In the heart
of Buckhead
MAY 19–JUNE 1, 2013
NO. 10
Join us for a VBS Adventure
Monday, June 10–Thursday, June 13
9 a.m.–noon
Be a part of our Vacation Bible School Kingdom Rock team. We need:
Volunteers: Join us on Saturday, June 8 for VBS Decorating Day. No skill is required; just willing hands are
VBS Supply Collection: If you’ve selected an item from the Vacation Bible School supply board, please bring
those supplies to the church no later than Sunday, May 19. In addition to the items on the VBS supply board,
our Children’s Ministry requests the church family to contribute cardboard boxes of all sizes (from shoe box and
up), newspaper and large pizza boxes. Donations may be left in the Children’s Building, Room C307.
Questions? Contact Lindsey Richardson (404.591.4357 or
Register children
ages 3 through
completed 5th
grade at
by Friday,
May 31.
Cost: $10/child
(T-shirt included).
Second-Ponce Implements
Interim Ministry Plan
The Second-Ponce de Leon Pastoral Staff has undergone
a re-alignment of certain ministry responsibilities to assure
complete coverage during this interim time. Dr. Charles Qualls,
Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care, has gained staff responsibility
for Christian Education and is personally leading Adult
Education. Lindsey Richardson will continue her role with
children and their families, while Blair Cox will continue his
responsibilities with youth and their families. The Pastoral
Staff will continue the working relationship with the lay
leadership groups that are already in place.
“I embrace the interim ministry plan and pledge my full
support,” says Charles. “The re-alignment is very timely and
appropriate given our ministry needs.”
Lindsey Richardson will have staff responsibility for a
Community Task Force to present a good first impression of
Second-Ponce. This will include coordinating SPdL Bug
drivers, greeters and volunteers in other areas to ensure a good
experience for our guests and members. Blair Cox has staff
responsibility and will be working with the Missions
Committee to maximize our missions efforts. Hospital visits
will be distributed among Charles, Lindsey and Blair, with
Charles retaining the lead for other pastoral care needs.
“This configuration allows us to do what we need to do in
the interim,” says Charles. “And, I believe these ministries
match up well with the gifts of our current staff members.”
Second-Ponce Celebrates Music
Ministry Day with Worship
Second-Ponce de
Leon extends
appreciation to all
the musicians and
vocalists who
helped celebrate
Music Ministry
Day on May 5.
A special thanks to
the volunteers and
staff who made it a
day filled with
music, praise and
fellowship. The
church family
gathered in the
Sanctuary at
11 a.m. for a
combined worship
service led by our
musicians and
choirs, followed by
a light lunch and awards presentation for our Children’s Choirs in
the Fellowship Hall.
Improve Your Health at the
Senior Adults Headed to Gibbs Gardens Family Life Center
Enjoy beautiful Gibbs Gardens in Ball Ground, Ga., on Tuesday,
May 28. The bus will depart from Second-Ponce de Leon at
9 a.m. and will return by 4:30 p.m. Enjoy the land and hardscape
vision of Jim Gibbs, retired founder and president of Gibbs
Landscape Company. Millions of naturalized ferns dress up this
landscape. Native azaleas, dogwoods and mountain laurels
provide additional seasonal interest. Cost: $25 (includes
transportation and admission). Lunch will be on your own at
Gibbs Gardens Arbor Café. Please note: the tour necessitates a
good bit of walking! To register, contact Vicki Wickline
(404.591.4344 or Registration deadline is
Thursday, May 23.
Contributions Report
Giving as of May 5, 2013
Weekly Goal
Weekly Receipts
Year-To-Date Goal
Year-To-Date Receipts
Giving – pledged or not – is welcome and encouraged
any time.
Life Line Screening
Saturday, June 8
8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
Life Line Screening is offering a helping hand by giving a special
discount on Saturday, June 8. Take part in a special $10 package
discount for church and Family Life Center members and their
families and Life Line Screening will offer a matching $10
donation to the Family Life Center. Life Line Screening uses
painless ultrasound (sonogram) to see the plaque build-up in your
arteries – a leading cause of stroke. Pre-registration is required. To
register for the Helping Hands promotion package, call
Health Check
Friday, June 14
7:30–10 a.m. (no appointment needed)
Health Check is a convenient, low-cost screening program
conducted by professional medical staff. Tests include: complete
lipid profiles, 26-point chemical screens and complete blood
counts. Tests will also be available for prostate cancer, ovarian
cancer, hyper/hypothyroidism, HIV, self-test for colon cancer and
heart attack, and stroke risk factor assessment. Fees vary; payment
is due on the day of service. Questions? Call 770.888.8988.
Author Shares About Comfortable Souls
at Life Enrichment Day Luncheon
“What’s the highest compliment for a pair
of shoes?” author Judy Reamer asked the
audience at the recent Life Enrichment Day
Luncheon. “They’re comfortable!” cried the
enthusiastic participants. Just like comfort is a
treasured trait in a pair of shoes, being a
comfortable person is what draws others to us,
Reamer said.
