29! Congregational Life All Pro Dad Zumba Fitness is an exhilarating, effective, easy-tofollow Latin-inspired, calorie-burning, dance-fitness program! Join this high energy fitness party and find yourself looking forward to your next workout. Winter session begins Monday, Feb. 4 with registration starting at 6 p.m. The 16 class (8 week) session is held on Monday and Thursday evenings from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Session fee remains $40 and is payable at registration by check or cash. Dependent children age 14 and older are welcome to join their parent(s) for FREE. No babysitting is available. Comfortable gym clothes, shoes, towel and water bottle are all you need! Where: First English Lutheran Church Activity Center 6331 N. Ballard St., Appleton January 2013 Newsletter Join Dads and their kids of all ages for celebration in the Word and a meal. First English chapter of All Pro Dad meets the 2nd Saturday of the month (September through May) at the Perkins West on College Avenue at 8 a.m. The breakfast is geared to school age children, but all dads and their children are welcome. Our next breakfast is on Saturday, Jan. 12. If you would like to join us, please sign up at under the forms tab, or for more information contact Mike Schmid at Used Cell Phone Fund Raiser Support the youth going on the 2013 Mission Trip by bringing your used cell phones to church and dropping them off in the Gathering Area. Please tell friends about this fundraiser and bring their phones as well. The used phones will be turned in and the FELC youth group will be paid cash depending on the make and model of the phone. 7 Goa l– cong rega par t tion icipa tion! S ig n up begi ns: Jan . 6. 100 % Unbinding Your Heart: A Congregation-Wide Lenten Study Feb. 10-Mar. 24, 2013! Lent 2013 will be a unique time for First English, as our congregation will participate in a very special, all-church Lenten study entitled Unbinding Your Heart. This study provides for 40 special days of prayer, supported by weekly worship services and small group gatherings that will be about an hour long. Unbinding Your Heart is about developing a deeper relationship with God, a rich and meaningful personal prayer life, and a new sense of God’s activity in our lives. People are saying they can be more ‘real’ with others as their relationship with God grows … and that this extends to relationships within their families and with people in every area of their lives. This study is taking such a high priority in our church life that all meetings (with only very few exceptions) will NOT be taking place starting on Feb. 10, after the annual meeting. The February ministry teams will move to Tuesday, Feb. 5 and not meet at all in March. Congregation Council will meet immediately after the annual meeting on Feb. 10 but not again until Holy Week. Sign-up for a study will begin on Jan. 6, 2013 with a wide variety of times and places to select from. Unbinding Your Heart books will be available at the time of sign up. Child care will be provided at some of the Unbinding Your Heart study times. The goal is to have 100% participation within the congregation. Adult, teen and children (grades 1-6) versions of Unbinding Your Heart will be offered at many different times such as Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday. You can share in the group experience with no pressure to “do” anything other than: • Worship on Sunday and/or Wednesday Lenten Worship How is Jesus • Read each week’s chapter, and attend the six weekly discussions • Pray, guided by daily prayer exercises in the book Calling You? • Enjoy the fellowship and bonding that will naturally happen Sign up for a small group meeting day and time at, in the Gathering Area starting Jan. 6, or by calling the church office 733-2303. Childcare needed? Request childcare by calling the church office by Jan. 31, 2013. What an exciting time in the life of First English. reFUEL Unbinding Your Heart (Grades 99--12) Interested in learning more about prayer? How about learning how prayer shapes your faith on a Mark Your Calendar! daily basis? Or, maybe you just like books with large purple ribbons on them…. March 24, 2013 Unbinding Your Heart Gratitude Breakfast Palm Sunday Downtown Site and North Site 8 If so, starting in early February, the Wednesday reFUEL group will join the rest of the congregation in exploring Martha Grace Reese’s Unbinding Your Heart: 40 Days of Prayer and Faith Sharing. This sixweek study is both a captivating and challenging resource that encourages you to pray, to talk about your faith, and to share your faith beyond the walls of the church. Sign up begins Jan. 6. Please see Julie or Pastor Bryan if you have any questions about this study. Summer Intern News Now Hiring Summer Interns; Application Deadline: Jan. 7 Applications are now being accepted for the 2013 Summer Intern Staff. The First English Lutheran Church Summer Intern Program exists to provide faith formation and vocational discernment for college-aged men and women. This is accomplished through working together in an intentional Christian community. Each intern is assigned a ministry focus, but the interns work as a team to carry out these ministries. The ministry areas are elementary age youth, middle school youth, high school youth, art, worship, music, member care/communications and outreach. There are 12 positions in all. If you or someone you know would be interested in this wonderful opportunity, an application form can be found on the First English website ( under the resource tab→employment. Applicants must have completed one year of college or be of the equivalent age and life experience. The deadline for applying is Monday, Jan.7, 2013. 2013 If you have questions, contact Julie Doerfler at or call 733-2303. January 2013 Newsletter 7 The annual Make an IMPACT! Fundraiser for Summer Intern Ministries will be held Friday, Mar. 1 from 6:30 - 10 p.m. at Liberty Hall in Kimberly. If you have attended the event in the past, you know what a festive evening it is. If you haven’t been before, mark your calendar now so you don’t miss out on the fun! The auction will have all of the traditional components including the silent auction, live auction, raffle, and fellowship, along with a surprise or two (who can forget last year’s “Polka with the Pastor”?). In addition, the evening will include an hors d’oeuvres style dinner, cash bar, entertainment, and many opportunities to explore how you can make an impact on this communitywide ministry. Tickets for the event will be $20 and will go on sale in early February. Individuals, church groups, businesses, and others are encouraged to make donations for the auctions and raffle. All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. Donations might include but are not limited to weekend getaways, boat trips, homemade dinners, hand-made items, new jewelry, electronics and furniture. (We ask that all donations be new and unused.) Cash donations would be appreciated as well. (A donation form is available below; you may also donate online at impact. Meri Hujet can be contacted by email at to collect your donations, or if you have questions. This is sure to be an evening to remember and an opportunity to make an impact on the lives of youth and young adults, our congregation and our community. Auction Donation Form Yes! I have an item/service to donate to the “Make an IMPACT!” fundraiser held on Friday, Mar. 1, 2013, to support First English Summer Intern Ministries. Your Name/Group ___________________________________________________________________________ Email address ___________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Item to be auctioned/description ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of donor (if different from yours)__________________________________________________________ Minimum bid desired_______________________________ Value of donation __________________________ Please describe your donation exactly as you would like it to appear on the Donated Item Card at the auction. Be as specific as possible about the donated item or service(s) so people know what they are bidding on. Please also include dates and times or a window of time to redeem the service if applicable. If you would like to include the value of the donation, please feel free to add that as well. You may also submit your donation online at Thank you for your generous support of this ministry! 10 January 2013 The$Newsletter$of$Family$&$Youth$Ministry$at$First$English$Lutheran$Church$ Prayers are with you as you begin this new year. May God bless you and may you be a blessing to others! Christmas blessings to you from your pastors, the FELC youth staff and the reFUEL Y O U R T I M E B E R E N E W R E F R E S H R E - E N E R G I Z T E E E O D D D “BAC” %5($.)$67$7 %5($.)$67$7 $33/(&,7<5(67$85$17 $33/(&,7<5(67$85$17 5LVHDQGVKLQH SLFNXSDIHZIULHQGVDQGMRLQ .LUVWHQDQG3DVWRU%U\DQ DW$SSOH&LW\5HVWDXUDQW HYHU\7KXUVGD\PRUQLQJ DWDP 6WDUW\RXUGD\ZLWKIULHQGV IHOORZVKLSGHYRWLRQ DQGJUHDWGLVFXVVLRQ FELC HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP GRADES 9-12 Wednesdays! • reFUEL Sunday Edition NS Grades 9-12 9:35-10:30 a.m. Office Area—NS • reFUEL Sunday Edition DS Grades 9-12 9:15-10:15am Youth Room—DS Drop-in with Pizza Grades 7-12 5:30-6:30 p.m. reFUEL Wednesday Edition Grades 10-12 6:30-7:45 p.m. Discussion, study and fellowship FAITH AND FELLOWSHIP 2013 IT’S MOVIE TIME! JAN. 6 YOUTH ROOM DS During reFUEL For all high school youth from both sites. Don’t miss this opportunity for fellowship, fun and GREAT FOOD! Bring a friend! PRAY DAILY January 2013 Newsletter !"##"$%&'(")&!**+"%,& ϭϬ͗ϯϬĂ͘ŵ͘:ĂŶ͘ϲ zŽƵƚŚZŽŽŵͶ^ KƵƌŐƌŽƵƉŚĂƐďĞĞŶĨŽƌŵĞĚ ĂŶĚŶŽǁǁĞƐƚĂƌƚŵĂŬŝŶŐ ĚĞĨŝŶŝƚĞƉůĂŶƐĨŽƌƚŚĞƚƌŝƉ͘ /ĨLJŽƵĂƌĞƐŝŐŶĞĚƵƉĨŽƌƚŚĞŵŝƐƐŝŽŶƚƌŝƉ͕ ĚŽŶ͛ƚŵŝƐƐƚŚŝƐŵĞĞƚŝŶŐ͊ ͞ǀĞƌLJďŽĚLJĐĂŶďĞŐƌĞĂƚ͘͘͘ďĞĐĂƵƐĞĂŶLJďŽĚLJ ĐĂŶƐĞƌǀĞ͘zŽƵŽŶůLJŶĞĞĚĂŚĞĂƌƚĨƵůůŽĨ ŐƌĂĐĞͶĂƐŽƵůŐĞŶĞƌĂƚĞĚďLJůŽǀĞ͘͟ DĂƌƚŝŶ>ƵƚŚĞƌ<ŝŶŐ:ƌ͘ Hey youth grades 7-9! Come to the North Site on Jan. 20 3-5 p.m. for a great movie, great popcorn and great fun! Sign up on the FELC website. “Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example for the believers in your speech, your conduct, your love, faith, and purity.” 11 JANUARY SCHEDULE Jan. 2 Youth Drop-in (Grades 7-12) 5:30-6:30 p.m. DS Youth Room 9th Grade mandatory second semester meeting with parents 6:30 p.m. DS Confirmation general session (Grades 7-8) 6:30-7:45 p.m. DS reFUEL - Wednesday Edition (Grades 10-12) 6:30-7:45 p.m. DS Youth Room Seraphim Choir 7:45-8:15 p.m. DS Choir Room Jan. 6 Worship Sign up begins for Unbinding the Heart Seraphim Sings 8 a.m. DS Sunday School (Grades 7-8) reFUEL - Sunday Edition (Grades 9-12) Kick-off Breakfast 9:15-10:30 a.m. DS Mission Trip Meeting 10:30 a.m. DS New and Review— Option 1 (Grade 9) Noon—1 p.m. DS Jan. 7 Intern applications due Jan. 9 Youth Drop-in (Grades 7-12) 5:30-6:30 p.m. DS Youth Room New and Review—Option 2 (Grade 9) 6:30-7:45 p.m. DS Confirmation general session (Grade 7-8) 6:30-7:45 p.m. DS reFUEL - Wednesday Edition (Grades 10-12) 6:30-7:45 p.m. DS Youth Room Seraphim Choir 7:45-8:15 p.m. DS Choir Room Jan. 10 BAC at Apple City Restaurant 6:15 a.m. Jan. 13 Worship Sunday School (Grades 7-8) reFUEL - Sunday Edition (Grades 9-12) 9:15 a.m. DS and 9:35 a.m. NS New and Review— Option 1 (Grade 9) Noon—1 p.m. DS Jan. 16 Youth Drop-in (Grades 7-12) 5:30-6:30 p.m. DS Youth