Before listening to Reamer share a message
based on her book, The Parable of the Shoes:
The Hidden Value of a Comfortable Soul,
participants prayed for missionaries serving
around the world.
Reamer illustrated to attendees how in order for a person to be heard by others,
she must show herself to be comfortable. Using a table full of bags of shoes
representing hard to be around people,
Reamer selected audience members
to hold a shoe as she described
personalities that are narrow-minded,
controlling, unsupportive and negative.
Moving to another table filled with
bags of her treasured comfortable shoes,
Reamer humorously described traits
such as loyalty, sensitivity, empathy,
welcoming, stability, transparency and
priceless. Again, she handed a shoe to
various audience members.
Asking all the participants holding a shoe to stand
across the front of the room, Reamer told them to say the
word that illustrated their shoe. As each echoed the word
they had been
given, she explained
that all the traits
from her favorite
shoes described
She closed by telling her audience: “If the
shoe fits, wear it!”
5/29 ~ Kentucky Church Builders
Meeting. Want to learn more about
this year’s project from July 6–13?
There will be an informational
meeting on Wednesday, May 29, at
5:50 p.m. in the Small Dining Room.
To sign up, contact Maggie Roberts
6/1 ~ Recycling Center ~ Bring
your recycling to Second-Ponce de
Leon on Saturday, June 1, from
10 a.m.–3 p.m. Second-Ponce
serves as a Community Recycling
Center for Keep Atlanta Beautiful
on the first Saturday of every month
in our lower parking lot. We accept
electronics; paper for onsite, secure
shredding; Styrofoam; and latex
paint. Most items are free to drop
off, but some small fees apply to
paint and other specific items. Items
may only be brought during
designated times.
6/2 ~ Honoring Graduating
Seniors. Our graduating seniors
will be recognized in the 11 a.m.
worship service on Sunday, June 2.
Questions? Contact Blair Cox
(404.591.4375 or
Scholarship Applications
Available. Each year, SecondPonce de Leon receives and
distributes college scholarship
money made available through
designated funds. To apply for a
scholarship for the 2013–2014
school year, pick up an application
form at the Church Office or
download a form at
Completed forms are due at the
Church Office by Friday, June 7.
Questions? Contact Muriel Vega at
404.591.4345 or
A Place for Prayer ~ You’re
invited to join us every Tuesday
morning at 6:30 a.m. in the Small
Dining Room to pray for our church,
our community, and our group
members as we look forward to all
of our church’s summer and fall
programs. Questions? Contact T.J.
Boyle at
Sunday, May 19
8:45 a.m. Worship
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship
Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church News (USPS #111860)
is published biweekly by Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church,
2715 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30305-2916. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to: Tiffany Baumstark, Second-Ponce de Leon
Baptist Church, 2715 Peachtree Rd., NE, Atlanta, GA 30305-2916.
2715 Peachtree Rd., NE
Atlanta, GA 30305-2916
Lisa M. Jones, Editor
Monday, May 20
6:30 p.m. Deacons Meeting
Tuesday, May 21
6:30 a.m. A Place for Prayer
10:00 a.m. Ladies Bible Study
6:30 p.m. Evening Edition Women’s
Bible Study at the FLC
Wednesday, May 22
Fellowship Supper
Missions Committee Mtg.
Adult Bible Study & Prayer
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
Orchestra Rehearsal
Sunday, May 26
8:45 a.m. Worship
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship
Tuesday, May 28
6:30 a.m. A Place for Prayer
10:00 a.m. Ladies Bible Study
6:30 p.m. Evening Edition Women’s
Bible Study at the FLC
Wednesday, May 29
5:00 p.m. Fellowship Supper
5:50 p.m. Kentucky Church Builders
Trip Meeting
6:15 p.m. Adult Bible Study & Prayer
7:15 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
7:30 p.m. Orchestra Rehearsal
Saturday, June 1
10:00 a.m. Keep Atlanta Beautiful
Recycling Center Open
The Church Office and Family Life
Center will be closed for the Memorial
Day holiday on Monday, May 27.
AIB Network, Channel 5
Monday, 8–9 p.m;
Thursday, noon–1 p.m.;
Sunday, 11 a.m.–noon
Questions? Call AIB at 404.892.0454.
Worship Service Schedule Change Starts June 2
Second-Ponce de Leon will begin having one Sunday morning worship service starting
June 2, at 11 a.m. The last 8:45 a.m. Sunday morning worship service is scheduled for
May 26 (Memorial Day weekend), and then Sunday morning worship will be combined.