Room New and Review—Option 2 (Grade 9) 6:30-7:45 p.m. DS Confirmation general session (Grade 7-8) 6:30-7:45 p.m. DS reFUEL - Wednesday Edition (Grades 10-12) 6:30-7:45 p.m. DS Youth Room Seraphim Choir 7:45-8:15 p.m. DS Choir Room Jan. 17 BAC at Apple City Restaurant 6:15 a.m. Jan. 19-20 Seraphim trip to Minneapolis Jan. 20 Worship Sunday School (Grades 7-8) reFUEL - Sunday Edition (Grades 9-12) 9:15 a.m. DS and 9:35 a.m. NS New and Review— Option 1 (Grade 9) Noon—1 p.m. DS Faith and Fellowship 3-5p.m. NS Jan. 23 Youth Drop-in (Grades 7-12) 5:30-6:30 p.m. DS Youth Room New and Review—Option 2 (Grade 9) 6:30-7:45 p.m. DS Confirmation general session (Grade 7-8) 6:30-7:45 p.m. DS reFUEL - Wednesday Edition (Grades 10-12) 6:30-7:45 p.m. DS Youth Room Seraphim Choir 7:45-8:15 p.m. DS Choir Room Jan. 24 BAC at Apple City Restaurant 6:15 a.m. Jan. 27 Worship Sunday School (Grades 7-8) reFUEL - Sunday Edition (Grades 9-12) 9:15 a.m. DS and 9:35 a.m. NS New and Review— Option 1 (Grade 9) Noon—1 p.m. NS Jan. 30 Youth Drop-in (Grades 7-12) 5:30-6:30 p.m. DS Youth Room New and Review—Option 2 (Grade 9) 6:30-7:45 p.m. NS Confirmation general session (Grade 7-8) 6:30-7:45 p.m. DS reFUEL - Wednesday Edition (Grades 10-12) 6:30-7:45 p.m. DS Youth Room Seraphim Choir 7:45-8:15 p.m. DS Choir Room 12 & ' ( )' '( * ' ' ''+$! , ! & -' ./ -012 / 3 4 5 6 8QELQGLQJ <RXU +HDUW 'D\V RI 3UD\HU DQG )DLWK 6KDULQJ 3/ ' / / ' '/ $ ! %/ ' 7$ $ 7/ 8 ' $ Congregational Life Wednesday LIFT at the Downtown Site Wednesday LIFT (Living in Faith Together) activities are available for all ages to help people keep Jesus Christ at the center of their life. Develop relationships and dig more deeply into faith, scripture and God’s work in our lives. Wednesday LIFT goes beyond church membership into real discipleship. Child care is available with advance RSVP to the church office 733-2303. Small groups meet on Jan. 2-30 and Feb. 6 at 4 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. in Room 114 at the Downtown Site for John Ortberg’s study and DVD Start Becoming a Good Samaritan. Live out Christ's love in world-changing ways right where you live. Becoming a Love and Logic Parent, a 6 week class, is a way of working with children that puts parents back in control, teaches children to be responsible, and prepares young people to live in the real world, with its many choices and consequences. Join Jen Kennedy, Jan. 2-Feb. 6, at 6:30 p.m. in the Lounge. Register online at or on the bulletin board. January Schedule 4-5 p.m. 5:15-6:15 p.m. 5:30-6:30 p.m. 6-6:30 p.m. 6:30-7:30 p.m. 6:30-7:45 p.m. 6:30-7:45 p.m. 6:30-7:45 p.m. 6:30-7:45 p.m. 6:30-7:45 p.m. 6:30-7:45 p.m. 7-8 p.m. 7:45-8:15 p.m. Start Becoming a Good Samaritan, Room 114 LIFT meal, Fellowship Hall Youth Drop-in grades 7-12, Youth Room Musikgarten, Room 220 KidsLIFE grades 1-6, Room 014 Confirmation grades 7-9 Start Becoming a Good Samaritan, Room 114 Becoming a Love and Logic Parent, Lounge Child Care in Nursery with Advance RSVP reFUEL - Wednesday Edition, Youth Room Parish Choir, Choir Room Men’s Ministry Bible Study, Library Seraphim Choir, Choir Room In the Footsteps of St. Paul Spaces are filling up for the summer 2013 tour to Greece and Turkey with Pastor Jeff and Barb. In order to ensure a space for yourself, and for planning purposes, it is important to get registration forms and deposits in as soon as possible. Please check out the information sheets in the Gathering Area, click “Forms/Sign-ups” on the First English website, or talk to Pastor Jeff or Barb, for more information. They hope you will join them on this journey of faith and history, in the footsteps of St. Paul. Fundraising Opportunity for First English: First English is participating in an exciting fundraising program. FELC has a link to a shopping website featuring thousands of partner stores like Walmart, JCPenney, Best Buy, and more. When you make a purchase through the link as a Preferred Customer, FELC receives royalties and you earn cash back on qualified purchases. Go to “” under the Resources tab of the FELC website, or contact Earl Green at or 735-6096 for more information. January 2013 Newsletter Wednesday LIFT Meal Registration • Jan. 2: Zuppa’s • • • • Variety of wraps (veggie included), chips/dip, veggie tray Jan. 9: Mary’s Broasted chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy Jan. 16: Schreiner’s Diner Turkey and mashed potatoes Jan. 23 Schweitzer’s Taco Buffet Jan. 30: LIFT Volunteers Pizza Night Enjoy this time of food and fellowship! What a blessing to have these delicious dinner options available during our hectic Wednesdays. Make your reservations by Monday noon at→forms/sign up→Fellowship→LIFT meal registration. Meals are served from 5:15-6:15 p.m. $5 per person, under age 5 free with family/household maximum of $20. Payment collected on Wednesdays. “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” - Matthew 18:20 November Baptisms • • • • • • Henry Rohlf Holden Elin Dolores Ulness Lena Lorraine Ulness Morgan Marie Schauske Grant Thomas Neuwirth Ruby Kay Clifford November Funerals • John Belling • Lois Derber January Anniversaries • James and Susan Rouse cele- brate 35 years together on Jan. 1. • Jeffrey and Frances Eckes cele- brate 45 years together on Jan. 14. • Richard and Virginia Lecker celebrate 45 years together on Jan. 20. 