BCM THRIFTique Needs Your Summer Donations
Buckhead THRIFTique, Buckhead Christian Ministry’s thrift store, will be unable to
give vouchers for free clothing to people in need – more than 450 people monthly –
without your donations. Buckhead THRIFTique provides free clothing to people in crisis
and sells affordable clothing to the Atlanta community. Clean, gently used clothing,
shoes, accessories, home décor, books, videos, small electronics and household items can
be donated Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m.– 4 p.m., at the store (800 Miami
Circle, Suite 160, Atlanta, 30324). For the most current list of critical needs, visit
LIFESPAN Needs Volunteer Drivers
LIFESPAN Resources needs volunteers to provide free rides to medical appointments
for adults (55-plus) without transportation. Volunteers drive individuals to medical
appointments, remain in the waiting room, and pick up prescriptions on the drive
home when needed. LIFESPAN needs drivers who can designate one day a month,
for two to four hours on a Tuesday or Wednesday. They also need day coordinators for
one day a month to call a prepared list of volunteers to schedule transportation
appointments. To volunteer, or for more information about the program, contact
LIFESPAN Resources at 404.237.7307 or
Wednesday, May 22
Wednesday, May 29
Fried chicken, potato salad,
mixed vegetables, salad, rolls &
banana pudding
Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes,
green beans, salad, rolls &
mini desserts
Church Office
Web Address
Family Life Center
Congratulations, High School Graduates!
Sarah Bruns
Brookwood High School
Will attend Georgia Southern
Parents: Aaron & Lisa Bruns
Garrett James Doizé
The Marist School
Will attend Tulane University
(New Orleans)
Parents: Paul & Marcie Doizé
Keith & Anne McMahan
MaryGrace Collins King
Marietta High School
Accepted at the University of
Grace Collins Brown
Timmy Klein
St. Pius High School
Will attend College of Charleston
Parents: Tim & Lynn Klein
Sarah Margaret Post
Hillgrove High School
Will attend Georgia Southern
Majoring in Biology
Parents: Daryl & Robin Post
Grandmother: Mary Ann Hall
Parker Hollander
Bethany Grace Hill
Dunwoody High School
Herald 5 Home Studies
Will attend the
(Columbia, S.C.)
University of Georgia
Plans: Global Mission Gap
Grandparents: Frances Worthy
Year in Italy
& the late Grover Worthy
Parents: Stacy & Jim Hill
Grandparents: Jerry & Marcine Head
Henry Griffin McCalla
Woodward Academy
Will attend Mercer University
Parents: Bob & Patty Lamb
Raymond McLeod
Michael Ruebusch
Warren IV
Ooltewah High School
The Lovett School
(Chattanooga, Tenn.)
Will attend Auburn University
Will attend the University of
Parents: Thad & Darlene Warren
Tennessee (Chattanooga)
Grandmother: Doris Warren
Parents: John & Kim Ruebusch
Grandparents: Larry & Judy Abbey,
Max & Mary Biller
Great Grandmother: Carmen Schott
Anna Gaillard Perkins
The Lovett School
Will attend the University of
Parents: Lee & Betsy Perkins
Jeremy Scott Williams
Shawnee Mission East High School
(Prairie Village, Kan.)
Will attend Oglethorpe
Majoring in Pre-medicine
Parents: Jerry & Debbie Williams
Congratulations, College Graduates!
Matthew Earle Acuff
University of Alabama
School of Law
J.D. Candidate
Grandparents: Lindsay &
Judy Acuff
Amanda Grace Dunn
Georgia Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information
Technology Management with
Highest Honors
Will work as an Information
Technology Systems Analyst with
NCR Corporation in Duluth
Grandmother: Mary Houston
Ashley Hollander
University of Georgia
A.B.J. Digital & Broadcast
Grandparents: Frances Worthy
& the late Grover Worthy
Olivia Ann Acuff
Georgia Institute of Technology
Economics &
International Affairs
Grandparents: Lindsay &
Judy Acuff
David Clayton (Clay)
Mississippi State University
Starkville, Miss.
Master of Arts in History
Pursuing Ph.D. in History
Parents: David & Ivy Anderson
Lauren Elizabeth Brown
Samford University
Birmingham, Ala.
Family Studies
Mother: Ellen P. Brown
Virginia Gunn Peebles
Ross Joseph Euteneuer
Georgia Southern University
Cum Laude with
Bachelor of Science in
Sport Management
Grandmother: Mary Houston
Karen E. Harwell
McAfee School of Theology,
Mercer University
Master of Divinity
Amy Hollander
University of Georgia
B.S. in Early Childhood
Grandparents: Frances Worthy
& the late Grover Worthy
Emily Matthews McCraw
Appalachian State University
Bachelor of Science in
Communications, Public Relations
with Honors
Grandparents: Lindsay &
Judy Acuff
Sarah Giles Newell
University of Alabama at
Master of Science in Nursing,
Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
David & Joyce Giles
Michelle Servary
Community College
of Baltimore County
Associate Degree in Nursing,
Grandparents: Frances Worthy
& the late Grover Worthy