13 Congregational Life Thrivent Choice Save the Dates: Making a Choice for the Best Transition - How to Clear Out 50 Years of Possessions Guest Speaker: Jean Long Manteufel, Long’s Senior Transitions When: Tuesday, Jan. 15 at 1 p.m. Where: Downtown Site Fellowship Hall Who: Open to all ages of the congregation; guests and family. Parents and adult children are encouraged to attend together - great opportunity to share in the conversation. Info: Jean Long Manteufel moved back to Appleton in 1987 and started working for A-1 Moving. “Jerry Long’s” A-1 Moving and Storage, Inc. is now in its fourth generation of professional moving. Jean Long Manteufel, CEO of Long's Senior Transitions in Appleton, writes a Post Crescent column on the first Sunday of each month about baby boomers, their aging parents and the transitions they're facing. When the time comes to movewhether to a new house, an apartment or even assisted living, you can often be overcome with where to start. Come listen to Jean offer some initial steps in beginning the process of downsizing to avoid the task of moving becoming overwhelming. For planning purposes sign up in the Gathering Area or register online at (under the forms tab) or by calling the church office by Monday, Jan. 14. Annual Soup Buffet When: Noon, Wednesday, Feb. 6 Where: Downtown Site Fellowship Hall Who: Open to all ages of the congregation; caregivers, guests and family. Info: Start your recipe search for a new soup or stew. Luncheon includes a variety of homemade soups around a Valentine’s Day theme. 14 Thrivent Choice, the charitable grant program from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, continues to be a welcomed funding source for First English. If you are a member of Thrivent Financial, you likely are aware of this easy, convenient way to help support what matters most to you. The Thrivent Choice program offers two ways members can recommend where Thrivent grant funds are distributed each year - through voting events or through Choice Dollars, which eligible members themselves direct. Contact your local Thrivent representative or visit for more information. Be a Prayer Partner The Confirmation Prayer Partner Ministry is looking for 30+ volunteers to simply offer the gift of prayer for a confirmation student. The prayer partner program has been a long-standing tradition at FELC. Here’s how it works: each volunteer will be assigned to a current confirmation student (current 8th and 9th grade students were likely assigned last year, so the majority of assignments will be 7th graders). The volunteer will be provided some basic information about his/her student, but the identity of the volunteer is not made known to the student. This way the prayer partner becomes a “secret pal” to the confirmation student. We ask that you include your assigned student in your prayers. Young people face difficult choices every day. Your thoughtful prayers for God’s guidance as they navigate this difficult path will be one of the greatest gifts you can give to them. It is an important time in their faith development. In the past, many partners have sent an occasional card to their students reminding them that someone is praying for them. Reminders and some cards will be provided. Prayer partners are revealed to the students at their confirmation reception. To volunteer, register online at under the forms tab or contact Kathy DesRochers at or 993-9529. In the past, most volunteers have not personally known their assigned student, and the relationship has been initiated and developed through prayer. However, if you know a child currently in confirmation, feel free to make that request. Likewise, if you have a preference for a girl or boy, or for a specific grade, those requests may be accommodated as well. All we ask that you keep your partner in your prayers throughout their confirmation journey. Congregational Life First English Lutheran Church Annual Meeting Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013 Downtown Site Sanctuary At Noon Soup Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall before the meeting. 2013 New Member Sponsor Ministry In conjunction with the 2013 “New and Review” series (see back cover), the Congregational Growth Ministry team and Pastors would like to encourage current FELC members to become a new member sponsor in 2013. As a sponsor you would be asked to act as a shepherd, mentor and friend as our guests and visitors become more familiar with First English. This match would ideally begin in early 2013. If you are interested in partnering with a new member or new member family please contact Jen Wageman ( or 920730-8043) or Jean Monson ( or 7332303). Staff Welcomes Dale Rude First English is happy to announce the addition of Dale Rude to the lay staff of FELC. Dale recently accepted the part-time position of Handyman and has been diligently attending to our beautiful buildings. Recently retired from Air Wisconsin, Dale brings a wealth of maintenance experience to First English. Also, as a retired U.S. Marine he brings with him a sense of teamwork essential to the church. Dale and his wife Tami have been members of First English for ten years. They have three children; Erik and Marda who are students at Appleton North High School, and Samantha, a 2012 summer intern, is a Sophomore at St. Olaf College. He has been an active volunteer at both the Downtown and the North Site. Please take a moment to thank Dale for his continued commitment to First English. 2013 Ministry Team Meeting Dates and Sites Expectations of New Member Sponsors are: • Connect on a monthly basis with your new member (phone call, note, invite to FELC activity, etc.). • On Saturday, Feb. 9 attend the new member breakfast reception • Optional - since all the congregation is welcome to attend and participate in the five new member classes, sponsors are welcome to attend “with” their new member. Ministry team members mark your 2013 calendars with the following dates and meeting locations. All ministry team meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. Remember that Ministry Teams and Congregation Council move to the Downtown Site in January. Also, because of the special emphasis on Unbinding Your Heart the February ministry team meeting will move to Feb. 5 with no meeting in March. Seraphim Choir in January This study is taking such a high priority in our church life that all meetings (with only very few exceptions) will NOT be held beginning Feb. 11 through Palm Sunday. Julie and Meri invite all Seraphim alumni to sing with the choir on Sunday, Jan. 6. Hopefully many alums will be home on winter break and will be able to sing! Please come to our rehearsal on Wednesday, Jan. 2 at 7:45 p.m. in the Downtown Site Choir Room. If you can’t make that, join us at 7:30 a.m. on Sunday, Jan. 6 in the Downtown Site Choir Room to rehearse for singing at the 8 a.m. service. Rest assured the song will be easy enough to catch on to that morning! Contact Julie at with questions. January 2013 Newsletter January through June meetings are held at the Downtown Site. • Jan. 8, Feb. 5, no March Ministry Team Meetings, Apr. 9, May 14, June 11. • No July Meetings. August through December meetings are held at the North Site. • Aug. 13, Sept. 10, Oct. 8, Nov. 12 and Dec. 3 (changed to first Tuesday for December). 15 Congregational Life Outreach Ministry Scheduler Pro Ministry Scheduler Pro has been in use at First English for six months. The sign up option for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day was a great way for volunteers to accept worship roles for the service of their choice. The next worship volunteer schedule will be from Mar. 3- May 26, remember to enter your conflicts by Friday, Feb. 8. Sub/Swap Requests One area to focus on is the response time to volunteers who are looking for a sub or wish to swap. For example, a 7th grade parent (who is new to MSP) has tried to request subs and trades through the system but has not heard back on any of their requests. She was questioning whether or not the system was working or was she doing something wrong. If you can, please offer to help each other out when a sub is requested. This particular situation was NOT a last minute request, but she wanted to take it off her “to do” list. Take a moment to review these requests and your calendar to see if you can assist someone in need. As we all know, everyone will need someone to fill-in for them at some point in time. Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. -Philippians 2:4. Latest/Most Current Schedule The most current schedule can be found on the church website→calendars→worship volunteers. The MSP software makes it possible to have the most up to date schedule available to anyone with Internet access. If in doubt on a Saturday about whether or not you are scheduled; check out the church website link. Almighty God, help us to receive your word with believing hearts, so that, confident in your promises, we may have hope and be lifted out of sorrow into the joy and peace of your presence. Amen. Reminder Emails Remember you can modify your personal profile to receive your reminder email for when it works best for you. 14 days ahead? 6 days (our default)? or 2 days? – you have the capability to receive the reminders when and where you wish to see them. You can also enter multiple email addresses if you wish. January 6 Remember to bring your calendars to church. Sign up begins! 16 Collect Your Campbell Soup Labels The Navajo Indian Mission is Rock Point, Arizona is one of the poorest tribes in the nation. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could help them without spending ANY money? Well, you can simply by saving Campbell Company labels - any Campbell product. All you need is the UPC code - the little boy's picture isn't important. The latest news is that with three million labels the Mission can get a 15 passenger van! There are very poor roads in that area which makes it hard on the cars. There is a poster on the bulletin board in the Gathering Area with a pouch in which to deposit your labels. Please take the time to save them. They will be collected periodically and mailed to the Mission. Thank you for your participation. Outreach To All Who Love Making a Difference - We Thank You. Serving at the Fox Valley Warming Shelter Did you know that thanks to our work together, small-scale coffee, tea and cacao farmers are working with renewed dignity and making their communities strong? Hold the dates: Feb. 1010- 16, 2013 Over the past 15 years, more than 23,000 congregations and places of worship have joined hands with farming families on the mountains of Latin America, Africa and Asia. In 2011 alone, groups like ours bought enough coffee to equal the entire year’s harvest of 377 family farms – that’s over 31,400,000 servings! By selling this coffee directly and on fair terms, farmers have gained control, earned better income and made strides in community services together. Through holiday bazaars, regular sales and sharing a cup during fellowship hour, you and thousands of people of faith across the country are putting your excellent values into action. With every bag of coffee and every chocolate bar, you make a difference in the lives of farmers across the globe who are rebuilding their communities, educating their children and protecting their forests and rivers. Last month FELC realized sales of over $500, selling our fair trade items! Many thanks to all of you who have supported this project. Jan. 6, 6 will be our next LWR Coffee Project sale day. We should have a full supply of coffee, tea, chocolate bars and Geobars. First English will have the opportunity to serve meals and help provide overnight hospitality for the Fox Valley Warming Shelter again this winter. Our week in 2013 is Feb. 10-16. If you have helped at the shelter in the past, you know what a rewarding and informative experience it is to work with the shelter guests and staff. If you have never helped out at the shelter, mark your calendar and plan to join us in this important community outreach ministry. We will be providing more information, menus and sign -up schedules at both of our FELC locations in January. In the meantime, if you have any questions, if you have a favorite dish you would like to prepare, or if you would like to coordinate one of the evening meals, please contact Dick Gamble ( or Kris Meinert ( ). (As a reminder, volunteers must be age 18, except youth aged 14-17 who are accompanied by a responsible adult. Children under 14 are not allowed to volunteer in any capacity at the Shelter.) Feed My Starving Children 2013 (Event Number 1307-77) Care and Share Boxes Thank you to everyone who put together Care and Share Boxes in December for WEMI’s annual program. FELC contributed 58 boxes! All the 3,445 gifts/boxes collected were distributed to local crisis agencies and emergency rooms for people in crisis. January 2013 Newsletter Jan. 20, 2013: The Feed My Starving Children Kickoff takes place during the coffee hour at both sites. Mark your calendars for “Sweetroll Sunday”. A freewill offering will be accepted for the sweet of your choice. All proceeds will benefit our 2013 MobilePack (1307-77) that will be taking place on July 22-24. The next planning meeting for the 2013 “Feed My Starving Children” MobilePack will be held on Monday, Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. at the North Site. Representatives from other congregations have already agreed to work with us to assist in planning, organizing and fundraising for the 2013 effort. If you are interested in being involved or know of another congregation who may want to partner with the group, please contact Jean Monson (733-2303 or or Rachel Nutini (996-0430 or 17 Stewardship Corner Called to Serve in Love: Time, Talent & Treasures Greetings to you this winter. I hope you and your family enjoyed celebrating Christmas and Christ’s birth! Many blessings in 2013 is my prayer for you. Thank You to all who participated in our Stewardship Campaign this fall. We received some great feedback, especially the Live Your Call section. Finally, I want to personally THANK YOU again for sharing and agreeing to Live Your Call and Serve One Another in Love. I want to take this opportunity to recognize our Stewardship Committee, and those who volunteered to make this year’s campaign a success. It is an honor to serve with them and I appreciate all of their hard work and dedication. Our 2013 Stewardship Campaign has been very successful, with over 347 First English families making a financial pledge representing over $877,000, an increase of over $52,000 or +6% vs. last year! An exciting fact is that 75 families have pledged for the very first time and 116 families have increased their pledge over last year. Additionally, in 2012 we paid all of our mortgage interest through the general fund and we were current with our Benevolence Giving to the Synod throughout the year. Pastor Bryan joined Pastor Mary and Pastor Jeff to shepherd our congregation and round out our very talented pastoral team. God is with us and good things are happening at First English! As we begin this New Year with continued focus on “Love Jesus, Live Your Call,” I am reminded of our calling from a devotion I read from Christ In Our Home by Jennifer Doerr, a congregational deacon from Upper Manhattan, NY. The Poor Widow She out of her poverty has put in everything she had. -Mark 12:44 The poor widow, whose small offering became the starting point of a great lesson for Jesus’ disciples, did something extraordinary in giving out of her poverty. She demonstrated what is truly valuable to God. It’s not what’s easiest for us to give or what we have in great abundance. Jesus says that what is of greatest value is the thing that is most precious and dear to us—in other words, the thing that’s hardest for us to give away. Someone with a hectic schedule can give out of his or her poverty by spending more time with God. A shy church member can offer to use a hidden talent. Someone with weak leadership skills can learn how to support those at the helm of a meeting or event. A parishioner consistently in the spotlight can take a step back and work behind the scenes. When we Christians remain solely in our comfort zones, we may fail to give all that we have to God. The impression that the poor widow made on Jesus is a testament to how each of us can strive to honor God with our worship—by giving our all. In what way can we give “out of our poverty?” Loving God, help me give my very best to you today. In Jesus’ name. Amen. To this end, our Stewardship Committee will continue working diligently to keep a focus on Stewardship throughout the year. We remain committed to the 10:10:80 Principle, as outlined below: • Give God 10% of your earnings—this is called a “tithe” • Give 10% to your future in the form of savings/ investment • Live within your means on the remaining 80% We will be offering Educational Seminars covering different topics that relate to this subject. Stay tuned for more information in the months ahead. Also, we encourage you to participate in the upcoming Lenten Study, “Unbinding Your Heart.” Thank you for keeping First English in your hearts! Your continued commitments of time, talent and treasures help make the mission and vision of First English a reality. Your generosity makes a difference for so many areas of First English ministry. “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” -Luke 12:34 May God richly bless you, your family and friends and our church. Sincerely, Lance Schmidt Stewardship Committee Chair Thought for the Month: “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 18 Council News FELC Congregation Council Meeting Minutes! Minutes! Nov. 27, 2012 Council Members Present: Jeff Cieslik, Kristi Picken, Pete Vandenberg, Dean Haas, Terry Maves, Sara Van Beek, Rick Sather, Aaron Douglas, Steve Ford, Jennifer Johnson, Jim Mariano, Tom Kent Council Members excused: Kay Eggert, Lance Schmidt, Dan Grawe Guests Present: Pastor Jeff, Pastor Bryan, Pastor Mary, Brenda Smongeski, Gordy Jeppson I. Devotions - Tom Kent. II. Approval of Minutes - approved. III. Executive Committee Report A. Personnel Budget: Updated figures show a $22,000 increase from 2012 budget. B. Posting council minutes/agenda: Will be posted the weekend prior to the council meeting at bulletin board at both sites and on website. C. Other: Interviews have started for the handyman position. Snow services are contracted out with Jack's Lawn and Landscaping. IV. Ministry Team Reports/Committee Reports A. Strategic Planning (Steve Ford): Met with ministry teams for November meetings to discuss the new mission statement. Committee is working on the policy statement as to how funds will be distributed and application for funds. Further update in December. B. Ministry team for council's information (no action needed currently): 1. Congr. Growth: Handicap access at NS, stand-alone cross at NS, update graphics on DS parking lot sign. Possible need for paid nursery staff. (Kudos to the team for the FELC Christmas parade float!) 2. Congr. Life: Council will attend the new member breakfast on Saturday, Feb. 9, 2013. Mark your calendars, please. 3. Worship: Reupholstering the chairs will need to be included in a new capital appeal. $30/chair to reupholster - 300 chairs. C. Echoes Task Force (Jeff Cieslik): Meeting regarding tax-exempt status. Checkbook is being transferred to Echoes board responsibilities. Board member job descriptions are still a work in progress. Will report to Brenda the $10,000 community donation from Echoes by Dec. 17. V. Pastors’ Reports - accepted. VI. Treasurer’s Report - accepted. A. Stewardship Update: As of Nov. 20, 2012, we are getting close to last year's pledge amounts. 96 m e m b e r s who pledged last year have yet to pledge. The stewardship committee will contact those members in December. B. Budget: Dean Haas presented proposed budget for 2013. With current number, net is negative $50,822.00. Support will meet on Dec. 10 for budget balance. Support will present Council with new numbers after Dec. 10 meeting. Council members will come with ideas for budget balance at Dec. 18 meeting. VII. Old Business A. Constitution/By-laws (Steve Ford): 50 members present at Nov. 11 meeting. Constitution has been updated with proposed amendments. Vote will take place at the annual meeting in February to ratify the amended version. B. Unbinding the Gospel (Pastor Mary): Offerings - November 2012 $25,784 $15,098 $26,759 $14,399 Total November Offering $82,040 Ψϭ͕ϬϴϬ͕ϬϬϬ Budgeted Offering for November 2012 $86,808 Ψϭ͕ϬϲϬ͕ϬϬϬ YTD TOTAL INCOME* YTD EXPENSES $1,116,933 $1,150,090 $1,063,980 $1,091,144 VIII. New Business A. Capital Campaign (Gordy Jeppson): Presented information about the current campaign and ideas for future campaign. Current campaign ends May 2013. 60% of "We Are Called" campaign went toward debt reduction. Should we have another capital campaign? Discussion to be included at the annual meeting in February. Annual report should include an accurate report of the current campaign. Will move ahead to meet in January with current donors and receive feedback. B. Steve Ford shared a Live Your Call moment he witnessed. How can we share more of these moments? IX. Official Acts - accepted. X. Motion to adjourn - adjourned at 8:54 p.m. Next meeting: Dec. 18, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at the North Site. ! Ψϭ͕ϭϲϬ͕ϬϬϬ Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 YTD Budget YTD Actual Pastor Mary is leading the leadership team for the Lenten E-vent. Targeting 600 people besides confirmation students. Feb. 10 to Mar. 23, 2013. Gratitude breakfast on Mar. 24. Hoping for 50 groups of 12 members each. Looking for lay leaders to share testimonials during Lenten services with a focus on how Unbinding the Gospel has transformed their lives. C. Nominating Committee (Pete Vandenberg): John Zweig and Pete have met and are putting together a list of people who would be eligible for council. Targeted number of nominees is 10. Ψϭ͕ϭϰϬ͕ϬϬϬ Ψϭ͕ϭϮϬ͕ϬϬϬ Ψϭ͕ϭϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ zdƵĚŐĞƚ zdĐƚƵĂů Ψϭ͕ϬϰϬ͕ϬϬϬ Ψϭ͕ϬϮϬ͕ϬϬϬ zddKd> /EKDн zd yWE^^ *Budgeted average revenue of $1,116,933 for the first 11 January 2013 Newsletter 19 A Fabulous Float! The Congregational Growth Ministry Team wants to extend a huge thank you to Timm and Abby Vanderloop for donating their time, their heated shop, materials and truck and trailer for the FELC float in the Appleton Christmas parade. Another big thank you to Matt Heckel for helping construct the float and to everyone who decorated and sang. It was a great success and a lot of fun. Get wise to age-fighting. Think fine lines should be quoted - not appear on your face? A simple and effective daily program with TimeWise® skin care can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. So skin looks firmer. And feels softer. In 30 days, see a younger-looking you! Contact me to experience TimeWise® for yourself. Sharon H. Stoike Independent Beauty Consultant 734-834-2775 LEVERAGE THE BUYING POWER of 100,000 businesses with a FREE membership to LPi Family ($399 Value) when you buy an ad on this bulletin. Call Pete Harford at 1-800-950-9952 ext. #2468 or E-mail: ©2013 /FFEBMJUUMFIFMQEFMJWFSJOHZPVSNFTTBHF Bulletin Advertising Delivers! 1-800-950-9952 Call Pete Harford today at ext. 2468 Email: FOR AD INFO CALL Pete Harford 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM First English Lutheran, Appleton, WI B 4C 01-1140 12-17-2012 16:53:51 Outagamie County Housing Authority christensen HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING INC. Work you can trust, People you can depend on ~Free Estimates~ Neenah-720-7500 8JOOFDPOOF"WFr'PY1PJOU1MB[B S. Appleton-739-7676 &$BMVNFUr/FYUUP'BNJMZ7JEFP N. Appleton-739-7500 &/PSUIMBOEr#FUXFFO0OFJEB.FBEF Kaukauna-766-7676 &"OOr)XZ$& 1609 W. Wisconsin Ave. Appleton, WI 54914 731-3002 Collin C. Goldschmidt Congregation Member 2800 E. Enterprise Ave. Appleton, WI 54913 Tel: (920) 882-4898 ~ Products and Services: t"OOVJUJFTt&NQMPZFF#FOFmUTt&YFDVUJWF$PNQFOTBUJPO1MBOT t-JGF*OTVSBODFt.VUVBM'VOETt1MBOOJOH4USBUFHJFT Ensure your financial stability by ensuring your rent doesn’t exceed 30% of your income! Serving your business better!!! NOD BUSINESS BANK 8BUFSGPSE-BOFr10#PY "QQMFUPO8* Green Bay - 933 Anderson Drive 592-9995 XXXUIFCJ[CBOLCJ[ Appleton - 1000 W. Wisconsin Ave. 882-4150 FOX CITIES EYE CLINIC Locations in Appleton - Kimberly, Hortonville - Seymour 920-734-5596 Securities offered through AXA Advisors, LLC (NY, NY 212-314-4600), member FINRA, SIPC. Annuity and insurance !"#$%&'()#**+"+$)',"#%-,)./.)0+'1#"23)445)67$)8'()87(%"67&+)6-+7&9)(%:(8$86"8+(;)./.).$<8(#"()67$)8'()6*=>86'+()$#) 7#')!"#<8$+)'6?)#")>+-6>)6$<8&+;)@#96-+%")A8767&86>)B"#%!3)44C)8()7#')#17+$)#")#!+"6'+$):9)./.).$<8(#"()#")./.) 0+'1#"2;)BDEFFGHH:)IJKLGHM Changing Lives, Not Just Careers 101 West Edison Avenue 920-739-0940 Tom Sather i8JTDPOTJOT&MFDUSPOJDT$POUSBDUPSw SEEING IS BELIEVING (920) 759-9315 1301 E. Northland Avenue, Appleton, WI 54911 1SPHSFTT8BZ ,BVLBVOB8* Adam Thiel, Vice President Schreiner’s Diner Paul & Joyce Schreiner 2437 S. Oneida St. Appleton, WI 54915 Mark C. Austin, M.D. Paul K. Thompson O.D. Kara H. Harbick, M.D. Rebecca D. Amaral O.D. Board Certified Ophthalmologist Board Certified Ophthalmologist Fellowship Trained Glaucoma Specialist "EWBODFE(MBVDPNB5IFSBQZ4VSHFSZt%JBCFUJD&ZF$BSFt4NBMM*ODJTJPO$BUBSBDU4VSHFSZ 6SHFOU&ZF$BSFt$POUBDU-FOTFTt$PNQMFUF&ZF&YBNTt1FEJBUSJD&ZF$BSF 734-9191 920-734-8714 Celebrating 125 years of providing dedicated service to our community ® Hardware & Rental 500 E. Northland Ave., Appleton, WI 54911 (920) 731-0500 Fax: (920) 731-7993 Est. 1887 Brettschneider Trettin-Nickel Funeral Chapel 606 North Oneida St., Appleton WI 54911 (920) 733-7383 Lauri Struck, Owner mobile : 920-850-5598 920-722-5136 800-553-1855 fax: 920-722-5073 ,VFIO$PVSUt/FFOBI8M $500 LARGE PIZZA Valid at Participating Stores. Expires in 30 Days ©2013 FOR AD INFO CALL Pete Harford 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM First English Lutheran, Appleton, WI A 4C 01-1140 12-17-2012 16:53:51 PRST STD U.S. Postage . Return service requested January 2013 PAID . First English Lutheran Church 326 E. North Street Appleton, WI 54911 Appleton, WI Permit No. 38 What’s Inside Thank You Volunteers!...................…....3 From the Desk of Pastor Jeff….………..4 Family Pizza and Movie Night………....5 Unbinding Your Heart….....…………...8 Now Hiring Summer Interns..…………9 “The Outlet” Youth News………………...11 Be a Prayer Partner……………………...14 Council Minutes………………..…........…19 . Stewardship Corner…………………..…..18 2013 New Member Series: “New and Review” • • • • Are you interested in becoming a New Member at First English? Have you visited either one of the sites and wish to learn more? Do the weekly class topics intrigue you? Are you a current member who wishes to refresh your faith life? If you are a recent guest or visitor and are interested in joining First English or are a current member who wishes to learn more, please plan on attending the annual “New and Review” series. This 5 week series is open to anyone to attend. An hour-long class will be offered for five weeks on either Sunday or Wednesday. Child care is provided. For planning purposes, please register online at or contact the church office (733-2303). Class topics will include: The Mission and Ministry of First English, Lutheran Theology, Intentional Living, “Love Jesus. Live Your Call” and Bible Basics. Wednesday (6:30(6:30- 7:30 p.m.): Jan. 9 at Downtown Site Sunday (Noon - 1 p.m.): Jan. 6 at Downtown Site Jan. 16 at Downtown Site Jan. 13 at Downtown Site Jan. 23 at Downtown Site Jan. 20 at Downtown Site Jan. 30 at North Site Jan. 27 at North Site Feb. 6 at North Site Feb. 3 at North Site Prior to the new member series all are encouraged and welcomed to participate in any and all ministries at First English; this includes ministry teams, Sunday School, confirmation, Bible studies, teaching, baking, etc. Your name will be added to our database so you will receive our monthly newsletters. As you read the newsletter or bulletin and see something that interests you, give us a call or send an email to learn more. If you would like to enroll in Sunday School or Confirmation or receive envelopes just contact the church office at 733-2303 or For more information please contact Pastor Jeff Tengesdal, Pastor Mary Bauer or Pastor Bryan Schmidt. *Wed. option: LIFT meal (5:15(5:15 -6:15 p.m.) and Wednesday new member class to follow. RSVP by Monday noon for the meal at→forms/signup forms/signup→fellowship forms/signup fellowship→LIFT fellowship LIFT meal sign up.
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